Your IP :
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ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lmZ ydd
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lmZ Y nX e jj� Zdd� ZG dd� dej �Z!dS )� )�
interfaces� N)�ismethod)�polkit)�GLib)�FunctionType)�
DBusException)�ErrorMessage)�getfullargspecc C s t | �S )N)r
)�func� r �#/usr/lib/python3.6/�
getargspec s r )r c C s� t |dd �}|d k rn0t |dd�dkr4d|jj }nd|j|jjf }t|t�rZ|j� }ndjtj |j|��}t
|||�}|j� s�| j|� d S )NZ_dbus_error_name�
__module__� �__main__zorg.freedesktop.DBus.Python.%sz!org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.%s.%s)r r )
�getattr� __class__�__name__r �
isinstancer Zget_dbus_message�join� traceback�format_exception_onlyr Zget_no_replyZsend_message)Z
connection�messageZ exception�name�contentsZreplyr r r
�_method_reply_error$ s
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dd� Zdd� Zdd� Z
dd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� ZdS )�DBusExportera+
Export method calls through DBus Interface.
We take a method to be exported and create a simple wrapper function
to call it. This is required as we need the original function to be
bound to the original object instance. While the wrapper will be bound
to an object we dynamically construct.
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_dbus_methods�set�_signals� _bus_name�_interface_name�_object_name�
_namespace�_thread�_bus_objectr �_polkit�signal� getsignal�SIGINTr ZMainLoop�
_main_loop)�self�bus_name�interface_name�object_name� namespaceZsignal_handlerr r r
�__init__B s"