Your IP :
* Configuration file.
* This file is auto-generated.
* @package Config
* @copyright YetiForce S.A.
* @license YetiForce Public License 7.0 (licenses/LicenseEN.txt or
namespace Config;
* Configuration file: Config\Main.
class Main
/** Use rte */
public static $USE_RTE = true;
/** Url for customer portal (Example: */
public static $PORTAL_URL = '';
/** Help desk support email reply */
/** Backslash is required at the end of URL */
public static $site_URL = '[[softurl]]/';
/** Cache directory path */
public static $cache_dir = 'cache/';
/** Maximum file size for uploaded files in bytes also used when uploading import files: upload_maxsize default value = 52428800 (50MB) */
public static $upload_maxsize = 52428800;
/** Flag to allow export functionality: "all" - to allow anyone to use exports, "admin" - to only allow admins to export, "none" - to block exports completely */
public static $allow_exports = 'all';
/** Files with one of these extensions will have ".txt" appended to their filename on upload. */
public static $upload_badext = [
/** List max entries per page: default value = 20 */
public static $list_max_entries_per_page = 20;
/** Default module: default value = Home */
public static $default_module = 'Home';
/** Default charset: default value = "UTF-8" */
public static $default_charset = 'UTF-8';
/** Default language: default value = en-US */
public static $default_language = 'en-US';
/** Unique Application Key */
public static $application_unique_key = '[[unique_key]]';
/** Trim descriptions, titles in listviews to this value */
public static $listview_max_textlength = 40;
/** Maximum time limit for PHP script execution (in seconds) */
public static $php_max_execution_time = 0;
/** Set the default timezone as per your preference */
public static $default_timezone = 'America/New_York';
/** Maximum length of characters for title */
public static $title_max_length = 60;
/** Maximum length for href tag */
public static $href_max_length = 50;
/** Minimum cron frequency [min] */
public static $MINIMUM_CRON_FREQUENCY = 1;
/** Update the current session id with a newly generated one after login */
public static $davStorageDir = 'storage/Files';
/** System mode. Available: prod, demo, test */
public static $systemMode = 'prod';
/** Maximum number of records in a mass edition */
public static $listMaxEntriesMassEdit = 500;
/** Enable closing of modal window by clicking on the background */
public static $backgroundClosingModal = true;
/** Is sending emails active? */
public static $isActiveSendingMails = true;
/** Activates / deactivates batch adding of records */
public static $isActiveRecordTemplate = false;
/** Should the task in cron be unblocked if the script execution time was exceeded? */
public static $unblockedTimeoutCronTasks = true;
/** The maximum time of executing a cron. Recommended the same as the max_exacution_time parameter value. */
public static $maxExecutionCronTime = 3600;
/** System's language selection in the login window (true/false). */
public static $langInLoginView = false;
/** System's layout selection in the login window (true/false) */
public static $layoutInLoginView = false;
/** Set the default layout */
public static $defaultLayout = 'basic';
/** Header alert message */
public static $headerAlertMessage = '';
/** Header alert type, ex. alert-primary, alert-danger, alert-warning, alert-info */
public static $headerAlertType = '';
/** Header alert icon, ex. fas fa-exclamation-triangle, fas fa-exclamation-circle, fas fa-exclamation, far fa-question-circle, fas fa-info-circle */
public static $headerAlertIcon = '';
/** Login page alert message */
public static $loginPageAlertMessage = '';
/** Login page alert type, ex. alert-primary, alert-danger, alert-warning, alert-info */
public static $loginPageAlertType = '';
/** Login page alert icon, ex. fas fa-exclamation-triangle, fas fa-exclamation-circle, fas fa-exclamation, far fa-question-circle, fas fa-info-circle */
public static $loginPageAlertIcon = '';
/** Registration and product api base URL */
public static $regApiBaseUrl = '';
* Default value prepended by cache_dir = images/
public static function tmp_dir()
return self::$cache_dir . "images/";