Your IP :
import unittest
from test.test_support import requires
import Tkinter as tk
from Tkinter import Text as tkText
from idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk import Text as mkText
from idlelib.IdleHistory import History
from idlelib.configHandler import idleConf
line1 = 'a = 7'
line2 = 'b = a'
class StoreTest(unittest.TestCase):
'''Tests History.__init__ and with mock Text'''
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.text = mkText()
cls.history = History(cls.text)
def tearDown(self):
self.text.delete('1.0', 'end')
self.history.history = []
def test_init(self):
self.assertIs(self.history.text, self.text)
self.assertEqual(self.history.history, [])
idleConf.GetOption("main", "History", "cyclic", 1, "bool"))
def test_store_short(self):'a')
self.assertEqual(self.history.history, [])' a ')
self.assertEqual(self.history.history, [])
def test_store_dup(self):
self.assertEqual(self.history.history, [line1])
self.assertEqual(self.history.history, [line1, line2])
self.assertEqual(self.history.history, [line2, line1])
def test_store_reset(self):
self.history.prefix = line1
self.history.pointer = 0
class TextWrapper:
def __init__(self, master):
self.text = tkText(master=master)
self._bell = False
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.text, name)
def bell(self):
self._bell = True
class FetchTest(unittest.TestCase):
'''Test History.fetch with wrapped tk.Text.
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.root = tk.Tk()
def setUp(self):
self.text = text = TextWrapper(self.root)
text.insert('1.0', ">>> ")
text.mark_set('iomark', '1.4')
text.mark_gravity('iomark', 'left')
self.history = History(text)
self.history.history = [line1, line2]
def tearDownClass(cls):
del cls.root
def fetch_test(self, reverse, line, prefix, index, bell=False):
# Perform one fetch as invoked by Alt-N or Alt-P
# Test the result. The line test is the most important.
# The last two are diagnostic of fetch internals.
History = self.history
Equal = self.assertEqual
Equal(self.text.get('iomark', 'end-1c'), line)
Equal(self.text._bell, bell)
if bell:
self.text._bell = False
Equal(History.prefix, prefix)
Equal(History.pointer, index)
Equal("insert", '==', "end-1c"), 1)
def test_fetch_prev_cyclic(self):
prefix = ''
test = self.fetch_test
test(True, line2, prefix, 1)
test(True, line1, prefix, 0)
test(True, prefix, None, None, bell=True)
def test_fetch_next_cyclic(self):
prefix = ''
test = self.fetch_test
test(False, line1, prefix, 0)
test(False, line2, prefix, 1)
test(False, prefix, None, None, bell=True)
# Prefix 'a' tests skip line2, which starts with 'b'
def test_fetch_prev_prefix(self):
prefix = 'a'
self.text.insert('iomark', prefix)
self.fetch_test(True, line1, prefix, 0)
self.fetch_test(True, prefix, None, None, bell=True)
def test_fetch_next_prefix(self):
prefix = 'a'
self.text.insert('iomark', prefix)
self.fetch_test(False, line1, prefix, 0)
self.fetch_test(False, prefix, None, None, bell=True)
def test_fetch_prev_noncyclic(self):
prefix = ''
self.history.cyclic = False
test = self.fetch_test
test(True, line2, prefix, 1)
test(True, line1, prefix, 0)
test(True, line1, prefix, 0, bell=True)
def test_fetch_next_noncyclic(self):
prefix = ''
self.history.cyclic = False
test = self.fetch_test
test(False, prefix, None, None, bell=True)
test(True, line2, prefix, 1)
test(False, prefix, None, None, bell=True)
test(False, prefix, None, None, bell=True)
def test_fetch_cursor_move(self):
# Move cursor after fetch
self.history.fetch(reverse=True) # initialization
self.text.mark_set('insert', 'iomark')
self.fetch_test(True, line2, None, None, bell=True)
def test_fetch_edit(self):
# Edit after fetch
self.history.fetch(reverse=True) # initialization
self.text.delete('iomark', 'insert', )
self.text.insert('iomark', 'a =')
self.fetch_test(True, line1, 'a =', 0) # prefix is reset
def test_history_prev_next(self):
# Minimally test functions bound to events
self.history.history_prev('dummy event')
self.assertEqual(self.history.pointer, 1)
self.history.history_next('dummy event')
self.assertEqual(self.history.pointer, None)
if __name__ == '__main__':
unittest.main(verbosity=2, exit=2)