Your IP :
// template.php
// Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Started by: Pulkit Gupta
// Date: 23rd Jan 2017
// Time: 23:00 hrs
// Site: (KKART)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Please Read the Terms of use at
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// (c)Kkart Team
// Are we being accessed directly ?
if(!defined('KKART_VERSION')) {
exit('Hacking Attempt !');
//add_action('init', 'kkart_template_builder', 99999);
function kkart_template_builder($builder){
global $pagelayer;
$condition = [];
$post_type = 'product';
$label = __('Products');
$condition[$label] = [ //TC: Need to change the name of variable
$post_type => array(
'label' => $label,
'check_conditions' => function ( $args = null ) use ($post_type){
return is_shop();
'no_id_section' => 1, // Id select section not required
$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( $post_type, 'objects' );
$post_taxonomies = wp_filter_object_list( $taxonomies, [
'public' => true,
'show_in_nav_menus' => true,
] );
foreach ( $post_taxonomies as $slug => $object ) {
$condition[$label] += [
$object->name => array(
'label' => sprintf( __( '%s' ), $object->label ),
'check_conditions' => function ( $args = null ) use ($object){
$taxonomy = $object->name;
$id = (int) $args['id'];
if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) {
return is_category( $id );
if ( 'post_tag' === $taxonomy ) {
return is_tag( $id );
return is_tax( $taxonomy, $id );
'filter_type' => 'taxonomy',
'object_type' => $object->name,
$pagelayer->builder['shop_archives_templates'] = $condition;
$pagelayer->builder['type']['shop_archive'] = array(
'label' => __('Shop Archive'),
'need_selection' => 'shop_archives',
$pagelayer->builder['dispay_on']['shop_archives'] = array(
'label' => __('Shop Archives'),
'check_conditions' => function ( $args = null ){
return is_shop();
// Set Pagelayer template Id
add_action('pagelayer_builder_template_redirect', 'kkart_builder_template_redirect');
// Set template post
function kkart_builder_template_redirect(){
global $pagelayer;
$shop_archive = pagelayer_builder_try_to_apply('shop_archive');
if(!is_shop() || empty($shop_archive)){
$pagelayer->template_post = $shop_archive;