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Middleware to check for obedience to the WSGI specification.
Some of the things this checks:
* Signature of the application and start_response (including that
keyword arguments are not used).
* Environment checks:
- Environment is a dictionary (and not a subclass).
- That all the required keys are in the environment: REQUEST_METHOD,
SERVER_NAME, SERVER_PORT, wsgi.version, wsgi.input, wsgi.errors,
wsgi.multithread, wsgi.multiprocess, wsgi.run_once
environment (these headers should appear as CONTENT_LENGTH and
- Warns if QUERY_STRING is missing, as the cgi module acts
unpredictably in that case.
- That CGI-style variables (that don't contain a .) have
(non-unicode) string values
- That wsgi.version is a tuple
- That wsgi.url_scheme is 'http' or 'https' (@@: is this too
- Warns if the REQUEST_METHOD is not known (@@: probably too
- That SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO are empty or start with /
- That at least one of SCRIPT_NAME or PATH_INFO are set.
- That CONTENT_LENGTH is a positive integer.
- That SCRIPT_NAME is not '/' (it should be '', and PATH_INFO should
be '/').
- That wsgi.input has the methods read, readline, readlines, and
- That wsgi.errors has the methods flush, write, writelines
* The status is a string, contains a space, starts with an integer,
and that integer is in range (> 100).
* That the headers is a list (not a subclass, not another kind of
* That the items of the headers are tuples of strings.
* That there is no 'status' header (that is used in CGI, but not in
* That the headers don't contain newlines or colons, end in _ or -, or
contain characters codes below 037.
* That Content-Type is given if there is content (CGI often has a
default content type, but WSGI does not).
* That no Content-Type is given when there is no content (@@: is this
too restrictive?)
* That the exc_info argument to start_response is a tuple or None.
* That all calls to the writer are with strings, and no other methods
on the writer are accessed.
* That wsgi.input is used properly:
- .read() is called with zero or one argument
- That it returns a string
- That readline, readlines, and __iter__ return strings
- That .close() is not called
- No other methods are provided
* That wsgi.errors is used properly:
- .write() and .writelines() is called with a string
- That .close() is not called, and no other methods are provided.
* The response iterator:
- That it is not a string (it should be a list of a single string; a
string will work, but perform horribly).
- That .__next__() returns a string
- That the iterator is not iterated over until start_response has
been called (that can signal either a server or application
- That .close() is called (doesn't raise exception, only prints to
sys.stderr, because we only know it isn't called when the object
is garbage collected).
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Raised in response to WSGI-spec-related warnings
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__� r r �(/usr/lib64/python3.6/wsgiref/validate.pyr y s r c G s | st |� �d S )N)�AssertionError)Zcond�argsr r r �assert_~ s r c C s( t | �tkr| S tdj|t| ����d S )Nz!{0} must be of type str (got {1}))�type�strr
�format�repr)�value�titler r r �check_string_type� s r c s � fdd�}|S )a�
When applied between a WSGI server and a WSGI application, this
middleware will check for WSGI compliancy on a number of levels.
This middleware does not modify the request or response in any
way, but will raise an AssertionError if anything seems off
(except for a failure to close the application iterator, which
will be printed to stderr -- there's no way to raise an exception
at that point).
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