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build_clibc B s e Z d Z d � Z RS( sv
Override the default build_clib behaviour to do the following:
1. Implement a rudimentary timestamp-based dependency system
so 'compile()' doesn't run every time.
2. Add more keys to the 'build_info' dictionary:
* obj_deps - specify dependencies for each object compiled.
this should be a dictionary mapping a key
with the source filename to a list of
dependencies. Use an empty string for global
* cflags - specify a list of additional flags to pass to
the compiler.
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Nt sourcessf in 'libraries' option (library '%s'), 'sources' must be present and must be a list of source filenamess building '%s' libraryt obj_depss\ in 'libraries' option (library '%s'), 'obj_deps' must be a dictionary of type 'source: list't t
output_dirt macrost include_dirst cflagst extra_postargst debug( t gett Nonet
isinstancet listt tupleR R t infot dictt extendt appendt compilert object_filenamest
build_tempR t compileR t create_static_libR ( t selft librariest lib_namet
build_infoR R t dependenciest global_depst sourcet src_depst
extra_depst expected_objectsR R R
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( t __name__t
__module__t __doc__R&