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# UpdateInfo CLI command.
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"""UpdateInfo CLI command."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import collections
import fnmatch
import hawkey
from dnf.cli import commands
from dnf.cli.option_parser import OptionParser
from dnf.i18n import _, exact_width
from dnf.pycomp import unicode
def _maxlen(iterable):
"""Return maximum length of items in a non-empty iterable."""
return max(exact_width(item) for item in iterable)
class UpdateInfoCommand(commands.Command):
"""Implementation of the UpdateInfo command."""
TYPE2LABEL = {hawkey.ADVISORY_BUGFIX: _('bugfix'),
hawkey.ADVISORY_ENHANCEMENT: _('enhancement'),
hawkey.ADVISORY_SECURITY: _('security'),
hawkey.ADVISORY_UNKNOWN: _('unknown'),
hawkey.ADVISORY_NEWPACKAGE: _('newpackage')}
SECURITY2LABEL = {'Critical': _('Critical/Sec.'),
'Important': _('Important/Sec.'),
'Moderate': _('Moderate/Sec.'),
'Low': _('Low/Sec.')}
direct_commands = {'list-updateinfo' : 'list',
'list-security' : 'list',
'list-sec' : 'list',
'info-updateinfo' : 'info',
'info-security' : 'info',
'info-sec' : 'info',
'summary-updateinfo' : 'summary'}
aliases = ['updateinfo'] + list(direct_commands.keys())
summary = _('display advisories about packages')
availability_default = 'available'
availabilities = ['installed', 'updates', 'all', availability_default]
def __init__(self, cli):
"""Initialize the command."""
super(UpdateInfoCommand, self).__init__(cli)
self._installed_query = None
def set_argparser(parser):
availability = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
"--available", dest='_availability', const='available', action='store_const',
help=_("advisories about newer versions of installed packages (default)"))
"--installed", dest='_availability', const='installed', action='store_const',
help=_("advisories about equal and older versions of installed packages"))
"--updates", dest='_availability', const='updates', action='store_const',
help=_("advisories about newer versions of those installed packages "
"for which a newer version is available"))
"--all", dest='_availability', const='all', action='store_const',
help=_("advisories about any versions of installed packages"))
cmds = ['summary', 'list', 'info']
output_format = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
output_format.add_argument("--summary", dest='_spec_action', const='summary',
help=_('show summary of advisories (default)'))
output_format.add_argument("--list", dest='_spec_action', const='list',
help=_('show list of advisories'))
output_format.add_argument("--info", dest='_spec_action', const='info',
help=_('show info of advisories'))
parser.add_argument("--with-cve", dest='with_cve', default=False,
help=_('show only advisories with CVE reference'))
parser.add_argument("--with-bz", dest='with_bz', default=False,
help=_('show only advisories with bugzilla reference'))
parser.add_argument('spec', nargs='*', metavar='SPEC',
choices=cmds, default=cmds[0],
help=_("Package specification"))
def configure(self):
"""Do any command-specific configuration based on command arguments."""
self.cli.demands.available_repos = True
self.cli.demands.sack_activation = True
if self.opts.command in self.direct_commands:
# we were called with direct command
self.opts.spec_action = self.direct_commands[self.opts.command]
if self.opts._spec_action:
self.opts.spec_action = self.opts._spec_action
if self.opts._availability:
self.opts.availability = self.opts._availability
# yum compatibility - search for all|available|installed|updates in spec[0]
if not self.opts.spec or self.opts.spec[0] not in self.availabilities:
self.opts.availability = self.availability_default
self.opts.availability = self.opts.spec.pop(0)
# filtering by advisory types (security/bugfix/enhancement/newpackage)
self.opts._advisory_types = set()
if self.opts.bugfix:
if self.opts.enhancement:
if self.opts.newpackage:
# yum compatibility - yum accepts types also as positional arguments
if self.opts.spec:
spec = self.opts.spec.pop(0)
if spec == 'bugfix':
elif spec == 'enhancement':
elif spec in ('security', 'sec'):
elif spec == 'newpackage':
elif spec in ('bugzillas', 'bzs'):
self.opts.with_bz = True
elif spec == 'cves':
self.opts.with_cve = True
self.opts.spec.insert(0, spec)
if self.opts.advisory:
def run(self):
"""Execute the command with arguments."""
if self.opts.availability == 'installed':
apkg_adv_insts = self.installed_apkg_adv_insts(self.opts.spec)
description = _('installed')
elif self.opts.availability == 'updates':
apkg_adv_insts = self.updating_apkg_adv_insts(self.opts.spec)
description = _('updates')
elif self.opts.availability == 'all':
apkg_adv_insts = self.all_apkg_adv_insts(self.opts.spec)
description = _('all')
apkg_adv_insts = self.available_apkg_adv_insts(self.opts.spec)
description = _('available')
if self.opts.spec_action == 'list':
elif self.opts.spec_action == 'info':
self.display_summary(apkg_adv_insts, description)
def _newer_equal_installed(self, apackage):
if self._installed_query is None:
self._installed_query = self.base.sack.query().installed().apply()
q = self._installed_query.filter(, evr__gte=apackage.evr)
return len(q) > 0
def _advisory_matcher(self, advisory):
if not self.opts._advisory_types \
and not self.opts.spec \
and not self.opts.severity \
and not self.opts.bugzilla \
and not self.opts.cves \
and not self.opts.with_cve \
and not self.opts.with_bz:
return True
if advisory.type in self.opts._advisory_types:
return True
if any(fnmatch.fnmatchcase(, pat) for pat in self.opts.spec):
return True
if self.opts.severity and advisory.severity in self.opts.severity:
return True
if self.opts.bugzilla and any([advisory.match_bug(bug) for bug in self.opts.bugzilla]):
return True
if self.opts.cves and any([advisory.match_cve(cve) for cve in self.opts.cves]):
return True
if self.opts.with_cve:
if any([ref.type == hawkey.REFERENCE_CVE for ref in advisory.references]):
return True
if self.opts.with_bz:
if any([ref.type == hawkey.REFERENCE_BUGZILLA for ref in advisory.references]):
return True
return False
def _apackage_advisory_installed(self, pkgs_query, cmptype, specs):
"""Return (adv. package, advisory, installed) triplets."""
for apackage in pkgs_query.get_advisory_pkgs(cmptype):
advisory = apackage.get_advisory(self.base.sack)
advisory_match = self._advisory_matcher(advisory)
apackage_match = any(fnmatch.fnmatchcase(, pat)
for pat in self.opts.spec)
if advisory_match or apackage_match:
installed = self._newer_equal_installed(apackage)
yield apackage, advisory, installed
def running_kernel_pkgs(self):
"""Return query containing packages of currently running kernel"""
sack = self.base.sack
q = sack.query().filterm(empty=True)
kernel = sack.get_running_kernel()
if kernel:
q = q.union(sack.query().filterm(sourcerpm=kernel.sourcerpm))
return q
def available_apkg_adv_insts(self, specs):
"""Return available (adv. package, adv., inst.) triplets"""
# check advisories for the latest installed packages
q = self.base.sack.query().installed().latest(1)
# plus packages of the running kernel
q = q.union(self.running_kernel_pkgs().installed())
return self._apackage_advisory_installed(q, hawkey.GT, specs)
def installed_apkg_adv_insts(self, specs):
"""Return installed (adv. package, adv., inst.) triplets"""
return self._apackage_advisory_installed(
self.base.sack.query().installed(), hawkey.LT | hawkey.EQ, specs)
def updating_apkg_adv_insts(self, specs):
"""Return updating (adv. package, adv., inst.) triplets"""
return self._apackage_advisory_installed(
self.base.sack.query().filterm(upgradable=True), hawkey.GT, specs)
def all_apkg_adv_insts(self, specs):
"""Return installed (adv. package, adv., inst.) triplets"""
return self._apackage_advisory_installed(
self.base.sack.query().installed(), hawkey.LT | hawkey.EQ | hawkey.GT, specs)
def _summary(self, apkg_adv_insts):
"""Make the summary of advisories."""
# Remove duplicate advisory IDs. We assume that the ID is unique within
# a repository and two advisories with the same IDs in different
# repositories must have the same type.
id2type = {}
for (apkg, advisory, installed) in apkg_adv_insts:
id2type[] = advisory.type
if advisory.type == hawkey.ADVISORY_SECURITY:
id2type[(, advisory.severity)] = (advisory.type, advisory.severity)
return collections.Counter(id2type.values())
def display_summary(self, apkg_adv_insts, description):
"""Display the summary of advisories."""
typ2cnt = self._summary(apkg_adv_insts)
if typ2cnt:
print(_('Updates Information Summary: ') + description)
# Convert types to strings and order the entries.
label_counts = [
(0, _('New Package notice(s)'), typ2cnt[hawkey.ADVISORY_NEWPACKAGE]),
(0, _('Security notice(s)'), typ2cnt[hawkey.ADVISORY_SECURITY]),
(1, _('Critical Security notice(s)'),
typ2cnt[(hawkey.ADVISORY_SECURITY, 'Critical')]),
(1, _('Important Security notice(s)'),
typ2cnt[(hawkey.ADVISORY_SECURITY, 'Important')]),
(1, _('Moderate Security notice(s)'),
typ2cnt[(hawkey.ADVISORY_SECURITY, 'Moderate')]),
(1, _('Low Security notice(s)'),
typ2cnt[(hawkey.ADVISORY_SECURITY, 'Low')]),
(1, _('Unknown Security notice(s)'),
typ2cnt[(hawkey.ADVISORY_SECURITY, None)]),
(0, _('Bugfix notice(s)'), typ2cnt[hawkey.ADVISORY_BUGFIX]),
(0, _('Enhancement notice(s)'), typ2cnt[hawkey.ADVISORY_ENHANCEMENT]),
(0, _('other notice(s)'), typ2cnt[hawkey.ADVISORY_UNKNOWN])]
width = _maxlen(unicode(v[2]) for v in label_counts if v[2])
for indent, label, count in label_counts:
if not count:
print(' %*s %s' % (width + 4 * indent, unicode(count), label))
if self.base.conf.autocheck_running_kernel:
def display_list(self, apkg_adv_insts):
"""Display the list of advisories."""
def inst2mark(inst):
if not self.opts.availability == 'all':
return ''
elif inst:
return 'i '
return ' '
def type2label(typ, sev):
if typ == hawkey.ADVISORY_SECURITY:
return self.SECURITY2LABEL.get(sev, _('Unknown/Sec.'))
return self.TYPE2LABEL.get(typ, _('unknown'))
nevra_inst_dict = dict()
for apkg, advisory, installed in apkg_adv_insts:
nevra = '%s-%s.%s' % (, apkg.evr, apkg.arch)
if self.opts.with_cve or self.opts.with_bz:
for ref in advisory.references:
if ref.type == hawkey.REFERENCE_BUGZILLA and not self.opts.with_bz:
elif ref.type == hawkey.REFERENCE_CVE and not self.opts.with_cve:
nevra_inst_dict.setdefault((nevra, installed, advisory.updated), dict())[] = (
advisory.type, advisory.severity)
nevra_inst_dict.setdefault((nevra, installed, advisory.updated), dict())[] = (
advisory.type, advisory.severity)
advlist = []
# convert types to labels, find max len of advisory IDs and types
idw = tlw = nw = 0
for (nevra, inst, aupdated), id2type in sorted(nevra_inst_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
nw = max(nw, len(nevra))
for aid, atypesev in id2type.items():
idw = max(idw, len(aid))
label = type2label(*atypesev)
tlw = max(tlw, len(label))
advlist.append((inst2mark(inst), aid, label, nevra, aupdated))
for (inst, aid, label, nevra, aupdated) in advlist:
if self.base.conf.verbose:
print('%s%-*s %-*s %-*s %s' % (inst, idw, aid, tlw, label, nw, nevra, aupdated))
print('%s%-*s %-*s %s' % (inst, idw, aid, tlw, label, nevra))
def display_info(self, apkg_adv_insts):
"""Display the details about available advisories."""
arches = self.base.sack.list_arches()
verbose = self.base.conf.verbose
labels = (_('Update ID'), _('Type'), _('Updated'), _('Bugs'),
_('CVEs'), _('Description'), _('Severity'), _('Rights'),
_('Files'), _('Installed'))
def advisory2info(advisory, installed):
attributes = [
[self.TYPE2LABEL.get(advisory.type, _('unknown'))],
(advisory.description or '').splitlines(),
(advisory.rights or '').splitlines(),
sorted(set(pkg.filename for pkg in advisory.packages
if pkg.arch in arches)),
for ref in advisory.references:
if ref.type == hawkey.REFERENCE_BUGZILLA:
attributes[3].append('{} - {}'.format(, ref.title or ''))
elif ref.type == hawkey.REFERENCE_CVE:
if not verbose:
attributes[7] = None
attributes[8] = None
if self.opts.availability == 'all':
attributes[9] = [_('true') if installed else _('false')]
width = _maxlen(labels)
lines = []
lines.append('=' * 79)
lines.append(' ' + advisory.title)
lines.append('=' * 79)
for label, atr_lines in zip(labels, attributes):
if atr_lines in (None, [None]):
for i, line in enumerate(atr_lines):
key = label if i == 0 else ''
key_padding = width - exact_width(key)
lines.append('%*s%s: %s' % (key_padding, "", key, line))
return '\n'.join(lines)
advisories = set()
for apkg, advisory, installed in apkg_adv_insts:
advisories.add(advisory2info(advisory, installed))
print("\n\n".join(sorted(advisories, key=lambda x: x.lower())))