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This module contains the set of Requests' exceptions.
� )� HTTPErrorc s e Zd ZdZ� fdd�Z� ZS )�RequestExceptionzTThere was an ambiguous exception that occurred while handling your
c sZ |j dd�}|| _|j dd�| _|dk rD| j rDt|d�rD| jj| _tt| �j||� dS )zBInitialize RequestException with `request` and `response` objects.�responseN�request)�popr r �hasattr�superr �__init__)�self�args�kwargsr )� __class__� � /usr/lib/python3.6/exceptions.pyr s
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r �
__classcell__r r )r
r r s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )r zAn HTTP error occurred.N)r r r r r r r r r s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�ConnectionErrorzA Connection error occurred.N)r r r r r r r r r s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�
ProxyErrorzA proxy error occurred.N)r r r r r r r r r $ s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�SSLErrorzAn SSL error occurred.N)r r r r r r r r r ( s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�Timeoutz�The request timed out.
Catching this error will catch both
:exc:`~requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout` and
:exc:`~requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout` errors.
N)r r r r r r r r r , s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�ConnectTimeoutz�The request timed out while trying to connect to the remote server.
Requests that produced this error are safe to retry.
N)r r r r r r r r r 5 s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�ReadTimeoutz@The server did not send any data in the allotted amount of time.N)r r r r r r r r r <