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% Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% Utilities for "printing" PostScript items, especially dictionaries
% Usage:
% (prefix-string) dict unprint
% Maximum Print-Width
/HSpwidth 80 def
% any HScvs string
/HScvs {
% Number-Syntax
dup type % stack: any /anytype
dup /integertype eq 1 index /realtype eq or { pop
16 string cvs
% Logical-Type
dup /booleantype eq { pop
5 string cvs
% Identifiers
dup /nametype eq { pop
dup length 1 add string
dup 0 (/) putinterval
exch 1 index 1 1 index length 1 sub getinterval cvs pop
% Strings
dup /stringtype eq { pop
% ------- Compute Length
2 1 index { % stack: str len item
dup 32 lt 1 index 126 gt or { % need 4
pop 4 add
dup 40 eq 1 index 41 eq or 1 index 92 eq or {
pop 2 add
pop 1 add
} ifelse
} ifelse
} forall
% ------- Allocate & Fill String
string dup 0 (\() putinterval 1
3 -1 roll { % outstr pos item
dup 32 lt 1 index 126 gt or {
dup 7 le {
2 index 2 index (\\00) putinterval
8 3 index 3 index 3 add 1 getinterval cvrs
dup 63 le {
2 index 2 index (\\0) putinterval
8 3 index 3 index 2 add 2 getinterval cvrs
2 index 2 index (\\) putinterval
8 3 index 3 index 1 add 3 getinterval cvrs
} ifelse
} ifelse
pop 4 add
dup 40 eq 1 index 41 eq or 1 index 92 eq or {
2 index 2 index (\\) putinterval
exch 1 add exch
} if
2 index exch 2 index exch put
1 add
} ifelse
} forall
1 index exch (\)) putinterval
}{ exch pop
dup length 1 add string
dup 0 (-) putinterval
exch 1 index 1 1 index length 1 sub getinterval cvs pop
dup dup length 4 sub (-) putinterval
0 1 index length 3 sub getinterval
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
} bind def
% int HSpindent - indent-spaces
/HSpindent {
dup 0 gt {
1 1 3 -1 roll { pop ( ) print } for
} ifelse
} bind def
% indent array HSaprint -> Print an Array
/HSaprint {
dup type /arraytype eq {
( [) print
exch 1 add dup 1 add
3 -1 roll { % rind pos item
HScvs dup length % rind pos str len
dup 3 index add HSpwidth ge {
(\n) print
3 index HSpindent
3 -1 roll pop
2 index add
( ) print
2 index add 1 add
3 -1 roll pop
} ifelse
} forall
( ]) print
pop pop
( ) print
HScvs print pop
} ifelse
(\n) print
} bind def
% dict HSdnames dict names (creates sorted name-strings)
/HSdnames {
% Build namelist, stack: dic
dup length 0 eq {
[ 1 index {
pop dup type /nametype eq {
dup length string cvs
} ifelse
} forall
% Sort the namelist, stack: dic nam
0 1 2 index length 2 sub { % stack: dic nam I
2 copy get % stack: pre dic nam I nam[I]
1 index 1 add 1 4 index length 1 sub { % stack: dic nam I nam[I] J
3 index 1 index get % dic nam I S[I] J S[J]
2 index 1 index gt { % swap them
4 index 2 index 4 index put
4 index 4 index 2 index put
3 1 roll
} if
pop pop
} for
pop pop
} for
} ifelse
} bind def
% string:prefix dict:which unprint
/unprint {
HSdnames % pre dic nam
% compute the maximum length
0 1 index { % pre dic nam maxlen nam[I]
length 2 copy lt { exch } if pop
} forall
% Print out all the items, stack: pre dic nam maxlen
(\n) print
exch { % pre dic maxlen nam[I]
% no prefix yet, -> flush right
3 index length 0 eq {
dup length 2 index exch sub HSpindent
3 index print (/) print
} ifelse
% print the name
dup print
% prefix: fill up with blanks
3 index length 0 ne {
dup length 2 index exch sub HSpindent
} if
% now print the item itself, stack: pre dic maxlen nam[I]
2 index 1 index cvn get dup type % stack: pre dic maxlen nam[i] item typ
% Dict-Syntax
dup /dicttype eq { pop % stack: pre dic maxlen nam[i] item
( ) print dup HScvs print
4 index length 0 eq { % brand new prefix
2 index string 0 1 5 index 1 sub { 1 index exch 32 put } for
dup 4 index 4 index length sub 5 -1 roll putinterval
4 index length 1 add 2 index length add string
dup 0 7 index putinterval
dup 6 index length (/) putinterval
dup 6 index length 1 add 5 -1 roll putinterval
} ifelse
exch unprint
3 -1 roll pop % tack: pre dic maxlen item typ
% Array-Syntax
dup /arraytype eq { pop % stack: pre dic maxlen item
3 index length dup 0 ne { 1 add } if 2 index add
exch HSaprint
}{ pop
( ) print
HScvs print
(\n) print
} ifelse
} ifelse
} forall
pop pop length -1 eq { (\n) print } if
} bind def
/currentpagedevice where { % check for currentpagedevice
/currentpagedevice get exec () exch unprint
} if