Your IP :
# Client code for Update Agent
# Copyright (c) 1999--2016 Red Hat, Inc. Distributed under GPLv2.
# Author: Adrian Likins <
# This file is copied from yum-rhn-plugin
from up2date_client import rhnserver
from up2date_client import up2dateAuth
from up2date_client import pkgUtils
from rhn.actions import packages
__rhnexport__ = [
# action version we understand
def __getErrataInfo(errata_id):
s = rhnserver.RhnServer()
return s.errata.getErrataInfo(up2dateAuth.getSystemId(), errata_id)
def update(errataidlist, cache_only=None):
packagelist = []
if type(errataidlist) not in [type([]), type(())]:
errataidlist = [ errataidlist ]
for errataid in errataidlist:
tmpList = __getErrataInfo(errataid)
packagelist = packagelist + tmpList
current_packages_with_arch = {}
current_packages ={}
for p in pkgUtils.getInstalledPackageList(getArch=1):
current_packages_with_arch[p['name'] + p['arch']] = p
current_packages[p['name']] = p
u = {}
# only update packages that are currently installed
# since an "applicable errata" may only contain some packages
# that actually apply. aka kernel. Fun fun fun.
if len(packagelist[0]) > 4:
# Newer sats send down arch, filter using name+arch
for p in packagelist:
if "%s%s" % (p[0], p[4]) in current_packages_with_arch:
u[p[0] + p[4]] = p
elif "%snoarch" % p[0] in current_packages_with_arch:
u[p[0] + p[4]] = p
elif p[4] == "noarch" and p[0] in current_packages:
u[p[0]] = p
# 5.2 and older sats + hosted dont send arch
for p in packagelist:
if p[0] in current_packages:
u[p[0]] = p
# XXX: Fix me - once we keep all errata packages around,
# this is the WRONG thing to do - we want to keep the specific versions
# that the user has asked for.
packagelist = list(u.values())
if packagelist == []:
data = {}
data['version'] = "0"
data['name'] = "errata.update.no_packages"
data['erratas'] = errataidlist
return (39,
"No packages from that errata are available",
return packages.update(packagelist, cache_only)
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":