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�b�W� � @ s8 d Z ddlZddlmZ G dd� dejj�Zdd� ZdS ) zDNS TTL conversion.� N� )�longc @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�BadTTLz!DNS TTL value is not well-formed.N)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__� r r �/usr/lib/python3.6/ttl.pyr s r c C s* | j � rt| �}n�| d j � s"t�td�}td�}x�| D ]�}|j � rZ|d9 }|t|�7 }q8|j� }|dkr|||td� 7 }nl|dkr�||td� 7 }nR|dkr�||td� 7 }n8|d kr�||td
� 7 }n|dkr�||7 }ntd| ��d}q8W |dk�std
��|td�k �s|td�k�r&td��|S )z�Convert the text form of a TTL to an integer.
The BIND 8 units syntax for TTLs (e.g. '1w6d4h3m10s') is supported.
@param text: the textual TTL
@type text: string
@raises dns.ttl.BadTTL: the TTL is not well-formed
@rtype: int
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