Your IP :
" Vim syntax file
" Language: X Pixmap v2
" Maintainer: Steve Wall (
" Last Change: 2017 Feb 01
" (Dominique Pelle added @Spell)
" Version: 5.8
" Jemma Nelson added termguicolors support
" Made from xpm.vim by Ronald Schild <>
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
syn region xpm2PixelString start="^" end="$" contains=@xpm2Colors
syn keyword xpm2Todo TODO FIXME XXX contained
syn match xpm2Comment "\!.*$" contains=@Spell,xpm2Todo
command -nargs=+ Hi hi def <args>
if has("gui_running") || has("termguicolors") && &termguicolors
let color = ""
let chars = ""
let colors = 0
let cpp = 0
let n = 0
let i = 1
while i <= line("$") " scanning all lines
let s = getline(i)
if match(s,"\!.*$") != -1
let s = matchstr(s, "^[^\!]*")
if s != "" " does line contain a string?
if n == 0 " first string is the Values string
" get the 3rd value: colors = number of colors
let colors = substitute(s, '\s*\d\+\s\+\d\+\s\+\(\d\+\).*', '\1', '')
" get the 4th value: cpp = number of character per pixel
let cpp = substitute(s, '\s*\d\+\s\+\d\+\s\+\d\+\s\+\(\d\+\).*', '\1', '')
if cpp =~ '[^0-9]'
break " if cpp is not made of digits there must be something wrong
" Highlight the Values string as normal string (no pixel string).
" Only when there is no slash, it would terminate the pattern.
if s !~ '/'
exe 'syn match xpm2Values /' . s . '/'
hi def link xpm2Values Statement
let n = 1 " n = color index
elseif n <= colors " string is a color specification
" get chars = <cpp> length string representing the pixels
" (first incl. the following whitespace)
let chars = substitute(s, '\(.\{'.cpp.'}\s\+\).*', '\1', '')
" now get color, first try 'c' key if any (color visual)
let color = substitute(s, '.*\sc\s\+\(.\{-}\)\s*\(\(g4\=\|[ms]\)\s.*\)*\s*', '\1', '')
if color == s
" no 'c' key, try 'g' key (grayscale with more than 4 levels)
let color = substitute(s, '.*\sg\s\+\(.\{-}\)\s*\(\(g4\|[ms]\)\s.*\)*\s*', '\1', '')
if color == s
" next try: 'g4' key (4-level grayscale)
let color = substitute(s, '.*\sg4\s\+\(.\{-}\)\s*\([ms]\s.*\)*\s*', '\1', '')
if color == s
" finally try 'm' key (mono visual)
let color = substitute(s, '.*\sm\s\+\(.\{-}\)\s*\(s\s.*\)*\s*', '\1', '')
if color == s
let color = ""
" Vim cannot handle RGB codes with more than 6 hex digits
if color =~ '#\x\{10,}$'
let color = substitute(color, '\(\x\x\)\x\x', '\1', 'g')
elseif color =~ '#\x\{7,}$'
let color = substitute(color, '\(\x\x\)\x', '\1', 'g')
" nor with 3 digits
elseif color =~ '#\x\{3}$'
let color = substitute(color, '\(\x\)\(\x\)\(\x\)', '0\10\20\3', '')
" escape meta characters in patterns
let s = escape(s, '/\*^$.~[]')
let chars = escape(chars, '/\*^$.~[]')
" change whitespace to "\s\+"
let s = substitute(s, "[ \t][ \t]*", "\\\\s\\\\+", "g")
let chars = substitute(chars, "[ \t][ \t]*", "\\\\s\\\\+", "g")
" now create syntax items
" highlight the color string as normal string (no pixel string)
exe 'syn match xpm2Col'.n.'Def /'.s.'/ contains=xpm2Col'.n.'inDef'
exe 'hi def link xpm2Col'.n.'Def Constant'
" but highlight the first whitespace after chars in its color
exe 'syn match xpm2Col'.n.'inDef /^'.chars.'/hs=s+'.(cpp).' contained'
exe 'hi def link xpm2Col'.n.'inDef xpm2Color'.n
" remove the following whitespace from chars
let chars = substitute(chars, '\\s\\+$', '', '')
" and create the syntax item contained in the pixel strings
exe 'syn match xpm2Color'.n.' /'.chars.'/ contained'
exe 'syn cluster xpm2Colors add=xpm2Color'.n
" if no color or color = "None" show background
if color == "" || substitute(color, '.*', '\L&', '') == 'none'
exe 'Hi xpm2Color'.n.' guifg=bg guibg=NONE'
elseif color !~ "'"
exe 'Hi xpm2Color'.n." guifg='".color."' guibg='".color."'"
let n = n + 1
break " no more color string
let i = i + 1
unlet color chars colors cpp n i s
endif " has("gui_running") || has("termguicolors") && &termguicolors
" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
" The default highlighting.
hi def link xpm2Type Type
hi def link xpm2StorageClass StorageClass
hi def link xpm2Todo Todo
hi def link xpm2Comment Comment
hi def link xpm2PixelString String
delcommand Hi
let b:current_syntax = "xpm2"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: ts=8:sw=2:noet: