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__module__�__qualname__r �
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r . s r c s e Zd Z� fdd�Z� ZS )�TransactionReplayErrorc sv || _ t|ttf�r|| _n|g| _|r:td�j|d�}ntd�}x| jD ]}|dt|� 7 }qJW tt | �j
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:param filename: The name of the transaction file being replayed
:param errors: a list of error classes or a string with an error description
zWThe following problems occurred while replaying the transaction from file "{filename}":)�filenamez<The following problems occurred while running a transaction:z
N)r �
isinstance�list�tuple�errorsr �format�strr r r )r r r r
�error)r r r
r 4 s zTransactionReplayError.__init__)r r r r r r r )r r
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)r r r
r M s z,IncompatibleTransactionVersionError.__init__)r r r r r r r )r r
r L s r c "