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dS )a� Create a new CParser.
Some arguments for controlling the debug/optimization
level of the parser are provided. The defaults are
tuned for release/performance mode.
The simple rules for using them are:
*) When tweaking CParser/CLexer, set these to False
*) When releasing a stable parser, set to True
Set to False when you're modifying the lexer.
Otherwise, changes in the lexer won't be used, if
some file exists.
When releasing with a stable lexer, set to True
to save the re-generation of the lexer table on
each run.
Points to the lex table that's used for optimized
mode. Only if you're modifying the lexer and want
some tests to avoid re-generating the table, make
this point to a local lex table file (that's been
earlier generated with lex_optimize=True)
Set to False when you're modifying the parser.
Otherwise, changes in the parser won't be used, if
some file exists.
When releasing with a stable parser, set to True
to save the re-generation of the parser table on
each run.
Points to the yacc table that's used for optimized
mode. Only if you're modifying the parser, make
this point to a local yacc table file
Generate a parser.out file that explains how yacc
built the parsing table from the grammar.
Set this parameter to control the location of generated
lextab and yacctab files.
error_funcZon_lbrace_funcZon_rbrace_funcZtype_lookup_func)�optimize�lextab� outputdirZabstract_declaratorZassignment_expressionZdeclaration_listZdeclaration_specifiersZdesignationZ
expressionZidentifier_listZinit_declarator_listZinitializer_listZparameter_type_listZspecifier_qualifier_listZblock_item_listZtype_qualifier_listZstruct_declarator_listZtranslation_unit_or_empty)�module�start�debugr Z tabmoduler N)r �_lex_error_func�_lex_on_lbrace_func�_lex_on_rbrace_func�_lex_type_lookup_func�clexZbuild�tokensZ_create_opt_ruler �cparser�dict�_scope_stack�_last_yielded_token) �selfZlex_optimizer Z
yacc_debugZtaboutputdirZrules_with_optZrule� r �/usr/lib/python3.6/�__init__ sF 5
zCParser.__init__r c C s6 || j _| j j� t� g| _d| _| jj|| j |d�S )a& Parses C code and returns an AST.
A string containing the C source code
Name of the file being parsed (for meaningful
error messages)
Debug level to yacc
N)�inputZlexerr )r �filenameZreset_linenor r r r �parse)r �textr# Z
debuglevelr r r r$ ~ s
CParser.parsec C s | j jt� � d S )N)r �appendr )r r r r �_push_scope� s zCParser._push_scopec C s t | j�dkst�| jj� d S )Nr )�lenr �AssertionError�pop)r r r r �
_pop_scope� s zCParser._pop_scopec C s4 | j d j|d�s"| jd| |� d| j d |<