Your IP :
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Error\LoaderError;
use Twig\Error\RuntimeError;
use Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension;
use Twig\Markup;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedTagError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFilterError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError;
use Twig\Source;
use Twig\Template;
/* table/structure/display_structure.twig */
class __TwigTemplate_11f87556eca461e70b01a1d5c4a4e4dd extends Template
private $source;
private $macros = [];
public function __construct(Environment $env)
$this->source = $this->getSourceContext();
$this->blocks = [
'content' => [$this, 'block_content'],
protected function doGetParent(array $context)
// line 1
return "table/page_with_secondary_tabs.twig";
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$macros = $this->macros;
$this->parent = $this->loadTemplate("table/page_with_secondary_tabs.twig", "table/structure/display_structure.twig", 1);
$this->parent->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
// line 2
public function block_content($context, array $blocks = [])
$macros = $this->macros;
// line 3
echo "<h1 class=\"d-none d-print-block\">";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["table"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "</h1>
<form method=\"post\" action=\"";
// line 4
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure");
echo "\" name=\"fieldsForm\" id=\"fieldsForm\">
// line 5
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getHiddenInputs(($context["db"] ?? null), ($context["table"] ?? null));
echo "
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"table_type\" value=";
// line 7
if (($context["db_is_system_schema"] ?? null)) {
// line 8
echo "\"information_schema\"";
} elseif ( // line 9
($context["tbl_is_view"] ?? null)) {
// line 10
echo "\"view\"";
} else {
// line 12
echo "\"table\"";
// line 13
echo ">
<div class=\"table-responsive-md\">
<table id=\"tablestructure\" class=\"table table-striped table-hover w-auto align-middle\">
// line 17
echo " <thead>
<th class=\"d-print-none\"></th>
echo _gettext("Name");
// line 21
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Type");
// line 22
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Collation");
// line 23
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Attributes");
// line 24
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Null");
// line 25
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Default");
// line 26
echo "</th>
// line 27
if (($context["show_column_comments"] ?? null)) {
// line 28
echo "<th>";
echo _gettext("Comments");
echo "</th>";
// line 30
echo " <th>";
echo _gettext("Extra");
echo "</th>
// line 32
echo " ";
if (( !($context["db_is_system_schema"] ?? null) && !($context["tbl_is_view"] ?? null))) {
// line 33
echo " <th colspan=\"";
echo ((PhpMyAdmin\Util::showIcons("ActionLinksMode")) ? ("8") : ("9"));
// line 34
echo "\" class=\"action d-print-none\">";
echo _gettext("Action");
echo "</th>
// line 36
echo " </tr>
// line 40
echo " ";
$context["rownum"] = 0;
// line 41
echo " ";
$context['_parent'] = $context;
$context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(($context["fields"] ?? null));
foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["row"]) {
// line 42
echo " ";
$context["rownum"] = (($context["rownum"] ?? null) + 1);
// line 43
echo "
// line 44
$context["extracted_columnspec"] = (($__internal_compile_0 = ($context["extracted_columnspecs"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_0) || $__internal_compile_0 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_0[($context["rownum"] ?? null)] ?? null) : null);
// line 45
echo " ";
$context["field_name"] = twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_1 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_1) || $__internal_compile_1 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_1["Field"] ?? null) : null));
// line 46
echo " ";
// line 47
echo " ";
$context["comments"] = (($__internal_compile_2 = ($context["row_comments"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_2) || $__internal_compile_2 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_2[($context["rownum"] ?? null)] ?? null) : null);
// line 48
echo " ";
// line 49
echo "
<td class=\"text-center d-print-none\">
<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkall\" name=\"selected_fld[]\" value=\"";
// line 52
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_3 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_3) || $__internal_compile_3 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_3["Field"] ?? null) : null), "html", null, true);
echo "\" id=\"checkbox_row_";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["rownum"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\">
<td class=\"text-end\">";
// line 54
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["rownum"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>
<th class=\"text-nowrap\">
<label for=\"checkbox_row_";
// line 56
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["rownum"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\">
// line 57
if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["displayed_fields"] ?? null), ($context["rownum"] ?? null), [], "array", false, true, false, 57), "comment", [], "any", true, true, false, 57)) {
// line 58
echo " <span class=\"commented_column\" title=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (($__internal_compile_4 = ($context["displayed_fields"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_4) || $__internal_compile_4 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_4[($context["rownum"] ?? null)] ?? null) : null), "comment", [], "any", false, false, false, 58), "html", null, true);
echo "\">";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (($__internal_compile_5 = ($context["displayed_fields"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_5) || $__internal_compile_5 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_5[($context["rownum"] ?? null)] ?? null) : null), "text", [], "any", false, false, false, 58), "html", null, true);
echo "</span>
} else {
// line 60
echo " ";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (($__internal_compile_6 = ($context["displayed_fields"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_6) || $__internal_compile_6 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_6[($context["rownum"] ?? null)] ?? null) : null), "text", [], "any", false, false, false, 60), "html", null, true);
echo "
// line 62
echo " ";
echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (($__internal_compile_7 = ($context["displayed_fields"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_7) || $__internal_compile_7 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_7[($context["rownum"] ?? null)] ?? null) : null), "icon", [], "any", false, false, false, 62);
echo "
// line 65
echo (((("set" != (($__internal_compile_8 = ($context["extracted_columnspec"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_8) || $__internal_compile_8 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_8["type"] ?? null) : null)) && ("enum" != (($__internal_compile_9 = ($context["extracted_columnspec"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_9) || $__internal_compile_9 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_9["type"] ?? null) : null)))) ? (" class=\"text-nowrap\"") : (""));
echo ">
<bdo dir=\"ltr\" lang=\"en\">
// line 67
echo (($__internal_compile_10 = ($context["extracted_columnspec"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_10) || $__internal_compile_10 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_10["displayed_type"] ?? null) : null);
echo "
// line 68
if (((( !(null === twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["relation_parameters"] ?? null), "columnCommentsFeature", [], "any", false, false, false, 68)) && !(null === twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["relation_parameters"] ?? null), "browserTransformationFeature", [], "any", false, false, false, 68))) && ($context["browse_mime"] ?? null)) && twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 69
($context["mime_map"] ?? null), (($__internal_compile_11 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_11) || $__internal_compile_11 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_11["Field"] ?? null) : null), [], "array", false, true, false, 69), "mimetype", [], "array", true, true, false, 69))) {
// line 70
echo " <br>";
echo _gettext("Media type:");
echo " ";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_lower_filter($this->env, twig_replace_filter((($__internal_compile_12 = (($__internal_compile_13 = ($context["mime_map"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_13) || $__internal_compile_13 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_13[(($__internal_compile_14 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_14) || $__internal_compile_14 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_14["Field"] ?? null) : null)] ?? null) : null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_12) || $__internal_compile_12 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_12["mimetype"] ?? null) : null), ["_" => "/"])), "html", null, true);
echo "
// line 72
echo " </bdo>
// line 75
if ( !twig_test_empty((($__internal_compile_15 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_15) || $__internal_compile_15 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_15["Collation"] ?? null) : null))) {
// line 76
echo " <dfn title=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (($__internal_compile_16 = ($context["collations"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_16) || $__internal_compile_16 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_16[(($__internal_compile_17 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_17) || $__internal_compile_17 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_17["Collation"] ?? null) : null)] ?? null) : null), "description", [], "any", false, false, false, 76), "html", null, true);
echo "\">";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (($__internal_compile_18 = ($context["collations"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_18) || $__internal_compile_18 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_18[(($__internal_compile_19 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_19) || $__internal_compile_19 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_19["Collation"] ?? null) : null)] ?? null) : null), "name", [], "any", false, false, false, 76), "html", null, true);
echo "</dfn>
// line 78
echo " </td>
<td class=\"column_attribute text-nowrap\">";
// line 79
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_20 = ($context["attributes"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_20) || $__internal_compile_20 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_20[($context["rownum"] ?? null)] ?? null) : null), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>
// line 80
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ((((($__internal_compile_21 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_21) || $__internal_compile_21 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_21["Null"] ?? null) : null) == "YES")) ? (_gettext("Yes")) : (_gettext("No"))), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>
<td class=\"text-nowrap\">";
// line 82
if ( !(null === (($__internal_compile_22 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_22) || $__internal_compile_22 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_22["Default"] ?? null) : null))) {
// line 83
if (((($__internal_compile_23 = ($context["extracted_columnspec"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_23) || $__internal_compile_23 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_23["type"] ?? null) : null) == "bit")) {
// line 84
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, PhpMyAdmin\Util::convertBitDefaultValue((($__internal_compile_24 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_24) || $__internal_compile_24 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_24["Default"] ?? null) : null)), "html", null, true);
} else {
// line 86
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_25 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_25) || $__internal_compile_25 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_25["Default"] ?? null) : null), "html", null, true);
} elseif (((($__internal_compile_26 = // line 88
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_26) || $__internal_compile_26 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_26["Null"] ?? null) : null) == "YES")) {
// line 89
echo "<em>NULL</em>";
} else {
// line 91
echo "<em>";
echo _pgettext("None for default", "None");
echo "</em>";
// line 93
echo "</td>
// line 94
if (($context["show_column_comments"] ?? null)) {
// line 95
echo " <td>
// line 96
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["comments"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "
// line 99
echo " <td class=\"text-nowrap\">";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_upper_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_27 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_27) || $__internal_compile_27 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_27["Extra"] ?? null) : null)), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>
// line 100
if (( !($context["tbl_is_view"] ?? null) && !($context["db_is_system_schema"] ?? null))) {
// line 101
echo " <td class=\"edit text-center d-print-none\">
<a class=\"change_column_anchor ajax\" href=\"";
// line 102
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/change", ["db" => // line 103
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 104
($context["table"] ?? null), "field" => (($__internal_compile_28 = // line 105
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_28) || $__internal_compile_28 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_28["Field"] ?? null) : null), "change_column" => 1]);
// line 107
echo "\">
// line 108
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_edit", _gettext("Change"));
echo "
<td class=\"drop text-center d-print-none\">
<a class=\"drop_column_anchor ajax\" href=\"";
// line 112
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/sql");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 113
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 114
($context["table"] ?? null), "sql_query" => (((("ALTER TABLE " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote( // line 115
($context["table"] ?? null))) . " DROP ") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote((($__internal_compile_29 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_29) || $__internal_compile_29 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_29["Field"] ?? null) : null))) . ";"), "dropped_column" => (($__internal_compile_30 = // line 116
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_30) || $__internal_compile_30 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_30["Field"] ?? null) : null), "purge" => true, "message_to_show" => twig_sprintf(_gettext("Column %s has been dropped."), twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_31 = // line 118
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_31) || $__internal_compile_31 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_31["Field"] ?? null) : null)))], "", false);
// line 119
echo "\">
// line 120
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_drop", _gettext("Drop"));
echo "
// line 124
echo "
// line 125
if (( !($context["tbl_is_view"] ?? null) && !($context["db_is_system_schema"] ?? null))) {
// line 126
echo " ";
$context["type"] = (( !twig_test_empty((($__internal_compile_32 = ($context["extracted_columnspec"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_32) || $__internal_compile_32 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_32["print_type"] ?? null) : null))) ? ((($__internal_compile_33 = ($context["extracted_columnspec"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_33) || $__internal_compile_33 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_33["print_type"] ?? null) : null)) : (""));
// line 127
echo " <td class=\"d-print-none\">
// line 128
if (($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) {
// line 129
echo " <div class=\"dropdown\">
<button class=\"btn btn-link p-0 dropdown-toggle\" type=\"button\" id=\"moreActionsButton\" data-bs-toggle=\"dropdown\" aria-expanded=\"false\">";
echo _gettext("More");
// line 130
echo "</button>
<ul class=\"dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end\" aria-labelledby=\"moreActionsButton\">
} else {
// line 133
echo " <ul class=\"nav\">
// line 135
echo " <li class=\"";
echo (( !($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("nav-item ") : (""));
echo "primary text-nowrap\">
// line 136
if (((((($context["type"] ?? null) == "text") || (($context["type"] ?? null) == "blob")) || (($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "ARCHIVE")) || (($context["primary"] ?? null) && twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["primary"] ?? null), "hasColumn", [0 => ($context["field_name"] ?? null)], "method", false, false, false, 136)))) {
// line 137
echo " <span class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item-text") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo " disabled\">";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("bd_primary", _gettext("Primary"));
echo "</span>
} else {
// line 139
echo " <a rel=\"samepage\" class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo " ajax add_key d-print-none add_primary_key_anchor\" href=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/add-key");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 140
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 141
($context["table"] ?? null), "sql_query" => ((((("ALTER TABLE " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote( // line 142
($context["table"] ?? null))) . ((($context["primary"] ?? null)) ? (" DROP PRIMARY KEY,") : (""))) . " ADD PRIMARY KEY(") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote((($__internal_compile_34 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_34) || $__internal_compile_34 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_34["Field"] ?? null) : null))) . ");"), "message_to_show" => twig_sprintf(_gettext("A primary key has been added on %s."), twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_35 = // line 143
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_35) || $__internal_compile_35 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_35["Field"] ?? null) : null)))], "", false);
// line 144
echo "\">
// line 145
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_primary", _gettext("Primary"));
echo "
// line 148
echo " </li>
<li class=\"";
// line 150
echo (( !($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("nav-item ") : (""));
echo "add_unique unique text-nowrap\">
// line 151
if (((((($context["type"] ?? null) == "text") || (($context["type"] ?? null) == "blob")) || (($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "ARCHIVE")) || twig_in_filter(($context["field_name"] ?? null), ($context["columns_with_unique_index"] ?? null)))) {
// line 152
echo " <span class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item-text") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo " disabled\">";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("bd_unique", _gettext("Unique"));
echo "</span>
} else {
// line 154
echo " <a rel=\"samepage\" class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo " ajax add_key d-print-none add_unique_anchor\" href=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/add-key");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 155
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 156
($context["table"] ?? null), "sql_query" => (((("ALTER TABLE " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote( // line 157
($context["table"] ?? null))) . " ADD UNIQUE(") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote((($__internal_compile_36 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_36) || $__internal_compile_36 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_36["Field"] ?? null) : null))) . ");"), "message_to_show" => twig_sprintf(_gettext("An index has been added on %s."), twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_37 = // line 158
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_37) || $__internal_compile_37 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_37["Field"] ?? null) : null)))], "", false);
// line 159
echo "\">
// line 160
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_unique", _gettext("Unique"));
echo "
// line 163
echo " </li>
<li class=\"";
// line 165
echo (( !($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("nav-item ") : (""));
echo "add_index text-nowrap\">
// line 166
if ((((($context["type"] ?? null) == "text") || (($context["type"] ?? null) == "blob")) || (($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "ARCHIVE"))) {
// line 167
echo " <span class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item-text") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo " disabled\">";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("bd_index", _gettext("Index"));
echo "</span>
} else {
// line 169
echo " <a rel=\"samepage\" class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo " ajax add_key d-print-none add_index_anchor\" href=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/add-key");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 170
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 171
($context["table"] ?? null), "sql_query" => (((("ALTER TABLE " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote( // line 172
($context["table"] ?? null))) . " ADD INDEX(") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote((($__internal_compile_38 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_38) || $__internal_compile_38 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_38["Field"] ?? null) : null))) . ");"), "message_to_show" => twig_sprintf(_gettext("An index has been added on %s."), twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_39 = // line 173
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_39) || $__internal_compile_39 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_39["Field"] ?? null) : null)))], "", false);
// line 174
echo "\">
// line 175
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_index", _gettext("Index"));
echo "
// line 178
echo " </li>
// line 180
$context["spatial_types"] = [0 => "geometry", 1 => "point", 2 => "linestring", 3 => "polygon", 4 => "multipoint", 5 => "multilinestring", 6 => "multipolygon", 7 => "geomtrycollection"];
// line 190
echo " <li class=\"";
echo (( !($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("nav-item ") : (""));
echo "spatial text-nowrap\">
// line 191
if (((((($context["type"] ?? null) == "text") || (($context["type"] ?? null) == "blob")) || (($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "ARCHIVE")) || (!twig_in_filter(($context["type"] ?? null), ($context["spatial_types"] ?? null)) && ((($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "MYISAM") || (($context["mysql_int_version"] ?? null) >= 50705))))) {
// line 192
echo " <span class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item-text") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo " disabled\">";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("bd_spatial", _gettext("Spatial"));
echo "</span>
} else {
// line 194
echo " <a rel=\"samepage\" class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo " ajax add_key d-print-none add_spatial_anchor\" href=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/add-key");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 195
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 196
($context["table"] ?? null), "sql_query" => (((("ALTER TABLE " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote( // line 197
($context["table"] ?? null))) . " ADD SPATIAL(") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote((($__internal_compile_40 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_40) || $__internal_compile_40 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_40["Field"] ?? null) : null))) . ");"), "message_to_show" => twig_sprintf(_gettext("An index has been added on %s."), twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_41 = // line 198
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_41) || $__internal_compile_41 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_41["Field"] ?? null) : null)))], "", false);
// line 199
echo "\">
// line 200
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_spatial", _gettext("Spatial"));
echo "
// line 203
echo " </li>
// line 206
echo " <li class=\"";
echo (( !($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("nav-item ") : (""));
echo "fulltext text-nowrap\">
// line 207
if ((( !twig_test_empty(($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null)) && (((( // line 208
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "MYISAM") || ( // line 209
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "ARIA")) || ( // line 210
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "MARIA")) || (( // line 211
($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) == "INNODB") && (($context["mysql_int_version"] ?? null) >= 50604)))) && (twig_in_filter("text", // line 212
($context["type"] ?? null)) || twig_in_filter("char", ($context["type"] ?? null))))) {
// line 213
echo " <a rel=\"samepage\" class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo " ajax add_key add_fulltext_anchor\" href=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/add-key");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 214
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 215
($context["table"] ?? null), "sql_query" => (((("ALTER TABLE " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote( // line 216
($context["table"] ?? null))) . " ADD FULLTEXT(") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote((($__internal_compile_42 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_42) || $__internal_compile_42 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_42["Field"] ?? null) : null))) . ");"), "message_to_show" => twig_sprintf(_gettext("An index has been added on %s."), twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_43 = // line 217
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_43) || $__internal_compile_43 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_43["Field"] ?? null) : null)))], "", false);
// line 218
echo "\">
// line 219
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_ftext", _gettext("Fulltext"));
echo "
} else {
// line 222
echo " <span class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item-text") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo " disabled\">";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("bd_ftext", _gettext("Fulltext"));
echo "</span>
// line 224
echo " </li>
// line 227
echo " <li class=\"";
echo (( !($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("nav-item ") : (""));
echo "browse text-nowrap\">
<a class=\"";
// line 228
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo "\" href=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/sql");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 229
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 230
($context["table"] ?? null), "sql_query" => ((((((((("SELECT COUNT(*) AS " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote(_gettext("Rows"))) . ", ") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote((($__internal_compile_44 = // line 232
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_44) || $__internal_compile_44 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_44["Field"] ?? null) : null))) . " FROM ") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote( // line 233
($context["table"] ?? null))) . " GROUP BY ") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote((($__internal_compile_45 = // line 234
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_45) || $__internal_compile_45 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_45["Field"] ?? null) : null))) . " ORDER BY ") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote((($__internal_compile_46 = // line 235
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_46) || $__internal_compile_46 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_46["Field"] ?? null) : null))), "is_browse_distinct" => true], "", false);
// line 237
echo "\">
// line 238
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_browse", _gettext("Distinct values"));
echo "
// line 241
if ( !(null === twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["relation_parameters"] ?? null), "centralColumnsFeature", [], "any", false, false, false, 241))) {
// line 242
echo " <li class=\"";
echo (( !($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("nav-item ") : (""));
echo "browse text-nowrap\">
// line 243
if (twig_in_filter((($__internal_compile_47 = $context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_47) || $__internal_compile_47 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_47["Field"] ?? null) : null), ($context["central_list"] ?? null))) {
// line 244
echo " <a class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo "\" href=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/central-columns-remove");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 245
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 246
($context["table"] ?? null), "selected_fld" => [0 => (($__internal_compile_48 = // line 247
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_48) || $__internal_compile_48 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_48["Field"] ?? null) : null)]]);
// line 248
echo "\">
// line 249
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("centralColumns_delete", _gettext("Remove from central columns"));
echo "
} else {
// line 252
echo " <a class=\"";
echo ((($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) ? ("dropdown-item") : ("nav-link px-1"));
echo "\" href=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/central-columns-add");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 253
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 254
($context["table"] ?? null), "selected_fld" => [0 => (($__internal_compile_49 = // line 255
$context["row"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_49) || $__internal_compile_49 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_49["Field"] ?? null) : null)]]);
// line 256
echo "\">
// line 257
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("centralColumns_add", _gettext("Add to central columns"));
echo "
// line 260
echo " </li>
// line 262
echo " ";
if ( !($context["hide_structure_actions"] ?? null)) {
// line 263
echo " </ul>
} else {
// line 265
echo " </ul>
// line 268
echo " </td>
// line 270
echo " </tr>
$_parent = $context['_parent'];
unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['row'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
$context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
// line 272
echo " </tbody>
<div class=\"d-print-none\">
// line 276
$this->loadTemplate("select_all.twig", "table/structure/display_structure.twig", 276)->display(twig_to_array(["text_dir" => // line 277
($context["text_dir"] ?? null), "form_name" => "fieldsForm"]));
// line 280
echo "
<button class=\"btn btn-link mult_submit\" type=\"submit\" formaction=\"";
// line 281
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/browse");
echo "\">
// line 282
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_browse", _gettext("Browse"));
echo "
// line 285
if (( !($context["tbl_is_view"] ?? null) && !($context["db_is_system_schema"] ?? null))) {
// line 286
echo " <button class=\"btn btn-link mult_submit\" type=\"submit\" formaction=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/change");
echo "\">
// line 287
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_edit", _gettext("Change"));
echo "
<button class=\"btn btn-link mult_submit\" type=\"submit\" formaction=\"";
// line 289
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/drop-confirm");
echo "\">
// line 290
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_drop", _gettext("Drop"));
echo "
// line 293
if ((($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) != "ARCHIVE")) {
// line 294
echo " <button class=\"btn btn-link mult_submit\" type=\"submit\" formaction=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/primary");
echo "\">
// line 295
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_primary", _gettext("Primary"));
echo "
<button class=\"btn btn-link mult_submit\" type=\"submit\" formaction=\"";
// line 297
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/unique");
echo "\">
// line 298
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_unique", _gettext("Unique"));
echo "
<button class=\"btn btn-link mult_submit\" type=\"submit\" formaction=\"";
// line 300
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/index");
echo "\">
// line 301
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_index", _gettext("Index"));
echo "
<button class=\"btn btn-link mult_submit\" type=\"submit\" formaction=\"";
// line 303
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/spatial");
echo "\">
// line 304
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_spatial", _gettext("Spatial"));
echo "
<button class=\"btn btn-link mult_submit\" type=\"submit\" formaction=\"";
// line 306
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/fulltext");
echo "\">
// line 307
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_ftext", _gettext("Fulltext"));
echo "
// line 310
if ( !(null === twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["relation_parameters"] ?? null), "centralColumnsFeature", [], "any", false, false, false, 310))) {
// line 311
echo " <button class=\"btn btn-link mult_submit\" type=\"submit\" formaction=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/central-columns-add");
echo "\">
// line 312
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("centralColumns_add", _gettext("Add to central columns"));
echo "
<button class=\"btn btn-link mult_submit\" type=\"submit\" formaction=\"";
// line 314
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/central-columns-remove");
echo "\">
// line 315
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("centralColumns_delete", _gettext("Remove from central columns"));
echo "
// line 318
echo " ";
// line 319
echo " ";
// line 320
echo " </div>
<hr class=\"d-print-none\">
<div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"moveColumnsModal\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-labelledby=\"moveColumnsModalLabel\" aria-hidden=\"true\">
<div class=\"modal-dialog\">
<div class=\"modal-content\">
<div class=\"modal-header\">
<h5 class=\"modal-title\" id=\"moveColumnsModalLabel\">";
echo _gettext("Move columns");
// line 328
echo "</h5>
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn-close\" data-bs-dismiss=\"modal\" aria-label=\"";
echo _gettext("Close");
// line 329
echo "\"></button>
<div class=\"modal-body\">
<div id=\"move_columns_dialog\" title=\"";
echo _gettext("Move columns");
// line 332
echo "\">
echo _gettext("Move the columns by dragging them up and down.");
// line 333
echo "</p>
<form action=\"";
// line 334
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/structure/move-columns");
echo "\" name=\"move_column_form\" id=\"move_column_form\">
// line 336
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getHiddenInputs(($context["db"] ?? null), ($context["table"] ?? null));
echo "
<div class=\"modal-footer\">
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" id=\"designerModalGoButton\">";
echo _gettext("Go");
// line 343
echo "</button>
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-secondary\" id=\"designerModalPreviewButton\" data-bs-target=\"#designerModalPreviewModal\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\">";
echo _gettext("Preview SQL");
// line 344
echo "</button>
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-secondary\" id=\"designerModalCloseButton\" data-bs-dismiss=\"modal\">";
echo _gettext("Close");
// line 345
echo "</button>
<div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"designerModalPreviewModal\" aria-hidden=\"true\" aria-labelledby=\"designerModalPreviewModalLabel\" tabindex=\"-1\">
<div class=\"modal-dialog\">
<div class=\"modal-content\">
<div class=\"modal-header\">
<h5 class=\"modal-title\" id=\"designerModalPreviewModalLabel\">";
echo _gettext("Preview SQL");
// line 354
echo "</h5>
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn-close\" data-bs-dismiss=\"modal\" aria-label=\"";
echo _gettext("Close");
// line 355
echo "\"></button>
<div class=\"modal-body\">
<div class=\"spinner-border\" role=\"status\">
<span class=\"visually-hidden\">";
echo _gettext("Loading…");
// line 359
echo "</span>
<div class=\"modal-footer\">
<button class=\"btn btn-primary\" data-bs-target=\"#moveColumnsModal\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\">";
echo _gettext("Go back");
// line 363
echo "</button>
<div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"moveColumnsErrorModal\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-labelledby=\"moveColumnsErrorModalLabel\" aria-hidden=\"true\">
<div class=\"modal-dialog\">
<div class=\"modal-content\">
<div class=\"modal-header\">
<h5 class=\"modal-title\" id=\"moveColumnsErrorModalLabel\">";
echo _gettext("Error");
// line 372
echo "</h5>
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn-close\" data-bs-dismiss=\"modal\" aria-label=\"";
echo _gettext("Close");
// line 373
echo "\"></button>
<div class=\"modal-body\">
<div class=\"modal-footer\">
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-secondary\" data-bs-dismiss=\"modal\">";
echo _gettext("OK");
// line 378
echo "</button>
// line 385
echo "<div id=\"structure-action-links\" class=\"d-print-none\">
// line 386
if ((($context["tbl_is_view"] ?? null) && !($context["db_is_system_schema"] ?? null))) {
// line 387
echo " ";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::linkOrButton(PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/view/create"), ["db" => // line 389
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => ($context["table"] ?? null)], PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_edit", _gettext("Edit view"), true));
// line 391
echo "
// line 393
echo " <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-link p-0 jsPrintButton\">";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_print", _gettext("Print"), true);
echo "</button>
// line 394
if (( !($context["tbl_is_view"] ?? null) && !($context["db_is_system_schema"] ?? null))) {
// line 395
echo " ";
// line 396
echo " ";
if (((($context["mysql_int_version"] ?? null) < 80000) || ($context["is_mariadb"] ?? null))) {
// line 397
echo " <a class=\"me-0\" href=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/sql");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 398
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 399
($context["table"] ?? null), "sql_query" => (("SELECT * FROM " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote( // line 400
($context["table"] ?? null))) . " PROCEDURE ANALYSE()"), "session_max_rows" => "all"], "", false);
// line 402
echo "\">
// line 403
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_tblanalyse", _gettext("Propose table structure"), true);
// line 407
echo "
// line 409
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\MySQLDocumentation::show("procedure_analyse");
echo "
// line 411
echo " ";
if (($context["is_active"] ?? null)) {
// line 412
echo " <a href=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/tracking", ["db" => ($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => ($context["table"] ?? null)]);
echo "\">
// line 413
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("eye", _gettext("Track table"), true);
echo "
// line 416
echo " <a href=\"#\" id=\"move_columns_anchor\">
// line 417
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_move", _gettext("Move columns"), true);
echo "
<a href=\"";
// line 419
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/normalization", ["db" => ($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => ($context["table"] ?? null)]);
echo "\">
// line 420
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("normalize", _gettext("Normalize"), true);
echo "
// line 423
echo " ";
if ((($context["tbl_is_view"] ?? null) && !($context["db_is_system_schema"] ?? null))) {
// line 424
echo " ";
if (($context["is_active"] ?? null)) {
// line 425
echo " <a href=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/tracking", ["db" => ($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => ($context["table"] ?? null)]);
echo "\">
// line 426
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("eye", _gettext("Track view"), true);
echo "
// line 429
echo " ";
// line 430
echo "</div>
// line 431
if (( !($context["tbl_is_view"] ?? null) && !($context["db_is_system_schema"] ?? null))) {
// line 432
echo " <form method=\"post\" action=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/add-field");
echo "\" id=\"addColumns\" name=\"addColumns\" class=\"d-print-none\">
// line 433
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getHiddenInputs(($context["db"] ?? null), ($context["table"] ?? null));
echo "
// line 434
if (PhpMyAdmin\Util::showIcons("ActionLinksMode")) {
// line 435
echo " ";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getImage("b_insrow", _gettext("Add column"));
echo "
// line 437
echo " ";
$context["num_fields"] = ('' === $tmp = "<input type=\"number\" name=\"num_fields\" value=\"1\" onfocus=\"\" min=\"1\" required>") ? '' : new Markup($tmp, $this->env->getCharset());
// line 440
echo " ";
echo twig_sprintf(_gettext("Add %s column(s)"), ($context["num_fields"] ?? null));
echo "
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"field_where\" value=\"after\">
// line 443
echo " <select name=\"after_field\">
<option value=\"first\" data-pos=\"first\">
echo _gettext("at beginning of table");
// line 446
echo " </option>
// line 447
$context['_parent'] = $context;
$context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(($context["columns_list"] ?? null));
$context['loop'] = [
'parent' => $context['_parent'],
'index0' => 0,
'index' => 1,
'first' => true,
if (is_array($context['_seq']) || (is_object($context['_seq']) && $context['_seq'] instanceof \Countable)) {
$length = count($context['_seq']);
$context['loop']['revindex0'] = $length - 1;
$context['loop']['revindex'] = $length;
$context['loop']['length'] = $length;
$context['loop']['last'] = 1 === $length;
foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["one_column_name"]) {
// line 448
echo " <option value=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["one_column_name"], "html", null, true);
echo "\"";
// line 449
echo (((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["loop"], "revindex0", [], "any", false, false, false, 449) == 0)) ? (" selected=\"selected\"") : (""));
echo ">
// line 450
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_sprintf(_gettext("after %s"), $context["one_column_name"]), "html", null, true);
echo "
$context['loop']['first'] = false;
if (isset($context['loop']['length'])) {
$context['loop']['last'] = 0 === $context['loop']['revindex0'];
$_parent = $context['_parent'];
unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['one_column_name'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
$context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
// line 453
echo " </select>
<input class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" value=\"";
echo _gettext("Go");
// line 454
echo "\">
// line 457
echo "
// line 458
if ((( !($context["tbl_is_view"] ?? null) && !($context["db_is_system_schema"] ?? null)) && (($context["tbl_storage_engine"] ?? null) != "ARCHIVE"))) {
// line 459
echo " <div id=\"index_div\" class=\"w-100 ajax\">
<fieldset class=\"pma-fieldset index_info\">
<legend id=\"index_header\">
echo _gettext("Indexes");
// line 463
echo " ";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\MySQLDocumentation::show("optimizing-database-structure");
echo "
// line 466
if ( !twig_test_empty(($context["indexes"] ?? null))) {
// line 467
echo " ";
echo ($context["indexes_duplicates"] ?? null);
echo "
// line 469
echo twig_include($this->env, $context, "modals/preview_sql_confirmation.twig");
echo "
<div class=\"table-responsive jsresponsive\">
<table class=\"table table-striped table-hover table-sm w-auto align-middle\" id=\"table_index\">
<th colspan=\"3\" class=\"d-print-none\">";
echo _gettext("Action");
// line 474
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Keyname");
// line 475
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Type");
// line 476
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Unique");
// line 477
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Packed");
// line 478
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Column");
// line 479
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Cardinality");
// line 480
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Collation");
// line 481
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Null");
// line 482
echo "</th>
echo _gettext("Comment");
// line 483
echo "</th>
<tbody class=\"row_span\">
// line 488
$context['_parent'] = $context;
$context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(($context["indexes"] ?? null));
foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["index"]) {
// line 489
echo " ";
$context["columns_count"] = twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "getColumnCount", [], "method", false, false, false, 489);
// line 490
echo " <tr class=\"noclick\">
<td rowspan=\"";
// line 491
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["columns_count"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\" class=\"edit_index d-print-none ajax\">
<a class=\"ajax\" href=\"";
// line 492
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/indexes");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 493
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 494
($context["table"] ?? null), "index" => twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 495
$context["index"], "getName", [], "method", false, false, false, 495)], "", false);
// line 496
echo "\">
// line 497
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_edit", _gettext("Edit"));
echo "
<td rowspan=\"";
// line 500
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["columns_count"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\" class=\"rename_index d-print-none ajax\" >
<a class=\"ajax\" href=\"";
// line 501
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/indexes/rename");
echo "\" data-post=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommon(["db" => // line 502
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 503
($context["table"] ?? null), "index" => twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 504
$context["index"], "getName", [], "method", false, false, false, 504)], "", false);
// line 505
echo "\">
// line 506
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_rename", _gettext("Rename"));
echo "
<td rowspan=\"";
// line 509
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["columns_count"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\" class=\"d-print-none\">
// line 510
if ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "getName", [], "method", false, false, false, 510) == "PRIMARY")) {
// line 511
echo " ";
$context["index_params"] = ["sql_query" => (("ALTER TABLE " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote( // line 512
($context["table"] ?? null))) . " DROP PRIMARY KEY;"), "message_to_show" => _gettext("The primary key has been dropped.")];
// line 515
echo " ";
} else {
// line 516
echo " ";
$context["index_params"] = ["sql_query" => (((("ALTER TABLE " . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote( // line 517
($context["table"] ?? null))) . " DROP INDEX ") . PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "getName", [], "method", false, false, false, 517))) . ";"), "message_to_show" => twig_sprintf(_gettext("Index %s has been dropped."), twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 518
$context["index"], "getName", [], "method", false, false, false, 518))];
// line 520
echo " ";
// line 521
echo "
<input type=\"hidden\" class=\"drop_primary_key_index_msg\" value=\"";
// line 522
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index_params"] ?? null), "sql_query", [], "any", false, false, false, 522), "html", null, true);
echo "\">
// line 523
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::linkOrButton(PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/sql"), twig_array_merge( // line 525
($context["index_params"] ?? null), ["db" => ($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => ($context["table"] ?? null)]), PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getIcon("b_drop", _gettext("Drop")), ["class" => "drop_primary_key_index_anchor ajax"]);
// line 528
echo "
<th rowspan=\"";
// line 530
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["columns_count"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\">";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "getName", [], "method", false, false, false, 530), "html", null, true);
echo "</th>
<td rowspan=\"";
// line 531
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["columns_count"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\">";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "getType", [], "method", true, true, false, 531)) ? (_twig_default_filter(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "getType", [], "method", false, false, false, 531), twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "getChoice", [], "method", false, false, false, 531))) : (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "getChoice", [], "method", false, false, false, 531))), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>
<td rowspan=\"";
// line 532
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["columns_count"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\">";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "isUnique", [], "method", false, false, false, 532)) ? (_gettext("Yes")) : (_gettext("No"))), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>
<td rowspan=\"";
// line 533
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["columns_count"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\">";
echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "isPacked", [], "method", false, false, false, 533);
echo "</td>
// line 535
$context['_parent'] = $context;
$context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "getColumns", [], "method", false, false, false, 535));
foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["column"]) {
// line 536
echo " ";
if ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["column"], "getSeqInIndex", [], "method", false, false, false, 536) > 1)) {
// line 537
echo " <tr class=\"noclick\">
// line 539
echo " <td>
// line 540
if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["column"], "hasExpression", [], "method", false, false, false, 540)) {
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["column"], "getExpression", [], "method", false, false, false, 540), "html", null, true);
} else {
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["column"], "getName", [], "method", false, false, false, 540), "html", null, true);
// line 541
echo " ";
if ( !twig_test_empty(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["column"], "getSubPart", [], "method", false, false, false, 541))) {
// line 542
echo " (";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["column"], "getSubPart", [], "method", false, false, false, 542), "html", null, true);
echo ")
// line 544
echo " </td>
// line 545
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["column"], "getCardinality", [], "method", false, false, false, 545), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>
// line 546
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["column"], "getCollation", [], "method", false, false, false, 546), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>
// line 547
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["column"], "getNull", [0 => true], "method", false, false, false, 547), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>
// line 549
if ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["column"], "getSeqInIndex", [], "method", false, false, false, 549) == 1)) {
// line 550
echo " <td rowspan=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["columns_count"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\">";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["index"], "getComments", [], "method", false, false, false, 550), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>
// line 552
echo " </tr>
$_parent = $context['_parent'];
unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['column'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
$context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
// line 554
echo " ";
$_parent = $context['_parent'];
unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['index'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
$context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
// line 555
echo " </tbody>
} else {
// line 559
echo " <div class=\"no_indexes_defined\">";
echo $this->env->getFilter('notice')->getCallable()(_gettext("No index defined!"));
echo "</div>
// line 561
echo " </fieldset>
<fieldset class=\"pma-fieldset tblFooters d-print-none text-start\">
<form action=\"";
// line 564
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/indexes");
echo "\" method=\"post\">
// line 565
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getHiddenInputs(($context["db"] ?? null), ($context["table"] ?? null));
echo "
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"create_index\" value=\"1\">
// line 568
ob_start(function () { return ''; });
// line 569
echo " ";
echo _gettext("Create an index on %s columns");
// line 570
echo " ";
$___internal_parse_0_ = ('' === $tmp = ob_get_clean()) ? '' : new Markup($tmp, $this->env->getCharset());
// line 568
echo twig_sprintf($___internal_parse_0_, "<input class=\"mx-2\" type=\"number\" name=\"added_fields\" value=\"1\" min=\"1\" max=\"16\" required>");
// line 571
echo "
<input class=\"btn btn-primary add_index ajax\" type=\"submit\" value=\"";
echo _gettext("Go");
// line 572
echo "\">
// line 576
echo twig_include($this->env, $context, "modals/index_dialog_modal.twig");
echo "
// line 578
echo "
// line 580
if (($context["have_partitioning"] ?? null)) {
// line 581
echo " ";
// line 582
echo " ";
if (( !twig_test_empty(($context["partition_names"] ?? null)) && !(null === (($__internal_compile_50 = ($context["partition_names"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_50) || $__internal_compile_50 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_50[0] ?? null) : null)))) {
// line 583
echo " ";
$context["first_partition"] = (($__internal_compile_51 = ($context["partitions"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_51) || $__internal_compile_51 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_51[0] ?? null) : null);
// line 584
echo " ";
$context["range_or_list"] = ((((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["first_partition"] ?? null), "getMethod", [], "method", false, false, false, 584) == "RANGE") || (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 585
($context["first_partition"] ?? null), "getMethod", [], "method", false, false, false, 585) == "RANGE COLUMNS")) || (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 586
($context["first_partition"] ?? null), "getMethod", [], "method", false, false, false, 586) == "LIST")) || (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 587
($context["first_partition"] ?? null), "getMethod", [], "method", false, false, false, 587) == "LIST COLUMNS"));
// line 588
echo " ";
$context["sub_partitions"] = twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["first_partition"] ?? null), "getSubPartitions", [], "method", false, false, false, 588);
// line 589
echo " ";
$context["has_sub_partitions"] = twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["first_partition"] ?? null), "hasSubPartitions", [], "method", false, false, false, 589);
// line 590
echo " ";
if (($context["has_sub_partitions"] ?? null)) {
// line 591
echo " ";
$context["first_sub_partition"] = (($__internal_compile_52 = ($context["sub_partitions"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_compile_52) || $__internal_compile_52 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_52[0] ?? null) : null);
// line 592
echo " ";
// line 593
echo "
// line 594
if ((($context["default_sliders_state"] ?? null) != "disabled")) {
// line 595
echo " <div class=\"mb-3\">
<button class=\"btn btn-sm btn-secondary\" type=\"button\" data-bs-toggle=\"collapse\" data-bs-target=\"#partitionsCollapse\" aria-expanded=\"";
// line 596
echo (((($context["default_sliders_state"] ?? null) == "open")) ? ("true") : ("false"));
echo "\" aria-controls=\"partitionsCollapse\">
echo _gettext("Partitions");
// line 598
echo " </button>
<div class=\"collapse mb-3";
// line 600
echo (((($context["default_sliders_state"] ?? null) == "open")) ? (" show") : (""));
echo "\" id=\"partitionsCollapse\">
// line 602
echo "
// line 603
$this->loadTemplate("table/structure/display_partitions.twig", "table/structure/display_structure.twig", 603)->display(twig_to_array(["db" => // line 604
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 605
($context["table"] ?? null), "partitions" => // line 606
($context["partitions"] ?? null), "partition_method" => twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 607
($context["first_partition"] ?? null), "getMethod", [], "method", false, false, false, 607), "partition_expression" => twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 608
($context["first_partition"] ?? null), "getExpression", [], "method", false, false, false, 608), "has_description" => !twig_test_empty(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 609
($context["first_partition"] ?? null), "getDescription", [], "method", false, false, false, 609)), "has_sub_partitions" => // line 610
($context["has_sub_partitions"] ?? null), "sub_partition_method" => (( // line 611
($context["has_sub_partitions"] ?? null)) ? (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["first_sub_partition"] ?? null), "getMethod", [], "method", false, false, false, 611)) : ("")), "sub_partition_expression" => (( // line 612
($context["has_sub_partitions"] ?? null)) ? (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["first_sub_partition"] ?? null), "getExpression", [], "method", false, false, false, 612)) : ("")), "range_or_list" => // line 613
($context["range_or_list"] ?? null)]));
// line 615
echo " ";
} else {
// line 616
echo " ";
$this->loadTemplate("table/structure/display_partitions.twig", "table/structure/display_structure.twig", 616)->display(twig_to_array(["db" => // line 617
($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 618
($context["table"] ?? null)]));
// line 620
echo " ";
// line 621
echo " ";
if ((($context["default_sliders_state"] ?? null) != "disabled")) {
// line 622
echo " </div>
// line 625
echo "
// line 627
if (($context["show_stats"] ?? null)) {
// line 628
echo " ";
echo ($context["table_stats"] ?? null);
echo "
// line 630
echo "<div class=\"clearfloat\"></div>
public function getTemplateName()
return "table/structure/display_structure.twig";
public function isTraitable()
return false;
public function getDebugInfo()
return array ( 1492 => 630, 1486 => 628, 1484 => 627, 1481 => 625, 1476 => 622, 1473 => 621, 1470 => 620, 1468 => 618, 1467 => 617, 1465 => 616, 1462 => 615, 1460 => 613, 1459 => 612, 1458 => 611, 1457 => 610, 1456 => 609, 1455 => 608, 1454 => 607, 1453 => 606, 1452 => 605, 1451 => 604, 1450 => 603, 1447 => 602, 1442 => 600, 1438 => 598, 1433 => 596, 1430 => 595, 1428 => 594, 1425 => 593, 1422 => 592, 1419 => 591, 1416 => 590, 1413 => 589, 1410 => 588, 1408 => 587, 1407 => 586, 1406 => 585, 1404 => 584, 1401 => 583, 1398 => 582, 1396 => 581, 1394 => 580, 1391 => 578, 1386 => 576, 1380 => 572, 1376 => 571, 1374 => 568, 1371 => 570, 1368 => 569, 1366 => 568, 1360 => 565, 1356 => 564, 1351 => 561, 1345 => 559, 1339 => 555, 1333 => 554, 1326 => 552, 1318 => 550, 1316 => 549, 1311 => 547, 1307 => 546, 1303 => 545, 1300 => 544, 1294 => 542, 1291 => 541, 1285 => 540, 1282 => 539, 1278 => 537, 1275 => 536, 1271 => 535, 1264 => 533, 1258 => 532, 1252 => 531, 1246 => 530, 1242 => 528, 1240 => 525, 1239 => 523, 1235 => 522, 1232 => 521, 1229 => 520, 1227 => 518, 1226 => 517, 1224 => 516, 1221 => 515, 1219 => 512, 1217 => 511, 1215 => 510, 1211 => 509, 1205 => 506, 1202 => 505, 1200 => 504, 1199 => 503, 1198 => 502, 1195 => 501, 1191 => 500, 1185 => 497, 1182 => 496, 1180 => 495, 1179 => 494, 1178 => 493, 1175 => 492, 1171 => 491, 1168 => 490, 1165 => 489, 1161 => 488, 1154 => 483, 1150 => 482, 1146 => 481, 1142 => 480, 1138 => 479, 1134 => 478, 1130 => 477, 1126 => 476, 1122 => 475, 1118 => 474, 1109 => 469, 1103 => 467, 1101 => 466, 1094 => 463, 1088 => 459, 1086 => 458, 1083 => 457, 1078 => 454, 1074 => 453, 1057 => 450, 1053 => 449, 1049 => 448, 1032 => 447, 1029 => 446, 1024 => 443, 1018 => 440, 1015 => 437, 1009 => 435, 1007 => 434, 1003 => 433, 998 => 432, 996 => 431, 993 => 430, 990 => 429, 984 => 426, 979 => 425, 976 => 424, 973 => 423, 967 => 420, 963 => 419, 958 => 417, 955 => 416, 949 => 413, 944 => 412, 941 => 411, 936 => 409, 932 => 407, 930 => 403, 927 => 402, 925 => 400, 924 => 399, 923 => 398, 919 => 397, 916 => 396, 914 => 395, 912 => 394, 907 => 393, 903 => 391, 901 => 389, 899 => 387, 897 => 386, 894 => 385, 886 => 378, 878 => 373, 874 => 372, 862 => 363, 855 => 359, 848 => 355, 844 => 354, 832 => 345, 828 => 344, 824 => 343, 813 => 336, 808 => 334, 805 => 333, 801 => 332, 795 => 329, 791 => 328, 780 => 320, 777 => 319, 774 => 318, 768 => 315, 764 => 314, 759 => 312, 754 => 311, 752 => 310, 746 => 307, 742 => 306, 737 => 304, 733 => 303, 728 => 301, 724 => 300, 719 => 298, 715 => 297, 710 => 295, 705 => 294, 703 => 293, 697 => 290, 693 => 289, 688 => 287, 683 => 286, 681 => 285, 675 => 282, 671 => 281, 668 => 280, 666 => 277, 665 => 276, 659 => 272, 652 => 270, 648 => 268, 643 => 265, 639 => 263, 636 => 262, 632 => 260, 626 => 257, 623 => 256, 621 => 255, 620 => 254, 619 => 253, 613 => 252, 607 => 249, 604 => 248, 602 => 247, 601 => 246, 600 => 245, 594 => 244, 592 => 243, 587 => 242, 585 => 241, 579 => 238, 576 => 237, 574 => 235, 573 => 234, 572 => 233, 571 => 232, 570 => 230, 569 => 229, 564 => 228, 559 => 227, 555 => 224, 547 => 222, 541 => 219, 538 => 218, 536 => 217, 535 => 216, 534 => 215, 533 => 214, 527 => 213, 525 => 212, 524 => 211, 523 => 210, 522 => 209, 521 => 208, 520 => 207, 515 => 206, 511 => 203, 505 => 200, 502 => 199, 500 => 198, 499 => 197, 498 => 196, 497 => 195, 491 => 194, 483 => 192, 481 => 191, 476 => 190, 474 => 180, 470 => 178, 464 => 175, 461 => 174, 459 => 173, 458 => 172, 457 => 171, 456 => 170, 450 => 169, 442 => 167, 440 => 166, 436 => 165, 432 => 163, 426 => 160, 423 => 159, 421 => 158, 420 => 157, 419 => 156, 418 => 155, 412 => 154, 404 => 152, 402 => 151, 398 => 150, 394 => 148, 388 => 145, 385 => 144, 383 => 143, 382 => 142, 381 => 141, 380 => 140, 374 => 139, 366 => 137, 364 => 136, 359 => 135, 355 => 133, 350 => 130, 346 => 129, 344 => 128, 341 => 127, 338 => 126, 336 => 125, 333 => 124, 326 => 120, 323 => 119, 321 => 118, 320 => 116, 319 => 115, 318 => 114, 317 => 113, 314 => 112, 307 => 108, 304 => 107, 302 => 105, 301 => 104, 300 => 103, 299 => 102, 296 => 101, 294 => 100, 289 => 99, 283 => 96, 280 => 95, 278 => 94, 275 => 93, 270 => 91, 267 => 89, 265 => 88, 262 => 86, 259 => 84, 257 => 83, 255 => 82, 251 => 80, 247 => 79, 244 => 78, 236 => 76, 234 => 75, 229 => 72, 221 => 70, 219 => 69, 218 => 68, 214 => 67, 209 => 65, 202 => 62, 196 => 60, 188 => 58, 186 => 57, 182 => 56, 177 => 54, 170 => 52, 165 => 49, 163 => 48, 160 => 47, 158 => 46, 155 => 45, 153 => 44, 150 => 43, 147 => 42, 142 => 41, 139 => 40, 134 => 36, 128 => 34, 125 => 33, 122 => 32, 117 => 30, 112 => 28, 110 => 27, 107 => 26, 103 => 25, 99 => 24, 95 => 23, 91 => 22, 87 => 21, 80 => 17, 75 => 13, 72 => 12, 69 => 10, 67 => 9, 65 => 8, 63 => 7, 59 => 5, 55 => 4, 50 => 3, 46 => 2, 35 => 1,);
public function getSourceContext()
return new Source("", "table/structure/display_structure.twig", "/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig");