Your IP :
import argparse, json, logging, os, pwd, subprocess, sys
import common
from stat import *
from subprocess import PIPE
def command_requires_uid(command):
return command in ['list', 'list-user', 'reset', 'reset-user', 'set', 'set-user']
def validate_environment():
if not os.path.exists('/sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers'):
common.fatal_error("cgroups is not v2 on this machine")
if os.getuid() != 0:
common.fatal_error("this program must be run as root")
if not os.path.isfile('/etc/systemd/system.control/user.slice.d/50-IOAccounting.conf'):
logging.debug('Activate accounting')
run_program(['systemctl', 'set-property', 'user.slice', 'IOAccounting=yes', 'MemoryAccounting=yes', 'TasksAccounting=yes'])
def init_pgm():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="lscgctl",
description='LiteSpeed cgroups Control Program')
parser.add_argument("command", type=str, help="The cgroups command",
choices=['list', 'list-all', 'list-user', 'reset', 'reset-all', 'reset-user', 'set', 'set-all', 'set-user', 'version'])
parser.add_argument("uid", type=str, nargs='*', default=None, help="uid or user name for -user commands")
parser.add_argument("--cpu", type=str, help="limit CPU access. Specify a percentage of a complete core, 100 is 1 complete core. Default is no limit (-1).")
parser.add_argument("--io", type=str, help="limit I/O access. Specify in bytes/sec. Default is no limit (-1).")
parser.add_argument("--iops", type=str, help="limit I/O access. Specify in IOs per second. Default is no limit (-1).")
parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', type=int, help='set logging level, 10=Debug, 20=Info, 30=Warning, 40=Error. Default is Info')
parser.add_argument("--mem", type=str, help="limit virtual memory access. Specify in bytes. Default is no limit (-1).")
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='turns off all logging and only outputs what is requested.')
parser.add_argument("--tasks", type=str, help="limit number of tasks. Specify a maximum count of tasks that can be started.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.quiet or args.log != None:
if args.log != None:
logging.debug("Entering lscgctl")
command = args.command
if command_requires_uid(command):
if args.uid == None:
common.fatal_error("You must specify a user for the %s command" % command)
users = common.get_users(args.uid)
users = None
if command == 'version':"Version: %s" % common.VERSION)
if args.quiet:
if (command.startswith('set')) and (args.cpu == None and == None and args.iops == None and args.mem == None and args.tasks == None):
common.fatal_error("You specified command: %s and no qualifier to set with it" % command)
return args, users
def read_stat(file, pos):
f = open(file, 'r')
except Exception as err:
common.fatal_error('Error opening %s: %s' % (file, err))
line = f.readline()
pieces = line.split(' ')
return pieces[pos]
def run_program(args, fail_reason = ""):
logging.debug('run: ' + str(args))
result =, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
if fail_reason != "" and result.returncode == 0:
common.fatal_error('Expected: ' + args[0] + ' to fail: ' + fail_reason)
if fail_reason == "" and result.returncode != 0:
common.fatal_error('Error in running: ' + args[0] + ' errors: ' + result.stdout.decode('utf-8') + ' ' + result.stderr.decode('utf-8'))
return result.stdout.decode('utf-8')
def user_to_file(user):
return 'user-%s.slice' % user.pw_uid
def user_to_filename(user):
return '/sys/fs/cgroup/user.slice/%s' % user_to_file(user)
def systemctl_show(user):
return run_program(['systemctl', 'show', user_to_file(user)])
def systemctl_daemon_reload():
logging.debug("Do daemon-reload")
run_program(['systemctl', 'daemon-reload'])
def get_systemctl_item(result, item):
start = result.find(item)
if start == -1:
logging.debug('%s not found in systemctl output' % item)
return ""
eol = result[start:].find('\n')
if eol == -1:
logging.debug('new line not found in search after finding %s' % item)
eol = len(result[start:])
equals = result[start:start+eol].find('=')
if equals == -1 or equals > eol:
logging.debug('equals not found in systemctl output search for %s: %s' % (item, result[start:start+eol]))
return ""
value = result[start+equals+1:start+eol]
if value == 'infinity':
return ''
logging.debug('systemctl show for ' + item + ':' + value)
return value
def get_systemctl_dev_num(result, item):
val = get_systemctl_item(result, item)
space = val.find(' ')
if space == -1:
return ''
logging.debug('result %s: %s, val: %s' % (item, val, val[space+1:]))
return common.str_num_values(val[space+1:])
def get_systemctl_num(result, item):
val = get_systemctl_item(result, item)
logging.debug('result %s: %s' % (item, val))
return common.str_num_values(val)
def get_systemctl_cpu(result):
val = get_systemctl_item(result, 'CPUQuotaPerSecUSec')
if val == 'infinity' or val == 'max' or val == '':
return ''
ms = val.find('ms')
logging.debug('cpu val:' + val + ' ms: %d' % ms)
if ms > 0:
percent = int(val[:ms]) / 10
if percent == 0:
return '0.%d' % int(val[:ms])
return '%d' % percent
s = val.find('s')
if s > 0:
return '%d' % int((float(val[:s]) * 100)) # A bug in systemd cgroups
return '%f' % float(val) / 10000
def list_user(user, dict):
systemctl_results = systemctl_show(user)
subdict = {}
subdict['name'] = user.pw_name
subdict['cpu'] = get_systemctl_cpu(systemctl_results)
subdict['io'] = get_systemctl_dev_num(systemctl_results, 'IOReadBandwidthMax')
subdict['iops'] = get_systemctl_dev_num(systemctl_results, 'IOReadIOPSMax')
subdict['mem'] = get_systemctl_num(systemctl_results, "MemoryMax")
subdict['tasks'] = get_systemctl_num(systemctl_results, 'TasksMax')
logging.debug("uid[" + str(user.pw_uid) + ']: ' + str(subdict))
dict[user.pw_uid] = subdict
def command_list(users):
dict = {}
if users != None:
for user in users:
list_user(user, dict)
users = pwd.getpwall()
min_uid = common.get_min_uid()
for listuser in users:
if listuser.pw_uid >= min_uid and listuser.pw_name != 'nobody':
list_user(listuser, dict)
print(json.dumps(dict, indent=4))
return 0
def set_properties(user, properties):
pgm_parms = ['systemctl', 'set-property', user_to_file(user)]
return run_program(pgm_parms)
def set_device_parm(args, option, properties):
devices = common.get_devices()[0]
if option == common.OPTION_IO:
title_read = 'IOReadBandwidthMax'
title_write = 'IOWriteBandwidthMax'
val = common.int_num_values(
title_read = 'IOReadIOPSMax'
title_write = 'IOWriteIOPSMax'
val = common.int_num_values(args.iops)
for device in devices:
if val == -1:
properties.append('%s=' % title_read)
properties.append('%s=' % title_write)
properties.append('%s=%s %d' % (title_read, device, val))
properties.append('%s=%s %d' % (title_write, device, val))
return 0
def set_no_device_parm(args, option, properties):
if option == common.OPTION_CPU:
title = 'CPUQuota'
val = common.int_num_values(args.cpu)
format_set = '%s=%d%%'
elif option == common.OPTION_MEM:
title = 'MemoryMax'
val = common.int_num_values(args.mem)
format_set = '%s=%d'
title = 'TasksMax'
val = common.int_num_values(args.tasks)
format_set = '%s=%d'
if val == -1:
properties.append('%s=' % title)
properties.append(format_set % (title, val))
if option == common.OPTION_MEM:
def reset_user(args, user, reload):
args.cpu = '-1' = '-1'
args.iops = '-1';
args.mem = '-1'
args.tasks = '-1'
return set_user(args, user, reload)
def command_reset(args, users):
if args.command == 'reset' or args.command == 'reset-user':
for user in users:
reset_user(args, user, True)
users = pwd.getpwall()
min_uid = common.get_min_uid()
need_reload = False
for listuser in users:
if listuser.pw_uid >= min_uid:
need_reload = True
reset_user(args, listuser)
if need_reload:
if not args.quiet:"Reset successful")
return 0
def set_user(args, users, reload):
properties = []
if args.cpu != None:
set_no_device_parm(args, common.OPTION_CPU, properties)
if != None:
set_device_parm(args, common.OPTION_IO, properties)
if args.iops != None:
set_device_parm(args, common.OPTION_IOPS, properties)
if args.mem != None:
set_no_device_parm(args, common.OPTION_MEM, properties)
if args.tasks != None:
set_no_device_parm(args, common.OPTION_TASKS, properties)
for user in users:
set_properties(user, properties)
if reload:
if not args.quiet:
return command_list(users)
return 0
def command_set(args, users):
if args.command == 'set' or args.command == 'set-user':
set_user(args, users, True)
users = pwd.getpwall()
min_uid = common.get_min_uid()
need_reload = False
for listuser in users:
if listuser.pw_uid >= min_uid:
need_reload = True
set_user(args, listuser, False)
if need_reload:
if not args.quiet:"Set successful")
return 0
def do_pgm(args, users):
logging.debug("Entering lscgctl, command: %s" % args.command)
if 'reset' in args.command:
ret = command_reset(args, users)
elif 'list' in args.command:
ret = command_list(users)
elif 'set' in args.command:
ret = command_set(args, users)
common.fatal_error('Unexpected command: %s' % args.command)
logging.debug("Exiting lscgctl")
return ret
def main():
args, users = init_pgm()
return do_pgm(args, users)
if __name__ == "__main__":