Your IP :
// Call this from the developer console and you can control both instances
var calendars = {};
$(function() {
'Welcome to the CLNDR demo. Click around on the calendars and' +
'the console will log different events that fire.');
// Assuming you've got the appropriate language files,
// clndr will respect whatever moment's language is set to.
// moment.locale('ru');
// Here's some magic to make sure the dates are happening this month.
var thisMonth = moment().format('YYYY-MM');
// Events to load into calendar
var eventArray = [
title: 'Multi-Day Event',
endDate: thisMonth + '-14',
startDate: thisMonth + '-10'
}, {
endDate: thisMonth + '-23',
startDate: thisMonth + '-21',
title: 'Another Multi-Day Event'
}, {
date: thisMonth + '-27',
title: 'Single Day Event'
// The order of the click handlers is predictable. Direct click action
// callbacks come first: click, nextMonth, previousMonth, nextYear,
// previousYear, nextInterval, previousInterval, or today. Then
// onMonthChange (if the month changed), inIntervalChange if the interval
// has changed, and finally onYearChange (if the year changed).
calendars.clndr1 = $('.cal1').clndr({
events: eventArray,
clickEvents: {
click: function (target) {
console.log('Cal-1 clicked: ', target);
today: function () {
console.log('Cal-1 today');
nextMonth: function () {
console.log('Cal-1 next month');
previousMonth: function () {
console.log('Cal-1 previous month');
onMonthChange: function () {
console.log('Cal-1 month changed');
nextYear: function () {
console.log('Cal-1 next year');
previousYear: function () {
console.log('Cal-1 previous year');
onYearChange: function () {
console.log('Cal-1 year changed');
nextInterval: function () {
console.log('Cal-1 next interval');
previousInterval: function () {
console.log('Cal-1 previous interval');
onIntervalChange: function () {
console.log('Cal-1 interval changed');
multiDayEvents: {
singleDay: 'date',
endDate: 'endDate',
startDate: 'startDate'
showAdjacentMonths: true,
adjacentDaysChangeMonth: false