Your IP :
Support for installing and building the "wheel" binary package format.
# The following comment should be removed at some point in the future.
# mypy: strict-optional=False
# mypy: disallow-untyped-defs=False
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import compileall
import csv
import hashlib
import logging
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import stat
import sys
import warnings
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
from email.parser import Parser
from pip._vendor import pkg_resources
from pip._vendor.distlib.scripts import ScriptMaker
from pip._vendor.distlib.util import get_export_entry
from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
from pip._vendor.six import StringIO
from pip._internal import pep425tags
from pip._internal.exceptions import (
from pip._internal.locations import distutils_scheme, get_major_minor_version
from import Link
from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log
from pip._internal.utils.marker_files import has_delete_marker_file
from pip._internal.utils.misc import captured_stdout, ensure_dir, read_chunks
from pip._internal.utils.setuptools_build import make_setuptools_shim_args
from pip._internal.utils.subprocess import (
from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory
from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING
from pip._internal.utils.ui import open_spinner
from pip._internal.utils.unpacking import unpack_file
from pip._internal.utils.urls import path_to_url
from typing import (
Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Mapping, Tuple, IO, Text, Any,
Iterable, Callable, Set,
from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import Requirement
from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement
from pip._internal.operations.prepare import (
from pip._internal.cache import WheelCache
from pip._internal.pep425tags import Pep425Tag
InstalledCSVRow = Tuple[str, ...]
BinaryAllowedPredicate = Callable[[InstallRequirement], bool]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def normpath(src, p):
return os.path.relpath(src, p).replace(os.path.sep, '/')
def hash_file(path, blocksize=1 << 20):
# type: (str, int) -> Tuple[Any, int]
"""Return (hash, length) for path using hashlib.sha256()"""
h = hashlib.sha256()
length = 0
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
for block in read_chunks(f, size=blocksize):
length += len(block)
return (h, length) # type: ignore
def rehash(path, blocksize=1 << 20):
# type: (str, int) -> Tuple[str, str]
"""Return (encoded_digest, length) for path using hashlib.sha256()"""
h, length = hash_file(path, blocksize)
digest = 'sha256=' + urlsafe_b64encode(
# unicode/str python2 issues
return (digest, str(length)) # type: ignore
def open_for_csv(name, mode):
# type: (str, Text) -> IO
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
nl = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
bin = 'b'
nl = {'newline': ''} # type: Dict[str, Any]
bin = ''
return open(name, mode + bin, **nl)
def replace_python_tag(wheelname, new_tag):
# type: (str, str) -> str
"""Replace the Python tag in a wheel file name with a new value.
parts = wheelname.split('-')
parts[-3] = new_tag
return '-'.join(parts)
def fix_script(path):
# type: (str) -> Optional[bool]
"""Replace #!python with #!/path/to/python
Return True if file was changed."""
# XXX RECORD hashes will need to be updated
if os.path.isfile(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as script:
firstline = script.readline()
if not firstline.startswith(b'#!python'):
return False
exename = sys.executable.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
firstline = b'#!' + exename + os.linesep.encode("ascii")
rest =
with open(path, 'wb') as script:
return True
return None
dist_info_re = re.compile(r"""^(?P<namever>(?P<name>.+?)(-(?P<ver>.+?))?)
\.dist-info$""", re.VERBOSE)
def root_is_purelib(name, wheeldir):
# type: (str, str) -> bool
Return True if the extracted wheel in wheeldir should go into purelib.
name_folded = name.replace("-", "_")
for item in os.listdir(wheeldir):
match = dist_info_re.match(item)
if match and'name') == name_folded:
with open(os.path.join(wheeldir, item, 'WHEEL')) as wheel:
for line in wheel:
line = line.lower().rstrip()
if line == "root-is-purelib: true":
return True
return False
def get_entrypoints(filename):
# type: (str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str]]
if not os.path.exists(filename):
return {}, {}
# This is done because you can pass a string to entry_points wrappers which
# means that they may or may not be valid INI files. The attempt here is to
# strip leading and trailing whitespace in order to make them valid INI
# files.
with open(filename) as fp:
data = StringIO()
for line in fp:
# get the entry points and then the script names
entry_points = pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse_map(data)
console = entry_points.get('console_scripts', {})
gui = entry_points.get('gui_scripts', {})
def _split_ep(s):
"""get the string representation of EntryPoint, remove space and split
on '='"""
return str(s).replace(" ", "").split("=")
# convert the EntryPoint objects into strings with module:function
console = dict(_split_ep(v) for v in console.values())
gui = dict(_split_ep(v) for v in gui.values())
return console, gui
def message_about_scripts_not_on_PATH(scripts):
# type: (Sequence[str]) -> Optional[str]
"""Determine if any scripts are not on PATH and format a warning.
Returns a warning message if one or more scripts are not on PATH,
otherwise None.
if not scripts:
return None
# Group scripts by the path they were installed in
grouped_by_dir = collections.defaultdict(set) # type: Dict[str, Set[str]]
for destfile in scripts:
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(destfile)
script_name = os.path.basename(destfile)
# We don't want to warn for directories that are on PATH.
not_warn_dirs = [
os.path.normcase(i).rstrip(os.sep) for i in
os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep)
# If an executable sits with sys.executable, we don't warn for it.
# This covers the case of venv invocations without activating the venv.
warn_for = {
parent_dir: scripts for parent_dir, scripts in grouped_by_dir.items()
if os.path.normcase(parent_dir) not in not_warn_dirs
} # type: Dict[str, Set[str]]
if not warn_for:
return None
# Format a message
msg_lines = []
for parent_dir, dir_scripts in warn_for.items():
sorted_scripts = sorted(dir_scripts) # type: List[str]
if len(sorted_scripts) == 1:
start_text = "script {} is".format(sorted_scripts[0])
start_text = "scripts {} are".format(
", ".join(sorted_scripts[:-1]) + " and " + sorted_scripts[-1]
"The {} installed in '{}' which is not on PATH."
.format(start_text, parent_dir)
last_line_fmt = (
"Consider adding {} to PATH or, if you prefer "
"to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location."
if len(msg_lines) == 1:
msg_lines.append(last_line_fmt.format("this directory"))
msg_lines.append(last_line_fmt.format("these directories"))
# Returns the formatted multiline message
return "\n".join(msg_lines)
def sorted_outrows(outrows):
# type: (Iterable[InstalledCSVRow]) -> List[InstalledCSVRow]
Return the given rows of a RECORD file in sorted order.
Each row is a 3-tuple (path, hash, size) and corresponds to a record of
a RECORD file (see PEP 376 and PEP 427 for details). For the rows
passed to this function, the size can be an integer as an int or string,
or the empty string.
# Normally, there should only be one row per path, in which case the
# second and third elements don't come into play when sorting.
# However, in cases in the wild where a path might happen to occur twice,
# we don't want the sort operation to trigger an error (but still want
# determinism). Since the third element can be an int or string, we
# coerce each element to a string to avoid a TypeError in this case.
# For additional background, see--
return sorted(outrows, key=lambda row: tuple(str(x) for x in row))
def get_csv_rows_for_installed(
old_csv_rows, # type: Iterable[List[str]]
installed, # type: Dict[str, str]
changed, # type: set
generated, # type: List[str]
lib_dir, # type: str
# type: (...) -> List[InstalledCSVRow]
:param installed: A map from archive RECORD path to installation RECORD
installed_rows = [] # type: List[InstalledCSVRow]
for row in old_csv_rows:
if len(row) > 3:
'RECORD line has more than three elements: {}'.format(row)
# Make a copy because we are mutating the row.
row = list(row)
old_path = row[0]
new_path = installed.pop(old_path, old_path)
row[0] = new_path
if new_path in changed:
digest, length = rehash(new_path)
row[1] = digest
row[2] = length
for f in generated:
digest, length = rehash(f)
installed_rows.append((normpath(f, lib_dir), digest, str(length)))
for f in installed:
installed_rows.append((installed[f], '', ''))
return installed_rows
class MissingCallableSuffix(Exception):
def _raise_for_invalid_entrypoint(specification):
entry = get_export_entry(specification)
if entry is not None and entry.suffix is None:
raise MissingCallableSuffix(str(entry))
class PipScriptMaker(ScriptMaker):
def make(self, specification, options=None):
return super(PipScriptMaker, self).make(specification, options)
def move_wheel_files(
name, # type: str
req, # type: Requirement
wheeldir, # type: str
user=False, # type: bool
home=None, # type: Optional[str]
root=None, # type: Optional[str]
pycompile=True, # type: bool
scheme=None, # type: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]
isolated=False, # type: bool
prefix=None, # type: Optional[str]
warn_script_location=True # type: bool
# type: (...) -> None
"""Install a wheel"""
# TODO: Investigate and break this up.
# TODO: Look into moving this into a dedicated class for representing an
# installation.
if not scheme:
scheme = distutils_scheme(
name, user=user, home=home, root=root, isolated=isolated,
if root_is_purelib(name, wheeldir):
lib_dir = scheme['purelib']
lib_dir = scheme['platlib']
info_dir = [] # type: List[str]
data_dirs = []
source = wheeldir.rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep
# Record details of the files moved
# installed = files copied from the wheel to the destination
# changed = files changed while installing (scripts #! line typically)
# generated = files newly generated during the install (script wrappers)
installed = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
changed = set()
generated = [] # type: List[str]
# Compile all of the pyc files that we're going to be installing
if pycompile:
with captured_stdout() as stdout:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
compileall.compile_dir(source, force=True, quiet=True)
def record_installed(srcfile, destfile, modified=False):
"""Map archive RECORD paths to installation RECORD paths."""
oldpath = normpath(srcfile, wheeldir)
newpath = normpath(destfile, lib_dir)
installed[oldpath] = newpath
if modified:
def clobber(source, dest, is_base, fixer=None, filter=None):
ensure_dir(dest) # common for the 'include' path
for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(source):
basedir = dir[len(source):].lstrip(os.path.sep)
destdir = os.path.join(dest, basedir)
if is_base and basedir.split(os.path.sep, 1)[0].endswith('.data'):
for s in subdirs:
destsubdir = os.path.join(dest, basedir, s)
if is_base and basedir == '' and destsubdir.endswith('.data'):
elif (is_base and
s.endswith('.dist-info') and
assert not info_dir, ('Multiple .dist-info directories: ' +
destsubdir + ', ' +
', '.join(info_dir))
for f in files:
# Skip unwanted files
if filter and filter(f):
srcfile = os.path.join(dir, f)
destfile = os.path.join(dest, basedir, f)
# directory creation is lazy and after the file filtering above
# to ensure we don't install empty dirs; empty dirs can't be
# uninstalled.
# copyfile (called below) truncates the destination if it
# exists and then writes the new contents. This is fine in most
# cases, but can cause a segfault if pip has loaded a shared
# object (e.g. from pyopenssl through its vendored urllib3)
# Since the shared object is mmap'd an attempt to call a
# symbol in it will then cause a segfault. Unlinking the file
# allows writing of new contents while allowing the process to
# continue to use the old copy.
if os.path.exists(destfile):
# We use copyfile (not move, copy, or copy2) to be extra sure
# that we are not moving directories over (copyfile fails for
# directories) as well as to ensure that we are not copying
# over any metadata because we want more control over what
# metadata we actually copy over.
shutil.copyfile(srcfile, destfile)
# Copy over the metadata for the file, currently this only
# includes the atime and mtime.
st = os.stat(srcfile)
if hasattr(os, "utime"):
os.utime(destfile, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime))
# If our file is executable, then make our destination file
# executable.
if os.access(srcfile, os.X_OK):
st = os.stat(srcfile)
permissions = (
st.st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
os.chmod(destfile, permissions)
changed = False
if fixer:
changed = fixer(destfile)
record_installed(srcfile, destfile, changed)
clobber(source, lib_dir, True)
assert info_dir, "%s .dist-info directory not found" % req
# Get the defined entry points
ep_file = os.path.join(info_dir[0], 'entry_points.txt')
console, gui = get_entrypoints(ep_file)
def is_entrypoint_wrapper(name):
# EP, EP.exe and are scripts generated for
# entry point EP by setuptools
if name.lower().endswith('.exe'):
matchname = name[:-4]
elif name.lower().endswith(''):
matchname = name[:-10]
elif name.lower().endswith(".pya"):
matchname = name[:-4]
matchname = name
# Ignore setuptools-generated scripts
return (matchname in console or matchname in gui)
for datadir in data_dirs:
fixer = None
filter = None
for subdir in os.listdir(os.path.join(wheeldir, datadir)):
fixer = None
if subdir == 'scripts':
fixer = fix_script
filter = is_entrypoint_wrapper
source = os.path.join(wheeldir, datadir, subdir)
dest = scheme[subdir]
clobber(source, dest, False, fixer=fixer, filter=filter)
maker = PipScriptMaker(None, scheme['scripts'])
# Ensure old scripts are overwritten.
# See
maker.clobber = True
# Ensure we don't generate any variants for scripts because this is almost
# never what somebody wants.
# See
maker.variants = {''}
# This is required because otherwise distlib creates scripts that are not
# executable.
# See
maker.set_mode = True
scripts_to_generate = []
# Special case pip and setuptools to generate versioned wrappers
# The issue is that some projects (specifically, pip and setuptools) use
# code in to create "versioned" entry points - pip2.7 on Python
# 2.7, pip3.3 on Python 3.3, etc. But these entry points are baked into
# the wheel metadata at build time, and so if the wheel is installed with
# a *different* version of Python the entry points will be wrong. The
# correct fix for this is to enhance the metadata to be able to describe
# such versioned entry points, but that won't happen till Metadata 2.0 is
# available.
# In the meantime, projects using versioned entry points will either have
# incorrect versioned entry points, or they will not be able to distribute
# "universal" wheels (i.e., they will need a wheel per Python version).
# Because setuptools and pip are bundled with _ensurepip and virtualenv,
# we need to use universal wheels. So, as a stopgap until Metadata 2.0, we
# override the versioned entry points in the wheel and generate the
# correct ones. This code is purely a short-term measure until Metadata 2.0
# is available.
# To add the level of hack in this section of code, in order to support
# ensurepip this code will look for an ``ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS`` environment
# variable which will control which version scripts get installed.
# - Only pipX.Y and easy_install-X.Y will be generated and installed
# - pipX.Y, pipX, easy_install-X.Y will be generated and installed. Note
# that this option is technically if ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS is set and is
# not altinstall
# - The default behavior is to install pip, pipX, pipX.Y, easy_install
# and easy_install-X.Y.
pip_script = console.pop('pip', None)
if pip_script:
if "ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS" not in os.environ:
scripts_to_generate.append('pip = ' + pip_script)
if os.environ.get("ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS", "") != "altinstall":
'pip%s = %s' % (sys.version_info[0], pip_script)
'pip%s = %s' % (get_major_minor_version(), pip_script)
# Delete any other versioned pip entry points
pip_ep = [k for k in console if re.match(r'pip(\d(\.\d)?)?$', k)]
for k in pip_ep:
del console[k]
easy_install_script = console.pop('easy_install', None)
if easy_install_script:
if "ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS" not in os.environ:
'easy_install = ' + easy_install_script
'easy_install-%s = %s' % (
get_major_minor_version(), easy_install_script
# Delete any other versioned easy_install entry points
easy_install_ep = [
k for k in console if re.match(r'easy_install(-\d\.\d)?$', k)
for k in easy_install_ep:
del console[k]
# Generate the console and GUI entry points specified in the wheel
'%s = %s' % kv for kv in console.items()
gui_scripts_to_generate = [
'%s = %s' % kv for kv in gui.items()
generated_console_scripts = [] # type: List[str]
generated_console_scripts = maker.make_multiple(scripts_to_generate)
maker.make_multiple(gui_scripts_to_generate, {'gui': True})
except MissingCallableSuffix as e:
entry = e.args[0]
raise InstallationError(
"Invalid script entry point: {} for req: {} - A callable "
"suffix is required. Cf"
"latest/distributing.html#console-scripts for more "
"information.".format(entry, req)
if warn_script_location:
msg = message_about_scripts_not_on_PATH(generated_console_scripts)
if msg is not None:
# Record pip as the installer
installer = os.path.join(info_dir[0], 'INSTALLER')
temp_installer = os.path.join(info_dir[0], 'INSTALLER.pip')
with open(temp_installer, 'wb') as installer_file:
shutil.move(temp_installer, installer)
# Record details of all files installed
record = os.path.join(info_dir[0], 'RECORD')
temp_record = os.path.join(info_dir[0], 'RECORD.pip')
with open_for_csv(record, 'r') as record_in:
with open_for_csv(temp_record, 'w+') as record_out:
reader = csv.reader(record_in)
outrows = get_csv_rows_for_installed(
reader, installed=installed, changed=changed,
generated=generated, lib_dir=lib_dir,
writer = csv.writer(record_out)
# Sort to simplify testing.
for row in sorted_outrows(outrows):
shutil.move(temp_record, record)
def wheel_version(source_dir):
# type: (Optional[str]) -> Optional[Tuple[int, ...]]
Return the Wheel-Version of an extracted wheel, if possible.
Otherwise, return None if we couldn't parse / extract it.
dist = [d for d in pkg_resources.find_on_path(None, source_dir)][0]
wheel_data = dist.get_metadata('WHEEL')
wheel_data = Parser().parsestr(wheel_data)
version = wheel_data['Wheel-Version'].strip()
version = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')))
return version
except Exception:
return None
def check_compatibility(version, name):
# type: (Optional[Tuple[int, ...]], str) -> None
Raises errors or warns if called with an incompatible Wheel-Version.
Pip should refuse to install a Wheel-Version that's a major series
ahead of what it's compatible with (e.g 2.0 > 1.1); and warn when
installing a version only minor version ahead (e.g 1.2 > 1.1).
version: a 2-tuple representing a Wheel-Version (Major, Minor)
name: name of wheel or package to raise exception about
:raises UnsupportedWheel: when an incompatible Wheel-Version is given
if not version:
raise UnsupportedWheel(
"%s is in an unsupported or invalid wheel" % name
if version[0] > VERSION_COMPATIBLE[0]:
raise UnsupportedWheel(
"%s's Wheel-Version (%s) is not compatible with this version "
"of pip" % (name, '.'.join(map(str, version)))
elif version > VERSION_COMPATIBLE:
'Installing from a newer Wheel-Version (%s)',
'.'.join(map(str, version)),
def format_tag(file_tag):
# type: (Tuple[str, ...]) -> str
Format three tags in the form "<python_tag>-<abi_tag>-<platform_tag>".
:param file_tag: A 3-tuple of tags (python_tag, abi_tag, platform_tag).
return '-'.join(file_tag)
class Wheel(object):
"""A wheel file"""
# TODO: Maybe move the class into the models sub-package
# TODO: Maybe move the install code into this class
wheel_file_re = re.compile(
def __init__(self, filename):
# type: (str) -> None
:raises InvalidWheelFilename: when the filename is invalid for a wheel
wheel_info = self.wheel_file_re.match(filename)
if not wheel_info:
raise InvalidWheelFilename(
"%s is not a valid wheel filename." % filename
self.filename = filename ='name').replace('_', '-')
# we'll assume "_" means "-" due to wheel naming scheme
# (
self.version ='ver').replace('_', '-')
self.build_tag ='build')
self.pyversions ='pyver').split('.')
self.abis ='abi').split('.')
self.plats ='plat').split('.')
# All the tag combinations from this file
self.file_tags = {
(x, y, z) for x in self.pyversions
for y in self.abis for z in self.plats
def get_formatted_file_tags(self):
# type: () -> List[str]
Return the wheel's tags as a sorted list of strings.
return sorted(format_tag(tag) for tag in self.file_tags)
def support_index_min(self, tags):
# type: (List[Pep425Tag]) -> int
Return the lowest index that one of the wheel's file_tag combinations
achieves in the given list of supported tags.
For example, if there are 8 supported tags and one of the file tags
is first in the list, then return 0.
:param tags: the PEP 425 tags to check the wheel against, in order
with most preferred first.
:raises ValueError: If none of the wheel's file tags match one of
the supported tags.
return min(tags.index(tag) for tag in self.file_tags if tag in tags)
def supported(self, tags):
# type: (List[Pep425Tag]) -> bool
Return whether the wheel is compatible with one of the given tags.
:param tags: the PEP 425 tags to check the wheel against.
return not self.file_tags.isdisjoint(tags)
def _contains_egg_info(
s, _egg_info_re=re.compile(r'([a-z0-9_.]+)-([a-z0-9_.!+-]+)', re.I)):
"""Determine whether the string looks like an egg_info.
:param s: The string to parse. E.g. foo-2.1
return bool(
def should_use_ephemeral_cache(
req, # type: InstallRequirement
should_unpack, # type: bool
cache_available, # type: bool
check_binary_allowed, # type: BinaryAllowedPredicate
# type: (...) -> Optional[bool]
Return whether to build an InstallRequirement object using the
ephemeral cache.
:param cache_available: whether a cache directory is available for the
should_unpack=True case.
:return: True or False to build the requirement with ephem_cache=True
or False, respectively; or None not to build the requirement.
if req.constraint:
# never build requirements that are merely constraints
return None
if req.is_wheel:
if not should_unpack:
'Skipping %s, due to already being wheel.',,
return None
if not should_unpack:
# i.e. pip wheel, not pip install;
# return False, knowing that the caller will never cache
# in this case anyway, so this return merely means "build it".
# TODO improve this behavior
return False
if req.editable or not req.source_dir:
return None
if not check_binary_allowed(req):
"Skipping wheel build for %s, due to binaries "
"being disabled for it.",,
return None
if and
# VCS checkout. Build wheel just for this run.
return True
link =
base, ext = link.splitext()
if cache_available and _contains_egg_info(base):
return False
# Otherwise, build the wheel just for this run using the ephemeral
# cache since we are either in the case of e.g. a local directory, or
# no cache directory is available to use.
return True
def format_command_result(
command_args, # type: List[str]
command_output, # type: str
# type: (...) -> str
Format command information for logging.
command_desc = format_command_args(command_args)
text = 'Command arguments: {}\n'.format(command_desc)
if not command_output:
text += 'Command output: None'
elif logger.getEffectiveLevel() > logging.DEBUG:
text += 'Command output: [use --verbose to show]'
if not command_output.endswith('\n'):
command_output += '\n'
text += 'Command output:\n{}{}'.format(command_output, LOG_DIVIDER)
return text
def get_legacy_build_wheel_path(
names, # type: List[str]
temp_dir, # type: str
req, # type: InstallRequirement
command_args, # type: List[str]
command_output, # type: str
# type: (...) -> Optional[str]
Return the path to the wheel in the temporary build directory.
# Sort for determinism.
names = sorted(names)
if not names:
msg = (
'Legacy build of wheel for {!r} created no files.\n'
msg += format_command_result(command_args, command_output)
return None
if len(names) > 1:
msg = (
'Legacy build of wheel for {!r} created more than one file.\n'
'Filenames (choosing first): {}\n'
).format(, names)
msg += format_command_result(command_args, command_output)
return os.path.join(temp_dir, names[0])
def _always_true(_):
return True
class WheelBuilder(object):
"""Build wheels from a RequirementSet."""
def __init__(
preparer, # type: RequirementPreparer
wheel_cache, # type: WheelCache
build_options=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
global_options=None, # type: Optional[List[str]]
check_binary_allowed=None, # type: Optional[BinaryAllowedPredicate]
no_clean=False # type: bool
# type: (...) -> None
if check_binary_allowed is None:
# Binaries allowed by default.
check_binary_allowed = _always_true
self.preparer = preparer
self.wheel_cache = wheel_cache
self._wheel_dir = preparer.wheel_download_dir
self.build_options = build_options or []
self.global_options = global_options or []
self.check_binary_allowed = check_binary_allowed
self.no_clean = no_clean
def _build_one(self, req, output_dir, python_tag=None):
"""Build one wheel.
:return: The filename of the built wheel, or None if the build failed.
# Install build deps into temporary directory (PEP 518)
with req.build_env:
return self._build_one_inside_env(req, output_dir,
def _build_one_inside_env(self, req, output_dir, python_tag=None):
with TempDirectory(kind="wheel") as temp_dir:
if req.use_pep517:
builder = self._build_one_pep517
builder = self._build_one_legacy
wheel_path = builder(req, temp_dir.path, python_tag=python_tag)
if wheel_path is not None:
wheel_name = os.path.basename(wheel_path)
dest_path = os.path.join(output_dir, wheel_name)
wheel_hash, length = hash_file(wheel_path)
shutil.move(wheel_path, dest_path)'Created wheel for %s: '
'filename=%s size=%d sha256=%s',, wheel_name, length,
wheel_hash.hexdigest())'Stored in directory: %s', output_dir)
return dest_path
except Exception:
# Ignore return, we can't do anything else useful.
return None
def _base_setup_args(self, req):
# NOTE: Eventually, we'd want to also -S to the flags here, when we're
# isolating. Currently, it breaks Python in virtualenvs, because it
# relies on to find parts of the standard library outside the
# virtualenv.
return make_setuptools_shim_args(
def _build_one_pep517(self, req, tempd, python_tag=None):
"""Build one InstallRequirement using the PEP 517 build process.
Returns path to wheel if successfully built. Otherwise, returns None.
assert req.metadata_directory is not None
if self.build_options:
# PEP 517 does not support --build-options
logger.error('Cannot build wheel for %s using PEP 517 when '
'--build-options is present' % (,))
return None
logger.debug('Destination directory: %s', tempd)
runner = runner_with_spinner_message(
'Building wheel for {} (PEP 517)'.format(
backend = req.pep517_backend
with backend.subprocess_runner(runner):
wheel_name = backend.build_wheel(
if python_tag:
# General PEP 517 backends don't necessarily support
# a "--python-tag" option, so we rename the wheel
# file directly.
new_name = replace_python_tag(wheel_name, python_tag)
os.path.join(tempd, wheel_name),
os.path.join(tempd, new_name)
# Reassign to simplify the return at the end of function
wheel_name = new_name
except Exception:
logger.error('Failed building wheel for %s',
return None
return os.path.join(tempd, wheel_name)
def _build_one_legacy(self, req, tempd, python_tag=None):
"""Build one InstallRequirement using the "legacy" build process.
Returns path to wheel if successfully built. Otherwise, returns None.
base_args = self._base_setup_args(req)
spin_message = 'Building wheel for %s (' % (,)
with open_spinner(spin_message) as spinner:
logger.debug('Destination directory: %s', tempd)
wheel_args = base_args + ['bdist_wheel', '-d', tempd] \
+ self.build_options
if python_tag is not None:
wheel_args += ["--python-tag", python_tag]
output = call_subprocess(
except Exception:
logger.error('Failed building wheel for %s',
return None
names = os.listdir(tempd)
wheel_path = get_legacy_build_wheel_path(
return wheel_path
def _clean_one(self, req):
base_args = self._base_setup_args(req)'Running clean for %s',
clean_args = base_args + ['clean', '--all']
call_subprocess(clean_args, cwd=req.source_dir)
return True
except Exception:
logger.error('Failed cleaning build dir for %s',
return False
def build(
requirements, # type: Iterable[InstallRequirement]
should_unpack=False # type: bool
# type: (...) -> List[InstallRequirement]
"""Build wheels.
:param should_unpack: If True, after building the wheel, unpack it
and replace the sdist with the unpacked version in preparation
for installation.
:return: True if all the wheels built correctly.
# pip install uses should_unpack=True.
# pip install never provides a _wheel_dir.
# pip wheel uses should_unpack=False.
# pip wheel always provides a _wheel_dir (via the preparer).
assert (
(should_unpack and not self._wheel_dir) or
(not should_unpack and self._wheel_dir)
buildset = []
cache_available = bool(self.wheel_cache.cache_dir)
for req in requirements:
ephem_cache = should_use_ephemeral_cache(
if ephem_cache is None:
# Determine where the wheel should go.
if should_unpack:
if ephem_cache:
output_dir = self.wheel_cache.get_ephem_path_for_link(
output_dir = self.wheel_cache.get_path_for_link(
output_dir = self._wheel_dir
buildset.append((req, output_dir))
if not buildset:
return []
# TODO by @pradyunsg
# Should break up this method into 2 separate methods.
# Build the wheels.
'Building wheels for collected packages: %s',
', '.join([ for (req, _) in buildset]),
python_tag = None
if should_unpack:
python_tag = pep425tags.implementation_tag
with indent_log():
build_success, build_failure = [], []
for req, output_dir in buildset:
except OSError as e:
"Building wheel for %s failed: %s",, e,
wheel_file = self._build_one(
req, output_dir,
if wheel_file:
if should_unpack:
# XXX: This is mildly duplicative with prepare_files,
# but not close enough to pull out to a single common
# method.
# The code below assumes temporary source dirs -
# prevent it doing bad things.
if (
req.source_dir and
not has_delete_marker_file(req.source_dir)
raise AssertionError(
"bad source dir - missing marker")
# Delete the source we built the wheel from
# set the build directory again - name is known from
# the work prepare_files did.
req.source_dir = req.ensure_build_location(
# Update the link for this. = Link(path_to_url(wheel_file))
# extract the wheel into the dir
unpack_file(, req.source_dir)
# notify success/failure
if build_success:
'Successfully built %s',
' '.join([ for req in build_success]),
if build_failure:
'Failed to build %s',
' '.join([ for req in build_failure]),
# Return a list of requirements that failed to build
return build_failure