Your IP :
use \Lsc\Wp\View\Model\MassEnableDisableProgressViewModel as ViewModel;
$icon = $this->viewModel->getTplData(ViewModel::FLD_ICON);
$action = $this->viewModel->getTplData(ViewModel::FLD_ACTION);
$installsCount = $this->viewModel->getTplData(ViewModel::FLD_INSTALLS_COUNT);
$activeVer = $this->viewModel->getTplData(ViewModel::FLD_ACTIVE_VER);
$actionUpper = ucfirst($action);
$d = array(
'title' => 'Mass ' . substr($actionUpper, 0, -1) . 'ing All LiteSpeed Cache Plugins...',
'icon' => $icon
$this->loadTplBlock('Title.tpl', $d);
if ( $action == 'enable' && $activeVer == false ):
No active LSCWP version set! Mass Enable aborted.
$d = array(
'back' => 'OK'
$this->loadTplBlock('ButtonPanelBackNext.tpl', $d);
<div id="progress-box" class="msg-box">
Attempting to <?php echo $action; ?> <span id="currIndex">0</span> out of
<span id="totalCount"><?php echo $installsCount; ?></span> ...
Currently attempting to <?php echo $action; ?> all LiteSpeed Cache
plugin installations.
<?php if ( $action == 'enable' ) : ?>
If the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin is not installed, version
<b><?php echo htmlspecialchars($activeVer); ?></b> will be used.
<?php endif; ?>
Please be patient.
$msgs = array(
"<span id=\"bypassedCount\"><b>0</b></span> flagged/error WordPress installation(s) bypassed.",
"LSCWP newly {$action}d for <span id=\"succCount\"><b>0</b></span> WordPress installation(s).",
"LSCWP {$action} failed for <span id=\"failCount\" class=\"red\"><b>0</b></span> WordPress "
. "installation(s)."
$d = array(
'msgs' => $msgs,
'class' => 'msg-info',
$this->loadTplBlock('DivMsgBox.tpl', $d);
$d = array(
'back' => 'OK',
'visibility' => 'hidden'
$this->loadTplBlock('ButtonPanelBackNext.tpl', $d);
<button class="accordion accordion-error" type="button" style="display: none">
Error Messages <span id ="errMsgCnt" class="badge errMsg-badge">0</span>
<div class="panel panel-error">
$d = array(
'id' => 'errMsgs',
'class' => 'scrollable',
$this->loadTplBlock('DivMsgBox.tpl', $d);
<button class="accordion accordion-success" type="button" style="display: none">
Success Messages <span id="succMsgCnt" class="badge succMsg-badge">0</span>
<div class="panel panel-success">
$d = array(
'id' => 'succMsgs',
'class' => 'scrollable',
'title' => 'Success Messages:',
$this->loadTplBlock('DivMsgBox.tpl', $d);
<script type="text/javascript">lswsInitDropdownBoxes();</script>
<script type="text/javascript">
lscwpEnableDisableUpdate('<?php echo $action; ?>');
<?php endif;