Your IP :
* Kkart Admin
* @class KKART_Admin
* @package Kkart\Admin
* @version 2.6.0
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
* KKART_Admin class.
class KKART_Admin {
* Constructor.
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'includes' ) );
add_action( 'current_screen', array( $this, 'conditional_includes' ) );
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'buffer' ), 1 );
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'preview_emails' ) );
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'prevent_admin_access' ) );
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_redirects' ) );
add_action( 'admin_footer', 'kkart_print_js', 25 );
add_filter( 'admin_footer_text', array( $this, 'admin_footer_text' ), 1 );
add_action( 'init', array( 'KKART_Site_Tracking', 'init' ) );
// Disable WXR export of schedule action posts.
add_filter( 'action_scheduler_post_type_args', array( $this, 'disable_webhook_post_export' ) );
// Add body class for WP 5.3+ compatibility.
add_filter( 'admin_body_class', array( $this, 'include_admin_body_class' ), 9999 );
* Output buffering allows admin screens to make redirects later on.
public function buffer() {
* Include any classes we need within admin.
public function includes() {
include_once __DIR__ . '/kkart-admin-functions.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/kkart-meta-box-functions.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-post-types.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-taxonomies.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-menus.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-customize.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-notices.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-assets.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-api-keys.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-webhooks.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-pointers.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-importers.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-exporters.php';
include_once KKART_ABSPATH . 'includes/tracks/class-kkart-tracks.php';
include_once KKART_ABSPATH . 'includes/tracks/class-kkart-tracks-event.php';
include_once KKART_ABSPATH . 'includes/tracks/class-kkart-tracks-client.php';
include_once KKART_ABSPATH . 'includes/tracks/class-kkart-tracks-footer-pixel.php';
include_once KKART_ABSPATH . 'includes/tracks/class-kkart-site-tracking.php';
// Help Tabs.
if ( apply_filters( 'kkart_enable_admin_help_tab', true ) ) {
include_once __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-help.php';
// Helper.
include_once __DIR__ . '/helper/class-kkart-helper.php';
// Marketplace suggestions & related REST API.
include_once __DIR__ . '/marketplace-suggestions/class-kkart-marketplace-suggestions.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/marketplace-suggestions/class-kkart-marketplace-updater.php';
* Include admin files conditionally.
public function conditional_includes() {
$screen = get_current_screen();
if ( ! $screen ) {
switch ( $screen->id ) {
case 'dashboard':
case 'dashboard-network':
include __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-dashboard.php';
case 'options-permalink':
include __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-permalink-settings.php';
case 'plugins':
include __DIR__ . '/plugin-updates/class-kkart-plugins-screen-updates.php';
case 'update-core':
include __DIR__ . '/plugin-updates/class-kkart-updates-screen-updates.php';
case 'users':
case 'user':
case 'profile':
case 'user-edit':
include __DIR__ . '/class-kkart-admin-profile.php';
* Handle redirects to setup/welcome page after install and updates.
* The user must have access rights, and we must ignore the network/bulk plugin updaters.
public function admin_redirects() {
// Don't run this fn from Action Scheduler requests, as it would clear _kkart_activation_redirect transient.
// That means OBW would never be shown.
if ( kkart_is_running_from_async_action_scheduler() ) {
// phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
// Nonced plugin install redirects.
if ( ! empty( $_GET['kkart-install-plugin-redirect'] ) ) {
$plugin_slug = kkart_clean( wp_unslash( $_GET['kkart-install-plugin-redirect'] ) );
if ( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) && in_array( $plugin_slug, array( 'kkart-gateway-stripe' ), true ) ) {
$nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'install-plugin_' . $plugin_slug );
$url = self_admin_url( 'update.php?action=install-plugin&plugin=' . $plugin_slug . '&_wpnonce=' . $nonce );
} else {
$url = admin_url( 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=' . $plugin_slug );
wp_safe_redirect( $url );
// phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
* Prevent any user who cannot 'edit_posts' (subscribers, customers etc) from accessing admin.
public function prevent_admin_access() {
$prevent_access = false;
if ( apply_filters( 'kkart_disable_admin_bar', true ) && ! is_ajax() && isset( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ) && basename( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ) ) ) !== 'admin-post.php' ) {
$has_cap = false;
$access_caps = array( 'edit_posts', 'manage_kkart', 'view_admin_dashboard' );
foreach ( $access_caps as $access_cap ) {
if ( current_user_can( $access_cap ) ) {
$has_cap = true;
if ( ! $has_cap ) {
$prevent_access = true;
if ( apply_filters( 'kkart_prevent_admin_access', $prevent_access ) ) {
wp_safe_redirect( kkart_get_page_permalink( 'myaccount' ) );
* Preview email template.
public function preview_emails() {
if ( isset( $_GET['preview_kkart_mail'] ) ) {
if ( ! ( isset( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'] ) ), 'preview-mail' ) ) ) {
die( 'Security check' );
// load the mailer class.
$mailer = KKART()->mailer();
// get the preview email subject.
$email_heading = __( 'HTML email template', 'kkart' );
// get the preview email content.
include __DIR__ . '/views/html-email-template-preview.php';
$message = ob_get_clean();
// create a new email.
$email = new KKART_Email();
// wrap the content with the email template and then add styles.
$message = apply_filters( 'kkart_mail_content', $email->style_inline( $mailer->wrap_message( $email_heading, $message ) ) );
// print the preview email.
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput
echo $message;
// phpcs:enable
* Change the admin footer text on Kkart admin pages.
* @since 2.3
* @param string $footer_text text to be rendered in the footer.
* @return string
public function admin_footer_text( $footer_text ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_kkart' ) || ! function_exists( 'kkart_get_screen_ids' ) ) {
return $footer_text;
$current_screen = get_current_screen();
$kkart_pages = kkart_get_screen_ids();
// Set only KKART pages.
$kkart_pages = array_diff( $kkart_pages, array( 'profile', 'user-edit' ) );
// Check to make sure we're on a Kkart admin page.
if ( isset( $current_screen->id ) && apply_filters( 'kkart_display_admin_footer_text', in_array( $current_screen->id, $kkart_pages, true ) ) ) {
// Change the footer text.
if ( ! get_option( 'kkart_admin_footer_text_rated' ) ) {
$footer_text = sprintf(
/* translators: 1: Kkart 2:: five stars */
__( 'If you like %1$s please leave us a %2$s rating. A huge thanks in advance!', 'kkart' ),
sprintf( '<strong>%s</strong>', esc_html__( 'Kkart', 'kkart' ) ),
'<a href="" target="_blank" class="kkart-rating-link" aria-label="' . esc_attr__( 'five star', 'kkart' ) . '" data-rated="' . esc_attr__( 'Thanks :)', 'kkart' ) . '">★★★★★</a>'
"jQuery( 'a.kkart-rating-link' ).click( function() { '" . KKART()->ajax_url() . "', { action: 'kkart_rated' } );
jQuery( this ).parent().text( jQuery( this ).data( 'rated' ) );
} else {
$footer_text = __( 'Thank you for selling with Kkart.', 'kkart' );
return $footer_text;
* Check on a Jetpack install queued by the Setup Wizard.
* See: KKART_Admin_Setup_Wizard::install_jetpack()
public function setup_wizard_check_jetpack() {
$jetpack_active = class_exists( 'Jetpack' );
'is_active' => $jetpack_active ? 'yes' : 'no',
* Disable WXR export of scheduled action posts.
* @since 3.6.2
* @param array $args Scehduled action post type registration args.
* @return array
public function disable_webhook_post_export( $args ) {
$args['can_export'] = false;
return $args;
* Include admin classes.
* @since 4.2.0
* @param string $classes Body classes string.
* @return string
public function include_admin_body_class( $classes ) {
if ( in_array( array( 'kkart-wp-version-gte-53', 'kkart-wp-version-gte-55' ), explode( ' ', $classes ), true ) ) {
return $classes;
$raw_version = get_bloginfo( 'version' );
$version_parts = explode( '-', $raw_version );
$version = count( $version_parts ) > 1 ? $version_parts[0] : $raw_version;
// Add WP 5.3+ compatibility class.
if ( $raw_version && version_compare( $version, '5.3', '>=' ) ) {
$classes .= ' kkart-wp-version-gte-53';
// Add WP 5.5+ compatibility class.
if ( $raw_version && version_compare( $version, '5.5', '>=' ) ) {
$classes .= ' kkart-wp-version-gte-55';
return $classes;
return new KKART_Admin();