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\� � @ s: d Z ddlZejZG dd� dej�ZG dd� dej�ZdS )z7Internal classes used by the gzip, lzma and bz2 modules� Nc @ s0 e Zd ZdZdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd � Zd
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BaseStreamzMode-checking helper functions.c C s | j rtd��d S )NzI/O operation on closed file)�closed�
ValueError)�self� r �$/usr/lib64/python3.6/�_check_not_closed s zBaseStream._check_not_closedc C s | j � stjd��d S )NzFile not open for reading)�readable�io�UnsupportedOperation)r r r r �_check_can_read s zBaseStream._check_can_readc C s | j � stjd��d S )NzFile not open for writing)�writabler
r )r r r r �_check_can_write s zBaseStream._check_can_writec C s( | j � stjd��| j� s$tjd��d S )Nz3Seeking is only supported on files open for readingz3The underlying file object does not support seeking)r r
r �seekable)r r r r �_check_can_seek s
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dd� Z� ZS )�DecompressReaderz5Adapts the decompressor API to a RawIOBase reader APIc C s dS )NTr )r r r r r $ s zDecompressReader.readablec K s>