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d� de�ZG dd
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e�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�Z G dd� de�Z
G dd� de�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�Z
G dd� de�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�ZG d d!� d!e�ZG d"d#� d#e�ZG d$d%� d%e�ZG d&d'� d'e�ZG d(d)� d)e�ZG d*d+� d+e�ZG d,d-� d-e�ZG d.d/� d/e�ZG d0d1� d1e�ZG d2d3� d3e�ZG d4d5� d5e�ZG d6d7� d7e�ZG d8d9� d9e�ZG d:d;� d;e�ZG d<d=� d=e�ZG d>d?� d?e�Z G d@dA� dAe�Z!G dBdC� dCe�Z"G dDdE� dEe�Z#G dFdG� dGe�Z$G dHdI� dIe�Z%G dJdK� dKe�Z&G dLdM� dMe�Z'G dNdO� dOe�Z(G dPdQ� dQe�Z)G dRdS� dSe�Z*G dTdU� dUe�Z+G dVdW� dWe�Z,G dXdY� dYe�Z-G dZd[� d[e�Z.G d\d]� d]e�Z/G d^d_� d_e�Z0G d`da� dae�Z1dS )b� Nc @ s0 e Zd Zf Zdd� Zejdddddfdd�ZdS )�Nodec C s dS )z3 A sequence of all children that are Nodes
N� )�selfr r �/usr/lib/python3.6/�children s z
Node.childrenr FNc
s d| }|r4|dk r4|j |� jj d | d � n|j |� jj d � � jr�|r~� fdd�� jD �}djd d
� |D ��} n(� fdd�� jD �}
� |
D ��} |j | � |r�|j d
� j � |j d� x.� j� D ]"\}}|j||d ||||d� q�W dS )a� Pretty print the Node and all its attributes and
children (recursively) to a buffer.
Open IO buffer into which the Node is printed.
Initial offset (amount of leading spaces)
True if you want to see the attribute names in
name=value pairs. False to only see the values.
True if you want to see the actual node names
within their parents.
Do you want the coordinates of each Node to be
� Nz <z>: z: c s g | ]}|t � |�f�qS r )�getattr)�.0�n)r r r �
<listcomp>= s<locals>.<listcomp>z, c s s | ]}d | V qdS )z%s=%sNr )r Znvr r r � <genexpr>>