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Du�ac @ sa d Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d e j f d � � YZ e d e j � � Z d � Z d S( sR A database of Python protocol buffer generated symbols.
SymbolDatabase is the MessageFactory for messages generated at compile time,
and makes it easy to create new instances of a registered type, given only the
type's protocol buffer symbol name.
Example usage:
db = symbol_database.SymbolDatabase()
# Register symbols of interest, from one or multiple files.
# The database can be used as a MessageFactory, to generate types based on
# their name:
types = db.GetMessages(['my_proto.proto'])
my_message_instance = types['MyMessage']()
# The database's underlying descriptor pool can be queried, so it's not
# necessary to know a type's filename to be able to generate it:
filename = db.pool.FindFileContainingSymbol('MyMessage')
my_message_instance = db.GetMessages([filename])['MyMessage']()
# This functionality is also provided directly via a convenience method:
my_message_instance = db.GetSymbol('MyMessage')()
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