Your IP :
* FORMA - The E-Learning Suite
* Copyright (c) 2013-2023 (Forma)
* License
* from docebo 4.0.5 CE 2008-2012 (c) docebo
* License
defined('IN_FORMA') or exit('Direct access is forbidden.');
* Db info
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* db type, mysqli is supported
* db server address
* db user name
* db user password
* db name
* charset to use in the db connection
$cfg['db_type'] = 'mysqli';
$cfg['db_host'] = '[[softdbhost]]';
$cfg['db_user'] = '[[softdbuser]]';
$cfg['db_pass'] = '[[softdbpass]]';
$cfg['db_name'] = '[[softdb]]';
$cfg['db_charset'] = 'utf8';
* Tables prefix
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* prefix for the core tables
* prefix for the lms tables
* prefix for the cms tables
* prefix for the scs tables
* prefix for the ecom tables
* prefix for the ecom tables
$cfg['prefix_fw'] = 'core';
$cfg['prefix_lms'] = 'learning';
$cfg['prefix_cms'] = 'cms';
$cfg['prefix_scs'] = 'conference';
$cfg['prefix_ecom'] = 'ecom';
$cfg['prefix_crm'] = 'crm';
* External smtp config
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$cfg['use_smtp_database'] = 'off';
$cfg['use_smtp'] = 'off';
$cfg['smtp_host'] = ''; // Options: hostname;hostname:port;...
$cfg['smtp_port'] = ''; // Options: '' (default port) , port number
$cfg['smtp_secure'] = ''; // Options: "", "ssl", "tls"
$cfg['smtp_auto_tls'] = ''; // Options: true, false
$cfg['smtp_user'] = '';
$cfg['smtp_pwd'] = '';
$cfg['smtp_debug'] = '0'; // Options: debug level 0,1,2,3,...
* Other params
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* timezone = default site timezone , if not specified get default from php.ini date.timezone
* for valid timezone see
* set_mysql_tz = set mysql timezone same as php timezone , valid value
* true = set , false = (default) not set
* keepalive = set TMO for keepalive scorm tracking. must be < session lifetime, 0 to disable keepalive
* default session lifetime - 15 sec
* enable_customscripts = enable custom scripts processing; accepted vaule: true , false ; default false
//$cfg['timezone'] = 'Europe/Rome'; // define if different from php.ini setting
//$cfg['set_mysql_tz'] = false; // set mysql timezone same as php timezone , default false
//$cfg['keepalivetmo'] = ''; // timeout for keepalive, must be < session lifetime, 0 to disable keepalive
//$cfg['enable_customscripts'] = false; // enable custom scripts processing; accepted value: true , false ; default false
* Template engine custom param
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* add all template_engine enabled (if exists)
* parameter : array value=file extension
* template_engine available: twig
* If not defined no alternate template engine. Twig is enabled on default
$cfg['template_engine']['twig'] = ['ext' => '.html.twig'];
$cfg['twig_debug'] = false;
* Session custom param
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* debug is enabled ?
* session must survive at least X seconds
* session save_path if specified will be used instead of the defaul one
$cfg['do_debug'] = false; //false || (bool)getenv('DO_DEBUG');
//$cfg['debug_level'] = 'all' || (bool)getenv('DEBUG_LEVEL'); //error,warning,notice,deprecated else all
//$cfg['enable_log'] = true;
//$cfg['log_level'] = Monolog\Logger::DEBUG; //
//$cfg['log_path'] = '/app/logger.log';
$cfg['demo_mode'] = false;
//$cfg['session']['handler'] = \FormaLms\lib\Session\SessionManager::FILESYSTEM; //filesystem | memcached | redis | pdo | mongodb
//$cfg['session']['url'] = '';
//$cfg['session']['timeout'] = (float)'2.5';
//$cfg['session']['lifetime'] = (int) 3600; //session lifetime
//$cfg['session']['prefix'] = 'core_sessions'; //session prefix or session table name in case of pdo
//$cfg['session']['name'] = $cfg['db_name']; //db name
//$cfg['session']['port'] = 3306; // process port session handler
//$cfg['session']['host'] = $cfg['db_host']; //host
//$cfg['session']['authentication'] = true; //true | false
//$cfg['session']['user'] = $cfg['db_user']; // authentication user session handler
//$cfg['session']['pass'] = $cfg['db_pass']; // authentication psw session handler
//$cfg['session']['options'] = []; // other options key value array to pass based on selected handler
//$cfg['session']['cookieName'] = '__Secure-FORMALMS';
* Technical preferences
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* filter_tool: the class for input filtering that you want to use
* mail_br: used in mail composition (no longer needed?)
$cfg['filter_tool'] = 'htmlpurifier';
$cfg['mail_br'] = "\r\n";
* Certificate Encryption
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* certificate_encryption: boolean to set whether to enable or not the pdf encryption of certificates (default is TRUE)
* certificate_password: password to use when encryption is enabled. It must be exactly 32 chars! (default is a random generated one)
//$cfg['certificate_encryption'] = true;
//$cfg['certificate_password'] = "12345678901234567890123456789012";