Your IP :
namespace NunoMaduro\Collision\Adapters\Laravel\Commands;
use Dotenv\Exception\InvalidPathException;
use Dotenv\Parser\Parser;
use Dotenv\Store\StoreBuilder;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Env;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use NunoMaduro\Collision\Adapters\Laravel\Exceptions\RequirementsException;
use NunoMaduro\Collision\Coverage;
use RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessSignaledException;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
* @internal
* @final
class TestCommand extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'test
{--without-tty : Disable output to TTY}
{--coverage : Indicates whether code coverage information should be collected}
{--min= : Indicates the minimum threshold enforcement for code coverage}
{--p|parallel : Indicates if the tests should run in parallel}
{--recreate-databases : Indicates if the test databases should be re-created}
{--drop-databases : Indicates if the test databases should be dropped}
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Run the application tests';
* Create a new command instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Execute the console command.
* @return mixed
public function handle()
if ((int) \PHPUnit\Runner\Version::id()[0] < 9) {
throw new RequirementsException('Running Collision ^5.0 artisan test command requires at least PHPUnit ^9.0.');
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
if ((int) \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::VERSION[0] < 8) {
throw new RequirementsException('Running Collision ^5.0 artisan test command requires at least Laravel ^8.0.');
if ($this->option('coverage') && ! Coverage::isAvailable()) {
"\n <fg=white;bg=red;options=bold> ERROR </> Code coverage driver not available.%s</>",
? " Did you set <href=>Xdebug's coverage mode</>?"
: ''
return 1;
if ($this->option('parallel') && ! $this->isParallelDependenciesInstalled()) {
if (! $this->confirm('Running tests in parallel requires "brianium/paratest". Do you wish to install it as a dev dependency?')) {
return 1;
$options = array_slice($_SERVER['argv'], $this->option('without-tty') ? 3 : 2);
$parallel = $this->option('parallel');
$process = (new Process(array_merge(
// Binary ...
// Arguments ...
$parallel ? $this->paratestArguments($options) : $this->phpunitArguments($options)
// Envs ...
$parallel ? $this->paratestEnvironmentVariables() : $this->phpunitEnvironmentVariables(),
try {
$process->setTty(! $this->option('without-tty'));
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
$this->output->writeln('Warning: '.$e->getMessage());
$exitCode = 1;
try {
$exitCode = $process->run(function ($type, $line) {
} catch (ProcessSignaledException $e) {
if (extension_loaded('pcntl') && $e->getSignal() !== SIGINT) {
throw $e;
if ($exitCode === 0 && $this->option('coverage')) {
if (! $this->usingPest() && $this->option('parallel')) {
$coverage = Coverage::report($this->output);
$exitCode = (int) ($coverage < $this->option('min'));
if ($exitCode === 1) {
"\n <fg=white;bg=red;options=bold> FAIL </> Code coverage below expected:<fg=red;options=bold> %s %%</>. Minimum:<fg=white;options=bold> %s %%</>.",
number_format($coverage, 1),
number_format((float) $this->option('min'), 1)
return $exitCode;
* Get the PHP binary to execute.
* @return array
protected function binary()
if ($this->usingPest()) {
$command = $this->option('parallel') ? ['vendor/pestphp/pest/bin/pest', '--parallel'] : ['vendor/pestphp/pest/bin/pest'];
} else {
$command = $this->option('parallel') ? ['vendor/brianium/paratest/bin/paratest'] : ['vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit'];
if ('phpdbg' === PHP_SAPI) {
return array_merge([PHP_BINARY, '-qrr'], $command);
return array_merge([PHP_BINARY], $command);
* Gets the common arguments of PHPUnit and Pest.
* @return array
protected function commonArguments()
$arguments = [];
if ($this->option('coverage')) {
$arguments[] = '--coverage-php';
$arguments[] = Coverage::getPath();
return $arguments;
* Determines if Pest is being used.
* @return bool
protected function usingPest()
return class_exists(\Pest\Laravel\PestServiceProvider::class);
* Get the array of arguments for running PHPUnit.
* @param array $options
* @return array
protected function phpunitArguments($options)
$options = array_merge(['--printer=NunoMaduro\\Collision\\Adapters\\Phpunit\\Printer'], $options);
$options = array_values(array_filter($options, function ($option) {
return ! Str::startsWith($option, '--env=')
&& $option != '-q'
&& $option != '--quiet'
&& $option != '--coverage'
&& ! Str::startsWith($option, '--min');
if (! file_exists($file = base_path('phpunit.xml'))) {
$file = base_path('phpunit.xml.dist');
return array_merge($this->commonArguments(), ["--configuration=$file"], $options);
* Get the array of arguments for running Paratest.
* @param array $options
* @return array
protected function paratestArguments($options)
$options = array_values(array_filter($options, function ($option) {
return ! Str::startsWith($option, '--env=')
&& $option != '--coverage'
&& $option != '-q'
&& $option != '--quiet'
&& ! Str::startsWith($option, '--min')
&& ! Str::startsWith($option, '-p')
&& ! Str::startsWith($option, '--parallel')
&& ! Str::startsWith($option, '--recreate-databases')
&& ! Str::startsWith($option, '--drop-databases');
if (! file_exists($file = base_path('phpunit.xml'))) {
$file = base_path('phpunit.xml.dist');
return array_merge($this->commonArguments(), [
], $options);
* Get the array of environment variables for running PHPUnit.
* @return array
protected function phpunitEnvironmentVariables()
return [];
* Get the array of environment variables for running Paratest.
* @return array
protected function paratestEnvironmentVariables()
return [
'LARAVEL_PARALLEL_TESTING_RECREATE_DATABASES' => $this->option('recreate-databases'),
'LARAVEL_PARALLEL_TESTING_DROP_DATABASES' => $this->option('drop-databases'),
* Clears any set Environment variables set by Laravel if the --env option is empty.
* @return void
protected function clearEnv()
if (! $this->option('env')) {
$vars = self::getEnvironmentVariables(
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
$repository = Env::getRepository();
foreach ($vars as $name) {
* @param string $path
* @param string $file
* @return array
protected static function getEnvironmentVariables($path, $file)
try {
$content = StoreBuilder::createWithNoNames()
} catch (InvalidPathException $e) {
return [];
$vars = [];
foreach ((new Parser())->parse($content) as $entry) {
$vars[] = $entry->getName();
return $vars;
* Check if the parallel dependencies are installed.
* @return bool
protected function isParallelDependenciesInstalled()
return class_exists(\ParaTest\Console\Commands\ParaTestCommand::class);
* Install parallel testing needed dependencies.
* @return void
protected function installParallelDependencies()
$command = $this->findComposer().' require brianium/paratest --dev';
$process = Process::fromShellCommandline($command, null, null, null, null);
if ('\\' !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && file_exists('/dev/tty') && is_readable('/dev/tty')) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
$this->output->writeln('Warning: '.$e->getMessage());
try {
$process->run(function ($type, $line) {
} catch (ProcessSignaledException $e) {
if (extension_loaded('pcntl') && $e->getSignal() !== SIGINT) {
throw $e;
* Get the composer command for the environment.
* @return string
protected function findComposer()
$composerPath = getcwd().'/composer.phar';
if (file_exists($composerPath)) {
return '"'.PHP_BINARY.'" '.$composerPath;
return 'composer';