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�DowngradeCommandzWA class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
downgrade command.
� downgrade�dgzDowngrade a packagec C s | j ddtd�tjd� d S )N�package�*zPackage to downgrade)�nargs�help�action)�add_argumentr r ZParseSpecGroupFileCallback)�parser� r �/usr/lib/python3.6/�
set_argparser$ s zDowngradeCommand.set_argparserc C sH | j j}d|_d|_d|_d|_tj| j| j � | j j
sDtj| j� d S )NT)Zcli�demandsZsack_activationZavailable_reposZ resolvingZ root_userr Z_checkGPGKey�base�opts� filenamesZ_checkEnabledRepo)�selfr r r r � configure) s zDowngradeCommand.configurec C sJ | j j| jjd| j jjd�}| j j| jjdd� | jjD � || j j j
d�S )NF)�strict�progressc S s g | ]}d | �qS )�@r )�.0�xr r r �
<listcomp>8 s z(<locals>.<listcomp>)Zspecs� file_pkgsr )r Zadd_remote_rpmsr r �outputr Z
downgradePkgsZ pkg_specsZ grp_specsZconfr )r r r r r �run4 s zDowngradeCommand.runN)r r )�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__�aliasesr Zsummary�staticmethodr r r"