Your IP :
.ck-editor__editable_inline {
min-height: 80px;
.ck-content {
color: black;
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$$__key = $$__key ?? $__value;
} ?>
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<?php foreach (array_filter((['id', 'name', 'type' => 0]), 'is_string', ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY) as $__key => $__value) {
$$__key = $$__key ?? $__value;
} ?>
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if (array_key_exists($__key, $__defined_vars)) unset($$__key);
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style="resize: none"></textarea>
<?php if($type == 0): ?>
const watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?> = new CKSource.EditorWatchdog();
window.watchdog = watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>;
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.setCreator((element, config) => {
return CKSource.Editor
.create(element, config)
.then(editor => {
<?php echo e($name); ?> = editor;
return editor;
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.setDestructor(editor => {
return editor.destroy();
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.on('error', handleError);
function handleError(error) {
// console.error('Oops, something went wrong!');
// console.error('Please, report the following error on with the build id and the error stack trace:');
// console.warn('Build id: fe94q0kie7jx-onhledi53v79');
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.create(document.querySelector('#<?php echo e($id); ?>'), {
toolbar: ['heading', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList',
'blockQuote', '|', 'fontfamily', 'fontsize', 'fontColor', 'fontBackgroundColor',
'|', 'undo', 'redo'
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title: 'Heading 1',
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title: 'Heading 4',
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title: 'Heading 5',
class: 'ck-heading_heading5'
model: 'heading6',
view: 'h6',
title: 'Heading 6',
class: 'ck-heading_heading6'
<?php elseif($type == 1): ?>
const watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?> = new CKSource.EditorWatchdog();
window.watchdog = watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>;
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.setCreator((element, config) => {
return CKSource.Editor
.create(element, config)
.then(editor => {
<?php echo e($name); ?> = editor;
return editor;
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.setDestructor(editor => {
return editor.destroy();
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.on('error', handleError);
function handleError(error) {
console.error('Oops, something went wrong!');
// console.error('Please, report the following error on with the build id and the error stack trace:');
// console.warn('Build id: fe94q0kie7jx-onhledi53v79');
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.create(document.querySelector('#<?php echo e($id); ?>'), {
toolbar: ['bold', 'italic'],
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options: [{
model: 'paragraph',
title: 'Paragraph',
class: 'ck-heading_paragraph'
<?php elseif($type == 2): ?>
const watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?> = new CKSource.EditorWatchdog();
window.watchdog = watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>;
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.setCreator((element, config) => {
return CKSource.Editor
.create(element, config)
.then(editor => {
<?php echo e($name); ?> = editor;
return editor;
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.setDestructor(editor => {
return editor.destroy();
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.on('error', handleError);
function handleError(error) {
console.error('Oops, something went wrong!');
// console.error('Please, report the following error on with the build id and the error stack trace:');
// console.warn('Build id: fe94q0kie7jx-onhledi53v79');
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.create(document.querySelector('#<?php echo e($id); ?>'), {
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'exportPDF', 'exportWord', '|',
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'@gummi', '@ice', '@jelly-o',
'@liquorice', '@macaroon', '@marzipan', '@oat', '@pie', '@plum', '@pudding',
'@sesame', '@snaps', '@soufflé',
'@sugar', '@sweet', '@topping', '@wafer'
minimumCharacters: 1
<?php elseif($type == 3): ?>
const watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?> = new CKSource.EditorWatchdog();
window.watchdog = watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>;
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.setCreator((element, config) => {
return CKSource.Editor
.create(element, config)
.then(editor => {
<?php echo e($name); ?> = editor;
return editor;
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.setDestructor(editor => {
return editor.destroy();
watchdog<?php echo e($id); ?>.on('error', handleError);
function handleError(error) {
console.error('Oops, something went wrong!');
// console.error('Please, report the following error on with the build id and the error stack trace:');
// console.warn('Build id: fe94q0kie7jx-onhledi53v79');
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'@gummi', '@ice', '@jelly-o',
'@liquorice', '@macaroon', '@marzipan', '@oat', '@pie', '@plum', '@pudding',
'@sesame', '@snaps', '@soufflé',
'@sugar', '@sweet', '@topping', '@wafer'
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<?php /**PATH C:\xampp\htdocs\lentoria-frontend\resources\views/components/textarea.blade.php ENDPATH**/ ?>