Your IP :
use strict;
package Path::Class::Entity;
$Path::Class::Entity::VERSION = '0.37';
use File::Spec 3.26;
use File::stat ();
use Cwd;
use Carp();
use overload
q[""] => 'stringify',
'bool' => 'boolify',
fallback => 1,
sub new {
my $from = shift;
my ($class, $fs_class) = (ref($from)
? (ref $from, $from->{file_spec_class})
: ($from, $Path::Class::Foreign));
return bless {file_spec_class => $fs_class}, $class;
sub is_dir { 0 }
sub _spec_class {
my ($class, $type) = @_;
die "Invalid system type '$type'" unless ($type) = $type =~ /^(\w+)$/; # Untaint
my $spec = "File::Spec::$type";
## no critic
eval "require $spec; 1" or die $@;
return $spec;
sub new_foreign {
my ($class, $type) = (shift, shift);
local $Path::Class::Foreign = $class->_spec_class($type);
return $class->new(@_);
sub _spec { (ref($_[0]) && $_[0]->{file_spec_class}) || 'File::Spec' }
sub boolify { 1 }
sub is_absolute {
# 5.6.0 has a bug with regexes and stringification that's ticked by
# file_name_is_absolute(). Help it along with an explicit stringify().
sub is_relative { ! $_[0]->is_absolute }
sub cleanup {
my $self = shift;
my $cleaned = $self->new( $self->_spec->canonpath("$self") );
%$self = %$cleaned;
return $self;
sub resolve {
my $self = shift;
Carp::croak($! . " $self") unless -e $self; # No such file or directory
my $cleaned = $self->new( scalar Cwd::realpath($self->stringify) );
# realpath() always returns absolute path, kind of annoying
$cleaned = $cleaned->relative if $self->is_relative;
%$self = %$cleaned;
return $self;
sub absolute {
my $self = shift;
return $self if $self->is_absolute;
return $self->new($self->_spec->rel2abs($self->stringify, @_));
sub relative {
my $self = shift;
return $self->new($self->_spec->abs2rel($self->stringify, @_));
sub stat { File::stat::stat("$_[0]") }
sub lstat { File::stat::lstat("$_[0]") }
sub PRUNE { return \&PRUNE; }
=head1 NAME
Path::Class::Entity - Base class for files and directories
=head1 VERSION
version 0.37
This class is the base class for C<Path::Class::File> and
C<Path::Class::Dir>, it is not used directly by callers.
=head1 AUTHOR
Ken Williams,
=head1 SEE ALSO