Your IP :
* Defines database credentials.
* Most of Elgg's configuration is stored in the database. This file contains the
* credentials to connect to the database, as well as a few optional configuration
* values.
* The Elgg installation attempts to populate this file with the correct settings
* and then rename it to settings.php.
* @todo Turn this into something we handle more automatically.
* @package Elgg.Core
* @subpackage Configuration
global $CONFIG;
if (!isset($CONFIG)) {
$CONFIG = new \stdClass;
* Standard configuration
* You will use the same database connection for reads and writes.
* This is the easiest configuration, and will suit 99.99% of setups. However, if you're
* running a really popular site, you'll probably want to spread out your database connections
* and implement database replication. That's beyond the scope of this configuration file
* to explain, but if you know you need it, skip past this section.
* The database username
* @global string $CONFIG->dbuser
$CONFIG->dbuser = '[[softdbuser]]';
* The database password
* @global string $CONFIG->dbpass
$CONFIG->dbpass = '[[softdbpass]]';
* The database name
* @global string $CONFIG->dbname
$CONFIG->dbname = '[[softdb]]';
* The database host.
* For most installations, this is 'localhost'
* @global string $CONFIG->dbhost
$CONFIG->dbhost = '[[softdbhost]]';
* The database prefix
* This prefix will be appended to all Elgg tables. If you're sharing
* a database with other applications, use a database prefix to namespace tables
* in order to avoid table name collisions.
* @global string $CONFIG->dbprefix
$CONFIG->dbprefix = '[[dbprefix]]';
* Multiple database connections
* Elgg supports master/slave MySQL configurations. The master should be set as
* the 'write' connection and the slave(s) as the 'read' connection(s).
* To use, uncomment the below configuration and update for your site.
//$CONFIG->db['split'] = true;
//$CONFIG->db['write']['dbuser'] = "";
//$CONFIG->db['write']['dbpass'] = "";
//$CONFIG->db['write']['dbname'] = "";
//$CONFIG->db['write']['dbhost'] = "";
//$CONFIG->db['read'][0]['dbuser'] = "";
//$CONFIG->db['read'][0]['dbpass'] = "";
//$CONFIG->db['read'][0]['dbname'] = "";
//$CONFIG->db['read'][0]['dbhost'] = "";
//$CONFIG->db['read'][1]['dbuser'] = "";
//$CONFIG->db['read'][1]['dbpass'] = "";
//$CONFIG->db['read'][1]['dbname'] = "";
//$CONFIG->db['read'][1]['dbhost'] = "";
* Memcache setup (optional)
* This is where you may optionally set up memcache.
* Requirements:
* 1) One or more memcache servers (
* 2) PHP memcache wrapper (
* You can set a namespace prefix if you run multiple Elgg instances
* on the same Memcache server.
* Note: Multiple server support is only available on server 1.2.1
* or higher with PECL library > 2.0.0
//$CONFIG->memcache = true;
//$CONFIG->memcache_servers = array (
// array('server1', 11211),
// array('server2', 11211)
// namespace prefix
// $CONFIG->memcache_namespace_prefix = '';
* Better caching performance
* Configuring the location of your data directory and enabling simplecache in
* the settings.php file improves caching performance. It allows Elgg to skip
* connecting to the database when serving cached JavaScript and CSS files. If
* you uncomment and configure these settings, you will not be able to change
* them from the Elgg advanced settings page.
//$CONFIG->dataroot = "";
//$CONFIG->simplecache_enabled = true;
* Enable the boot cache
* Elgg can store most non-user-specific boot up data in a cache. If you want to
* enable this, uncomment the next line to set it to 10. Although Elgg has a built-
* in invalidation strategy for this cache, you should consider a small TTL to
* minimize the damage if the cache should grow stale.
//$CONFIG->boot_cache_ttl = 10;
* Set cache directory
* By default, Elgg uses the data directory to store cache files, but this may
* be undesirable for sites with the data directory on a distributed file system
* (e.g. multiple servers with load balancing). You can specify a separate location
* for the cache files here.
//$CONFIG->cacheroot = "";
* Enable SendFile file serving
* After enabling X-Sendfile/X-Accel on your server, you can enable its support in Elgg. Set the
* X-Sendfile-Type value to "X-Sendfile" (Apache) or "X-Accel-Redirect" (Nginx).
* @global string $CONFIG->{'X-Sendfile-Type'}
//$CONFIG->{'X-Sendfile-Type'} = '';
* Configure X-Accel on nginx (see SendFile above)
* For Nginx, you'll likely also need to set this to a mapping like: "/path/to/dataroot/=/download/".
* @global string $CONFIG->{'X-Accel-Mapping'}
//$CONFIG->{'X-Accel-Mapping'} = '';
* Cookie configuration
* Elgg uses 2 cookies: a PHP session cookie and an extended login cookie
* (also called the remember me cookie). See the PHP manual for documentation on
* each of these parameters. Possible options:
* - Set the session name to share the session across applications.
* - Set the path because Elgg is not installed in the root of the web directory.
* - Set the secure option to true if you only serve the site over HTTPS.
* - Set the expire option on the remember me cookie to change its lifetime
* To use, uncomment the appropriate sections below and update for your site.
* @global array $CONFIG->cookies
// get the default parameters from php.ini
//$CONFIG->cookies['session'] = session_get_cookie_params();
//$CONFIG->cookies['session']['name'] = "Elgg";
// optionally overwrite the defaults from php.ini below
//$CONFIG->cookies['session']['path'] = "/";
//$CONFIG->cookies['session']['domain'] = "";
//$CONFIG->cookies['session']['secure'] = false;
//$CONFIG->cookies['session']['httponly'] = false;
// extended session cookie
//$CONFIG->cookies['remember_me'] = session_get_cookie_params();
//$CONFIG->cookies['remember_me']['name'] = "elggperm";
//$CONFIG->cookies['remember_me']['expire'] = strtotime("+30 days");
// optionally overwrite the defaults from php.ini below
//$CONFIG->cookies['remember_me']['path'] = "/";
//$CONFIG->cookies['remember_me']['domain'] = "";
//$CONFIG->cookies['remember_me']['secure'] = false;
//$CONFIG->cookies['remember_me']['httponly'] = false;
* Use non-standard headers for broken MTAs.
* The default header EOL for headers is \r\n. This causes problems
* on some broken MTAs. Setting this to true will cause Elgg to use
* \n, which will fix some problems sending email on broken MTAs.
* @global bool $CONFIG->broken_mta
$CONFIG->broken_mta = false;
* Disable the database query cache
* Elgg stores each query and its results in a query cache.
* On large sites or long-running scripts, this cache can grow to be
* large. To disable query caching, set this to true.
* @global bool $CONFIG->db_disable_query_cache
$CONFIG->db_disable_query_cache = false;
* Automatically disable plugins that are unable to boot
* Elgg will disable unbootable plugins. If you set this to false plugins
* will no longer be disabled if they are not bootable. This could cause requests
* to your site to fail as required views, classes or cached data could be missing.
* Setting this to false could be useful during deployment of new code.
* @global bool $CONFIG->auto_disable_plugins
$CONFIG->auto_disable_plugins = true;
* Minimum password length
* This value is used when validating a user's password during registration.
* @global int $CONFIG->min_password_length
$CONFIG->min_password_length = 6;
* This is an optional script used to override Elgg's default handling of
* uncaught exceptions.
* This should be an absolute file path to a php script that will be called
* any time an uncaught exception is thrown.
* The script will have access to the following variables as part of the scope
* global $CONFIG
* $exception - the unhandled exception
* @warning - the database may not be available
* @global string $CONFIG->exception_include
$CONFIG->exception_include = '';
* To enable profiling, uncomment the following lines, and replace __some_secret__ with a
* secret key. When enabled, profiling data will show in the JS console.
//if (isset($_REQUEST['__some_secret__'])) {
// // send profiling data to the JS console?
// $CONFIG->enable_profiling = true;
// // profile all queries? A page with a ton of queries could eat up memory.
// $CONFIG->profiling_sql = false;
// // in the list, don't include times that don't contribute at least this much to the
// // total time captured. .1% by default
// $CONFIG->profiling_minimum_percentage = .1;