Your IP :
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Error\LoaderError;
use Twig\Error\RuntimeError;
use Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension;
use Twig\Markup;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedTagError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFilterError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError;
use Twig\Source;
use Twig\Template;
/* sql/query.twig */
class __TwigTemplate_9cd81adfcdbd148abcd27557d21e396f extends Template
private $source;
private $macros = [];
public function __construct(Environment $env)
$this->source = $this->getSourceContext();
$this->parent = false;
$this->blocks = [
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$macros = $this->macros;
// line 1
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/import");
echo "\" class=\"ajax lock-page\" id=\"sqlqueryform\" name=\"sqlform\"";
// line 2
echo ((($context["is_upload"] ?? null)) ? (" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"") : (""));
echo ">
// line 3
echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getHiddenInputs(($context["db"] ?? null), ($context["table"] ?? null));
echo "
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"is_js_confirmed\" value=\"0\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pos\" value=\"0\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"goto\" value=\"";
// line 6
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["goto"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"message_to_show\" value=\"";
echo _gettext("Your SQL query has been executed successfully.");
// line 7
echo "\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"prev_sql_query\" value=\"";
// line 8
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["query"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\">
// line 10
if (((($context["display_tab"] ?? null) == "full") || (($context["display_tab"] ?? null) == "sql"))) {
// line 11
echo " <a id=\"querybox\"></a>
<div class=\"card mb-3\">
<div class=\"card-header\">";
// line 14
echo ($context["legend"] ?? null);
echo "</div>
<div class=\"card-body\">
<div id=\"queryfieldscontainer\">
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col\">
<div class=\"mb-3\">
<textarea class=\"form-control\" tabindex=\"100\" name=\"sql_query\" id=\"sqlquery\" cols=\"";
// line 20
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["textarea_cols"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\" rows=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["textarea_rows"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\" data-textarea-auto-select=\"";
echo ((($context["textarea_auto_select"] ?? null)) ? ("true") : ("false"));
echo "\" aria-label=\"";
echo _gettext("SQL query");
echo "\">";
// line 21
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["query"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
// line 22
echo "</textarea>
<div id=\"querymessage\"></div>
<div class=\"btn-toolbar\" role=\"toolbar\">
// line 27
if ( !twig_test_empty(($context["columns_list"] ?? null))) {
// line 28
echo " <div class=\"btn-group me-2\" role=\"group\">
<input type=\"button\" value=\"SELECT *\" id=\"selectall\" class=\"btn btn-secondary button sqlbutton\">
<input type=\"button\" value=\"SELECT\" id=\"select\" class=\"btn btn-secondary button sqlbutton\">
<input type=\"button\" value=\"INSERT\" id=\"insert\" class=\"btn btn-secondary button sqlbutton\">
<input type=\"button\" value=\"UPDATE\" id=\"update\" class=\"btn btn-secondary button sqlbutton\">
<input type=\"button\" value=\"DELETE\" id=\"delete\" class=\"btn btn-secondary button sqlbutton\">
// line 36
echo "
<div class=\"btn-group me-2\" role=\"group\">
<input type=\"button\" value=\"";
echo _gettext("Clear");
// line 38
echo "\" id=\"clear\" class=\"btn btn-secondary button sqlbutton\">
// line 39
if (($context["codemirror_enable"] ?? null)) {
// line 40
echo " <input type=\"button\" value=\"";
echo _gettext("Format");
echo "\" id=\"format\" class=\"btn btn-secondary button sqlbutton\">
// line 42
echo " </div>
<input type=\"button\" value=\"";
echo _gettext("Get auto-saved query");
// line 44
echo "\" id=\"saved\" class=\"btn btn-secondary button sqlbutton\">
<div class=\"my-3\">
<div class=\"form-check\">
<input class=\"form-check-input\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"parameterized\" id=\"parameterized\">
<label class=\"form-check-label\" for=\"parameterized\">
// l10n: Bind parameters in the SQL query using :parameterName format
echo _gettext("Bind parameters");
// line 52
echo " ";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\MySQLDocumentation::showDocumentation("faq", "faq6-40");
echo "
<div class=\"mb-3\" id=\"parametersDiv\"></div>
// line 59
if ( !twig_test_empty(($context["columns_list"] ?? null))) {
// line 60
echo " <div class=\"col-xl-2 col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"mb-3\">
<label class=\"visually-hidden\" for=\"fieldsSelect\">";
echo _gettext("Columns");
// line 62
echo "</label>
<select class=\"form-select resize-vertical\" id=\"fieldsSelect\" name=\"dummy\" size=\"";
// line 63
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["textarea_rows"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\" ondblclick=\"Functions.insertValueQuery()\" multiple>
// line 64
$context['_parent'] = $context;
$context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(($context["columns_list"] ?? null));
foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["field"]) {
// line 65
echo " <option value=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, PhpMyAdmin\Util::backquote((($__internal_compile_0 = $context["field"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_0) || $__internal_compile_0 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_0["Field"] ?? null) : null)), "html", null, true);
echo "\"";
// line 66
(((( !(null === (($__internal_compile_1 = $context["field"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_1) || $__internal_compile_1 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_1["Field"] ?? null) : null)) && !(null === (($__internal_compile_2 = $context["field"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_2) || $__internal_compile_2 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_2["Comment"] ?? null) : null))) && (twig_length_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_3 = $context["field"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_3) || $__internal_compile_3 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_3["Field"] ?? null) : null)) > 0))) ? (print (twig_escape_filter($this->env, ((" title=\"" . (($__internal_compile_4 = $context["field"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_4) || $__internal_compile_4 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_4["Comment"] ?? null) : null)) . "\""), "html", null, true))) : (print ("")));
echo ">
// line 67
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($__internal_compile_5 = $context["field"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_5) || $__internal_compile_5 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_5["Field"] ?? null) : null), "html", null, true);
echo "
$_parent = $context['_parent'];
unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['field'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
$context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
// line 70
echo " </select>
<input type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-secondary button\" id=\"insertBtn\" name=\"insert\" value=\"";
// line 74
if (PhpMyAdmin\Util::showIcons("ActionLinksMode")) {
echo "<<";
echo "\" title=\"";
echo _gettext("Insert");
// line 75
echo "\">
// line 78
echo " </div>
// line 81
if (($context["has_bookmark"] ?? null)) {
// line 82
echo " <div class=\"row row-cols-lg-auto g-3 align-items-center\">
<div class=\"col-6\">
<label class=\"form-label\" for=\"bkm_label\">";
echo _gettext("Bookmark this SQL query:");
// line 84
echo "</label>
<div class=\"col-6\">
<input class=\"form-control\" type=\"text\" name=\"bkm_label\" id=\"bkm_label\" tabindex=\"110\" value=\"\">
<div class=\"col-12\">
<div class=\"form-check form-check-inline\">
<input class=\"form-check-input\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"bkm_all_users\" tabindex=\"111\" id=\"id_bkm_all_users\" value=\"true\">
<label class=\"form-check-label\" for=\"id_bkm_all_users\">";
echo _gettext("Let every user access this bookmark");
// line 93
echo "</label>
<div class=\"col-12\">
<div class=\"form-check form-check-inline\">
<input class=\"form-check-input\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"bkm_replace\" tabindex=\"112\" id=\"id_bkm_replace\" value=\"true\">
<label class=\"form-check-label\" for=\"id_bkm_replace\">";
echo _gettext("Replace existing bookmark of same name");
// line 100
echo "</label>
// line 105
echo " </div>
<div class=\"card-footer\">
<div class=\"row row-cols-lg-auto g-3 align-items-center\">
<div class=\"col-12\">
<div class=\"input-group me-2\">
<span class=\"input-group-text\">";
echo _gettext("Delimiter");
// line 110
echo "</span>
<label class=\"visually-hidden\" for=\"id_sql_delimiter\">";
echo _gettext("Delimiter");
// line 111
echo "</label>
<input class=\"form-control\" type=\"text\" name=\"sql_delimiter\" tabindex=\"131\" size=\"3\" value=\"";
// line 112
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["delimiter"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "\" id=\"id_sql_delimiter\">
<div class=\"col-12\">
<div class=\"form-check form-check-inline\">
<input class=\"form-check-input\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"show_query\" value=\"1\" id=\"checkbox_show_query\" tabindex=\"132\">
<label class=\"form-check-label\" for=\"checkbox_show_query\">";
echo _gettext("Show this query here again");
// line 119
echo "</label>
<div class=\"col-12\">
<div class=\"form-check form-check-inline\">
<input class=\"form-check-input\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"retain_query_box\" value=\"1\" id=\"retain_query_box\" tabindex=\"133\"";
// line 126
echo ((($context["retain_query_box"] ?? null)) ? (" checked") : (""));
echo ">
<label class=\"form-check-label\" for=\"retain_query_box\">";
echo _gettext("Retain query box");
// line 127
echo "</label>
<div class=\"col-12\">
<div class=\"form-check form-check-inline\">
<input class=\"form-check-input\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"rollback_query\" value=\"1\" id=\"rollback_query\" tabindex=\"134\">
<label class=\"form-check-label\" for=\"rollback_query\">";
echo _gettext("Rollback when finished");
// line 134
echo "</label>
<div class=\"col-12\">
<div class=\"form-check\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fk_checks\" value=\"0\">
<input class=\"form-check-input\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fk_checks\" id=\"fk_checks\" value=\"1\"";
// line 141
echo ((($context["is_foreign_key_check"] ?? null)) ? (" checked") : (""));
echo ">
<label class=\"form-check-label\" for=\"fk_checks\">";
echo _gettext("Enable foreign key checks");
// line 142
echo "</label>
<div class=\"col-12\">
<input class=\"btn btn-primary ms-1\" type=\"submit\" id=\"button_submit_query\" name=\"SQL\" tabindex=\"200\" value=\"";
echo _gettext("Go");
// line 147
echo "\">
// line 153
echo "
// line 154
if (((($context["display_tab"] ?? null) == "full") && !twig_test_empty(($context["bookmarks"] ?? null)))) {
// line 155
echo " <div class=\"card mb-3\">
<div class=\"card-header\">";
echo _gettext("Bookmarked SQL query");
// line 156
echo "</div>
<div class=\"card-body\">
<div class=\"row row-cols-lg-auto g-3 align-items-center\">
<div class=\"col-6\">
<label class=\"form-label\" for=\"id_bookmark\">";
echo _gettext("Bookmark:");
// line 160
echo "</label>
<div class=\"col-6\">
<select class=\"form-select\" name=\"id_bookmark\" id=\"id_bookmark\">
<option value=\"\"> </option>
// line 165
$context['_parent'] = $context;
$context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(($context["bookmarks"] ?? null));
foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["bookmark"]) {
// line 166
echo " <option value=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["bookmark"], "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 166), "html", null, true);
echo "\" data-varcount=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["bookmark"], "variable_count", [], "any", false, false, false, 166), "html", null, true);
echo "\">
// line 167
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["bookmark"], "label", [], "any", false, false, false, 167), "html", null, true);
echo "
// line 168
if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["bookmark"], "is_shared", [], "any", false, false, false, 168)) {
// line 169
echo " (";
echo _gettext("shared");
echo ")
// line 171
echo " </option>
$_parent = $context['_parent'];
unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['bookmark'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
$context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
// line 173
echo " </select>
<div class=\"form-check form-check-inline col-12\">
<input class=\"form-check-input\" type=\"radio\" name=\"action_bookmark\" value=\"0\" id=\"radio_bookmark_exe\" checked>
<label class=\"form-check-label\" for=\"radio_bookmark_exe\">";
echo _gettext("Submit");
// line 178
echo "</label>
<div class=\"form-check form-check-inline col-12\">
<input class=\"form-check-input\" type=\"radio\" name=\"action_bookmark\" value=\"1\" id=\"radio_bookmark_view\">
<label class=\"form-check-label\" for=\"radio_bookmark_view\">";
echo _gettext("View only");
// line 182
echo "</label>
<div class=\"form-check form-check-inline col-12\">
<input class=\"form-check-input\" type=\"radio\" name=\"action_bookmark\" value=\"2\" id=\"radio_bookmark_del\">
<label class=\"form-check-label\" for=\"radio_bookmark_del\">";
echo _gettext("Delete");
// line 186
echo "</label>
<div class=\"hide\">
echo _gettext("Variables");
// line 192
echo " ";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\MySQLDocumentation::showDocumentation("faq", "faqbookmark");
echo "
<div class=\"row row-cols-auto\" id=\"bookmarkVariables\"></div>
<div class=\"card-footer text-end\">
<input class=\"btn btn-secondary\" type=\"submit\" name=\"SQL\" id=\"button_submit_bookmark\" value=\"";
echo _gettext("Go");
// line 198
echo "\">
// line 202
echo "
// line 203
if (($context["can_convert_kanji"] ?? null)) {
// line 204
echo " <div class=\"card mb-3\">
<div class=\"card-body\">
// line 206
$this->loadTemplate("encoding/kanji_encoding_form.twig", "sql/query.twig", 206)->display($context);
// line 207
echo " </div>
// line 210
echo "</form>
<div id=\"sqlqueryresultsouter\"></div>
<div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"simulateDmlModal\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-labelledby=\"simulateDmlModalLabel\" aria-hidden=\"true\">
<div class=\"modal-dialog\">
<div class=\"modal-content\">
<div class=\"modal-header\">
<h5 class=\"modal-title\" id=\"simulateDmlModalLabel\">";
echo _gettext("Simulate query");
// line 218
echo "</h5>
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn-close\" data-bs-dismiss=\"modal\" aria-label=\"";
echo _gettext("Close");
// line 219
echo "\"></button>
<div class=\"modal-body\">
<div class=\"modal-footer\">
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-secondary\" data-bs-dismiss=\"modal\">";
echo _gettext("Close");
// line 224
echo "</button>
public function getTemplateName()
return "sql/query.twig";
public function isTraitable()
return false;
public function getDebugInfo()
return array ( 463 => 224, 455 => 219, 451 => 218, 440 => 210, 435 => 207, 433 => 206, 429 => 204, 427 => 203, 424 => 202, 418 => 198, 407 => 192, 399 => 186, 392 => 182, 385 => 178, 377 => 173, 370 => 171, 364 => 169, 362 => 168, 358 => 167, 351 => 166, 347 => 165, 340 => 160, 333 => 156, 329 => 155, 327 => 154, 324 => 153, 316 => 147, 308 => 142, 303 => 141, 294 => 134, 284 => 127, 279 => 126, 271 => 119, 260 => 112, 257 => 111, 253 => 110, 245 => 105, 238 => 100, 228 => 93, 216 => 84, 211 => 82, 209 => 81, 204 => 78, 199 => 75, 193 => 74, 188 => 70, 179 => 67, 175 => 66, 171 => 65, 167 => 64, 163 => 63, 160 => 62, 155 => 60, 153 => 59, 142 => 52, 131 => 44, 126 => 42, 120 => 40, 118 => 39, 115 => 38, 110 => 36, 100 => 28, 98 => 27, 91 => 22, 89 => 21, 80 => 20, 71 => 14, 66 => 11, 64 => 10, 59 => 8, 56 => 7, 51 => 6, 45 => 3, 41 => 2, 37 => 1,);
public function getSourceContext()
return new Source("", "sql/query.twig", "/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/templates/sql/query.twig");