Your IP :
* Parsley.js
* Version 2.9.2 - built Tue, Dec 10th 2019, 6:18 pm
* Guillaume Potier - <>
* Marc-Andre Lafortune - <>
* MIT Licensed
// The source code below is generated by babel as
// Parsley is written in ECMAScript 6
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('jquery')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['jquery'], factory) :
(global = global || self, global.parsley = factory(global.jQuery));
}(this, (function ($) { 'use strict';
function _typeof(obj) {
if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
_typeof = function (obj) {
return typeof obj;
} else {
_typeof = function (obj) {
return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
return _typeof(obj);
function _extends() {
_extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) {
return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest();
function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
return arr2;
function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;
function _iterableToArray(iter) {
if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter);
function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {
if (!(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr) || === "[object Arguments]")) {
var _arr = [];
var _n = true;
var _d = false;
var _e = undefined;
try {
for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {
if (i && _arr.length === i) break;
} catch (err) {
_d = true;
_e = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"]();
} finally {
if (_d) throw _e;
return _arr;
function _nonIterableSpread() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
function _nonIterableRest() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
var globalID = 1;
var pastWarnings = {};
var Utils = {
// Parsley DOM-API
// returns object from dom attributes and values
attr: function attr(element, namespace, obj) {
var i;
var attribute;
var attributes;
var regex = new RegExp('^' + namespace, 'i');
if ('undefined' === typeof obj) obj = {};else {
// Clear all own properties. This won't affect prototype's values
for (i in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) delete obj[i];
if (!element) return obj;
attributes = element.attributes;
for (i = attributes.length; i--;) {
attribute = attributes[i];
if (attribute && attribute.specified && regex.test( {
obj[this.camelize(] = this.deserializeValue(attribute.value);
return obj;
checkAttr: function checkAttr(element, namespace, _checkAttr) {
return element.hasAttribute(namespace + _checkAttr);
setAttr: function setAttr(element, namespace, attr, value) {
element.setAttribute(this.dasherize(namespace + attr), String(value));
getType: function getType(element) {
return element.getAttribute('type') || 'text';
generateID: function generateID() {
return '' + globalID++;
/** Third party functions **/
deserializeValue: function deserializeValue(value) {
var num;
try {
return value ? value == "true" || (value == "false" ? false : value == "null" ? null : !isNaN(num = Number(value)) ? num : /^[\[\{]/.test(value) ? JSON.parse(value) : value) : value;
} catch (e) {
return value;
// Zepto camelize function
camelize: function camelize(str) {
return str.replace(/-+(.)?/g, function (match, chr) {
return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '';
// Zepto dasherize function
dasherize: function dasherize(str) {
return str.replace(/::/g, '/').replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2').replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2').replace(/_/g, '-').toLowerCase();
warn: function warn() {
var _window$console;
if (window.console && 'function' === typeof window.console.warn) (_window$console = window.console).warn.apply(_window$console, arguments);
warnOnce: function warnOnce(msg) {
if (!pastWarnings[msg]) {
pastWarnings[msg] = true;
this.warn.apply(this, arguments);
_resetWarnings: function _resetWarnings() {
pastWarnings = {};
trimString: function trimString(string) {
return string.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
parse: {
date: function date(string) {
var parsed = string.match(/^(\d{4,})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/);
if (!parsed) return null;
var _parsed$map = (x) {
return parseInt(x, 10);
_parsed$map2 = _slicedToArray(_parsed$map, 4),
_ = _parsed$map2[0],
year = _parsed$map2[1],
month = _parsed$map2[2],
day = _parsed$map2[3];
var date = new Date(year, month - 1, day);
if (date.getFullYear() !== year || date.getMonth() + 1 !== month || date.getDate() !== day) return null;
return date;
string: function string(_string) {
return _string;
integer: function integer(string) {
if (isNaN(string)) return null;
return parseInt(string, 10);
number: function number(string) {
if (isNaN(string)) throw null;
return parseFloat(string);
'boolean': function _boolean(string) {
return !/^\s*false\s*$/i.test(string);
object: function object(string) {
return Utils.deserializeValue(string);
regexp: function regexp(_regexp) {
var flags = ''; // Test if RegExp is literal, if not, nothing to be done, otherwise, we need to isolate flags and pattern
if (/^\/.*\/(?:[gimy]*)$/.test(_regexp)) {
// Replace the regexp literal string with the first match group: ([gimy]*)
// If no flag is present, this will be a blank string
flags = _regexp.replace(/.*\/([gimy]*)$/, '$1'); // Again, replace the regexp literal string with the first match group:
// everything excluding the opening and closing slashes and the flags
_regexp = _regexp.replace(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/' + flags + '$'), '$1');
} else {
// Anchor regexp:
_regexp = '^' + _regexp + '$';
return new RegExp(_regexp, flags);
parseRequirement: function parseRequirement(requirementType, string) {
var converter = this.parse[requirementType || 'string'];
if (!converter) throw 'Unknown requirement specification: "' + requirementType + '"';
var converted = converter(string);
if (converted === null) throw "Requirement is not a ".concat(requirementType, ": \"").concat(string, "\"");
return converted;
namespaceEvents: function namespaceEvents(events, namespace) {
events = this.trimString(events || '').split(/\s+/);
if (!events[0]) return '';
return $.map(events, function (evt) {
return "".concat(evt, ".").concat(namespace);
}).join(' ');
difference: function difference(array, remove) {
// This is O(N^2), should be optimized
var result = [];
$.each(array, function (_, elem) {
if (remove.indexOf(elem) == -1) result.push(elem);
return result;
// Alter-ego to native Promise.all, but for jQuery
all: function all(promises) {
// jQuery treats $.when() and $.when(singlePromise) differently; let's avoid that and add spurious elements
return $.when.apply($, _toConsumableArray(promises).concat([42, 42]));
// Object.create polyfill, see
objectCreate: Object.create || function () {
var Object = function Object() {};
return function (prototype) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
throw Error('Second argument not supported');
if (_typeof(prototype) != 'object') {
throw TypeError('Argument must be an object');
Object.prototype = prototype;
var result = new Object();
Object.prototype = null;
return result;
_SubmitSelector: 'input[type="submit"], button:submit'
// All these options could be overriden and specified directly in DOM using
// `data-parsley-` default DOM-API
// eg: `inputs` can be set in DOM using `data-parsley-inputs="input, textarea"`
// eg: `data-parsley-stop-on-first-failing-constraint="false"`
var Defaults = {
// ### General
// Default data-namespace for DOM API
namespace: 'data-parsley-',
// Supported inputs by default
inputs: 'input, textarea, select',
// Excluded inputs by default
excluded: 'input[type=button], input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=hidden]',
// Stop validating field on highest priority failing constraint
priorityEnabled: true,
// ### Field only
// identifier used to group together inputs (e.g. radio buttons...)
multiple: null,
// identifier (or array of identifiers) used to validate only a select group of inputs
group: null,
// ### UI
// Enable\Disable error messages
uiEnabled: true,
// Key events threshold before validation
validationThreshold: 3,
// Focused field on form validation error. 'first'|'last'|'none'
focus: 'first',
// event(s) that will trigger validation before first failure. eg: `input`...
trigger: false,
// event(s) that will trigger validation after first failure.
triggerAfterFailure: 'input',
// Class that would be added on every failing validation Parsley field
errorClass: 'parsley-error',
// Same for success validation
successClass: 'parsley-success',
// Return the `$element` that will receive these above success or error classes
// Could also be (and given directly from DOM) a valid selector like `'#div'`
classHandler: function classHandler(Field) {},
// Return the `$element` where errors will be appended
// Could also be (and given directly from DOM) a valid selector like `'#div'`
errorsContainer: function errorsContainer(Field) {},
// ul elem that would receive errors' list
errorsWrapper: '<ul class="parsley-errors-list"></ul>',
// li elem that would receive error message
errorTemplate: '<li></li>'
var Base = function Base() {
this.__id__ = Utils.generateID();
Base.prototype = {
asyncSupport: true,
// Deprecated
_pipeAccordingToValidationResult: function _pipeAccordingToValidationResult() {
var _this = this;
var pipe = function pipe() {
var r = $.Deferred();
if (true !== _this.validationResult) r.reject();
return r.resolve().promise();
return [pipe, pipe];
actualizeOptions: function actualizeOptions() {
Utils.attr(this.element, this.options.namespace, this.domOptions);
if (this.parent && this.parent.actualizeOptions) this.parent.actualizeOptions();
return this;
_resetOptions: function _resetOptions(initOptions) {
this.domOptions = Utils.objectCreate(this.parent.options);
this.options = Utils.objectCreate(this.domOptions); // Shallow copy of ownProperties of initOptions:
for (var i in initOptions) {
if (initOptions.hasOwnProperty(i)) this.options[i] = initOptions[i];
_listeners: null,
// Register a callback for the given event name
// Callback is called with context as the first argument and the `this`
// The context is the current parsley instance, or window.Parsley if global
// A return value of `false` will interrupt the calls
on: function on(name, fn) {
this._listeners = this._listeners || {};
var queue = this._listeners[name] = this._listeners[name] || [];
return this;
// Deprecated. Use `on` instead
subscribe: function subscribe(name, fn) {
$.listenTo(this, name.toLowerCase(), fn);
// Unregister a callback (or all if none is given) for the given event name
off: function off(name, fn) {
var queue = this._listeners && this._listeners[name];
if (queue) {
if (!fn) {
delete this._listeners[name];
} else {
for (var i = queue.length; i--;) {
if (queue[i] === fn) queue.splice(i, 1);
return this;
// Deprecated. Use `off`
unsubscribe: function unsubscribe(name, fn) {
$.unsubscribeTo(this, name.toLowerCase());
// Trigger an event of the given name
// A return value of `false` interrupts the callback chain
// Returns false if execution was interrupted
trigger: function trigger(name, target, extraArg) {
target = target || this;
var queue = this._listeners && this._listeners[name];
var result;
if (queue) {
for (var i = queue.length; i--;) {
result = queue[i].call(target, target, extraArg);
if (result === false) return result;
if (this.parent) {
return this.parent.trigger(name, target, extraArg);
return true;
asyncIsValid: function asyncIsValid(group, force) {
Utils.warnOnce("asyncIsValid is deprecated; please use whenValid instead");
return this.whenValid({
group: group,
force: force
_findRelated: function _findRelated() {
return this.options.multiple ? $(this.parent.element.querySelectorAll("[".concat(this.options.namespace, "multiple=\"").concat(this.options.multiple, "\"]"))) : this.$element;
var convertArrayRequirement = function convertArrayRequirement(string, length) {
var m = string.match(/^\s*\[(.*)\]\s*$/);
if (!m) throw 'Requirement is not an array: "' + string + '"';
var values = m[1].split(',').map(Utils.trimString);
if (values.length !== length) throw 'Requirement has ' + values.length + ' values when ' + length + ' are needed';
return values;
var convertExtraOptionRequirement = function convertExtraOptionRequirement(requirementSpec, string, extraOptionReader) {
var main = null;
var extra = {};
for (var key in requirementSpec) {
if (key) {
var value = extraOptionReader(key);
if ('string' === typeof value) value = Utils.parseRequirement(requirementSpec[key], value);
extra[key] = value;
} else {
main = Utils.parseRequirement(requirementSpec[key], string);
return [main, extra];
}; // A Validator needs to implement the methods `validate` and `parseRequirements`
var Validator = function Validator(spec) {
$.extend(true, this, spec);
Validator.prototype = {
// Returns `true` iff the given `value` is valid according the given requirements.
validate: function validate(value, requirementFirstArg) {
if (this.fn) {
// Legacy style validator
if (arguments.length > 3) // If more args then value, requirement, instance...
requirementFirstArg = [], 1, -1); // Skip first arg (value) and last (instance), combining the rest
return this.fn(value, requirementFirstArg);
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
if (!this.validateMultiple) throw 'Validator `' + + '` does not handle multiple values';
return this.validateMultiple.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
var instance = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
if (this.validateDate && instance._isDateInput()) {
arguments[0] =[0]);
if (arguments[0] === null) return false;
return this.validateDate.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.validateNumber) {
if (!value) // Builtin validators all accept empty strings, except `required` of course
return true;
if (isNaN(value)) return false;
arguments[0] = parseFloat(arguments[0]);
return this.validateNumber.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.validateString) {
return this.validateString.apply(this, arguments);
throw 'Validator `' + + '` only handles multiple values';
// Parses `requirements` into an array of arguments,
// according to `this.requirementType`
parseRequirements: function parseRequirements(requirements, extraOptionReader) {
if ('string' !== typeof requirements) {
// Assume requirement already parsed
// but make sure we return an array
return Array.isArray(requirements) ? requirements : [requirements];
var type = this.requirementType;
if (Array.isArray(type)) {
var values = convertArrayRequirement(requirements, type.length);
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
values[i] = Utils.parseRequirement(type[i], values[i]);
return values;
} else if ($.isPlainObject(type)) {
return convertExtraOptionRequirement(type, requirements, extraOptionReader);
} else {
return [Utils.parseRequirement(type, requirements)];
// Defaults:
requirementType: 'string',
priority: 2
var ValidatorRegistry = function ValidatorRegistry(validators, catalog) {
this.__class__ = 'ValidatorRegistry'; // Default Parsley locale is en
this.locale = 'en';
this.init(validators || {}, catalog || {});
var typeTesters = {
email: /^((([a-zA-Z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-zA-Z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-zA-Z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-zA-Z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))$/,
// Follow
number: /^-?(\d*\.)?\d+(e[-+]?\d+)?$/i,
integer: /^-?\d+$/,
digits: /^\d+$/,
alphanum: /^\w+$/i,
date: {
test: function test(value) {
return !== null;
url: new RegExp("^" + // protocol identifier
"(?:(?:https?|ftp)://)?" + // ** mod: make scheme optional
// user:pass authentication
"(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?" + "(?:" + // IP address exclusion
// private & local networks
// "(?!(?:10|127)(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})" + // ** mod: allow local networks
// "(?!(?:169\\.254|192\\.168)(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})" + // ** mod: allow local networks
// "(?!172\\.(?:1[6-9]|2\\d|3[0-1])(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})" + // ** mod: allow local networks
// IP address dotted notation octets
// excludes loopback network
// excludes reserved space >=
// excludes network & broacast addresses
// (first & last IP address of each class)
"(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])" + "(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}" + "(?:\\.(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))" + "|" + // host name
"(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-zA-Z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)" + // domain name
"(?:\\.(?:[a-zA-Z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-zA-Z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*" + // TLD identifier
"(?:\\.(?:[a-zA-Z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,}))" + ")" + // port number
"(?::\\d{2,5})?" + // resource path
"(?:/\\S*)?" + "$")
typeTesters.range = typeTesters.number; // See
var decimalPlaces = function decimalPlaces(num) {
var match = ('' + num).match(/(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?$/);
if (!match) {
return 0;
return Math.max(0, // Number of digits right of decimal point.
(match[1] ? match[1].length : 0) - ( // Adjust for scientific notation.
match[2] ? +match[2] : 0));
}; // parseArguments('number', ['1', '2']) => [1, 2]
var parseArguments = function parseArguments(type, args) {
}; // operatorToValidator returns a validating function for an operator function, applied to the given type
var operatorToValidator = function operatorToValidator(type, operator) {
return function (value) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, requirementsAndInput = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
requirementsAndInput[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
requirementsAndInput.pop(); // Get rid of `input` argument
return operator.apply(void 0, [value].concat(_toConsumableArray(parseArguments(type, requirementsAndInput))));
var comparisonOperator = function comparisonOperator(operator) {
return {
validateDate: operatorToValidator('date', operator),
validateNumber: operatorToValidator('number', operator),
requirementType: operator.length <= 2 ? 'string' : ['string', 'string'],
// Support operators with a 1 or 2 requirement(s)
priority: 30
ValidatorRegistry.prototype = {
init: function init(validators, catalog) {
this.catalog = catalog; // Copy prototype's validators:
this.validators = _extends({}, this.validators);
for (var name in validators) {
this.addValidator(name, validators[name].fn, validators[name].priority);
// Set new messages locale if we have dictionary loaded in ParsleyConfig.i18n
setLocale: function setLocale(locale) {
if ('undefined' === typeof this.catalog[locale]) throw new Error(locale + ' is not available in the catalog');
this.locale = locale;
return this;
// Add a new messages catalog for a given locale. Set locale for this catalog if set === `true`
addCatalog: function addCatalog(locale, messages, set) {
if ('object' === _typeof(messages)) this.catalog[locale] = messages;
if (true === set) return this.setLocale(locale);
return this;
// Add a specific message for a given constraint in a given locale
addMessage: function addMessage(locale, name, message) {
if ('undefined' === typeof this.catalog[locale]) this.catalog[locale] = {};
this.catalog[locale][name] = message;
return this;
// Add messages for a given locale
addMessages: function addMessages(locale, nameMessageObject) {
for (var name in nameMessageObject) {
this.addMessage(locale, name, nameMessageObject[name]);
return this;
// Add a new validator
// addValidator('custom', {
// requirementType: ['integer', 'integer'],
// validateString: function(value, from, to) {},
// priority: 22,
// messages: {
// en: "Hey, that's no good",
// fr: "Aye aye, pas bon du tout",
// }
// })
// Old API was addValidator(name, function, priority)
addValidator: function addValidator(name, arg1, arg2) {
if (this.validators[name]) Utils.warn('Validator "' + name + '" is already defined.');else if (Defaults.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
Utils.warn('"' + name + '" is a restricted keyword and is not a valid validator name.');
return this._setValidator.apply(this, arguments);
hasValidator: function hasValidator(name) {
return !!this.validators[name];
updateValidator: function updateValidator(name, arg1, arg2) {
if (!this.validators[name]) {
Utils.warn('Validator "' + name + '" is not already defined.');
return this.addValidator.apply(this, arguments);
return this._setValidator.apply(this, arguments);
removeValidator: function removeValidator(name) {
if (!this.validators[name]) Utils.warn('Validator "' + name + '" is not defined.');
delete this.validators[name];
return this;
_setValidator: function _setValidator(name, validator, priority) {
if ('object' !== _typeof(validator)) {
// Old style validator, with `fn` and `priority`
validator = {
fn: validator,
priority: priority
if (!validator.validate) {
validator = new Validator(validator);
this.validators[name] = validator;
for (var locale in validator.messages || {}) {
this.addMessage(locale, name, validator.messages[locale]);
return this;
getErrorMessage: function getErrorMessage(constraint) {
var message; // Type constraints are a bit different, we have to match their requirements too to find right error message
if ('type' === {
var typeMessages = this.catalog[this.locale][] || {};
message = typeMessages[constraint.requirements];
} else message = this.formatMessage(this.catalog[this.locale][], constraint.requirements);
return message || this.catalog[this.locale].defaultMessage || this.catalog.en.defaultMessage;
// Kind of light `sprintf()` implementation
formatMessage: function formatMessage(string, parameters) {
if ('object' === _typeof(parameters)) {
for (var i in parameters) {
string = this.formatMessage(string, parameters[i]);
return string;
return 'string' === typeof string ? string.replace(/%s/i, parameters) : '';
// Here is the Parsley default validators list.
// A validator is an object with the following key values:
// - priority: an integer
// - requirement: 'string' (default), 'integer', 'number', 'regexp' or an Array of these
// - validateString, validateMultiple, validateNumber: functions returning `true`, `false` or a promise
// Alternatively, a validator can be a function that returns such an object
validators: {
notblank: {
validateString: function validateString(value) {
return /\S/.test(value);
priority: 2
required: {
validateMultiple: function validateMultiple(values) {
return values.length > 0;
validateString: function validateString(value) {
return /\S/.test(value);
priority: 512
type: {
validateString: function validateString(value, type) {
var _ref = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {},
_ref$step = _ref.step,
step = _ref$step === void 0 ? 'any' : _ref$step,
_ref$base = _ref.base,
base = _ref$base === void 0 ? 0 : _ref$base;
var tester = typeTesters[type];
if (!tester) {
throw new Error('validator type `' + type + '` is not supported');
if (!value) return true; // Builtin validators all accept empty strings, except `required` of course
if (!tester.test(value)) return false;
if ('number' === type) {
if (!/^any$/i.test(step || '')) {
var nb = Number(value);
var decimals = Math.max(decimalPlaces(step), decimalPlaces(base));
if (decimalPlaces(nb) > decimals) // Value can't have too many decimals
return false; // Be careful of rounding errors by using integers.
var toInt = function toInt(f) {
return Math.round(f * Math.pow(10, decimals));
if ((toInt(nb) - toInt(base)) % toInt(step) != 0) return false;
return true;
requirementType: {
'': 'string',
step: 'string',
base: 'number'
priority: 256
pattern: {
validateString: function validateString(value, regexp) {
if (!value) return true; // Builtin validators all accept empty strings, except `required` of course
return regexp.test(value);
requirementType: 'regexp',
priority: 64
minlength: {
validateString: function validateString(value, requirement) {
if (!value) return true; // Builtin validators all accept empty strings, except `required` of course
return value.length >= requirement;
requirementType: 'integer',
priority: 30
maxlength: {
validateString: function validateString(value, requirement) {
return value.length <= requirement;
requirementType: 'integer',
priority: 30
length: {
validateString: function validateString(value, min, max) {
if (!value) return true; // Builtin validators all accept empty strings, except `required` of course
return value.length >= min && value.length <= max;
requirementType: ['integer', 'integer'],
priority: 30
mincheck: {
validateMultiple: function validateMultiple(values, requirement) {
return values.length >= requirement;
requirementType: 'integer',
priority: 30
maxcheck: {
validateMultiple: function validateMultiple(values, requirement) {
return values.length <= requirement;
requirementType: 'integer',
priority: 30
check: {
validateMultiple: function validateMultiple(values, min, max) {
return values.length >= min && values.length <= max;
requirementType: ['integer', 'integer'],
priority: 30
min: comparisonOperator(function (value, requirement) {
return value >= requirement;
max: comparisonOperator(function (value, requirement) {
return value <= requirement;
range: comparisonOperator(function (value, min, max) {
return value >= min && value <= max;
equalto: {
validateString: function validateString(value, refOrValue) {
if (!value) return true; // Builtin validators all accept empty strings, except `required` of course
var $reference = $(refOrValue);
if ($reference.length) return value === $reference.val();else return value === refOrValue;
priority: 256
euvatin: {
validateString: function validateString(value, refOrValue) {
if (!value) {
return true; // Builtin validators all accept empty strings, except `required` of course
var re = /^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Za-z0-9 -]{2,}$/;
return re.test(value);
priority: 30
var UI = {};
var diffResults = function diffResults(newResult, oldResult, deep) {
var added = [];
var kept = [];
for (var i = 0; i < newResult.length; i++) {
var found = false;
for (var j = 0; j < oldResult.length; j++) {
if (newResult[i] === oldResult[j] {
found = true;
if (found) kept.push(newResult[i]);else added.push(newResult[i]);
return {
kept: kept,
added: added,
removed: !deep ? diffResults(oldResult, newResult, true).added : []
UI.Form = {
_actualizeTriggers: function _actualizeTriggers() {
var _this = this;
this.$element.on('submit.Parsley', function (evt) {
this.$element.on('click.Parsley', Utils._SubmitSelector, function (evt) {
}); // UI could be disabled
if (false === this.options.uiEnabled) return;
this.element.setAttribute('novalidate', '');
focus: function focus() {
this._focusedField = null;
if (true === this.validationResult || 'none' === this.options.focus) return null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) {
var field = this.fields[i];
if (true !== field.validationResult && field.validationResult.length > 0 && 'undefined' === typeof field.options.noFocus) {
this._focusedField = field.$element;
if ('first' === this.options.focus) break;
if (null === this._focusedField) return null;
return this._focusedField.focus();
_destroyUI: function _destroyUI() {
// Reset all event listeners
UI.Field = {
_reflowUI: function _reflowUI() {
this._buildUI(); // If this field doesn't have an active UI don't bother doing something
if (!this._ui) return; // Diff between two validation results
var diff = diffResults(this.validationResult, this._ui.lastValidationResult); // Then store current validation result for next reflow
this._ui.lastValidationResult = this.validationResult; // Handle valid / invalid / none field class
this._manageStatusClass(); // Add, remove, updated errors messages
this._manageErrorsMessages(diff); // Triggers impl
this._actualizeTriggers(); // If field is not valid for the first time, bind keyup trigger to ease UX and quickly inform user
if ((diff.kept.length || diff.added.length) && !this._failedOnce) {
this._failedOnce = true;
// Returns an array of field's error message(s)
getErrorsMessages: function getErrorsMessages() {
// No error message, field is valid
if (true === this.validationResult) return [];
var messages = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.validationResult.length; i++) {
messages.push(this.validationResult[i].errorMessage || this._getErrorMessage(this.validationResult[i].assert));
return messages;
// It's a goal of Parsley that this method is no longer required [#1073]
addError: function addError(name) {
var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {},
message = _ref.message,
assert = _ref.assert,
_ref$updateClass = _ref.updateClass,
updateClass = _ref$updateClass === void 0 ? true : _ref$updateClass;
this._addError(name, {
message: message,
assert: assert
if (updateClass) this._errorClass();
// It's a goal of Parsley that this method is no longer required [#1073]
updateError: function updateError(name) {
var _ref2 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {},
message = _ref2.message,
assert = _ref2.assert,
_ref2$updateClass = _ref2.updateClass,
updateClass = _ref2$updateClass === void 0 ? true : _ref2$updateClass;
this._updateError(name, {
message: message,
assert: assert
if (updateClass) this._errorClass();
// It's a goal of Parsley that this method is no longer required [#1073]
removeError: function removeError(name) {
var _ref3 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {},
_ref3$updateClass = _ref3.updateClass,
updateClass = _ref3$updateClass === void 0 ? true : _ref3$updateClass;
this._removeError(name); // edge case possible here: remove a standard Parsley error that is still failing in this.validationResult
// but highly improbable cuz' manually removing a well Parsley handled error makes no sense.
if (updateClass) this._manageStatusClass();
_manageStatusClass: function _manageStatusClass() {
if (this.hasConstraints() && this.needsValidation() && true === this.validationResult) this._successClass();else if (this.validationResult.length > 0) this._errorClass();else this._resetClass();
_manageErrorsMessages: function _manageErrorsMessages(diff) {
if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.errorsMessagesDisabled) return; // Case where we have errorMessage option that configure an unique field error message, regardless failing validators
if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.errorMessage) {
if (diff.added.length || diff.kept.length) {
if (0 === this._ui.$errorsWrapper.find('.parsley-custom-error-message').length) this._ui.$errorsWrapper.append($(this.options.errorTemplate).addClass('parsley-custom-error-message'));
this._ui.$errorClassHandler.attr('aria-describedby', this._ui.errorsWrapperId);
return this._ui.$errorsWrapper.addClass('filled').attr('aria-hidden', 'false').find('.parsley-custom-error-message').html(this.options.errorMessage);
return this._ui.$errorsWrapper.removeClass('filled').attr('aria-hidden', 'true').find('.parsley-custom-error-message').remove();
} // Show, hide, update failing constraints messages
for (var i = 0; i < diff.removed.length; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < diff.added.length; i++) {
this._addError(diff.added[i], {
message: diff.added[i].errorMessage,
assert: diff.added[i].assert
for (i = 0; i < diff.kept.length; i++) {
this._updateError(diff.kept[i], {
message: diff.kept[i].errorMessage,
assert: diff.kept[i].assert
_addError: function _addError(name, _ref4) {
var message = _ref4.message,
assert = _ref4.assert;
this._ui.$errorClassHandler.attr('aria-describedby', this._ui.errorsWrapperId);
this._ui.$errorsWrapper.addClass('filled').attr('aria-hidden', 'false').append($(this.options.errorTemplate).addClass('parsley-' + name).html(message || this._getErrorMessage(assert)));
_updateError: function _updateError(name, _ref5) {
var message = _ref5.message,
assert = _ref5.assert;
this._ui.$errorsWrapper.addClass('filled').find('.parsley-' + name).html(message || this._getErrorMessage(assert));
_removeError: function _removeError(name) {
this._ui.$errorsWrapper.removeClass('filled').attr('aria-hidden', 'true').find('.parsley-' + name).remove();
_getErrorMessage: function _getErrorMessage(constraint) {
var customConstraintErrorMessage = + 'Message';
if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options[customConstraintErrorMessage]) return window.Parsley.formatMessage(this.options[customConstraintErrorMessage], constraint.requirements);
return window.Parsley.getErrorMessage(constraint);
_buildUI: function _buildUI() {
// UI could be already built or disabled
if (this._ui || false === this.options.uiEnabled) return;
var _ui = {}; // Give field its Parsley id in DOM
this.element.setAttribute(this.options.namespace + 'id', this.__id__);
/** Generate important UI elements and store them in this **/
// $errorClassHandler is the $element that woul have parsley-error and parsley-success classes
_ui.$errorClassHandler = this._manageClassHandler(); // $errorsWrapper is a div that would contain the various field errors, it will be appended into $errorsContainer
_ui.errorsWrapperId = 'parsley-id-' + (this.options.multiple ? 'multiple-' + this.options.multiple : this.__id__);
_ui.$errorsWrapper = $(this.options.errorsWrapper).attr('id', _ui.errorsWrapperId); // ValidationResult UI storage to detect what have changed bwt two validations, and update DOM accordingly
_ui.lastValidationResult = [];
_ui.validationInformationVisible = false; // Store it in this for later
this._ui = _ui;
// Determine which element will have `parsley-error` and `parsley-success` classes
_manageClassHandler: function _manageClassHandler() {
// Class handled could also be determined by function given in Parsley options
if ('string' === typeof this.options.classHandler && $(this.options.classHandler).length) return $(this.options.classHandler); // Class handled could also be determined by function given in Parsley options
var $handlerFunction = this.options.classHandler; // It might also be the function name of a global function
if ('string' === typeof this.options.classHandler && 'function' === typeof window[this.options.classHandler]) $handlerFunction = window[this.options.classHandler];
if ('function' === typeof $handlerFunction) {
var $handler = $, this); // If this function returned a valid existing DOM element, go for it
if ('undefined' !== typeof $handler && $handler.length) return $handler;
} else if ('object' === _typeof($handlerFunction) && $handlerFunction instanceof jQuery && $handlerFunction.length) {
return $handlerFunction;
} else if ($handlerFunction) {
Utils.warn('The class handler `' + $handlerFunction + '` does not exist in DOM nor as a global JS function');
return this._inputHolder();
_inputHolder: function _inputHolder() {
// if simple element (input, texatrea, select...) it will perfectly host the classes and precede the error container
if (!this.options.multiple || this.element.nodeName === 'SELECT') return this.$element; // But if multiple element (radio, checkbox), that would be their parent
return this.$element.parent();
_insertErrorWrapper: function _insertErrorWrapper() {
var $errorsContainer = this.options.errorsContainer; // Nothing to do if already inserted
if (0 !== this._ui.$errorsWrapper.parent().length) return this._ui.$errorsWrapper.parent();
if ('string' === typeof $errorsContainer) {
if ($($errorsContainer).length) return $($errorsContainer).append(this._ui.$errorsWrapper);else if ('function' === typeof window[$errorsContainer]) $errorsContainer = window[$errorsContainer];else Utils.warn('The errors container `' + $errorsContainer + '` does not exist in DOM nor as a global JS function');
if ('function' === typeof $errorsContainer) $errorsContainer = $, this);
if ('object' === _typeof($errorsContainer) && $errorsContainer.length) return $errorsContainer.append(this._ui.$errorsWrapper);
return this._inputHolder().after(this._ui.$errorsWrapper);
_actualizeTriggers: function _actualizeTriggers() {
var _this2 = this;
var $toBind = this._findRelated();
var trigger; // Remove Parsley events already bound on this field
if (this._failedOnce) $toBind.on(Utils.namespaceEvents(this.options.triggerAfterFailure, 'Parsley'), function () {
});else if (trigger = Utils.namespaceEvents(this.options.trigger, 'Parsley')) {
$toBind.on(trigger, function (event) {
_validateIfNeeded: function _validateIfNeeded(event) {
var _this3 = this;
// For keyup, keypress, keydown, input... events that could be a little bit obstrusive
// do not validate if val length < min threshold on first validation. Once field have been validated once and info
// about success or failure have been displayed, always validate with this trigger to reflect every yalidation change.
if (event && /key|input/.test(event.type)) if (!(this._ui && this._ui.validationInformationVisible) && this.getValue().length <= this.options.validationThreshold) return;
if (this.options.debounce) {
this._debounced = window.setTimeout(function () {
return _this3.validate();
}, this.options.debounce);
} else this.validate();
_resetUI: function _resetUI() {
// Reset all event listeners
this._failedOnce = false;
this._actualizeTriggers(); // Nothing to do if UI never initialized for this field
if ('undefined' === typeof this._ui) return; // Reset all errors' li
this._ui.$errorsWrapper.removeClass('filled').children().remove(); // Reset validation class
this._resetClass(); // Reset validation flags and last validation result
this._ui.lastValidationResult = [];
this._ui.validationInformationVisible = false;
_destroyUI: function _destroyUI() {
if ('undefined' !== typeof this._ui) this._ui.$errorsWrapper.remove();
delete this._ui;
_successClass: function _successClass() {
this._ui.validationInformationVisible = true;
_errorClass: function _errorClass() {
this._ui.validationInformationVisible = true;
_resetClass: function _resetClass() {
var Form = function Form(element, domOptions, options) {
this.__class__ = 'Form';
this.element = element;
this.$element = $(element);
this.domOptions = domOptions;
this.options = options;
this.parent = window.Parsley;
this.fields = [];
this.validationResult = null;
var statusMapping = {
pending: null,
resolved: true,
rejected: false
Form.prototype = {
onSubmitValidate: function onSubmitValidate(event) {
var _this = this;
// This is a Parsley generated submit event, do not validate, do not prevent, simply exit and keep normal behavior
if (true === event.parsley) return; // If we didn't come here through a submit button, use the first one in the form
var submitSource = this._submitSource || this.$element.find(Utils._SubmitSelector)[0];
this._submitSource = null;
this.$element.find('.parsley-synthetic-submit-button').prop('disabled', true);
if (submitSource && null !== submitSource.getAttribute('formnovalidate')) return;
window.Parsley._remoteCache = {};
var promise = this.whenValidate({
event: event
if ('resolved' === promise.state() && false !== this._trigger('submit')) ; else {
// Rejected or pending: cancel this submit
if ('pending' === promise.state()) promise.done(function () {
onSubmitButton: function onSubmitButton(event) {
this._submitSource = event.currentTarget;
// internal
// _submit submits the form, this time without going through the validations.
// Care must be taken to "fake" the actual submit button being clicked.
_submit: function _submit(submitSource) {
if (false === this._trigger('submit')) return; // Add submit button's data
if (submitSource) {
var $synthetic = this.$element.find('.parsley-synthetic-submit-button').prop('disabled', false);
if (0 === $synthetic.length) $synthetic = $('<input class="parsley-synthetic-submit-button" type="hidden">').appendTo(this.$element);
name: submitSource.getAttribute('name'),
value: submitSource.getAttribute('value')
this.$element.trigger(_extends($.Event('submit'), {
parsley: true
// Performs validation on fields while triggering events.
// @returns `true` if all validations succeeds, `false`
// if a failure is immediately detected, or `null`
// if dependant on a promise.
// Consider using `whenValidate` instead.
validate: function validate(options) {
if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {
Utils.warnOnce('Calling validate on a parsley form without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');
var _arguments =,
group = _arguments[0],
force = _arguments[1],
event = _arguments[2];
options = {
group: group,
force: force,
event: event
return statusMapping[this.whenValidate(options).state()];
whenValidate: function whenValidate() {
var _this2 = this,
var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
group =,
force = _ref.force,
event = _ref.event;
this.submitEvent = event;
if (event) {
this.submitEvent = _extends({}, event, {
preventDefault: function preventDefault() {
Utils.warnOnce("Using `this.submitEvent.preventDefault()` is deprecated; instead, call `this.validationResult = false`");
_this2.validationResult = false;
this.validationResult = true; // fire validate event to eventually modify things before every validation
this._trigger('validate'); // Refresh form DOM options and form's fields that could have changed
var promises = this._withoutReactualizingFormOptions(function () {
return $.map(_this2.fields, function (field) {
return field.whenValidate({
force: force,
group: group
return (_Utils$all$done$fail$ = Utils.all(promises).done(function () {
}).fail(function () {
_this2.validationResult = false;
}).always(function () {
})).pipe.apply(_Utils$all$done$fail$, _toConsumableArray(this._pipeAccordingToValidationResult()));
// Iterate over refreshed fields, and stop on first failure.
// Returns `true` if all fields are valid, `false` if a failure is detected
// or `null` if the result depends on an unresolved promise.
// Prefer using `whenValid` instead.
isValid: function isValid(options) {
if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {
Utils.warnOnce('Calling isValid on a parsley form without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');
var _arguments2 =,
group = _arguments2[0],
force = _arguments2[1];
options = {
group: group,
force: force
return statusMapping[this.whenValid(options).state()];
// Iterate over refreshed fields and validate them.
// Returns a promise.
// A validation that immediately fails will interrupt the validations.
whenValid: function whenValid() {
var _this3 = this;
var _ref2 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
group =,
force = _ref2.force;
var promises = this._withoutReactualizingFormOptions(function () {
return $.map(_this3.fields, function (field) {
return field.whenValid({
group: group,
force: force
return Utils.all(promises);
refresh: function refresh() {
return this;
// Reset UI
reset: function reset() {
// Form case: emit a reset event for each field
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) {
// Destroy Parsley instance (+ UI)
destroy: function destroy() {
// Field case: emit destroy event to clean UI and then destroy stored instance
this._destroyUI(); // Form case: destroy all its fields and then destroy stored instance
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) {
_refreshFields: function _refreshFields() {
return this.actualizeOptions()._bindFields();
_bindFields: function _bindFields() {
var _this4 = this;
var oldFields = this.fields;
this.fields = [];
this.fieldsMappedById = {};
this._withoutReactualizingFormOptions(function () {
_this4.$element.find(_this4.options.inputs).not(_this4.options.excluded).not("[".concat(_this4.options.namespace, "excluded=true]")).each(function (_, element) {
var fieldInstance = new window.Parsley.Factory(element, {}, _this4); // Only add valid and not excluded `Field` and `FieldMultiple` children
if ('Field' === fieldInstance.__class__ || 'FieldMultiple' === fieldInstance.__class__) {
var uniqueId = fieldInstance.__class__ + '-' + fieldInstance.__id__;
if ('undefined' === typeof _this4.fieldsMappedById[uniqueId]) {
_this4.fieldsMappedById[uniqueId] = fieldInstance;
$.each(Utils.difference(oldFields, _this4.fields), function (_, field) {
return this;
// Internal only.
// Looping on a form's fields to do validation or similar
// will trigger reactualizing options on all of them, which
// in turn will reactualize the form's options.
// To avoid calling actualizeOptions so many times on the form
// for nothing, _withoutReactualizingFormOptions temporarily disables
// the method actualizeOptions on this form while `fn` is called.
_withoutReactualizingFormOptions: function _withoutReactualizingFormOptions(fn) {
var oldActualizeOptions = this.actualizeOptions;
this.actualizeOptions = function () {
return this;
var result = fn();
this.actualizeOptions = oldActualizeOptions;
return result;
// Internal only.
// Shortcut to trigger an event
// Returns true iff event is not interrupted and default not prevented.
_trigger: function _trigger(eventName) {
return this.trigger('form:' + eventName);
var Constraint = function Constraint(parsleyField, name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint) {
var validatorSpec = window.Parsley._validatorRegistry.validators[name];
var validator = new Validator(validatorSpec);
priority = priority || parsleyField.options[name + 'Priority'] || validator.priority;
isDomConstraint = true === isDomConstraint;
_extends(this, {
validator: validator,
name: name,
requirements: requirements,
priority: priority,
isDomConstraint: isDomConstraint
var capitalize = function capitalize(str) {
var cap = str[0].toUpperCase();
return cap + str.slice(1);
Constraint.prototype = {
validate: function validate(value, instance) {
var _this$validator;
return (_this$validator = this.validator).validate.apply(_this$validator, [value].concat(_toConsumableArray(this.requirementList), [instance]));
_parseRequirements: function _parseRequirements(options) {
var _this = this;
this.requirementList = this.validator.parseRequirements(this.requirements, function (key) {
return options[ + capitalize(key)];
var Field = function Field(field, domOptions, options, parsleyFormInstance) {
this.__class__ = 'Field';
this.element = field;
this.$element = $(field); // Set parent if we have one
if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance) {
this.parent = parsleyFormInstance;
this.options = options;
this.domOptions = domOptions; // Initialize some properties
this.constraints = [];
this.constraintsByName = {};
this.validationResult = true; // Bind constraints
var statusMapping$1 = {
pending: null,
resolved: true,
rejected: false
Field.prototype = {
// # Public API
// Validate field and trigger some events for mainly `UI`
// @returns `true`, an array of the validators that failed, or
// `null` if validation is not finished. Prefer using whenValidate
validate: function validate(options) {
if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {
Utils.warnOnce('Calling validate on a parsley field without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');
options = {
options: options
var promise = this.whenValidate(options);
if (!promise) // If excluded with `group` option
return true;
switch (promise.state()) {
case 'pending':
return null;
case 'resolved':
return true;
case 'rejected':
return this.validationResult;
// Validate field and trigger some events for mainly `UI`
// @returns a promise that succeeds only when all validations do
// or `undefined` if field is not in the given `group`.
whenValidate: function whenValidate() {
var _this$whenValid$alway,
_this = this;
var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
force = _ref.force,
group =;
// do not validate a field if not the same as given validation group
if (group && !this._isInGroup(group)) return;
this.value = this.getValue(); // Field Validate event. `this.value` could be altered for custom needs
return (_this$whenValid$alway = this.whenValid({
force: force,
value: this.value,
_refreshed: true
}).always(function () {
}).done(function () {
}).fail(function () {
}).always(function () {
})).pipe.apply(_this$whenValid$alway, _toConsumableArray(this._pipeAccordingToValidationResult()));
hasConstraints: function hasConstraints() {
return 0 !== this.constraints.length;
// An empty optional field does not need validation
needsValidation: function needsValidation(value) {
if ('undefined' === typeof value) value = this.getValue(); // If a field is empty and not required, it is valid
// Except if `data-parsley-validate-if-empty` explicitely added, useful for some custom validators
if (!value.length && !this._isRequired() && 'undefined' === typeof this.options.validateIfEmpty) return false;
return true;
_isInGroup: function _isInGroup(group) {
if (Array.isArray( return -1 !== $.inArray(group,;
return === group;
// Just validate field. Do not trigger any event.
// Returns `true` iff all constraints pass, `false` if there are failures,
// or `null` if the result can not be determined yet (depends on a promise)
// See also `whenValid`.
isValid: function isValid(options) {
if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {
Utils.warnOnce('Calling isValid on a parsley field without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');
var _arguments =,
force = _arguments[0],
value = _arguments[1];
options = {
force: force,
value: value
var promise = this.whenValid(options);
if (!promise) // Excluded via `group`
return true;
return statusMapping$1[promise.state()];
// Just validate field. Do not trigger any event.
// @returns a promise that succeeds only when all validations do
// or `undefined` if the field is not in the given `group`.
// The argument `force` will force validation of empty fields.
// If a `value` is given, it will be validated instead of the value of the input.
whenValid: function whenValid() {
var _this2 = this;
var _ref2 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
_ref2$force = _ref2.force,
force = _ref2$force === void 0 ? false : _ref2$force,
value = _ref2.value,
group =,
_refreshed = _ref2._refreshed;
// Recompute options and rebind constraints to have latest changes
if (!_refreshed) this.refresh(); // do not validate a field if not the same as given validation group
if (group && !this._isInGroup(group)) return;
this.validationResult = true; // A field without constraint is valid
if (!this.hasConstraints()) return $.when(); // Value could be passed as argument, needed to add more power to 'field:validate'
if ('undefined' === typeof value || null === value) value = this.getValue();
if (!this.needsValidation(value) && true !== force) return $.when();
var groupedConstraints = this._getGroupedConstraints();
var promises = [];
$.each(groupedConstraints, function (_, constraints) {
// Process one group of constraints at a time, we validate the constraints
// and combine the promises together.
var promise = Utils.all($.map(constraints, function (constraint) {
return _this2._validateConstraint(value, constraint);
if (promise.state() === 'rejected') return false; // Interrupt processing if a group has already failed
return Utils.all(promises);
// @returns a promise
_validateConstraint: function _validateConstraint(value, constraint) {
var _this3 = this;
var result = constraint.validate(value, this); // Map false to a failed promise
if (false === result) result = $.Deferred().reject(); // Make sure we return a promise and that we record failures
return Utils.all([result]).fail(function (errorMessage) {
if (!(_this3.validationResult instanceof Array)) _this3.validationResult = [];
assert: constraint,
errorMessage: 'string' === typeof errorMessage && errorMessage
// @returns Parsley field computed value that could be overrided or configured in DOM
getValue: function getValue() {
var value; // Value could be overriden in DOM or with explicit options
if ('function' === typeof this.options.value) value = this.options.value(this);else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.value) value = this.options.value;else value = this.$element.val(); // Handle wrong DOM or configurations
if ('undefined' === typeof value || null === value) return '';
return this._handleWhitespace(value);
// Reset UI
reset: function reset() {
return this._trigger('reset');
// Destroy Parsley instance (+ UI)
destroy: function destroy() {
// Field case: emit destroy event to clean UI and then destroy stored instance
// Actualize options and rebind constraints
refresh: function refresh() {
return this;
_refreshConstraints: function _refreshConstraints() {
return this.actualizeOptions()._bindConstraints();
refreshConstraints: function refreshConstraints() {
Utils.warnOnce("Parsley's refreshConstraints is deprecated. Please use refresh");
return this.refresh();
* Add a new constraint to a field
* @param {String} name
* @param {Mixed} requirements optional
* @param {Number} priority optional
* @param {Boolean} isDomConstraint optional
addConstraint: function addConstraint(name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint) {
if (window.Parsley._validatorRegistry.validators[name]) {
var constraint = new Constraint(this, name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint); // if constraint already exist, delete it and push new version
if ('undefined' !== this.constraintsByName[]) this.removeConstraint(;
this.constraintsByName[] = constraint;
return this;
// Remove a constraint
removeConstraint: function removeConstraint(name) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++) {
if (name === this.constraints[i].name) {
this.constraints.splice(i, 1);
delete this.constraintsByName[name];
return this;
// Update a constraint (Remove + re-add)
updateConstraint: function updateConstraint(name, parameters, priority) {
return this.removeConstraint(name).addConstraint(name, parameters, priority);
// # Internals
// Internal only.
// Bind constraints from config + options + DOM
_bindConstraints: function _bindConstraints() {
var constraints = [];
var constraintsByName = {}; // clean all existing DOM constraints to only keep javascript user constraints
for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++) {
if (false === this.constraints[i].isDomConstraint) {
constraintsByName[this.constraints[i].name] = this.constraints[i];
this.constraints = constraints;
this.constraintsByName = constraintsByName; // then re-add Parsley DOM-API constraints
for (var name in this.options) {
this.addConstraint(name, this.options[name], undefined, true);
} // finally, bind special HTML5 constraints
return this._bindHtml5Constraints();
// Internal only.
// Bind specific HTML5 constraints to be HTML5 compliant
_bindHtml5Constraints: function _bindHtml5Constraints() {
// html5 required
if (null !== this.element.getAttribute('required')) this.addConstraint('required', true, undefined, true); // html5 pattern
if (null !== this.element.getAttribute('pattern')) this.addConstraint('pattern', this.element.getAttribute('pattern'), undefined, true); // range
var min = this.element.getAttribute('min');
var max = this.element.getAttribute('max');
if (null !== min && null !== max) this.addConstraint('range', [min, max], undefined, true); // HTML5 min
else if (null !== min) this.addConstraint('min', min, undefined, true); // HTML5 max
else if (null !== max) this.addConstraint('max', max, undefined, true); // length
if (null !== this.element.getAttribute('minlength') && null !== this.element.getAttribute('maxlength')) this.addConstraint('length', [this.element.getAttribute('minlength'), this.element.getAttribute('maxlength')], undefined, true); // HTML5 minlength
else if (null !== this.element.getAttribute('minlength')) this.addConstraint('minlength', this.element.getAttribute('minlength'), undefined, true); // HTML5 maxlength
else if (null !== this.element.getAttribute('maxlength')) this.addConstraint('maxlength', this.element.getAttribute('maxlength'), undefined, true); // html5 types
var type = Utils.getType(this.element); // Small special case here for HTML5 number: integer validator if step attribute is undefined or an integer value, number otherwise
if ('number' === type) {
return this.addConstraint('type', ['number', {
step: this.element.getAttribute('step') || '1',
base: min || this.element.getAttribute('value')
}], undefined, true); // Regular other HTML5 supported types
} else if (/^(email|url|range|date)$/i.test(type)) {
return this.addConstraint('type', type, undefined, true);
return this;
// Internal only.
// Field is required if have required constraint without `false` value
_isRequired: function _isRequired() {
if ('undefined' === typeof this.constraintsByName.required) return false;
return false !== this.constraintsByName.required.requirements;
// Internal only.
// Shortcut to trigger an event
_trigger: function _trigger(eventName) {
return this.trigger('field:' + eventName);
// Internal only
// Handles whitespace in a value
// Use `data-parsley-whitespace="squish"` to auto squish input value
// Use `data-parsley-whitespace="trim"` to auto trim input value
_handleWhitespace: function _handleWhitespace(value) {
if (true === this.options.trimValue) Utils.warnOnce('data-parsley-trim-value="true" is deprecated, please use data-parsley-whitespace="trim"');
if ('squish' === this.options.whitespace) value = value.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');
if ('trim' === this.options.whitespace || 'squish' === this.options.whitespace || true === this.options.trimValue) value = Utils.trimString(value);
return value;
_isDateInput: function _isDateInput() {
var c = this.constraintsByName.type;
return c && c.requirements === 'date';
// Internal only.
// Returns the constraints, grouped by descending priority.
// The result is thus an array of arrays of constraints.
_getGroupedConstraints: function _getGroupedConstraints() {
if (false === this.options.priorityEnabled) return [this.constraints];
var groupedConstraints = [];
var index = {}; // Create array unique of priorities
for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++) {
var p = this.constraints[i].priority;
if (!index[p]) groupedConstraints.push(index[p] = []);
} // Sort them by priority DESC
groupedConstraints.sort(function (a, b) {
return b[0].priority - a[0].priority;
return groupedConstraints;
var Multiple = function Multiple() {
this.__class__ = 'FieldMultiple';
Multiple.prototype = {
// Add new `$element` sibling for multiple field
addElement: function addElement($element) {
return this;
// See `Field._refreshConstraints()`
_refreshConstraints: function _refreshConstraints() {
var fieldConstraints;
this.constraints = []; // Select multiple special treatment
if (this.element.nodeName === 'SELECT') {
return this;
} // Gather all constraints for each input in the multiple group
for (var i = 0; i < this.$elements.length; i++) {
// Check if element have not been dynamically removed since last binding
if (!$('html').has(this.$elements[i]).length) {
this.$elements.splice(i, 1);
fieldConstraints = this.$elements[i].data('FieldMultiple')._refreshConstraints().constraints;
for (var j = 0; j < fieldConstraints.length; j++) {
this.addConstraint(fieldConstraints[j].name, fieldConstraints[j].requirements, fieldConstraints[j].priority, fieldConstraints[j].isDomConstraint);
return this;
// See `Field.getValue()`
getValue: function getValue() {
// Value could be overriden in DOM
if ('function' === typeof this.options.value) return this.options.value(this);else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.value) return this.options.value; // Radio input case
if (this.element.nodeName === 'INPUT') {
var type = Utils.getType(this.element);
if (type === 'radio') return this._findRelated().filter(':checked').val() || ''; // checkbox input case
if (type === 'checkbox') {
var values = [];
this._findRelated().filter(':checked').each(function () {
return values;
} // Select multiple case
if (this.element.nodeName === 'SELECT' && null === this.$element.val()) return []; // Default case that should never happen
return this.$element.val();
_init: function _init() {
this.$elements = [this.$element];
return this;
var Factory = function Factory(element, options, parsleyFormInstance) {
this.element = element;
this.$element = $(element); // If the element has already been bound, returns its saved Parsley instance
var savedparsleyFormInstance = this.$'Parsley');
if (savedparsleyFormInstance) {
// If the saved instance has been bound without a Form parent and there is one given in this call, add it
if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance && savedparsleyFormInstance.parent === window.Parsley) {
savedparsleyFormInstance.parent = parsleyFormInstance;
if ('object' === _typeof(options)) {
_extends(savedparsleyFormInstance.options, options);
return savedparsleyFormInstance;
} // Parsley must be instantiated with a DOM element or jQuery $element
if (!this.$element.length) throw new Error('You must bind Parsley on an existing element.');
if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance && 'Form' !== parsleyFormInstance.__class__) throw new Error('Parent instance must be a Form instance');
this.parent = parsleyFormInstance || window.Parsley;
return this.init(options);
Factory.prototype = {
init: function init(options) {
this.__class__ = 'Parsley';
this.__version__ = '2.9.2';
this.__id__ = Utils.generateID(); // Pre-compute options
this._resetOptions(options); // A Form instance is obviously a `<form>` element but also every node that is not an input and has the `data-parsley-validate` attribute
if (this.element.nodeName === 'FORM' || Utils.checkAttr(this.element, this.options.namespace, 'validate') && !this.$ return this.bind('parsleyForm'); // Every other element is bound as a `Field` or `FieldMultiple`
return this.isMultiple() ? this.handleMultiple() : this.bind('parsleyField');
isMultiple: function isMultiple() {
var type = Utils.getType(this.element);
return type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox' || this.element.nodeName === 'SELECT' && null !== this.element.getAttribute('multiple');
// Multiples fields are a real nightmare :(
// Maybe some refactoring would be appreciated here...
handleMultiple: function handleMultiple() {
var _this = this;
var name;
var parsleyMultipleInstance; // Handle multiple name
this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple || (name = this.element.getAttribute('name')) || this.element.getAttribute('id'); // Special select multiple input
if (this.element.nodeName === 'SELECT' && null !== this.element.getAttribute('multiple')) {
this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple || this.__id__;
return this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple'); // Else for radio / checkboxes, we need a `name` or `data-parsley-multiple` to properly bind it
} else if (!this.options.multiple) {
Utils.warn('To be bound by Parsley, a radio, a checkbox and a multiple select input must have either a name or a multiple option.', this.$element);
return this;
} // Remove special chars
this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|\{|\}|\$)/g, ''); // Add proper `data-parsley-multiple` to siblings if we have a valid multiple name
if (name) {
$('input[name="' + name + '"]').each(function (i, input) {
var type = Utils.getType(input);
if (type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox') input.setAttribute(_this.options.namespace + 'multiple', _this.options.multiple);
} // Check here if we don't already have a related multiple instance saved
var $previouslyRelated = this._findRelated();
for (var i = 0; i < $previouslyRelated.length; i++) {
parsleyMultipleInstance = $($previouslyRelated.get(i)).data('Parsley');
if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyMultipleInstance) {
if (!this.$'FieldMultiple')) {
} // Create a secret Field instance for every multiple field. It will be stored in `data('FieldMultiple')`
// And will be useful later to access classic `Field` stuff while being in a `FieldMultiple` instance
this.bind('parsleyField', true);
return parsleyMultipleInstance || this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple');
// Return proper `Form`, `Field` or `FieldMultiple`
bind: function bind(type, doNotStore) {
var parsleyInstance;
switch (type) {
case 'parsleyForm':
parsleyInstance = $.extend(new Form(this.element, this.domOptions, this.options), new Base(), window.ParsleyExtend)._bindFields();
case 'parsleyField':
parsleyInstance = $.extend(new Field(this.element, this.domOptions, this.options, this.parent), new Base(), window.ParsleyExtend);
case 'parsleyFieldMultiple':
parsleyInstance = $.extend(new Field(this.element, this.domOptions, this.options, this.parent), new Multiple(), new Base(), window.ParsleyExtend)._init();
throw new Error(type + 'is not a supported Parsley type');
if (this.options.multiple) Utils.setAttr(this.element, this.options.namespace, 'multiple', this.options.multiple);
if ('undefined' !== typeof doNotStore) {
this.$'FieldMultiple', parsleyInstance);
return parsleyInstance;
} // Store the freshly bound instance in a DOM element for later access using jQuery `data()`
this.$'Parsley', parsleyInstance); // Tell the world we have a new Form or Field instance!
return parsleyInstance;
var vernums = $.fn.jquery.split('.');
if (parseInt(vernums[0]) <= 1 && parseInt(vernums[1]) < 8) {
throw "The loaded version of jQuery is too old. Please upgrade to 1.8.x or better.";
if (!vernums.forEach) {
Utils.warn('Parsley requires ES5 to run properly. Please include');
} // Inherit `on`, `off` & `trigger` to Parsley:
var Parsley = _extends(new Base(), {
element: document,
$element: $(document),
actualizeOptions: null,
_resetOptions: null,
Factory: Factory,
version: '2.9.2'
}); // Supplement Field and Form with Base
// This way, the constructors will have access to those methods
_extends(Field.prototype, UI.Field, Base.prototype);
_extends(Form.prototype, UI.Form, Base.prototype); // Inherit actualizeOptions and _resetOptions:
_extends(Factory.prototype, Base.prototype); // ### jQuery API
// `$('.elem').parsley(options)` or `$('.elem').psly(options)`
$.fn.parsley = $.fn.psly = function (options) {
if (this.length > 1) {
var instances = [];
this.each(function () {
return instances;
} // Return undefined if applied to non existing DOM element
if (this.length == 0) {
return new Factory(this[0], options);
}; // ### Field and Form extension
// Ensure the extension is now defined if it wasn't previously
if ('undefined' === typeof window.ParsleyExtend) window.ParsleyExtend = {}; // ### Parsley config
// Inherit from ParsleyDefault, and copy over any existing values
Parsley.options = _extends(Utils.objectCreate(Defaults), window.ParsleyConfig);
window.ParsleyConfig = Parsley.options; // Old way of accessing global options
// ### Globals
window.Parsley = window.psly = Parsley;
Parsley.Utils = Utils;
window.ParsleyUtils = {};
$.each(Utils, function (key, value) {
if ('function' === typeof value) {
window.ParsleyUtils[key] = function () {
Utils.warnOnce('Accessing `window.ParsleyUtils` is deprecated. Use `window.Parsley.Utils` instead.');
return Utils[key].apply(Utils, arguments);
}); // ### Define methods that forward to the registry, and deprecate all access except through window.Parsley
var registry = window.Parsley._validatorRegistry = new ValidatorRegistry(window.ParsleyConfig.validators, window.ParsleyConfig.i18n);
window.ParsleyValidator = {};
$.each('setLocale addCatalog addMessage addMessages getErrorMessage formatMessage addValidator updateValidator removeValidator hasValidator'.split(' '), function (i, method) {
window.Parsley[method] = function () {
return registry[method].apply(registry, arguments);
window.ParsleyValidator[method] = function () {
var _window$Parsley;
Utils.warnOnce("Accessing the method '".concat(method, "' through Validator is deprecated. Simply call 'window.Parsley.").concat(method, "(...)'"));
return (_window$Parsley = window.Parsley)[method].apply(_window$Parsley, arguments);
}); // ### UI
// Deprecated global object
window.Parsley.UI = UI;
window.ParsleyUI = {
removeError: function removeError(instance, name, doNotUpdateClass) {
var updateClass = true !== doNotUpdateClass;
Utils.warnOnce("Accessing UI is deprecated. Call 'removeError' on the instance directly. Please comment in issue 1073 as to your need to call this method.");
return instance.removeError(name, {
updateClass: updateClass
getErrorsMessages: function getErrorsMessages(instance) {
Utils.warnOnce("Accessing UI is deprecated. Call 'getErrorsMessages' on the instance directly.");
return instance.getErrorsMessages();
$.each('addError updateError'.split(' '), function (i, method) {
window.ParsleyUI[method] = function (instance, name, message, assert, doNotUpdateClass) {
var updateClass = true !== doNotUpdateClass;
Utils.warnOnce("Accessing UI is deprecated. Call '".concat(method, "' on the instance directly. Please comment in issue 1073 as to your need to call this method."));
return instance[method](name, {
message: message,
assert: assert,
updateClass: updateClass
}); // ### PARSLEY auto-binding
// Prevent it by setting `ParsleyConfig.autoBind` to `false`
if (false !== window.ParsleyConfig.autoBind) {
$(function () {
// Works only on `data-parsley-validate`.
if ($('[data-parsley-validate]').length) $('[data-parsley-validate]').parsley();
var o = $({});
var deprecated = function deprecated() {
Utils.warnOnce("Parsley's pubsub module is deprecated; use the 'on' and 'off' methods on parsley instances or window.Parsley");
}; // Returns an event handler that calls `fn` with the arguments it expects
function adapt(fn, context) {
// Store to allow unbinding
if (!fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback) {
fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback = function () {
var args =, 0);
fn.apply(context || o, args);
return fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback;
var eventPrefix = 'parsley:'; // Converts 'parsley:form:validate' into 'form:validate'
function eventName(name) {
if (name.lastIndexOf(eventPrefix, 0) === 0) return name.substr(eventPrefix.length);
return name;
} // $.listen is deprecated. Use Parsley.on instead.
$.listen = function (name, callback) {
var context;
if ('object' === _typeof(arguments[1]) && 'function' === typeof arguments[2]) {
context = arguments[1];
callback = arguments[2];
if ('function' !== typeof callback) throw new Error('Wrong parameters');
window.Parsley.on(eventName(name), adapt(callback, context));
$.listenTo = function (instance, name, fn) {
if (!(instance instanceof Field) && !(instance instanceof Form)) throw new Error('Must give Parsley instance');
if ('string' !== typeof name || 'function' !== typeof fn) throw new Error('Wrong parameters');
instance.on(eventName(name), adapt(fn));
$.unsubscribe = function (name, fn) {
if ('string' !== typeof name || 'function' !== typeof fn) throw new Error('Wrong arguments');, fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback);
$.unsubscribeTo = function (instance, name) {
if (!(instance instanceof Field) && !(instance instanceof Form)) throw new Error('Must give Parsley instance');;
$.unsubscribeAll = function (name) {
$('form,input,textarea,select').each(function () {
var instance = $(this).data('Parsley');
if (instance) {;
}; // $.emit is deprecated. Use jQuery events instead.
$.emit = function (name, instance) {
var _instance;
var instanceGiven = instance instanceof Field || instance instanceof Form;
var args =, instanceGiven ? 2 : 1);
if (!instanceGiven) {
instance = window.Parsley;
(_instance = instance).trigger.apply(_instance, _toConsumableArray(args));
$.extend(true, Parsley, {
asyncValidators: {
'default': {
fn: function fn(xhr) {
// By default, only status 2xx are deemed successful.
// Note: we use status instead of state() because responses with status 200
// but invalid messages (e.g. an empty body for content type set to JSON) will
// result in state() === 'rejected'.
return xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300;
url: false
reverse: {
fn: function fn(xhr) {
// If reverse option is set, a failing ajax request is considered successful
return xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300;
url: false
addAsyncValidator: function addAsyncValidator(name, fn, url, options) {
Parsley.asyncValidators[name] = {
fn: fn,
url: url || false,
options: options || {}
return this;
Parsley.addValidator('remote', {
requirementType: {
'': 'string',
'validator': 'string',
'reverse': 'boolean',
'options': 'object'
validateString: function validateString(value, url, options, instance) {
var data = {};
var ajaxOptions;
var csr;
var validator = options.validator || (true === options.reverse ? 'reverse' : 'default');
if ('undefined' === typeof Parsley.asyncValidators[validator]) throw new Error('Calling an undefined async validator: `' + validator + '`');
url = Parsley.asyncValidators[validator].url || url; // Fill current value
if (url.indexOf('{value}') > -1) {
url = url.replace('{value}', encodeURIComponent(value));
} else {
data[instance.element.getAttribute('name') || instance.element.getAttribute('id')] = value;
} // Merge options passed in from the function with the ones in the attribute
var remoteOptions = $.extend(true, options.options || {}, Parsley.asyncValidators[validator].options); // All `$.ajax(options)` could be overridden or extended directly from DOM in `data-parsley-remote-options`
ajaxOptions = $.extend(true, {}, {
url: url,
data: data,
type: 'GET'
}, remoteOptions); // Generate store key based on ajax options
instance.trigger('field:ajaxoptions', instance, ajaxOptions);
csr = $.param(ajaxOptions); // Initialise querry cache
if ('undefined' === typeof Parsley._remoteCache) Parsley._remoteCache = {}; // Try to retrieve stored xhr
var xhr = Parsley._remoteCache[csr] = Parsley._remoteCache[csr] || $.ajax(ajaxOptions);
var handleXhr = function handleXhr() {
var result = Parsley.asyncValidators[validator], xhr, url, options);
if (!result) // Map falsy results to rejected promise
result = $.Deferred().reject();
return $.when(result);
return xhr.then(handleXhr, handleXhr);
priority: -1
Parsley.on('form:submit', function () {
Parsley._remoteCache = {};
Base.prototype.addAsyncValidator = function () {
Utils.warnOnce('Accessing the method `addAsyncValidator` through an instance is deprecated. Simply call `Parsley.addAsyncValidator(...)`');
return Parsley.addAsyncValidator.apply(Parsley, arguments);
// This is included with the Parsley library itself,
Parsley.addMessages('en', {
defaultMessage: "This value seems to be invalid.",
type: {
email: "This value should be a valid email.",
url: "This value should be a valid url.",
number: "This value should be a valid number.",
integer: "This value should be a valid integer.",
digits: "This value should be digits.",
alphanum: "This value should be alphanumeric."
notblank: "This value should not be blank.",
required: "This value is required.",
pattern: "This value seems to be invalid.",
min: "This value should be greater than or equal to %s.",
max: "This value should be lower than or equal to %s.",
range: "This value should be between %s and %s.",
minlength: "This value is too short. It should have %s characters or more.",
maxlength: "This value is too long. It should have %s characters or fewer.",
length: "This value length is invalid. It should be between %s and %s characters long.",
mincheck: "You must select at least %s choices.",
maxcheck: "You must select %s choices or fewer.",
check: "You must select between %s and %s choices.",
equalto: "This value should be the same.",
euvatin: "It's not a valid VAT Identification Number."
function InputEvent() {
var _this = this;
var globals = window || global; // Slightly odd way construct our object. This way methods are force bound.
// Used to test for duplicate library.
_extends(this, {
// For browsers that do not support isTrusted, assumes event is native.
isNativeEvent: function isNativeEvent(evt) {
return evt.originalEvent && evt.originalEvent.isTrusted !== false;
fakeInputEvent: function fakeInputEvent(evt) {
if (_this.isNativeEvent(evt)) {
misbehaves: function misbehaves(evt) {
if (_this.isNativeEvent(evt)) {
$(document).on('change.inputevent',, _this.fakeInputEvent);
behavesOk: function behavesOk(evt) {
if (_this.isNativeEvent(evt)) {
$(document) // Simply unbinds the testing handler
.off('input.inputevent',, _this.behavesOk).off('change.inputevent',, _this.misbehaves);
// Bind the testing handlers
install: function install() {
if (globals.inputEventPatched) {
globals.inputEventPatched = '0.0.3';
for (var _i = 0, _arr = ['select', 'input[type="checkbox"]', 'input[type="radio"]', 'input[type="file"]']; _i < _arr.length; _i++) {
var selector = _arr[_i];
$(document).on('input.inputevent', selector, {
selector: selector
}, _this.behavesOk).on('change.inputevent', selector, {
selector: selector
}, _this.misbehaves);
uninstall: function uninstall() {
delete globals.inputEventPatched;
var inputevent = new InputEvent();
return Parsley;