Your IP :
* The class.
* @since 2.4.1
* @package LiteSpeed
* @subpackage LiteSpeed/src/cdn
* @author LiteSpeed Technologies <>
namespace LiteSpeed\CDN;
use LiteSpeed\Cloud;
use LiteSpeed\Base;
defined('WPINC') || exit();
class Quic extends Base
const LOG_TAG = '☁️';
const TYPE_REG = 'reg';
protected $_summary;
public function __construct()
$this->_summary = self::get_summary();
* Notify CDN new config updated
* @access public
public static function try_sync_config()
public function try_sync_conf($force = false)
$options = $this->get_options();
if (!$options[self::O_CDN_QUIC]) {
if (!empty($this->_summary['conf_md5'])) {
self::save_summary(array('conf_md5' => ''));
return false;
// Security: Remove cf key in report
$secure_fields = array(self::O_CDN_CLOUDFLARE_KEY, self::O_OBJECT_PSWD);
foreach ($secure_fields as $v) {
if (!empty($options[$v])) {
$options[$v] = str_repeat('*', strlen($options[$v]));
// Remove overflow multi lines fields
foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v) && count($v) > 30) {
$v = array_slice($v, 0, 30);
$options[$k] = $v;
// Rest url
$options['_rest'] = function_exists('rest_get_url_prefix') ? rest_get_url_prefix() : apply_filters('rest_url_prefix', 'wp-json');
$options['_home_url'] = home_url('/');
// Add server env vars
$options['_server'] = $this->server_vars();
// Append hooks
$options['_tp_cookies'] = apply_filters('litespeed_vary_cookies', array());
$conf_md5 = md5(\json_encode($options));
if (!empty($this->_summary['conf_md5']) && $conf_md5 == $this->_summary['conf_md5']) {
if (!$force) {
self::debug('Bypass sync conf to QC due to same md5', $conf_md5);
self::debug('!!!Force sync conf even same md5');
self::save_summary(array('conf_md5' => $conf_md5));
self::debug('sync conf to QC', $options);
Cloud::post(Cloud::SVC_D_SYNC_CONF, $options);