Your IP :
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* This file is part of phpunit/php-code-coverage.
* (c) Sebastian Bergmann <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Report;
use const PHP_EOL;
use function array_map;
use function date;
use function ksort;
use function max;
use function sprintf;
use function str_pad;
use function strlen;
use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\CodeCoverage;
use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Node\File;
use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Util\Percentage;
final class Text
* @var string
private const COLOR_GREEN = "\x1b[30;42m";
* @var string
private const COLOR_YELLOW = "\x1b[30;43m";
* @var string
private const COLOR_RED = "\x1b[37;41m";
* @var string
private const COLOR_HEADER = "\x1b[1;37;40m";
* @var string
private const COLOR_RESET = "\x1b[0m";
* @var string
private const COLOR_EOL = "\x1b[2K";
* @var int
private $lowUpperBound;
* @var int
private $highLowerBound;
* @var bool
private $showUncoveredFiles;
* @var bool
private $showOnlySummary;
public function __construct(int $lowUpperBound = 50, int $highLowerBound = 90, bool $showUncoveredFiles = false, bool $showOnlySummary = false)
$this->lowUpperBound = $lowUpperBound;
$this->highLowerBound = $highLowerBound;
$this->showUncoveredFiles = $showUncoveredFiles;
$this->showOnlySummary = $showOnlySummary;
public function process(CodeCoverage $coverage, bool $showColors = false): string
$hasBranchCoverage = !empty($coverage->getData(true)->functionCoverage());
$output = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$report = $coverage->getReport();
$colors = [
'header' => '',
'classes' => '',
'methods' => '',
'lines' => '',
'branches' => '',
'paths' => '',
'reset' => '',
'eol' => '',
if ($showColors) {
$colors['classes'] = $this->coverageColor(
$colors['methods'] = $this->coverageColor(
$colors['lines'] = $this->coverageColor(
$colors['branches'] = $this->coverageColor(
$colors['paths'] = $this->coverageColor(
$colors['reset'] = self::COLOR_RESET;
$colors['header'] = self::COLOR_HEADER;
$colors['eol'] = self::COLOR_EOL;
$classes = sprintf(
' Classes: %6s (%d/%d)',
$methods = sprintf(
' Methods: %6s (%d/%d)',
$paths = '';
$branches = '';
if ($hasBranchCoverage) {
$paths = sprintf(
' Paths: %6s (%d/%d)',
$branches = sprintf(
' Branches: %6s (%d/%d)',
$lines = sprintf(
' Lines: %6s (%d/%d)',
$padding = max(array_map('strlen', [$classes, $methods, $lines]));
if ($this->showOnlySummary) {
$title = 'Code Coverage Report Summary:';
$padding = max($padding, strlen($title));
$output .= $this->format($colors['header'], $padding, $title);
} else {
$date = date(' Y-m-d H:i:s');
$title = 'Code Coverage Report:';
$output .= $this->format($colors['header'], $padding, $title);
$output .= $this->format($colors['header'], $padding, $date);
$output .= $this->format($colors['header'], $padding, '');
$output .= $this->format($colors['header'], $padding, ' Summary:');
$output .= $this->format($colors['classes'], $padding, $classes);
$output .= $this->format($colors['methods'], $padding, $methods);
if ($hasBranchCoverage) {
$output .= $this->format($colors['paths'], $padding, $paths);
$output .= $this->format($colors['branches'], $padding, $branches);
$output .= $this->format($colors['lines'], $padding, $lines);
if ($this->showOnlySummary) {
return $output . PHP_EOL;
$classCoverage = [];
foreach ($report as $item) {
if (!$item instanceof File) {
$classes = $item->classesAndTraits();
foreach ($classes as $className => $class) {
$classExecutableLines = 0;
$classExecutedLines = 0;
$classExecutableBranches = 0;
$classExecutedBranches = 0;
$classExecutablePaths = 0;
$classExecutedPaths = 0;
$coveredMethods = 0;
$classMethods = 0;
foreach ($class['methods'] as $method) {
if ($method['executableLines'] == 0) {
$classExecutableLines += $method['executableLines'];
$classExecutedLines += $method['executedLines'];
$classExecutableBranches += $method['executableBranches'];
$classExecutedBranches += $method['executedBranches'];
$classExecutablePaths += $method['executablePaths'];
$classExecutedPaths += $method['executedPaths'];
if ($method['coverage'] == 100) {
$classCoverage[$className] = [
'namespace' => $class['namespace'],
'className' => $className,
'methodsCovered' => $coveredMethods,
'methodCount' => $classMethods,
'statementsCovered' => $classExecutedLines,
'statementCount' => $classExecutableLines,
'branchesCovered' => $classExecutedBranches,
'branchesCount' => $classExecutableBranches,
'pathsCovered' => $classExecutedPaths,
'pathsCount' => $classExecutablePaths,
$methodColor = '';
$pathsColor = '';
$branchesColor = '';
$linesColor = '';
$resetColor = '';
foreach ($classCoverage as $fullQualifiedPath => $classInfo) {
if ($this->showUncoveredFiles || $classInfo['statementsCovered'] != 0) {
if ($showColors) {
$methodColor = $this->coverageColor($classInfo['methodsCovered'], $classInfo['methodCount']);
$pathsColor = $this->coverageColor($classInfo['pathsCovered'], $classInfo['pathsCount']);
$branchesColor = $this->coverageColor($classInfo['branchesCovered'], $classInfo['branchesCount']);
$linesColor = $this->coverageColor($classInfo['statementsCovered'], $classInfo['statementCount']);
$resetColor = $colors['reset'];
$output .= PHP_EOL . $fullQualifiedPath . PHP_EOL
. ' ' . $methodColor . 'Methods: ' . $this->printCoverageCounts($classInfo['methodsCovered'], $classInfo['methodCount'], 2) . $resetColor . ' ';
if ($hasBranchCoverage) {
$output .= ' ' . $pathsColor . 'Paths: ' . $this->printCoverageCounts($classInfo['pathsCovered'], $classInfo['pathsCount'], 3) . $resetColor . ' '
. ' ' . $branchesColor . 'Branches: ' . $this->printCoverageCounts($classInfo['branchesCovered'], $classInfo['branchesCount'], 3) . $resetColor . ' ';
$output .= ' ' . $linesColor . 'Lines: ' . $this->printCoverageCounts($classInfo['statementsCovered'], $classInfo['statementCount'], 3) . $resetColor;
return $output . PHP_EOL;
private function coverageColor(int $numberOfCoveredElements, int $totalNumberOfElements): string
$coverage = Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
if ($coverage->asFloat() >= $this->highLowerBound) {
return self::COLOR_GREEN;
if ($coverage->asFloat() > $this->lowUpperBound) {
return self::COLOR_YELLOW;
return self::COLOR_RED;
private function printCoverageCounts(int $numberOfCoveredElements, int $totalNumberOfElements, int $precision): string
$format = '%' . $precision . 's';
return Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
)->asFixedWidthString() .
' (' . sprintf($format, $numberOfCoveredElements) . '/' .
sprintf($format, $totalNumberOfElements) . ')';
* @param false|string $string
private function format(string $color, int $padding, $string): string
$reset = $color ? self::COLOR_RESET : '';
return $color . str_pad((string) $string, $padding) . $reset . PHP_EOL;