Your IP :
* Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at
* See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
#ifndef DNS_ZONE_H
#define DNS_ZONE_H 1
/*! \file dns/zone.h */
*** Imports
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <isc/formatcheck.h>
#include <isc/lang.h>
#include <isc/rwlock.h>
#include <dns/catz.h>
#include <dns/master.h>
#include <dns/masterdump.h>
#include <dns/rdatastruct.h>
#include <dns/rpz.h>
#include <dns/types.h>
#include <dns/zt.h>
typedef enum {
} dns_zonetype_t;
typedef enum {
dns_zonestat_none = 0,
} dns_zonestat_level_t;
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_SERVERS 0x00000001U /*%< perform server checks */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_PARENTS 0x00000002U /*%< perform parent checks */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHILDREN 0x00000004U /*%< perform child checks */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_NOTIFY 0x00000008U /*%< perform NOTIFY */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_MANYERRORS 0x00000010U /*%< return many errors on load */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_IXFRFROMDIFFS 0x00000020U /*%< calculate differences */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_NOMERGE 0x00000040U /*%< don't merge journal */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKNS 0x00000080U /*%< check if NS's are addresses */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_FATALNS 0x00000100U /*%< DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKNS is fatal */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_MULTIMASTER 0x00000200U /*%< this zone has multiple masters */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_USEALTXFRSRC 0x00000400U /*%< use alternate transfer sources */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKNAMES 0x00000800U /*%< check-names */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKNAMESFAIL 0x00001000U /*%< fatal check-name failures */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKWILDCARD 0x00002000U /*%< check for internal wildcards */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKMX 0x00004000U /*%< check-mx */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKMXFAIL 0x00008000U /*%< fatal check-mx failures */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKINTEGRITY 0x00010000U /*%< perform integrity checks */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKSIBLING 0x00020000U /*%< perform sibling glue checks */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_NOCHECKNS 0x00040000U /*%< disable IN NS address checks */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_WARNMXCNAME 0x00080000U /*%< warn on MX CNAME check */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_IGNOREMXCNAME 0x00100000U /*%< ignore MX CNAME check */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_WARNSRVCNAME 0x00200000U /*%< warn on SRV CNAME check */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_IGNORESRVCNAME 0x00400000U /*%< ignore SRV CNAME check */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_UPDATECHECKKSK 0x00800000U /*%< check dnskey KSK flag */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_TRYTCPREFRESH 0x01000000U /*%< try tcp refresh on udp failure */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_NOTIFYTOSOA 0x02000000U /*%< Notify the SOA MNAME */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_NSEC3TESTZONE 0x04000000U /*%< nsec3-test-zone */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_SECURETOINSECURE 0x08000000U /*%< dnssec-secure-to-insecure */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_DNSKEYKSKONLY 0x10000000U /*%< dnssec-dnskey-kskonly */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKDUPRR 0x20000000U /*%< check-dup-records */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKDUPRRFAIL 0x40000000U /*%< fatal check-dup-records failures */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_CHECKSPF 0x80000000U /*%< check SPF records */
* The following zone options are shifted left into the
* higher-order 32 bits of the options.
#define DNS_ZONEOPT2_CHECKTTL 0x00000001U /*%< check max-zone-ttl */
#define DNS_ZONEOPT2_AUTOEMPTY 0x00000002U /*%< automatic empty zone */
* Nominum specific options build down.
#define DNS_ZONEOPT_NOTIFYFORWARD 0x80000000U /* forward notify to master */
#endif /* NOMINUM_PUBLIC */
* Zone key maintenance options
#define DNS_ZONEKEY_ALLOW 0x00000001U /*%< fetch keys on command */
#define DNS_ZONEKEY_MAINTAIN 0x00000002U /*%< publish/sign on schedule */
#define DNS_ZONEKEY_CREATE 0x00000004U /*%< make keys when needed */
#define DNS_ZONEKEY_FULLSIGN 0x00000008U /*%< roll to new keys immediately */
#define DNS_ZONEKEY_NORESIGN 0x00000010U /*%< no automatic resigning */
#define DNS_ZONE_MINREFRESH 300 /*%< 5 minutes */
#define DNS_ZONE_MAXREFRESH 2419200 /*%< 4 weeks */
#define DNS_ZONE_DEFAULTREFRESH 3600 /*%< 1 hour */
#define DNS_ZONE_MINRETRY 300 /*%< 5 minutes */
#define DNS_ZONE_MAXRETRY 1209600 /*%< 2 weeks */
#define DNS_ZONE_DEFAULTRETRY 60 /*%< 1 minute, subject to
exponential backoff */
*** Functions
dns_zone_create(dns_zone_t **zonep, isc_mem_t *mctx);
* Creates a new empty zone and attach '*zonep' to it.
* Requires:
*\li 'zonep' to point to a NULL pointer.
*\li 'mctx' to be a valid memory context.
* Ensures:
*\li '*zonep' refers to a valid zone.
* Returns:
dns_zone_setclass(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass);
* Sets the class of a zone. This operation can only be performed
* once on a zone.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li dns_zone_setclass() not to have been called since the zone was
* created.
*\li 'rdclass' != dns_rdataclass_none.
dns_zone_getclass(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the current zone class.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getserial2(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t *serialp);
dns_zone_getserial(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the current serial number of the zone. On success, the SOA
* serial of the zone will be copied into '*serialp'.
* dns_zone_getserial() cannot catch failure cases and is deprecated by
* dns_zone_getserial2().
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'serialp' to be non NULL
* Returns:
*\li #DNS_R_NOTLOADED zone DB is not loaded
dns_zone_settype(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zonetype_t type);
* Sets the zone type. This operation can only be performed once on
* a zone.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li dns_zone_settype() not to have been called since the zone was
* created.
*\li 'type' != dns_zone_none
dns_zone_setview(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_view_t *view);
* Associate the zone with a view.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_view_t *
dns_zone_getview(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the zone's associated view.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setviewcommit(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Commit the previous view saved internally via dns_zone_setview().
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setviewrevert(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Revert the most recent dns_zone_setview() on this zone,
* restoring the previous view.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setorigin(dns_zone_t *zone, const dns_name_t *origin);
* Sets the zones origin to 'origin'.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'origin' to be non NULL.
* Returns:
dns_name_t *
dns_zone_getorigin(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the value of the origin.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setfile(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *file);
dns_zone_setfile2(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *file,
dns_masterformat_t format);
dns_zone_setfile3(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *file,
dns_masterformat_t format, const dns_master_style_t *style);
* Sets the name of the master file in the format of 'format' from which
* the zone loads its database to 'file'.
* For zones that have no associated master file, 'file' will be NULL.
* For zones with persistent databases, the file name
* setting is ignored.
* dns_zone_setfile() is a backward-compatible form of
* dns_zone_setfile2(), which always specifies the
* dns_masterformat_text (RFC1035) format.
* dns_zone_setfile2() is a backward-compatible form of
* dns_zone_setfile3(), which also specifies the style
* that should be used if a zone using the 'text'
* masterformat is ever dumped.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
const char *
dns_zone_getfile(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Gets the name of the zone's master file, if any.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
* Returns:
*\li Pointer to null-terminated file name, or NULL.
dns_zone_setmaxrecords(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t records);
* Sets the maximum number of records permitted in a zone.
* 0 implies unlimited.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
* Returns:
*\li void
dns_zone_getmaxrecords(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Gets the maximum number of records permitted in a zone.
* 0 implies unlimited.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
* Returns:
*\li uint32_t maxrecords.
dns_zone_setmaxttl(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t maxttl);
* Sets the max ttl of the zone.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
* Returns:
*\li void
dns_zone_getmaxttl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Gets the max ttl of the zone.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
* Returns:
*\li dns_ttl_t maxttl.
dns_zone_load(dns_zone_t *zone);
dns_zone_loadnew(dns_zone_t *zone);
dns_zone_loadandthaw(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Cause the database to be loaded from its backing store.
* Confirm that the minimum requirements for the zone type are
* met, otherwise DNS_R_BADZONE is returned.
* dns_zone_loadnew() only loads zones that are not yet loaded.
* dns_zone_load() also loads zones that are already loaded and
* and whose master file has changed since the last load.
* dns_zone_loadandthaw() is similar to dns_zone_load() but will
* also re-enable DNS UPDATEs when the load completes.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
*\li DNS_R_CONTINUE Incremental load has been queued.
*\li DNS_R_UPTODATE The zone has already been loaded based on
* file system timestamps.
*\li Any result value from dns_db_load().
dns_zone_asyncload(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zt_zoneloaded_t done, void *arg);
dns_zone_asyncload2(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zt_zoneloaded_t done, void *arg,
bool newonly);
* Cause the database to be loaded from its backing store asynchronously.
* Other zone maintenance functions are suspended until this is complete.
* When finished, 'done' is called to inform the caller, with 'arg' as
* its first argument and 'zone' as its second. (Normally, 'arg' is
* expected to point to the zone table but is left undefined for testing
* purposes.)
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
dns__zone_loadpending(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Indicates whether the zone is waiting to be loaded asynchronously.
* (Not currently intended for use outside of this module and associated
* tests.)
dns_zone_attach(dns_zone_t *source, dns_zone_t **target);
* Attach '*target' to 'source' incrementing its external
* reference count.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'target' to be non NULL and '*target' to be NULL.
dns_zone_detach(dns_zone_t **zonep);
* Detach from a zone decrementing its external reference count.
* If this was the last external reference to the zone it will be
* shut down and eventually freed.
* Require:
*\li 'zonep' to point to a valid zone.
dns_zone_iattach(dns_zone_t *source, dns_zone_t **target);
* Attach '*target' to 'source' incrementing its internal
* reference count. This is intended for use by operations
* such as zone transfers that need to prevent the zone
* object from being freed but not from shutting down.
* Require:
*\li The caller is running in the context of the zone's task.
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'target' to be non NULL and '*target' to be NULL.
dns_zone_idetach(dns_zone_t **zonep);
* Detach from a zone decrementing its internal reference count.
* If there are no more internal or external references to the
* zone, it will be freed.
* Require:
*\li The caller is running in the context of the zone's task.
*\li 'zonep' to point to a valid zone.
dns_zone_setflag(dns_zone_t *zone, unsigned int flags, bool value);
* Sets ('value' == 'true') / clears ('value' == 'IS_FALSE')
* zone flags. Valid flag bits are DNS_ZONE_F_*.
* Requires
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getdb(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t **dbp);
* Attach '*dbp' to the database to if it exists otherwise
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'dbp' to be != NULL && '*dbp' == NULL.
* Returns:
dns_zone_setdb(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db);
* Sets the zone database to 'db'.
* This function is expected to be used to configure a zone with a
* database which is not loaded from a file or zone transfer.
* It can be used for a general purpose zone, but right now its use
* is limited to static-stub zones to avoid possible undiscovered
* problems in the general cases.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone of static-stub.
*\li zone doesn't have a database.
dns_zone_setdbtype(dns_zone_t *zone,
unsigned int dbargc, const char * const *dbargv);
* Sets the database type to dbargv[0] and database arguments
* to subsequent dbargv elements.
* 'db_type' is not checked to see if it is a valid database type.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'database' to be non NULL.
*\li 'dbargc' to be >= 1
*\li 'dbargv' to point to dbargc NULL-terminated strings
* Returns:
dns_zone_getdbtype(dns_zone_t *zone, char ***argv, isc_mem_t *mctx);
* Returns the current dbtype. isc_mem_free() should be used
* to free 'argv' after use.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'argv' to be non NULL and *argv to be NULL.
*\li 'mctx' to be valid.
* Returns:
dns_zone_markdirty(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Mark a zone as 'dirty'.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_expire(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Mark the zone as expired. If the zone requires dumping cause it to
* be initiated. Set the refresh and retry intervals to there default
* values and unload the zone.
* Require
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_refresh(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Initiate zone up to date checks. The zone must already be being
* managed.
* Require
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_flush(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Write the zone to database if there are uncommitted changes.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_dump(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Write the zone to database.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_dumptostream(dns_zone_t *zone, FILE *fd);
dns_zone_dumptostream2(dns_zone_t *zone, FILE *fd, dns_masterformat_t format,
const dns_master_style_t *style);
dns_zone_dumptostream3(dns_zone_t *zone, FILE *fd, dns_masterformat_t format,
const dns_master_style_t *style,
const uint32_t rawversion);
* Write the zone to stream 'fd' in the specified 'format'.
* If the 'format' is dns_masterformat_text (RFC1035), 'style' also
* specifies the file style (e.g., &dns_master_style_default).
* dns_zone_dumptostream() is a backward-compatible form of
* dns_zone_dumptostream2(), which always uses the dns_masterformat_text
* format and the dns_master_style_default style.
* dns_zone_dumptostream2() is a backward-compatible form of
* dns_zone_dumptostream3(), which always uses the current
* default raw file format version.
* Note that dns_zone_dumptostream3() is the most flexible form. It
* can also provide the functionality of dns_zone_fulldumptostream().
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'fd' to be a stream open for writing.
dns_zone_fulldumptostream(dns_zone_t *zone, FILE *fd);
* The same as dns_zone_dumptostream, but dumps the zone with
* different dump settings (dns_master_style_full).
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'fd' to be a stream open for writing.
dns_zone_maintenance(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Perform regular maintenance on the zone. This is called as a
* result of a zone being managed.
* Require
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setmasters(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *masters,
uint32_t count);
dns_zone_setmasterswithkeys(dns_zone_t *zone,
const isc_sockaddr_t *masters,
dns_name_t **keynames,
uint32_t count);
* Set the list of master servers for the zone.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'masters' array of isc_sockaddr_t with port set or NULL.
*\li 'count' the number of masters.
*\li 'keynames' array of dns_name_t's for tsig keys or NULL.
* \li dns_zone_setmasters() is just a wrapper to setmasterswithkeys(),
* passing NULL in the keynames field.
* \li If 'masters' is NULL then 'count' must be zero.
* Returns:
*\li Any result dns_name_dup() can return, if keynames!=NULL
dns_zone_setalsonotify(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *notify,
uint32_t count);
dns_zone_setalsonotifywithkeys(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *notify,
dns_name_t **keynames, uint32_t count);
dns_zone_setalsonotifydscpkeys(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *notify,
const isc_dscp_t *dscps, dns_name_t **keynames,
uint32_t count);
* Set the list of additional servers to be notified when
* a zone changes. To clear the list use 'count = 0'.
* dns_zone_alsonotifywithkeys() allows each notify address to
* be associated with a TSIG key.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'notify' to be non-NULL if count != 0.
*\li 'count' to be the number of notifiees.
* Returns:
dns_zone_unload(dns_zone_t *zone);
* detach the database from the zone structure.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setoption(dns_zone_t *zone, unsigned int option,
bool value);
dns_zone_setoption2(dns_zone_t *zone, unsigned int option,
bool value);
* Set the given options on ('value' == true) or off
* ('value' == #false).
* dns_zone_setoption2() has been introduced because the number
* of options needed now exceeds the 32 bits in the zone->options
* field; it should be used set options with names beginning
* with DNS_ZONEOPT2_.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
unsigned int
dns_zone_getoptions(dns_zone_t *zone);
unsigned int
dns_zone_getoptions2(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the current zone options.
* Callers should be aware there is now more than one set of zone
* options. dns_zone_getoptions2() has been introduced because the
* number of options needed now exceeds the 32 bits in the
* zone->options field. It returns the options whose names begin
* with DNS_ZONEOPT2_.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setkeyopt(dns_zone_t *zone, unsigned int option, bool value);
* Set key options on ('value' == true) or off ('value' ==
* #false).
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
unsigned int
dns_zone_getkeyopts(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the current zone key options.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setminrefreshtime(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t val);
* Set the minimum refresh time.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' is valid.
*\li val > 0.
dns_zone_setmaxrefreshtime(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t val);
* Set the maximum refresh time.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' is valid.
*\li val > 0.
dns_zone_setminretrytime(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t val);
* Set the minimum retry time.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' is valid.
*\li val > 0.
dns_zone_setmaxretrytime(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t val);
* Set the maximum retry time.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' is valid.
* val > 0.
dns_zone_setxfrsource4(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *xfrsource);
dns_zone_setaltxfrsource4(dns_zone_t *zone,
const isc_sockaddr_t *xfrsource);
* Set the source address to be used in IPv4 zone transfers.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'xfrsource' to contain the address.
* Returns:
isc_sockaddr_t *
dns_zone_getxfrsource4(dns_zone_t *zone);
isc_sockaddr_t *
dns_zone_getaltxfrsource4(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the source address set by a previous dns_zone_setxfrsource4
* call, or the default of inaddr_any, port 0.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setxfrsource4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp);
dns_zone_setaltxfrsource4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp);
* Set the DSCP value associated with the transfer/alt-transfer source.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
dns_zone_getxfrsource4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone);
dns_zone_getaltxfrsource4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get the DSCP value associated with the transfer/alt-transfer source.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setxfrsource6(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *xfrsource);
dns_zone_setaltxfrsource6(dns_zone_t *zone,
const isc_sockaddr_t *xfrsource);
* Set the source address to be used in IPv6 zone transfers.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'xfrsource' to contain the address.
* Returns:
isc_sockaddr_t *
dns_zone_getxfrsource6(dns_zone_t *zone);
isc_sockaddr_t *
dns_zone_getaltxfrsource6(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the source address set by a previous dns_zone_setxfrsource6
* call, or the default of in6addr_any, port 0.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getxfrsource6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone);
dns_zone_getaltxfrsource6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get the DSCP value associated with the transfer/alt-transfer source.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setxfrsource6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp);
dns_zone_setaltxfrsource6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp);
* Set the DSCP value associated with the transfer/alt-transfer source.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
dns_zone_setnotifysrc4(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *notifysrc);
* Set the source address to be used with IPv4 NOTIFY messages.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'notifysrc' to contain the address.
* Returns:
isc_sockaddr_t *
dns_zone_getnotifysrc4(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the source address set by a previous dns_zone_setnotifysrc4
* call, or the default of inaddr_any, port 0.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getnotifysrc4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get the DSCP value associated with the IPv4 notify source.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setnotifysrc4dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp);
* Set the DSCP value associated with the IPv4 notify source.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
dns_zone_setnotifysrc6(dns_zone_t *zone, const isc_sockaddr_t *notifysrc);
* Set the source address to be used with IPv6 NOTIFY messages.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'notifysrc' to contain the address.
* Returns:
isc_sockaddr_t *
dns_zone_getnotifysrc6(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the source address set by a previous dns_zone_setnotifysrc6
* call, or the default of in6addr_any, port 0.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getnotifysrc6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get the DSCP value associated with the IPv6 notify source.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setnotifysrc6dscp(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_dscp_t dscp);
* Set the DSCP value associated with the IPv6 notify source.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
dns_zone_setnotifyacl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl);
* Sets the notify acl list for the zone.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'acl' to be a valid acl.
dns_zone_setqueryacl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl);
* Sets the query acl list for the zone.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'acl' to be a valid acl.
dns_zone_setqueryonacl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl);
* Sets the query-on acl list for the zone.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'acl' to be a valid acl.
dns_zone_setupdateacl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl);
* Sets the update acl list for the zone.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'acl' to be valid acl.
dns_zone_setforwardacl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl);
* Sets the forward unsigned updates acl list for the zone.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'acl' to be valid acl.
dns_zone_setxfracl(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acl_t *acl);
* Sets the transfer acl list for the zone.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'acl' to be valid acl.
dns_acl_t *
dns_zone_getnotifyacl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the current notify acl or NULL.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
*\li acl a pointer to the acl.
*\li NULL
dns_acl_t *
dns_zone_getqueryacl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the current query acl or NULL.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
*\li acl a pointer to the acl.
*\li NULL
dns_acl_t *
dns_zone_getqueryonacl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the current query-on acl or NULL.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
*\li acl a pointer to the acl.
*\li NULL
dns_acl_t *
dns_zone_getupdateacl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the current update acl or NULL.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
*\li acl a pointer to the acl.
*\li NULL
dns_acl_t *
dns_zone_getforwardacl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the current forward unsigned updates acl or NULL.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
*\li acl a pointer to the acl.
*\li NULL
dns_acl_t *
dns_zone_getxfracl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the current transfer acl or NULL.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
*\li acl a pointer to the acl.
*\li NULL
dns_zone_clearupdateacl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Clear the current update acl.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_clearforwardacl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Clear the current forward unsigned updates acl.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_clearnotifyacl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Clear the current notify acl.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_clearqueryacl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Clear the current query acl.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_clearqueryonacl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Clear the current query-on acl.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_clearxfracl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Clear the current transfer acl.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getupdatedisabled(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Return update disabled.
* Transient unless called when running in isc_task_exclusive() mode.
dns_zone_setupdatedisabled(dns_zone_t *zone, bool state);
* Set update disabled.
* Should only be called only when running in isc_task_exclusive() mode.
* Failure to do so may result in updates being committed after the
* call has been made.
dns_zone_getzeronosoattl(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Return zero-no-soa-ttl status.
dns_zone_setzeronosoattl(dns_zone_t *zone, bool state);
* Set zero-no-soa-ttl status.
dns_zone_setchecknames(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_severity_t severity);
* Set the severity of name checking when loading a zone.
* Require:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getchecknames(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Return the current severity of name checking.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setjournalsize(dns_zone_t *zone, int32_t size);
* Sets the journal size for the zone.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getjournalsize(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Return the journal size as set with a previous call to
* dns_zone_setjournalsize().
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_notifyreceive(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_sockaddr_t *from,
dns_message_t *msg);
dns_zone_notifyreceive2(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_sockaddr_t *from,
isc_sockaddr_t *to, dns_message_t *msg);
* Tell the zone that it has received a NOTIFY message from another
* server. This may cause some zone maintenance activity to occur.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li '*from' to contain the address of the server from which 'msg'
* was received.
*\li 'msg' a message with opcode NOTIFY and qr clear.
* Returns:
dns_zone_setmaxxfrin(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t maxxfrin);
* Set the maximum time (in seconds) that a zone transfer in (AXFR/IXFR)
* of this zone will use before being aborted.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
dns_zone_getmaxxfrin(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the maximum transfer time for this zone. This will be
* either the value set by the last call to dns_zone_setmaxxfrin() or
* the default value of 1 hour.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
dns_zone_setmaxxfrout(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t maxxfrout);
* Set the maximum time (in seconds) that a zone transfer out (AXFR/IXFR)
* of this zone will use before being aborted.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
dns_zone_getmaxxfrout(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the maximum transfer time for this zone. This will be
* either the value set by the last call to dns_zone_setmaxxfrout() or
* the default value of 1 hour.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
dns_zone_setjournal(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *myjournal);
* Sets the filename used for journaling updates / IXFR transfers.
* The default journal name is set by dns_zone_setfile() to be
* "file.jnl". If 'myjournal' is NULL, the zone will have no
* journal name.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
char *
dns_zone_getjournal(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the journal name associated with this zone.
* If no journal has been set this will be NULL.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
dns_zone_gettype(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the type of the zone (master/slave/etc.)
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
dns_zone_settask(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_task_t *task);
* Give a zone a task to work with. Any current task will be detached.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid.
*\li 'task' to be valid.
dns_zone_gettask(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_task_t **target);
* Attach '*target' to the zone's task.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
*\li 'zone' to have a task.
*\li 'target' to be != NULL && '*target' == NULL.
dns_zone_notify(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Generate notify events for this zone.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_replacedb(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, bool dump);
* Replace the database of "zone" with a new database "db".
* If "dump" is true, then the new zone contents are dumped
* into to the zone's master file for persistence. When replacing
* a zone database by one just loaded from a master file, set
* "dump" to false to avoid a redundant redump of the data just
* loaded. Otherwise, it should be set to true.
* If the "diff-on-reload" option is enabled in the configuration file,
* the differences between the old and the new database are added to the
* journal file, and the master file dump is postponed.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
* \li DNS_R_BADZONE zone failed basic consistency checks:
* * a single SOA must exist
* * some NS records must exist.
* Others
dns_zone_getidlein(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
* \li number of seconds of idle time before we abort the transfer in.
dns_zone_setidlein(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t idlein);
* \li Set the idle timeout for transfer the.
* \li Zero set the default value, 1 hour.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getidleout(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
* \li number of seconds of idle time before we abort a transfer out.
dns_zone_setidleout(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t idleout);
* \li Set the idle timeout for transfers out.
* \li Zero set the default value, 1 hour.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getssutable(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_ssutable_t **table);
* Get the simple-secure-update policy table.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setssutable(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_ssutable_t *table);
* Set / clear the simple-secure-update policy table.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
isc_mem_t *
dns_zone_getmctx(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get the memory context of a zone.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zonemgr_t *
dns_zone_getmgr(dns_zone_t *zone);
* If 'zone' is managed return the zone manager otherwise NULL.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setsigvalidityinterval(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t interval);
* Set the zone's RRSIG validity interval. This is the length of time
* for which DNSSEC signatures created as a result of dynamic updates
* to secure zones will remain valid, in seconds.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getsigvalidityinterval(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get the zone's RRSIG validity interval.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setsigresigninginterval(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t interval);
* Set the zone's RRSIG re-signing interval. A dynamic zone's RRSIG's
* will be re-signed 'interval' amount of time before they expire.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_getsigresigninginterval(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get the zone's RRSIG re-signing interval.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setnotifytype(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_notifytype_t notifytype);
* Sets zone notify method to "notifytype"
dns_zone_forwardupdate(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_message_t *msg,
dns_updatecallback_t callback, void *callback_arg);
* Forward 'msg' to each master in turn until we get an answer or we
* have exhausted the list of masters. 'callback' will be called with
* ISC_R_SUCCESS if we get an answer and the returned message will be
* passed as 'answer_message', otherwise a non ISC_R_SUCCESS result code
* will be passed and answer_message will be NULL. The callback function
* is responsible for destroying 'answer_message'.
* (callback)(callback_arg, result, answer_message);
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be valid
*\li 'msg' to be valid.
*\li 'callback' to be non NULL.
* Returns:
*\li #ISC_R_SUCCESS if the message has been forwarded,
*\li Others
dns_zone_next(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zone_t **next);
* Find the next zone in the list of managed zones.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid
*\li The zone manager for the indicated zone MUST be locked
* by the caller. This is not checked.
*\li 'next' be non-NULL, and '*next' be NULL.
* Ensures:
*\li 'next' points to a valid zone (result ISC_R_SUCCESS) or to NULL
* (result ISC_R_NOMORE).
dns_zone_first(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, dns_zone_t **first);
* Find the first zone in the list of managed zones.
* Requires:
*\li 'zonemgr' to be valid
*\li The zone manager for the indicated zone MUST be locked
* by the caller. This is not checked.
*\li 'first' be non-NULL, and '*first' be NULL
* Ensures:
*\li 'first' points to a valid zone (result ISC_R_SUCCESS) or to NULL
* (result ISC_R_NOMORE).
dns_zone_setkeydirectory(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *directory);
* Sets the name of the directory where private keys used for
* online signing of dynamic zones are found.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
const char *
dns_zone_getkeydirectory(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Gets the name of the directory where private keys used for
* online signing of dynamic zones are found.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
* Returns:
* Pointer to null-terminated file name, or NULL.
dns_zonemgr_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr,
isc_timermgr_t *timermgr, isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr,
dns_zonemgr_t **zmgrp);
* Create a zone manager. Note: the zone manager will not be able to
* manage any zones until dns_zonemgr_setsize() has been run.
* Requires:
*\li 'mctx' to be a valid memory context.
*\li 'taskmgr' to be a valid task manager.
*\li 'timermgr' to be a valid timer manager.
*\li 'zmgrp' to point to a NULL pointer.
dns_zonemgr_setsize(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, int num_zones);
* Set the size of the zone manager task pool. This must be run
* before zmgr can be used for managing zones. Currently, it can only
* be run once; the task pool cannot be resized.
* Requires:
*\li zmgr is a valid zone manager.
*\li zmgr->zonetasks has been initialized.
dns_zonemgr_createzone(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, dns_zone_t **zonep);
* Allocate a new zone using a memory context from the
* zone manager's memory context pool.
* Require:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
*\li 'zonep' != NULL and '*zonep' == NULL.
dns_zonemgr_managezone(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, dns_zone_t *zone);
* Bring the zone under control of a zone manager.
* Require:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zonemgr_forcemaint(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr);
* Force zone maintenance of all loaded zones managed by 'zmgr'
* to take place at the system's earliest convenience.
dns__zonemgr_run(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event);
* Event handler to call dns_zonemgr_forcemaint(); used to start
* zone operations from a unit test. Not intended for use outside
* libdns or related tests.
dns_zonemgr_resumexfrs(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr);
* Attempt to start any stalled zone transfers.
dns_zonemgr_shutdown(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr);
* Shut down the zone manager.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
dns_zonemgr_attach(dns_zonemgr_t *source, dns_zonemgr_t **target);
* Attach '*target' to 'source' incrementing its external
* reference count.
* Require:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'target' to be non NULL and '*target' to be NULL.
dns_zonemgr_detach(dns_zonemgr_t **zmgrp);
* Detach from a zone manager.
* Requires:
*\li '*zmgrp' is a valid, non-NULL zone manager pointer.
* Ensures:
*\li '*zmgrp' is NULL.
dns_zonemgr_releasezone(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, dns_zone_t *zone);
* Release 'zone' from the managed by 'zmgr'. 'zmgr' is implicitly
* detached from 'zone'.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li 'zmgr' == 'zone->zmgr'
* Ensures:
*\li 'zone->zmgr' == NULL;
dns_zonemgr_settransfersin(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, uint32_t value);
* Set the maximum number of simultaneous transfers in allowed by
* the zone manager.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
dns_zonemgr_getttransfersin(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr);
* Return the maximum number of simultaneous transfers in allowed.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
dns_zonemgr_settransfersperns(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, uint32_t value);
* Set the number of zone transfers allowed per nameserver.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager
dns_zonemgr_getttransfersperns(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr);
* Return the number of transfers allowed per nameserver.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
dns_zonemgr_setiolimit(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, uint32_t iolimit);
* Set the number of simultaneous file descriptors available for
* reading and writing masterfiles.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
*\li 'iolimit' to be positive.
dns_zonemgr_getiolimit(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr);
* Get the number of simultaneous file descriptors available for
* reading and writing masterfiles.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
dns_zonemgr_setnotifyrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, unsigned int value);
* Set the number of NOTIFY requests sent per second.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager
dns_zonemgr_setstartupnotifyrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, unsigned int value);
* Set the number of startup NOTIFY requests sent per second.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager
dns_zonemgr_setserialqueryrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, unsigned int value);
* Set the number of SOA queries sent per second.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager
unsigned int
dns_zonemgr_getnotifyrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr);
* Return the number of NOTIFY requests sent per second.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
unsigned int
dns_zonemgr_getstartupnotifyrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr);
* Return the number of startup NOTIFY requests sent per second.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
unsigned int
dns_zonemgr_getserialqueryrate(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr);
* Return the number of SOA queries sent per second.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
unsigned int
dns_zonemgr_getcount(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, int state);
* Returns the number of zones in the specified state.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
*\li 'state' to be a valid DNS_ZONESTATE_ constant.
dns_zonemgr_unreachableadd(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *remote,
isc_sockaddr_t *local, isc_time_t *now);
* Add the pair of addresses to the unreachable cache.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
*\li 'remote' to be a valid sockaddr.
*\li 'local' to be a valid sockaddr.
dns_zonemgr_unreachable(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *remote,
isc_sockaddr_t *local, isc_time_t *now);
* Returns true if the given local/remote address pair
* is found in the zone maanger's unreachable cache.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
*\li 'remote' to be a valid sockaddr.
*\li 'local' to be a valid sockaddr.
*\li 'now' != NULL
dns_zonemgr_unreachabledel(dns_zonemgr_t *zmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *remote,
isc_sockaddr_t *local);
* Remove the pair of addresses from the unreachable cache.
* Requires:
*\li 'zmgr' to be a valid zone manager.
*\li 'remote' to be a valid sockaddr.
*\li 'local' to be a valid sockaddr.
dns_zone_forcereload(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Force a reload of specified zone.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_isforced(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Check if the zone is waiting a forced reload.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setstatistics(dns_zone_t *zone, bool on);
* This function is obsoleted by dns_zone_setrequeststats().
uint64_t *
dns_zone_getstatscounters(dns_zone_t *zone);
* This function is obsoleted by dns_zone_getrequeststats().
dns_zone_setstats(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_stats_t *stats);
* Set a general zone-maintenance statistics set 'stats' for 'zone'. This
* function is expected to be called only on zone creation (when necessary).
* Once installed, it cannot be removed or replaced. Also, there is no
* interface to get the installed stats from the zone; the caller must keep the
* stats to reference (e.g. dump) it later.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone and does not have a statistics set already
* installed.
*\li stats is a valid statistics supporting zone statistics counters
* (see dns/stats.h).
dns_zone_setrequeststats(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_stats_t *stats);
dns_zone_setrcvquerystats(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_stats_t *stats);
* Set additional statistics sets to zone. These are attached to the zone
* but are not counted in the zone module; only the caller updates the
* counters.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
*\li stats is a valid statistics.
isc_stats_t *
dns_zone_getrequeststats(dns_zone_t *zone);
dns_stats_t *
dns_zone_getrcvquerystats(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get the additional statistics for zone, if one is installed.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* Returns:
* \li when available, a pointer to the statistics set installed in zone;
* otherwise NULL.
dns_zone_dialup(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Perform dialup-time maintenance on 'zone'.
dns_zone_setdialup(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_dialuptype_t dialup);
* Set the dialup type of 'zone' to 'dialup'.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid initialised zone.
*\li 'dialup' to be a valid dialup type.
dns_zone_logv(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_logcategory_t *category, int level,
const char *prefix, const char *msg, va_list ap);
* Log the message 'msg...' at 'level' using log category 'category', including
* text that identifies the message as applying to 'zone'. If the (optional)
* 'prefix' is not NULL, it will be placed at the start of the entire log line.
dns_zone_log(dns_zone_t *zone, int level, const char *msg, ...)
* Log the message 'msg...' at 'level', including text that identifies
* the message as applying to 'zone'.
dns_zone_logc(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_logcategory_t *category, int level,
const char *msg, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(4, 5);
* Log the message 'msg...' at 'level', including text that identifies
* the message as applying to 'zone'.
dns_zone_name(dns_zone_t *zone, char *buf, size_t len);
* Return the name of the zone with class and view.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid.
*\li 'buf' to be non NULL.
dns_zone_nameonly(dns_zone_t *zone, char *buf, size_t len);
* Return the name of the zone only.
* Requires:
*\li 'zone' to be valid.
*\li 'buf' to be non NULL.
dns_zone_checknames(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdata_t *rdata);
* Check if this record meets the check-names policy.
* Requires:
* 'zone' to be valid.
* 'name' to be valid.
* 'rdata' to be valid.
* Returns:
* DNS_R_SUCCESS passed checks.
* DNS_R_BADOWNERNAME failed ownername checks.
* DNS_R_BADNAME failed rdata checks.
dns_zone_setacache(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_acache_t *acache);
* Associate the zone with an additional cache.
* Require:
* 'zone' to be a valid zone.
* 'acache' to be a non NULL pointer.
* Ensures:
* 'zone' will have a reference to 'acache'
dns_zone_setcheckmx(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_checkmxfunc_t checkmx);
* Set the post load integrity callback function 'checkmx'.
* 'checkmx' will be called if the MX TARGET is not within the zone.
* Require:
* 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setchecksrv(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_checkmxfunc_t checksrv);
* Set the post load integrity callback function 'checksrv'.
* 'checksrv' will be called if the SRV TARGET is not within the zone.
* Require:
* 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setcheckns(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_checknsfunc_t checkns);
* Set the post load integrity callback function 'checkns'.
* 'checkns' will be called if the NS TARGET is not within the zone.
* Require:
* 'zone' to be a valid zone.
dns_zone_setnotifydelay(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t delay);
* Set the minimum delay between sets of notify messages.
* Requires:
* 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_getnotifydelay(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get the minimum delay between sets of notify messages.
* Requires:
* 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_setisself(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_isselffunc_t isself, void *arg);
* Set the isself callback function and argument.
* bool
* isself(dns_view_t *myview, dns_tsigkey_t *mykey, isc_netaddr_t *srcaddr,
* isc_netaddr_t *destaddr, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, void *arg);
* 'isself' returns true if a non-recursive query from 'srcaddr' to
* 'destaddr' with optional key 'mykey' for class 'rdclass' would be
* delivered to 'myview'.
dns_zone_setnodes(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t nodes);
* Set the number of nodes that will be checked per quantum.
dns_zone_setsignatures(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t signatures);
* Set the number of signatures that will be generated per quantum.
dns_zone_getsignatures(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get the number of signatures that will be generated per quantum.
dns_zone_signwithkey(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_secalg_t algorithm,
uint16_t keyid, bool deleteit);
* Initiate/resume signing of the entire zone with the zone DNSKEY(s)
* that match the given algorithm and keyid.
dns_zone_addnsec3chain(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_rdata_nsec3param_t *nsec3param);
* Incrementally add a NSEC3 chain that corresponds to 'nsec3param'.
dns_zone_setprivatetype(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_rdatatype_t type);
dns_zone_getprivatetype(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get/Set the private record type. It is expected that these interfaces
* will not be permanent.
dns_zone_rekey(dns_zone_t *zone, bool fullsign);
* Update the zone's DNSKEY set from the key repository.
* If 'fullsign' is true, trigger an immediate full signing of
* the zone with the new key. Otherwise, if there are no keys or
* if the new keys are for algorithms that have already signed the
* zone, then the zone can be re-signed incrementally.
dns_zone_nscheck(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version,
unsigned int *errors);
* Check if the name servers for the zone are sane (have address, don't
* refer to CNAMEs/DNAMEs. The number of constiancy errors detected in
* returned in '*errors'
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
* \li 'db' to be valid.
* \li 'version' to be valid or NULL.
* \li 'errors' to be non NULL.
* Returns:
* ISC_R_SUCCESS if there were no errors examining the zone contents.
dns_zone_cdscheck(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version);
* Check if CSD, CDNSKEY and DNSKEY are consistent.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
* \li 'db' to be valid.
* \li 'version' to be valid or NULL.
* Returns:
* Others
dns_zone_setadded(dns_zone_t *zone, bool added);
* Sets the value of zone->added, which should be true for
* zones that were originally added by "rndc addzone".
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_getadded(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns true if the zone was originally added at runtime
* using "rndc addzone".
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_setautomatic(dns_zone_t *zone, bool automatic);
* Sets the value of zone->automatic, which should be true for
* zones that were automatically added by named.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_getautomatic(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns true if the zone was added automatically by named.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_dlzpostload(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db);
* Load the origin names for a writeable DLZ database.
dns_zone_isdynamic(dns_zone_t *zone, bool ignore_freeze);
* Return true iff the zone is "dynamic", in the sense that the zone's
* master file (if any) is written by the server, rather than being
* updated manually and read by the server.
* This is true for slave zones, stub zones, key zones, and zones that
* allow dynamic updates either by having an update policy ("ssutable")
* or an "allow-update" ACL with a value other than exactly "{ none; }".
* If 'ignore_freeze' is true, then the zone which has had updates disabled
* will still report itself to be dynamic.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_setrefreshkeyinterval(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t interval);
* Sets the frequency, in minutes, with which the key repository will be
* checked to see if the keys for this zone have been updated. Any value
* higher than 1440 minutes (24 hours) will be silently reduced. A
* value of zero will return an out-of-range error.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_getrequestexpire(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the true/false value of the request-expire option in the zone.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_setrequestexpire(dns_zone_t *zone, bool flag);
* Sets the request-expire option for the zone. Either true or false. The
* default value is determined by the setting of this option in the view.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_getrequestixfr(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the true/false value of the request-ixfr option in the zone.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_setrequestixfr(dns_zone_t *zone, bool flag);
* Sets the request-ixfr option for the zone. Either true or false. The
* default value is determined by the setting of this option in the view.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_setserialupdatemethod(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_updatemethod_t method);
* Sets the update method to use when incrementing the zone serial number
* due to a DDNS update. Valid options are dns_updatemethod_increment
* and dns_updatemethod_unixtime.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_getserialupdatemethod(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Returns the update method to be used when incrementing the zone serial
* number due to a DDNS update.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_link(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zone_t *raw);
dns_zone_getraw(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zone_t **raw);
dns_zone_keydone(dns_zone_t *zone, const char *data);
dns_zone_setnsec3param(dns_zone_t *zone, uint8_t hash, uint8_t flags,
uint16_t iter, uint8_t saltlen,
unsigned char *salt, bool replace);
* Set the NSEC3 parameters for the zone.
* If 'replace' is true, then the existing NSEC3 chain, if any, will
* be replaced with the new one. If 'hash' is zero, then the replacement
* chain will be NSEC rather than NSEC3.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' to be valid.
dns_zone_setrawdata(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_masterrawheader_t *header);
* Set the data to be included in the header when the zone is dumped in
* binary format.
dns_zone_synckeyzone(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Force the managed key zone to synchronize, and start the key
* maintenance timer.
dns_zone_getloadtime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_time_t *loadtime);
* Return the time when the zone was last loaded.
dns_zone_getrefreshtime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_time_t *refreshtime);
* Return the time when the (slave) zone will need to be refreshed.
dns_zone_getexpiretime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_time_t *expiretime);
* Return the time when the (slave) zone will expire.
dns_zone_getrefreshkeytime(dns_zone_t *zone, isc_time_t *refreshkeytime);
* Return the time of the next scheduled DNSSEC key event.
unsigned int
dns_zone_getincludes(dns_zone_t *zone, char ***includesp);
* Return the number include files that were encountered
* during load. If the number is greater than zero, 'includesp'
* will point to an array containing the filenames.
* The array and its contents need to be freed using isc_mem_free.
dns_zone_rpz_enable(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs,
dns_rpz_num_t rpz_num);
* Set the response policy associated with a zone.
dns_zone_rpz_enable_db(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db);
* If a zone is a response policy zone, mark its new database.
dns_zone_get_rpz_num(dns_zone_t *zone);
dns_zone_catz_enable(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_catz_zones_t *catzs);
* Enable zone as catalog zone.
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' is a valid zone object
* \li 'catzs' is not NULL
* \li prior to calling, zone->catzs is NULL or is equal to 'catzs'
dns_zone_catz_enable_db(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db);
* If 'zone' is a catalog zone, then set up a notify-on-update trigger
* in its database. (If not a catalog zone, this function has no effect.)
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' is a valid zone object
* \li 'db' is not NULL
dns_zone_set_parentcatz(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_catz_zone_t *catz);
* Set parent catalog zone for this zone
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' is a valid zone object
* \li 'catz' is not NULL
dns_catz_zone_t *
dns_zone_get_parentcatz(const dns_zone_t *zone);
* Get parent catalog zone for this zone
* Requires:
* \li 'zone' is a valid zone object
dns_zone_setstatlevel(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_zonestat_level_t level);
dns_zone_getstatlevel(dns_zone_t *zone);
* Set and get the statistics reporting level for the zone;
* full, terse, or none.
dns_zone_setserial(dns_zone_t *zone, uint32_t serial);
* Set the zone's serial to 'serial'.
#endif /* DNS_ZONE_H */