Your IP :
# V1.6.1
## Added Features:
- #941: Admin can add custom prices for facilities and services while editing order.
- #890: Service products can now be assigned to a room type from room type edit page at back office.
- #881: Address is not required in booking/order flow
- #784: Admin can add partial order payment when creating a new booking.
- #901: Added upgrade/degrade of rooms while reallocation and also fixed reallocation and swapping issues.
- #833: Added 'Show at front office' option to enable/disable booking from front office.
- #877: Added new module for extra service and facilities statistics.
- #830: Added option to disable backdate order from superadmin and employees.
- #896: Added configuration for showing prices in Order list in (Default currency or Payment Currency).
- #1105: Added option for modules to manipulate KPI data.
- #918: New design of order detail page of the customer
- #918: New design of order detail page of the admin in back-office
- #870: New design for KPIs in back-office
- #1080: Added option 'Maximum Login Attempts' on Preferences > Maintenance page to allow certain number of employee login attempts.
- #947: Added KPIs on orders list page in back-office.
- #1124: Added new KPIs in order view page in the Back-office.
- #1264: Added Seo fields in manage hotel controller in the back-office
- #850: Added language dropdown on maintenance page.
- #1108: Added email template for Partial payment received status.
- #1164: Added option to add/edit customer address from order detail page of Back office.
- #819: Added configuration to show or hide 'Date of Birth' field in customer registration and customer information form at front office.
- #1065: Added Option to view frequent customer in back office customer page.
- #1094: Added Admin can set voucher expiry along with voucher when managing refund request.
- #1167: Added Confirmation modal when deleting cart rules and while changing credit slip status.
- #1204: Added option to show page loader in back office.
- #1191: Added webservice for bookings management.
- #1170: Added date wise breakdown in Availability and rates search API
- #776: Added breadcrumbs on my account pages at front office.
- #894: Added process to allow modules to override module admin and front controllers.
- #1168: Added hotel description in room type page in front office.
- #1092: Added new sorting option "recommended" in search result page.
- #775: Added demo service products for categories Meals and Transfers.
- #962: Added new categories in demo data.
- #882: Added links of Suggested Modules and Themes during installation.
- #1195: Added process for smarty template overriding.
- #937: Added hotel wise restriction on the customer messages belonging to an order.
- #1028: Added hotel wise restrictions on the order notifications for the employee.
- #1138: Added parameters in PatmentModule::validateOrder() function to prevent the emails on the order validation process.
- #883: Added 'Save and stay' button on missing pages at back office.
- Added new hooks in #938, #880, #928, #935, #1121, #1132, #1197, #812, #887, #1197, #1271
## Back Office:
- Improvements:
- #891: Updated design of back office page toolbar
- #1031: Updated tab wise permission restriction on the hotel feature delete process.
- #1188: Updated hotel features assigning process in the back office.
- #965: Improved AdminImportController to handle the csv files required in managing PMS.
- #1241: Updated condition to assign default category on the AdminCustomNavigationLinkSettingController in the back-office.
- #1185: Updated the tab menu list of the hotel reservation system in the back office.
- #1067: Updated the icon for the invoice in search list in the back office
- #1064: Updated room type position update field alert message in back office
- #1186: Added `Add new order` button on the admin orders list page.
- #1025: Added hotel name and room type name in the list in the hotel room block module, added hotel search option while creating new room block.
- #1187: Added feature in tree to select all children node when parent node is selected and fixed some text issue
- #1119: Added check-all and uncheck-all option in the tree for normal products and scroll bar for the rendered tree.
- #1267: Added validations for backoffice list filters for text fields.
- #826: Updated filter by Places panel removed and added advanced filters and room type positioning on Manage Room Types page at back office
- #808: Updated move Week Days list in a new row on Advanced Price Rule form at back office
- #884: Added breadcrumbs for Hotel Booking and Reservation System module controllers under Hotel Reservation System > Settings.
- #944: Added Accurate page name display in "Visitors online" statistics.
- #736: Updated display voucher table only if needed on Order view at back office
- #811: Updated code commented for Pagination panel on Preferences > Room Types page at back office
- #1291: Updated validation for 'Consider guest as child below age' in the back-office and removed child ages from occupancy fields in case 'Maximum children' for a room type is 0 from front-office.
- #801: Updated code for unused addons login feature at the back office has been commented
- #799: Removed subtabs Search Engines and Referers from Stats tab at back office
- #1158: Updated the trademark of the head tag of the admin login page
- #1068: Added validation for the social name in the admin genders controller and changed the neutral gender to the other.
- #1149: Updated preparation time to minimum booking offset and its definition in the admin order preferences controller.
- #1088: Updated customer deletion and ban process and added filters for the admin to view the banned customers.
- #888: Updated default listing order of rooms on admin book now page to ascending order of room database ID.
- #1042: Updated created different block for the customer general and customer KPI configuration in the customer preferences in the admin office.
- #1039: Updated abandoned cart Filter and the Abandoned cart KPI in the admin carts controller.
- #939: Updated optimized search results in the admin search page.
- #873: Removed decimal values from admin stats graph axis where not required
- #815: Updated added Rooms filter and added suggestions for Hotel and Room type filter inputs on admin orders list page
- #807: Added Warning for maximum quantity of service products in Extra Services popup when creating or editing a booking at back office.
- #789: Updated set default occupancy chosen on search results, room type detail and admin book now pages
- #1169: Updated info for convenience fees products and taxes breakup in admin order detail page.
- #771: Updated design of 'Delete voucher' button has been changed to button instead of text on admin Order detail page
- #770: Updated disable cart popup button on admin Book Now page if cart is empty
- #987: Improved Statstics data in admin stats page
- #926: Updated renamed tab Configure to Rooms on Catalog > Manage Room Types page
- #863: Updated "stats dashboard" page conversion graph design
- #835: Updated make Customer Groups inaccessible if option Customer Groups is disabled on Advanced Parameters > Performance page
- #827: Updated use Chosen plugin to select hotel on Catalog > Add Room Type page
- #748: Updated latest logs created will be displayed at the top on Advanced Parameters > Logs page
- #798: Updated move navbar Customer Support contact settings to Hotel Reservation System > Settings > General Settings page
- #1268: Updated error message for cart rule validation
- #1176: Updated the disabled dates interface, add and update process.
- #1165: Displayed image Upload Sizes for Hotel Amenities and Interior Blocks
- #1139: Updated the validation for the city name.
- #1135: Updated order Return states names changes and Translations added
- #1103: Updated validations of order status changes while changing order status using bulk action
- #1101: Updated order edit validations for refunded or cancelled bookings
- #980: Updated room type pre-tax operating cost validation message
- #967: Updated display Helper list filters above list table using new list header option
- #865: Updated stats are now shown according to employee hotel access
- #851: Updated same day room checkin - checkout and select time along with checkin - checkout
- #841: Updated prevent room deletion and room status update to inactive when room has future booking
- #1145: Updated empty dropdown will appear if no options are available and empty message is not set.
- #1070: Updated validations for Hotel address when add a new hotel
- #837: Updated resolve multiple specific price visible for a single catalog rule
- #1146: Udpated Text of column 'tax' to 'Tax rule' in both 'Additional Facilities' & 'Service Products' tab of room type detail page
- #1041: Added 'Show at front' column and updated display of 'Advanced payment' column in the room type list in back office.
- #1237: Removed Save and stay button for the new voucher popup on the Book Now page in the back-office.
- #898: Removed association tab from back office room type page
- #1134: Removed the gender icon from customer information in the AdminCartsController
- #1059: Removed order Currency filter was added multiple time in admin orders page
- #930: Removed hotel wise access restriction for the employees on AdminCustomerController
- #875: Removed information block for 'Save global page views' from admin stats where not required
- #869: Removed custom scrollbar design for badges on admin dashboard
- #1115: Removed retail price field with tax from manage service product panel
- #932: Removed hotel wise access for the employees on the customers addresses
- #769: Removed delivery related fields from Orders > Statuses list page and new Order State form
- #726: Removed country Options section from Localization > Countries page
- #1016: Added display global max order date and global preparation time in the restriction tab in manage hotels.
- Bugs Fixed:
- #866: Fixed Arrangement of row and column in csv files.
- #1284: Fixed getting fatal error on AdminHotelRoomsBookingController when an employee adds an invalid date in the search booking form in back-office.
- #1257: Fixed available fields column of one tab is reset from another tab in backoffice
- #1251: Fixed occupancy selection panel design issue in Backoffice book now page
- #1248: Fixed wrong process for the hotel name for 'most viewed' room types for dashboard in the back-office.
- #1243: Fixed wrong addresses search and hotel access wise Service products search results in AdminSearchController in the back-office.
- #1240: Fixed the design issues with the pop up in the search form in Book Now page in back-office.
- #1239: Fixed hotel wise restriction not working in AdminCustomersThreadsController in back-office.
- #1233: Fixed getting Fatal error while trying to use filter in the AdminTabsController in the back-office.
- #1231: Fixed wrong values selected in Select type filter when submitting with empty value in all render-list filters in the back-office.
- #1230: Fixed the add new button disappears when the controller display type is not empty in admin controllers in the back-office.
- #1228: Fixed information alert for 'Max quantity allow' field does not hide if 'Allow ordering of multiple quantities' is disabled while adding/editing service products in back-office
- #1214: Fixed wrong value of the Messages KPI in AdminOrdersController in back-office.
- #1213: Fixed wrong value of Gender percentage in Customers KPI in the AdminCustomerController in the back-office
- #1212: Fixed wrong total number of customers in the render-list in the AdminCustomerController in the back-office
- #1159: Fixed total count for the service products is incorrect in the list in back office.
- #1125: Fixed invoice data is not correct when multiple invoices created in an order from back-office
- #1122: Fixed currency conversion issue in order if default currency is changed while creating booking from back-office
- #1106: Fixed refund amount not converted while changing the currency of the Order in back office
- #1102: Fixed unable to add discount coupon of 100% on order detail page from back-office
- #1063: Fixed order prices decimal value not shown according to configuration when booking from back office
- #1049: Fixed warnings for invalid IMAP configuration after saving the default message in the contact in the back office.
- #1046: Fixed getting errors in the back office if the id in the URL is updated manually to an invalid one.
- #1045: Fixed the email selection process while creating new address for the customer and back button for the AdminAddressController.
- #1043: Fixed the customer page in the back office showing non required information.
- #1030: Fixed the errors not being displayed in the AdminThemesController in the back office.
- #1023: Fixed backoffice design issue in RTL language
- #1004: Fixed issues in the process of booking creation from back office
- #997: Fixed getting fatal error on order detail page if entered invalid order ID in URL in back-office
- #996: Fixed name of the guest user is not present on order detail page in back-office while guest checkout
- #986: Fixed tax price is not calculated according to zip code in backoffice controllers
- #963: Fixed warning in the Back-office header when update information is not available
- #889: Fixed new hotel category gets created instead of updating previous one on hotel name update at back office
- #856: Fixed price conversion issues while changing currency in order detail page in back office
- #854: Fixed errors shown on order detail page in back office when booked hotel is deleted
- #825: Fixed auto added services is not visible at back office add order and view order page
- #822: Fixed service products are displayed when searching for room types at back office
- #817: Fixed php warning when using non-numeric value for Position filter in renderLists at back office
- #814: Fixed voucher of one customer can be applied to another customer at back office
- #813: Fixed success message is not displayed for bulk status updates in a list at back office
- #806: Fixed new cart getting created even if there are no active hotels for booking at back office Book Now page
- #805: Fixed 'Controller not found' alert when clicking on Hotel Reservation System breadcrumb at back office
- #803: Fixed php notice for function get_magic_quotes_gpc() on Configuration Information page at back office
- #802: Fixed blank space displayed in Customer panel of order detail page in the back-office when customer has deleted
- #792: Fixed warnings displayed after deleting all booked rooms from the orders detail page in back-office
- #777: Fixed employee can search for inaccessible Service Products using search box at back office
- #750: Fixed deleted customers are displayed when searching customer while creating a new order from back office
- #738: Fixed Time picker not available in payment block on order detail page at back office
- #730: Fixed PHP warning on Booking Carts > View page at back office if address of the cart customer is deleted
- #725: Fixed Pre-populate form values after invalid form submission of hotel form at back office
- #1270: Fixed console errors in admin room type and service form when only view permission is provided
- #1225: Fixed javascript files are included multiple times in admin login page
- #1150: Fixed design issue in order page and kpi when printing admin pages
- #1143: Fixed error on AdminTranslationController while translating modules, also optimized the translation process for the modules.
- #1128: Fixed admin is able to create account using 0 as email
- #1120: Fixed incorrect prices show in admin refund request controller
- #1118: Fixed admin was able to create new account using the banned account email.
- #1114: Fixed admin cannot create different Advance price rule for different group for same date ranges
- #1093: Fixed unable to save hotel if admin makes some fields required in address
- #1085: Fixed issues in admin cart rule controller.
- #1074: Fixed online column on admin Booking Carts page
- #1069: Fixed while creating an account from the book now tab, the admin was able to select visitor and guest groups after submitting the ajax form once with errors.
- #1056: Fixed issues if admin tries to add discount having values equals or greater to the order total or due amount.
- #1048: Fixed the warning for invalid price shown on the Admin products controller if there is any error.
- #1047: Fixed the modules list filter shows all modules in admin office.
- #1044: Fixed the issues in catalog price rule (AdminSpecificPriceRuleController).
- #1033: Fixed filter issue on Admin refund request page
- #1019: Fixed empty copywrite year range in the footer incase the admin does not provide the website launch year.
- #1001: Fixed should not allow admin to add rooms if order status is already canceled or refunded.
- #1000: Fixed validation messages should be present on the view page on admin order detail page for Document Notes.
- #995: Fixed getting a fatal error if the admin reduces(in negative amount) more from the booking than the paid amount.
- #989: Fixed same Order ID is displayed multiple times on admin Booking Carts listing page
- #983: Fixed number of associated room types are not shown according to hotel permission in admin service product page
- #969: Fixed empty cart is creted when KPI visibility is updated in Admin carts page
- #958: Fixed admin was able to update the booking dates of a room in an order to the disabled dates of that room.
- #957: Fixed room types and service products were not displayed in the search result in the admin search controller.
- #940: Fixed employee was able to download invoice for all hotels from Admin Invoice controller
- #936: Fixed date selection corrections at different places in admin controllers.
- #933: Fixed admin is able to add/update the quantity of auto added services from the AdminOrdersController, while updating any order.
- #929: Fixed AdminOrdersRefundRequestsController showing exception to all employees except the super admin.
- #920: Fixed super admin profile id is used instead of SuperAdmin employees ids while sending Order-Confirmation and Refund emails
- #916: Fixed auto added services price not showing in cart summary in admin book now page
- #913: Fixed added auto add services to the rooms added to the order by admin on edit order from the admin panel
- #907: Fixed room reallocation process on AdminHotelRoomsBooking controller caused by space in the name of the room.
- #893: Fixed invalid security token issue on admin Customers form page
- #876: Fixed currency conversion in admin stats page
- #874: Fixed incorrect forcast data in "stats Dasboard" tab in admin stats page
- #859: Fixed admin login page opens in recommendations popup
- #840: Fixed calendar tooltips reappear on admin book now page after adding or removing rooms from cart
- #836: Fixed employee form language memorization (Administration > Employees) not working for some forms
- #831: Fixed admin is unable to set empty birthday for a customer during update
- #791: Fixed getting PS exception when admin sends `<script>` in the Message from admin order detail page
- #790: Fixed rooms stats issue on admin Book Now page when adding or removing rooms from cart
- #742: Fixed unable to delete room types from cart if admin visits book now page just after booking creation and before order confirmation
- #733: Fixed admin can not set refund amount to 0 when creating refund rules
- #723: Fixed PHP warning on Administration > Menus page when changing positions of Menus
- #755: Fixed Social title is not displayed on Customers > Groups > View page customer list
- #1184: Fixed Issue occurs while deleting room booking line, If there is no refund requests created for the booking
- #1129: Fixed Dashboard issues on different sections
- #1091: Fixed fatal error when adding negative price with an absolute numeric value equal to or less than the paid amount but a greater currency value
- #1081: Fixed render list filter values are saved without validation
- #1076: Fixed php warning on order detail page if all rooms from order are deleted
- #1071: Fixed sort by price in module catelog page
- #1053: Fixed available Fields for render list are not working if there is only one item present in the list.
- #1029: Fixed hotel configuration options in settings only visible in default language
- #1012: Fixed creation of two separate HotelAdvancedPayment objects for a newly created room type from two separate tabs
- #1007: Fixed maximum occupancy, length of stay and specific prices are not duplicating correctly while duplicating a room type.
- #1002: Fixed unable to edit the price of the room on order detail page, if price becomes with decimals more than valid limit in calculation
- #994: Fixed unable to delete rooms from the Free order
- #991: Fixed need to arrange the options in correct order at order list page in mobile view.
- #982: Fixed advance price rule created during booking are visible in room type price tab
- #976: Fixed design issue in new list header design
- #925: Fixed multiple Advance Price Rule can be created with same conditions
- #923: Fixed service product price and quantity was added incorrectly in order on edit/update
- #919: Fixed issue while saving hotel with name starts with numeric values
- #900: Fixed dashboard stats issues and also improved the view of the dashboard
- #824: Fixed allotment Type selection in partial available rooms in book now page
- #793: Fixed order status submitted even on clicking Cancel button while changing status from Bulk actions in orders list
- #779: Fixed module zip validation on Module upload on Modules and Services page
- #774: Fixed HelperForm input type 'group' submit name can not be changed
- #764: Fixed 'Add new webservice key' button gets hidden on saving Webservice options
- #763: Fixed Hote Reservation System tab icon breaks randomly
- #754: Fixed 'Add a new module' button is displayed even if current employee is not allowed to install modules
- #753: Fixed All file types are available for selection when choosing images for hotel and room type
- #751: Fixed Groups selection is removed for Advanced Price Rule when status is changed
- #749: Fixed Abandoned Carts filter is not working on Booking Carts page
- #741: Fixed PHP notice on Catalog Price Rules page due to invalid input
- #731: Fixed Filter reset button is not displayed when clicking on 'Disabled Room Types' on Manage Room Types page
- #729: Fixed Hotel permissions are not saved when a hotel is created
- #727: Fixed refund Rules for multiple hotels for same cancellation days can not be created
- #1210: Fixed invalid argument supplied for foreach AdminStatsController
- #915: Fixed translated text not visible on admin controllers
## Front Office:
- Improvements:
- #970: Updated service product updation process on the front in the product controller
- #844: Updated front office room type page show default date according to LOS
- #781: Improved room search user experience at front office
- #1201: Updated cart total summary on checkout page
- #847: Updated page not found (Error 404) page
- #1133: Updated original price will now be displayed with discounted amount.
- #762: Updated search Results Page Filters options have been moved to module wkhotelfilterblock
- #758: Updated redirect to Page not found for invalid search results page URL
- #757: Updated redirect customer to order confirmation page after free order validation instead of order history page
- #735: Updated open room type detail page in same tab from Our Rooms block on landing page
- #724: Updated bankwire and cheque payment details on order confirmation page
- #782: Updated make Our Rooms images on landing page clickable to open room type detail page
- #959: Updated design for the our room block
- #1017: Updated error message for guest account while transforming to customer account
- #839: Added error message for maximum occupancy in room occupancy dropdown.
- #1058: Added hotel rating is now visible with the hotel name on the room type page.
- #966: Added done button in the occupancy popup in the front office.
- Bugs Fixed:
- #1292: Fixed design issues on the order-opc page and growl notifications in RTL mode in the front-office.
- #1263: Fixed responsive design issue in front office search block
- #1249: Fixed translation issues and removed slashes in the error message from cart validation process in the front-office.
- #1242: Fixed the default date ranges in the booking form are not correct in case los and minimum booking offset is applied on the room type in the front-office.
- #1236: Fixed cart rule without code is not being applied automatically to the cart in the front-office.
- #1234: Fixed the price breakdown was incorrect with tax when a voucher was applied to an order, affecting invoices, emails, front-office, and back-office displays.
- #1179: Fixed the price tooltip and updated the design for the booked services and demands popup on the order confirmation page in front office.
- #1171: Fixed the RTL languages design issues on the front office.
- #1144: Fixed the design for the 'Subscribe' button on the order-detail page in front-office
- #1113: Fixed no validation for length of characters in traveller detail fields in Front and Back office
- #1020: Fixed a room type shows multiple times in customer message section in front office order detail if admin adds a room from back office.
- #1013: Fixed notice on room type page in the front office caused by selecting 'no tax' as a tax rule option.
- #934: Fixed if advance price rule discount is applied on a room type having auto add service with "Add price in room price", discounted price is not displayed on room block section in front office.
- #924: Fixed incorrect room price and final price when admin remove service product or update room price from admin end and proceed for payment at front office
- #860: Fixed front office 'hotel-reservation-theme' RTL compatibility
- #849: Fixed security Vulnerability: XSS for back and email_create parameters while registration in front office
- #838: Fixed services image legend not visible on front office room type page
- #834: Fixed buttons positioning issue on search results page at front office due to long length of button texts in certain languages
- #816: Fixed customer is logged in automatically after password reset at front office
- #795: Fixed 'Add Room' button is displayed on occupancy popup even if no more rooms are available at front office
- #788: Fixed error when updating address from customer acccount which has been used to create an order at front office
- #786: Fixed php warning on removing room from cart dropdown at front office
- #785: Fixed custom price set for a room type in an order at back office is also reflected at front office for same customer
- #737: Fixed voucher description usage in front office
- #1272: Fixed order confirmation and Guest tracking flow issues and order emails are improved
- #1086: Fixed the customer messages sent from the contact page updates the previous message even if the subject (contact) selected is different.
- #988: Fixed unable to send customer request mail from contact us page
- #981: Fixed wrong voucher amount in different currencies on customer my vouchers page
- #740: Fixed customer/Guest account form on checkout page is not submitting on pressing Enter key
- #1089: Fixed error on order confirmation page when order status is updated
- #977: Fixed search panel issue on room type page when hotel is disabled
- #968: Fixed display issue with the amenity block in page load/reload in the home page
- #917: Fixed order currency symbol changes on currency change event on order confirmation page.
- #886: Fixed if amenities are not present then amenity filter at search results page should not be visible
- #845: Fixed address issue on voucher deletion from cart dropdown on checkout page
- #800: Fixed wrong Amenities block height on landing page in mobile view
- #787: Fixed if searched order reference has multiple orders then same rooms are displayed for each order on guest history page
- #773: Fixed PHP warning for key 'id_country' on search results page
- #772: Fixed phone number can not be edited during guest checkout
- #746: Fixed PHP warning due to occupancy query parameter in URL when generating canonical redirect URL
## Core:
- Improvements:
- #1142: Optimized the flow of the blocknewsletter module
- #1194: Updated optimized dataForFrontSearch function
- #1217: Added changes in core algo for managing booking for hourly basis
- #1173: Updated the Meta data for the index page on install, and also updated some non translated text for some languages.
- #1021: Improvement in the block navigation link module regarding CMS pages.
- #960: Updated installation page design changes.
- #1200: Updated price Rounding process improved in entire QloApps system
- #1174: Updated helper tree | Created a new helper tree class for generating tree
- #1161: Updated id_address_delivery is now set as 0 by default
- #1156: Updated the demo data added to the database for the QloApps on installation.
- #1141: Updated default invoice will be shown even in case of b2b invoice
- #1140: Updated the hero image and its upload process.
- #1111: Updated installation Assistant translations
- #1109: Updated decimal digits maximum limit is removed from price validation by Validate::isPrice()
- #1098: Updated validations for the occupancy of the room type for max occupancy of guest
- #1084: The google maps will now display the map icon for the hotel locations.
- #1079: Updated positions of Installer Assistant footer buttons
- #951: Added values for columns 'price_calculation_method' and 'price_addition_type' for demo service products.
- #1062: Updated htaccess files comptible with apache 2.2 and 2.4
- #1040: Updated Qloapps cleaner | Added hook for data cleaning in other module and fixed incorrect data being deleted.
- #972: Improved Algo for response data and format
- #950: Updated get localization pack details from qloapps api
- #949: Updated version request while downloading language pack
- #892: Updated use different prefixes for demo room numbers belonging to different room types
- #885: Updated address country of demo customer '' changed to website default country
- #871: Updated tax of room type will be applied to auto add services having price added to room price
- #842: Updated invoice tax panel content
- #862: Updated order cancelation successful mail content
- #861: Updated when translating text in QloApps only update the fields that are changed
- #858: Updated recommendation section update process
- #768: Updated change cookie key prefix to QloApps
- #783: Updated do not create multiple guest acounts with the same email, use previous one if available
- #780: Updated replace 'shop' and 'shopping' with 'website' and 'booking' in email templates
- #778: Updated add India to top countries in list of countries during installation
- #759: Updated function call corrected for room type price calculations
- #1221: Reuse existing HotelBookingDetail instance to avoid redundant object creation
- #1005: Renamed Partial payment accepted to Partial payment received.
- #908: Improved Order Status changes, Refund issues resolved and order and cancellation process improved
- #823: Updated text changes
- #821: Removed Password field from new account email sent to customer on registration
- #810: Updated Use datepicker plugin to format dates using $.datepicker.parseDate() wherever applicable
- #804: Updated flow of blocknewsletter module
- #744: Updated set default customer group to Customer when transforming Guest account
- #1193: Updated hr.xml
- #1131: Removed non required emails from the order status template list
- #728: Removed unused module folders from themes/hotel-reservation-theme/
- Bugs Fixed:
- #717: Fixed DataForFrontSearch to dataForFrontSearch
- #1260: Fixed jquery chosen, select and tinymce plugins used images not visible in different admin theme
- #1255: Fixed Localization pack not updating from correct resource during QloApps installation
- #1253: Fixed admin is able to select empty country during QloApps installation
- #1250: Fixed Categories for demo service products are not created correctly on installation.
- #1148: Fixed welcome voucher is available for every customer and also for guest user
- #1090: Fixed cart rule restricted to a single customer is accessable to all customer when group restriction is applied
- #867: Fixed when customer age is not available then it is considered 60+ age as default
- #820: Fixed errors set from hook 'actionBeforeAuthentication' are not checked before logging in a customer
- #765: Fixed same voucher code is generated for same customer when auto-generating voucher
- #1205: Fixed the undefined variable issue in payment module.
- #1203: Fixed invalid auto-added service prices when multiple rooms are added in cart or service is disabled or removed from catalog.
- #1202: Fixed service not visible in booking when service is deleted from catalog after order
- #1190: Fixed trying to access array offset on value of type bool in cacheMainDomainForShop() in ShopUrl.php
- #1162: Fixed hotel permission are not being created for new hotels.
- #1153: Fixed partial cart rule not creating when using multiple coupons in a single cart
- #1147: Fixed unable to find correct files for translating pdf and mail files
- #1136: Fixed cancelled room service is visible when same room is added again in order
- #1107: Fixed cookie not saving in browser when '+', '&', ')', '(' characters exists in Base URL
- #1104: Fixed order-opc page not opening when installed QloApps in Čeština (Czech) language
- #1100: Fixed calendar opens for pervious month of max order date is for current month
- #1097: Fixed issues in Refund management flow and Improved Order cancellation flow
- #1095: Fixed multiple coupons gets removed from cart when currency is changed
- #1054: Fixed when Order status set as cancelled the rooms are not set is_cancelled=1 in the htl_booking_detail table
- #1027: Fixed cart rule does not show under available coupons when cart rule is created from refund request
- #1018: Fixed notices and display issue when there is no rooms and no hotel available.
- #964: Fixed room type categories were not updated when hotel name or location is updated
- #945: Fixed data changes are not reflected when using the QloApps cache option
- #931: Fixed js issue due to map if Google Maps API key is set and hotel location is not set
- #921: Fixed pricing issue in order confirmation email
- #909: Fixed missing translation from the templates of the modules.
- #906: Fixed when no tax is applies on room extra services, service tax column is shown empty in invoice
- #903: Fixed smarty index.php in smarty cache and compile directory gets deleted when clearing cache
- #895: Fixed overbooking issues in QloApps and added new configurations for overbooking handling
- #872: Fixed invalid tax details in invoice and credit slips
- #857: Fixed exception while order crteation when country sent from API is not active in QloApps
- #848: Fixed wrong prices entered in order_detail table when "Round Type" setting is "Round on each item"
- #843: Fixed friendly URL for search results page can not be changed
- #1181: Fixed missing error message for OpenSSL extension during install system check step
- #756: Fixed cancellation charge amount is incorrect if order currency is other than default currency
- #752: Fixed file '/cache/smarty/compile/index.php' gets deleted when clearing cache causing warning on Configuration Information page
- #745: Fixed link::getMediaLink() not used for invoice logo
- #734: Fixed new voucher does not create for the remaining amount of the voucher even when Partial Use option is enabled
- #732: Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'HTMLPurifier_Config' not found when enabling HTMLPurifier library
- #1220: Fixed apple-mobile-web-app-capable deprecated
- #722: Fixed Fatal error when set Awaiting Payment order status as logable and creating partial payment
## Web Services:
- Improvement:
- #1198: Optimized Hotel Room Type Availability and rates search webservice
- #1247: Added Phone number field in the customer API.
- Bugs Fixed:
- #1175: Fixed issues in the Webservices.
- #855: Fixed issues in getting(GET), creating(POST) and updating(PUT) hotel by hotel API
- #720: Fixed issues in response of Availability & Rates search API for partial available rooms
# V1.6.0
- Added Features:
- #538: Added Feature service products
- #516: Added "Channel Manager Connector" module to QloApps
- #643: Add module Dashboard Insights to admin dashboard
- #475: Added occupancy wise search and occupancy wise booking
- #449: Added Modules catalog page
- #370: Added PayPal Payment in QloApps
- #370: Added Autoupgrade addon: Upgrade QloApps to latest available version
- #463: Add 'Operations Today' section on admin dashboard
- #435: Minimum and Maximum Length of stay restriction for room types
- #449: Added smart addons recomendation section
- #531: Admin can upload check-in documents
- #456: Admin can add or remove new links on Hotel Reservation System > Settings page
- #343: Employee can access the site in maintenance mode
- #459: Security update: Allow admin to configure the SameSite cookie attribute
- #589: Added cancellation policy section on admin order view page
- #479: Added preparation time for bookings
- #454: Customer can now create booking for someone else.
- #593: Guest transformation to customer during registration at front office
- #490: Added "Hotel Availability and Rates search API" to QloApps
- #375: QloApps can now be installed without demo data
- Back Office:
- Improvements:
- #351: Add hotel address selection on map using marker at back office
- #449: updated dashboard
- #337: Removed delivery column and added full name to customer column on order list page at back office
- #345: Add room type duplication feature
- #346: Remove unused room status from room type edit page
- #347: Improve back office logos
- #354: Remove Google Maps api from order detail page at back office
- #355: Added upper limit of PHP for QloApps installation
- #357: Remove module config links from Hotel Reservation System > Settings page
- #376: Remove global price option when not needed from additional facilities…
- #380: Add error messages for missing tests on Configuration Information page
- #383: Remove Catalog > Tags page and Tags field from room type edit page
- #388: Removed unused field minimum quantity from Specific price
- #395: Load KPIs data using ajax on page load at back office
- #405: "BO: Fix datepicker issues, calendar improvement and update admin theme sass files
- #409: Change Feature Price name to Advanced Price Rule
- #423: Improvement: Booking carts controller in Back-office
- #451: Improve statistics at back office
- #453: Remove Booking Information tab from room type edit page at back office
- #453: Remove Booking Information tab from room type edit page at back office
- #464: Implement Additional Facilities tab in AdminProductsController instead of using hotelreservationsystem module hook
- #471: Move filter options to Preferences > Room Types page
- #478: Update admin book now page design | added fullcalender
- #485: Update default checkout date on order view page at back office
- #509: Added: SQL_MODE for allow invalid dates in db backup
- #515: Optimize: Module suggestion listing process
- #522: Updated: Book now page calender view
- #526: Update refund option and orders state mangement
- #551: Updated best selling rooms and most viewed rooms statistics
- #555: Removed: unused category KPIs
- #563: Change Geolocation data file link at back office
- #571: Remove Order Restrict link from Hotel Reservation System > Settings page
- #580: Updated: removed unused configuration options from admin catagory tab
- #581: "Updated admin service product configuration in SEO, Prices and association tabs
- #582: Removed selected extra services list from current cart in backoffice book now
- #586: Update Dashavailability graph
- #594: Remove unused fields from Catalog Price rule
- #607: Updated: Service products pop-up modal in admin order view page
- #611: Updated: added complete booking info in admin booking carts tab
- #623: Added: access restriction according to hotel in admin search page
- #629: Enable custom handler for backoffice.
- #632: Update disable dates selection for a room at back office
- #633: Update hotel review view page at back office
- #639: Update refund request view page at back office
- #653: Updated: Additional facilities panel in admin room type page
- #655: Updated: compiled admin theme css from sass
- #674: Add label for Length of Stay graph on dashboard
- #678: Removed: "go to payment page" option from admin order create page when creating order for backdate
- #535: Added : autocomplete parameter to date and datetime options in admin render form
- #429: Price modification while new order creation at back office
- #696: Updated: Manage room type default configuration and advance payment form options
- #697: Removed: In the manage category page removed description column from list
- #704: Updated: Data in admin refund request, corrected data in rooms refund detail table.
- Bugs Fixed:
- #314: Resolve HelperList filter issue
- #340: Resolved a fatal error when forwarding a discussion to another employee on the Customer Service page.
- #358: Resolve order total invoice issue on backoffice orders page.
- #359: Resolve 'Revenue' amount issue on admin dashboard
- #360: Resolve specific price list issue on room type edit page
- #361: Correct outgoing search links on search page at back office
- #368: Resolved issue when preview template in backoffice order status page
- #369: Resolved customer thread not forwarding to another employee from backoffice customer service
- #378: Fix ConfigurationKPI values issue when adding a new language
- #379: Fix controller access denied page design
- #382: Resolve undefined index issue on Order Restrict update form
- #389: Prevent Admin or employee from adding rooms in order other than rooms of current hotel in order
- #391: Updated dashboard structure | Fixed dashboard widget
- #396: Fix PHP notice issue when accessing unavailable objects on admin controller
- #407: Fix loading of unnecessary media files on Manage Room Types page
- #408: Fix tpl path issue on Manage Room Types page
- #411: Fix admin login page design issue
- #412: Resolve dashboard design issues
- #413: Fix date formats at back office
- #421: Fix rooms addition to a room type issues at back office
- #428: Fix PHP notice issue for key `stage_name` on order view page at back office
- #434: Fix employee avatar not showing at back office
- #439: Fix module reset options popup issue on Modules & Services page
- #444: Fix undefined variable issue at Hotel Interior Block settings page at back office
- #455: Fix Book Now page at back office
- #461: Fix currency update issue on order creation page at back office
- #466: Resolve issue when total order paid amont is in negative
- #473: Fix database exception issue on Book Now page at back office when multiple QloApps installations are present on the same domain
- #481: Fixes module not installing from new catalog page
- #486: Fix undefined variable issue on admin dashboard
- #495: Added: missing re-allocation pop-up and improved design in book now page
- #496: Fix warning when tab_modules_list is empty
- #502: Fix Division by zero
- #510: escape: unsupported type: UTF-8 - returning unmodified string
- #513: Fixed Undefined property: $toolbar_btn
- #523: Fixed: incorrect payment amount adding from addOrderPaymentDetail
- #525: Fixed: Download module error showing when checking for update on manage module page
- #537: Fix bug in order refund request process at front office
- #540: Fixed: totalAvailableRooms warning issue resolved on room detail page
- #542: Resolved: advance price rules validation issue
- #544: Resolved: bad sql query issue when assigning features to the hotel
- #547: Resolved: Db exception on qlocleaner integrity check
- #549: Resolved: issue on free order and room reallocation
- #554: Resolved: room status update issue from active to inactive.
- #554: Resolved: room status update issue from active to inactive.
- #560: Fix guests count in Operations Today panel of Dashboard
- #564: Fix Stats > Stats page issues
- #565: Fix incorrect value of Purchased References KPI
- #566: Fix Unknown customer age on Stats > Stats page
- #567: Fix Direct Revenue Ratio (DRR) on dashboard
- #568: Fix room add/edit issue on order from back office
- #573: Change catalog evaluation module and fix stats issues
- #574: Fix: Services price not including in cancelation charges.
- #575: Resolved: Issue while adding room in order for deleted customer
- #577: Resolved: Backoffice ajax loader does not stop after closing dashboard recommendation
- #578: Fix Customers KPI on Customers page
- #579: Resolved: Exception on admin book now page after cleaning cart data
- #587: Update guests count in Operations Today on dashboard
- #588: Resolved: Issue while exporting service products and booking carts
- #591: Fix can not create order from Customers > Booking Carts page
- #597: Fix filter issues on Assign Hotel Features page at back office
- #599: Fix js errors on admin book now page
- #602: Fix Add new buttons display issue at back office
- #612: Resolved: hotel tagline and short description wrong format
- #616: Resolved: Mulitple hotel cover image created when uploading multiple images
- #625: Fixed: book now page calender does not show searched date month
- #628: Fixed: Inconsistent price for facilitiy in room row and pop-up modal in admin orders view page
- #640: Fix order room dates edit issue at back office
- #641: Fix ajax error on login page at front office
- #642: Fix: Admin is able to add rooms in order without selecting occupancy
- #647: Fix order creation without address at back office
- #662: Fix: Module update error when uploading zip without db changes
- #666: Fixed: backoffice header toolbar buttons not visible on some pages
- #667: Fix: Syntax issus on admin import page.
- #670: Updated: Admin room type services and facilities panel text issues and undefined index issue
- #671: Fix dashinsights comparison graphs issue
- #675: Fix Average Occupancy Rate issue on dashboard
- #676: Fix 'Best hotels' and 'Best-selling room types' issues on Stats > Stats page
- #681: Fixed: Incorrect price of room when admin adds room in order and room have auto add services
- #694: Resolve: errors while adding new hotel
- #695: Fixed: dashboard graphs errors when data set is empty
- #701: Resolve: Address not updating on admin address and order page.
- Front Office:
- Improvements:
- #336: Remove order history link for guest account holders on order confirmation page
- #367: Updated meta generator tag to QloApps
- #377: Add check-in and check-out time on room type detail page
- #385: Improve front office header
- #387: Add nav bar and move language and currency selector at top at front office
- #400: Updated booking form on room type detail page
- #403: Add maps to search results and room type detail pages
- #410: Add hotel images under room information on room type detail page
- #474: Remove unwanted js and fix room search issues on room type detail page
- #484: Reviews module: Show updated helpful count when marking a review helpful
- #505: Updated tax view in cart popup
- #536: Remove address deletion code from front office
- #545: Added: check in - check out label on room type page
- #548: Updated search result page booking option view
- #550: Updated QloApps search panel design
- #596: Remove refund ID column on refunds list page at front office
- #624: Fix: Dropdown displaces on search result page when adding children in room
- #630: Update navigation menu at front office
- #631: Added: Missing vat number field in customer address form.
- #634: Show room maximum occupancy on search and room type page
- #635: Update: datepicker dates background color for dates between date-from and date-to
- #664: Improved occupancy dropdown on search result page
- #682: Updated: order summary in block cart popup and dropdown
- #687: Add default contact phone and email at front office nav bar
- #698: Fixed: occupancy dropdown input not alligned with adjacent input
- #699: Fix: service product quantity getting updated incorrectly from order OPC page
- #705: Replaced: view voucher and credit slip button with voucher code and id credit slip
- #706: Added: address update success message
- Bugs Fixed:
- #348: Resolve auto page scroll issue on order history page
- #362: Resolve room type name font issue at room type detail page
- #373: Fix wrong search results page url causing SQL error
- #390: Resolve rooms left count issue on cart update on room type detail page
- #397: Fix PHP notice issue on room type detail page
- #414: Fix guest can not edit personal info on checkout page issue
- #417: Resolved address issue on contact page for list and map
- #419: Fix hero image cache issue
- #482: Fix PHP error on passing wrong dates in URL
- #483: Resolved: logo visible bigger than recomended size in default theme
- #504: Fix ajax page not found issue on room type detail page
- #518: Fixed: User input in location field in search panel get replaced by hotel location
- #541: Resolved: hotel image issue on room type page
- #552: Resolved: guest order detail page issue
- #553: Resolved: PHP warnings on the refund request
- #556: Resolved: service product url issue
- #558: Fix order cancel request issue
- #570: Fix maps issue on room type detail page
- #576: Fix cart rule applied icon issue on checkout page
- #598: Fix PHP issue on front pages
- #603: Fix children age selection error with occupancy booking at front office
- #605: Resolved: Service producs all images not visible in front office
- #606: Updated: Hide service product prices in catalog mode.
- #615: Resolved: Order restrict error is displayed multiple time on checkout page
- #617: Resolved: unable to create refund request
- #626: Fixes: Unable to view or save customer address from front office
- #638: Close occupancy dropdown on clicking book now button
- #649: Fix: Occupancy panel does not close when clicking on add to cart button
- #651: Fix: imgaes index not defined for services on room type page in front office
- #652: Fix: Booking form does not get update when occupancy is not provided
- #654: Fix: Booking form refresh when occupancy dropdown is opened
- #663: Fixed: Errors on guest tracking page
- #668: Fixed: Error on search result page when updating invalid occupancy in URL
- #672: Updated: Disable option to add services when rooms are unavailable
- #677: Fix image display issue on homepage
- #679: Resolved: Error on landing page when updating page view count using data mining module
- #680: Fixed: Datepicker not initializing on initial load of room type page with preperation time
- #683: Updated: Fixed chekcout page auto add service breakdown tooltip incorrect content
- #685: Update default number of rooms on room type detail page to 1
- #700: Fix: quantity does not change on room type page booking form
- #703: Resolved: booking details message block issue
- Core
- Improvements
- #372: Add hooks actionSubmitIdentityBefore and displayCartRoomImageAfter
- #418: Add hooks displayAdminAddHotelFormTab and displayAdminAddHotelFormTabContent
- #332: Updated demo link in readme file
- #334: Remove install.sql files from modules
- #338: Replace booking type integer values with class constants
- #353: Remove smarty modifiers json_encode and json_decode | change in deprecation message
- #356: "Moved hotelreservationsystem ""actionvalidateorder"" to core function ""validateorder""
- #364: Remove theme 'default-bootstrap'
- #365: "Update Readme - PHP, MySQL and Required PHP extenstions
- #366: Updated core upgrade files and modules upgrade files
- #371: "Updated tax flow, Taxes are now calculated based on hotel address
- #381: Change demo city name from DefCity to Demo City
- #401: Remove unused modules
- #402: Change module category for modules graphnvd3 and hotelreservationsystem
- #404: Update PaymentModule.php
- #415: Removed qlo_mod_list.xml
- #420: Remove unused code and data from module hotelreservationsystem
- #426: Replace _PS_MODULE_DIR_ with $this->_path in 'wkroomsearchblock' module
- #430: Updated QloApps order statuses
- #432: Updated Language pack resource will be downloaded from QloApps
- #443: Remove Google+ URL from blocksocial module
- #447: Improvement of cart rule applied on orders and room types
- #458: Replace module 'productcomments' with 'qlohotelreview'
- #460: Remove characters limit of 128 for hotel fields 'map_formated_address' and 'map_input_text'
- #467: Removed multiple address option
- #468: Update image generation method for hotel and default modules
- #469: Enable Re-display cart at login by default
- #476: Use object methods save() and delete() for classes HotelCartBookingData and HotelBookingDetail
- #477: Update api endpoint and request data
- #500: Improve order refund flow
- #519: Improved: Enable ssl configuration during installation
- #521: Updated occupancy dropdown
- #527: Fix CLI install issues
- #528: Update licenses
- #532: Change demo content for CMS page Legal Notice
- #657: Allow checkout process classes to be overridden
- #669: Updated: text translations call variable assigned to javascript
- #688: Update
- #689: Update
- #690: Update
- #431: Added gitignore file
- #692: Updated: Recomendation section update and render process
- #342, #363, #436, #462, #470, #480, #543, #546, #561, #562, #569, #595, #618, #644, #658, #673, #686: Text related changes throughout QloApps
- Bugs Fixed
- #329: PHP Version issue in Install of QloApps 1.5.2
- #394: Fix hotel city access method as introduced in tax flow changes
- #416: Resolved wrong address while creating new booking
- #425: Fix owl-carousel plugin loading issue for 'wktestimonialblock' module
- #433: Fix Webservice count() issue
- #438: Fix page scroll issues at order history and order view page
- #448: Resolve multiple hotel room booking from single cart
- #452: Fixed: count() function use issue in WebserviceOutputJSON.php
- #514: Resolve: Occupancy wise search feature issues
- #520: Fix order confirmation email issue
- #534: Fix installation issue of missing data
- #557: Fix js minification issue for file 'js/daterangepicker/moment.min.js'
- #559: Change link in credit slip email
- #583: Resolved: Unable to add room in cart from front and backoffice
- #584: Resolve: Inactive auto add service price still gets added to room price
- #585: Updated: depricated call for array_key_exists to property_exists for object
- #592: Resolved: Incorrect advance payment amount when discount is greater than advance payment
- #604: Resolved: service products can still be added multiple times when configuration is disbled
- #608: Fix: Unable to remove disabled services from cart
- #609: Resolved: Cannot create booking with srevice produsts in cart
- #610: Resolved: price not defined of service product when multiple rooms are bought in order detail page
- #614: Resolved: Specific price does not apply base on priority
- #621: Resolved: Catalog discount is not visible when auto add service is attached to room type
- #627: Fixed: Order summary in order confirmation page and order confirmation e-mail
- #659: Prevent required categories deletion by data cleaner module
- #660: Fix: cover image index not defined while generating invoice
- #665: Fix: Qlocleaner "fix integrity constraint" deletes valid additional facilites
- #684: Fix PHP warning issue in catalog mode
- #645: Added: checkoutProcess directory in override/classes
- #693: Fix: hotel not getting added in hotel profile access table
- #702: Update: Order invoice pdf, changed totals summary details.
- #715: Fix PHP warning on order checkout page at front office
- Web Services:
- Improvement:
- #529: Fixed: API issues in order creation from webservice request
- Bugs Fixed:
- #517: Fixed: Incorrect id_guest in cookie after login
- #452: Fixed: count() function use issue in WebserviceOutputJSON.php