Your IP :
package URI::file::Mac;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'URI::file::Base';
use URI::Escape qw(uri_unescape);
our $VERSION = '1.73';
sub _file_extract_path
my $class = shift;
my $path = shift;
my @pre;
if ($path =~ s/^(:+)//) {
if (length($1) == 1) {
@pre = (".") unless length($path);
} else {
@pre = ("..") x (length($1) - 1);
} else { #absolute
$pre[0] = "";
my $isdir = ($path =~ s/:$//);
$path =~ s,([%/;]), URI::Escape::escape_char($1),eg;
my @path = split(/:/, $path, -1);
for (@path) {
if ($_ eq "." || $_ eq "..") {
$_ = "%2E" x length($_);
$_ = ".." unless length($_);
push (@path,"") if $isdir;
(join("/", @pre, @path), 1);
sub file
my $class = shift;
my $uri = shift;
my @path;
my $auth = $uri->authority;
if (defined $auth) {
if (lc($auth) ne "localhost" && $auth ne "") {
my $u_auth = uri_unescape($auth);
if (!$class->_file_is_localhost($u_auth)) {
# some other host (use it as volume name)
@path = ("", $auth);
# XXX or just return to make it illegal;
my @ps = split("/", $uri->path, -1);
shift @ps if @path;
push(@path, @ps);
my $pre = "";
if (!@path) {
return; # empty path; XXX return ":" instead?
} elsif ($path[0] eq "") {
# absolute
if (@path == 1) {
return if $path[0] eq ""; # not root directory
push(@path, ""); # volume only, effectively append ":"
@ps = @path;
@path = ();
my $part;
for (@ps) { #fix up "." and "..", including interior, in relatives
next if $_ eq ".";
$part = $_ eq ".." ? "" : $_;
if ($ps[-1] eq "..") { #if this happens, we need another :
} else {
$pre = ":";
@ps = @path;
@path = ();
my $part;
for (@ps) { #fix up "." and "..", including interior, in relatives
next if $_ eq ".";
$part = $_ eq ".." ? "" : $_;
if ($ps[-1] eq "..") { #if this happens, we need another :
return unless $pre || @path;
for (@path) {
s/;.*//; # get rid of parameters
#return unless length; # XXX
$_ = uri_unescape($_);
return if /\0/;
return if /:/; # Should we?
$pre . join(":", @path);
sub dir
my $class = shift;
my $path = $class->file(@_);
return unless defined $path;
$path .= ":" unless $path =~ /:$/;