Your IP :
package Test::Harness;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant IS_WIN32 => ( $^O =~ /^(MS)?Win32$/ );
use constant IS_VMS => ( $^O eq 'VMS' );
use TAP::Harness ();
use TAP::Parser::Aggregator ();
use TAP::Parser::Source ();
use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl ();
use Text::ParseWords qw(shellwords);
use Config;
use base 'Exporter';
# $ML $Last_ML_Print
eval q{use Time::HiRes 'time'};
our $has_time_hires = !$@;
=head1 NAME
Test::Harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
=head1 VERSION
Version 3.42
our $VERSION = '3.42';
# Backwards compatibility for exportable variable names.
*verbose = *Verbose;
*switches = *Switches;
*debug = *Debug;
# For VMS.
our @EXPORT = qw(&runtests);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(&execute_tests $verbose $switches);
our $Verbose = $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE} || 0;
our $Debug = $ENV{HARNESS_DEBUG} || 0;
our $Switches = '-w';
our $Columns = $ENV{HARNESS_COLUMNS} || $ENV{COLUMNS} || 80;
$Columns--; # Some shells have trouble with a full line of text.
our $Timer = $ENV{HARNESS_TIMER} || 0;
our $Color = $ENV{HARNESS_COLOR} || 0;
our $IgnoreExit = $ENV{HARNESS_IGNORE_EXIT} || 0;
use Test::Harness;
Although, for historical reasons, the L<Test::Harness> distribution
takes its name from this module it now exists only to provide
L<TAP::Harness> with an interface that is somewhat backwards compatible
with L<Test::Harness> 2.xx. If you're writing new code consider using
L<TAP::Harness> directly instead.
Emulation is provided for C<runtests> and C<execute_tests> but the
pluggable 'Straps' interface that previous versions of L<Test::Harness>
supported is not reproduced here. Straps is now available as a stand
alone module: L<Test::Harness::Straps>.
See L<TAP::Parser>, L<TAP::Harness> for the main documentation for this
The following functions are available.
=head2 runtests( @test_files )
This runs all the given I<@test_files> and divines whether they passed
or failed based on their output to STDOUT (details above). It prints
out each individual test which failed along with a summary report and
a how long it all took.
It returns true if everything was ok. Otherwise it will C<die()> with
one of the messages in the DIAGNOSTICS section.
sub _has_taint {
my $test = shift;
return TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl->get_taint(
TAP::Parser::Source->shebang($test) );
sub _aggregate {
my ( $harness, $aggregate, @tests ) = @_;
# Don't propagate to our children
_aggregate_tests( $harness, $aggregate, @tests );
# Make sure the child sees all the extra junk in @INC
sub _apply_extra_INC {
my $harness = shift;
parser_args => sub {
my ( $args, $test ) = @_;
push @{ $args->{switches} }, map {"-I$_"} _filtered_inc();
sub _aggregate_tests {
my ( $harness, $aggregate, @tests ) = @_;
$harness->aggregate_tests( $aggregate, @tests );
sub runtests {
my @tests = @_;
# shield against -l
local ( $\, $, );
my $harness = _new_harness();
my $aggregate = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new();
local $ENV{PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC} = 1 if not exists $ENV{PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC};
_aggregate( $harness, $aggregate, @tests );
my $total = $aggregate->total;
my $passed = $aggregate->passed;
my $failed = $aggregate->failed;
my @parsers = $aggregate->parsers;
my $num_bad = 0;
for my $parser (@parsers) {
$num_bad++ if $parser->has_problems;
"Failed %d/%d test programs. %d/%d subtests failed.\n",
$num_bad, scalar @parsers, $failed, $total
) if $num_bad;
return $total && $total == $passed;
sub _canon {
my @list = sort { $a <=> $b } @_;
my @ranges = ();
my $count = scalar @list;
my $pos = 0;
while ( $pos < $count ) {
my $end = $pos + 1;
$end++ while $end < $count && $list[$end] <= $list[ $end - 1 ] + 1;
push @ranges, ( $end == $pos + 1 )
? $list[$pos]
: join( '-', $list[$pos], $list[ $end - 1 ] );
$pos = $end;
return join( ' ', @ranges );
sub _new_harness {
my $sub_args = shift || {};
my ( @lib, @switches );
my @opt = map { shellwords($_) } grep { defined } $Switches, $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES};
while ( my $opt = shift @opt ) {
if ( $opt =~ /^ -I (.*) $ /x ) {
push @lib, length($1) ? $1 : shift @opt;
else {
push @switches, $opt;
# Do things the old way on VMS...
push @lib, _filtered_inc() if IS_VMS;
# If $Verbose isn't numeric default to 1. This helps core.
my $verbosity = ( $Verbose ? ( $Verbose !~ /\d/ ) ? 1 : $Verbose : 0 );
my $args = {
timer => $Timer,
directives => our $Directives,
lib => \@lib,
switches => \@switches,
color => $Color,
verbosity => $verbosity,
ignore_exit => $IgnoreExit,
$args->{stdout} = $sub_args->{out}
if exists $sub_args->{out};
my $class = $ENV{HARNESS_SUBCLASS} || 'TAP::Harness';
if ( defined( my $env_opt = $ENV{HARNESS_OPTIONS} ) ) {
for my $opt ( split /:/, $env_opt ) {
if ( $opt =~ /^j(\d*)$/ ) {
$args->{jobs} = $1 || 9;
elsif ( $opt eq 'c' ) {
$args->{color} = 1;
elsif ( $opt =~ m/^f(.*)$/ ) {
my $fmt = $1;
$fmt =~ s/-/::/g;
$args->{formatter_class} = $fmt;
elsif ( $opt =~ m/^a(.*)$/ ) {
my $archive = $1;
$class = "TAP::Harness::Archive";
$args->{archive} = $archive;
else {
die "Unknown HARNESS_OPTIONS item: $opt\n";
return TAP::Harness->_construct( $class, $args );
# Get the parts of @INC which are changed from the stock list AND
# preserve reordering of stock directories.
sub _filtered_inc {
my @inc = grep { !ref } @INC; #28567
if (IS_VMS) {
# VMS has a 255-byte limit on the length of %ENV entries, so
# toss the ones that involve perl_root, the install location
@inc = grep !/perl_root/i, @inc;
elsif (IS_WIN32) {
# Lose any trailing backslashes in the Win32 paths
s/[\\\/]+$// for @inc;
my @default_inc = _default_inc();
my @new_inc;
my %seen;
for my $dir (@inc) {
next if $seen{$dir}++;
if ( $dir eq ( $default_inc[0] || '' ) ) {
shift @default_inc;
else {
push @new_inc, $dir;
shift @default_inc while @default_inc and $seen{ $default_inc[0] };
return @new_inc;
# Cache this to avoid repeatedly shelling out to Perl.
my @inc;
sub _default_inc {
return @inc if @inc;
local $ENV{PERL5LIB};
local $ENV{PERLLIB};
my $perl = $ENV{HARNESS_PERL} || $^X;
# Avoid using -l for the benefit of Perl 6
chomp( @inc = `"$perl" -e "print join qq[\\n], \@INC, q[]"` );
return @inc;
sub _check_sequence {
my @list = @_;
my $prev;
while ( my $next = shift @list ) {
return if defined $prev && $next <= $prev;
$prev = $next;
return 1;
sub execute_tests {
my %args = @_;
my $harness = _new_harness( \%args );
my $aggregate = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new();
my %tot = (
bonus => 0,
max => 0,
ok => 0,
bad => 0,
good => 0,
files => 0,
tests => 0,
sub_skipped => 0,
todo => 0,
skipped => 0,
bench => undef,
# Install a callback so we get to see any plans the
# harness executes.
made_parser => sub {
my $parser = shift;
plan => sub {
my $plan = shift;
if ( $plan->directive eq 'SKIP' ) {
local $ENV{PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC} = 1 if not exists $ENV{PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC};
_aggregate( $harness, $aggregate, @{ $args{tests} } );
$tot{bench} = $aggregate->elapsed;
my @tests = $aggregate->descriptions;
# TODO: Work out the circumstances under which the files
# and tests totals can differ.
$tot{files} = $tot{tests} = scalar @tests;
my %failedtests = ();
my %todo_passed = ();
for my $test (@tests) {
my ($parser) = $aggregate->parsers($test);
my @failed = $parser->failed;
my $wstat = $parser->wait;
my $estat = $parser->exit;
my $planned = $parser->tests_planned;
my @errors = $parser->parse_errors;
my $passed = $parser->passed;
my $actual_passed = $parser->actual_passed;
my $ok_seq = _check_sequence( $parser->actual_passed );
# Duplicate exit, wait status semantics of old version
$estat ||= '' unless $wstat;
$wstat ||= '';
$tot{max} += ( $planned || 0 );
$tot{bonus} += $parser->todo_passed;
$tot{ok} += $passed > $actual_passed ? $passed : $actual_passed;
$tot{sub_skipped} += $parser->skipped;
$tot{todo} += $parser->todo;
if ( @failed || $estat || @errors ) {
my $huh_planned = $planned ? undef : '??';
my $huh_errors = $ok_seq ? undef : '??';
$failedtests{$test} = {
'canon' => $huh_planned
|| $huh_errors
|| _canon(@failed)
|| '??',
'estat' => $estat,
'failed' => $huh_planned
|| $huh_errors
|| scalar @failed,
'max' => $huh_planned || $planned,
'name' => $test,
'wstat' => $wstat
else {
my @todo = $parser->todo_passed;
if (@todo) {
$todo_passed{$test} = {
'canon' => _canon(@todo),
'estat' => $estat,
'failed' => scalar @todo,
'max' => scalar $parser->todo,
'name' => $test,
'wstat' => $wstat
return ( \%tot, \%failedtests, \%todo_passed );
=head2 execute_tests( tests => \@test_files, out => \*FH )
Runs all the given C<@test_files> (just like C<runtests()>) but
doesn't generate the final report. During testing, progress
information will be written to the currently selected output
filehandle (usually C<STDOUT>), or to the filehandle given by the
C<out> parameter. The I<out> is optional.
Returns a list of two values, C<$total> and C<$failed>, describing the
results. C<$total> is a hash ref summary of all the tests run. Its
keys and values are this:
bonus Number of individual todo tests unexpectedly passed
max Number of individual tests ran
ok Number of individual tests passed
sub_skipped Number of individual tests skipped
todo Number of individual todo tests
files Number of test files ran
good Number of test files passed
bad Number of test files failed
tests Number of test files originally given
skipped Number of test files skipped
If C<< $total->{bad} == 0 >> and C<< $total->{max} > 0 >>, you've
got a successful test.
C<$failed> is a hash ref of all the test scripts that failed. Each key
is the name of a test script, each value is another hash representing
how that script failed. Its keys are these:
name Name of the test which failed
estat Script's exit value
wstat Script's wait status
max Number of individual tests
failed Number which failed
canon List of tests which failed (as string).
C<$failed> should be empty if everything passed.
=head1 EXPORT
C<&runtests> is exported by C<Test::Harness> by default.
C<&execute_tests>, C<$verbose>, C<$switches> and C<$debug> are
exported upon request.
C<Test::Harness> sets these before executing the individual tests.
=over 4
This is set to a true value. It allows the tests to determine if they
are being executed through the harness or by any other means.
This is the version of C<Test::Harness>.
=over 4
Setting this adds perl command line switches to each test file run.
For example, C<HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-T> will turn on taint mode.
C<HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover> will run C<Devel::Cover> for
each test.
C<-w> is always set. You can turn this off in the test with C<BEGIN {
$^W = 0 }>.
Setting this to true will make the harness display the number of
milliseconds each test took. You can also use F<prove>'s C<--timer>
If true, C<Test::Harness> will output the verbose results of running
its tests. Setting C<$Test::Harness::verbose> will override this,
or you can use the C<-v> switch in the F<prove> utility.
Provide additional options to the harness. Currently supported options are:
=item C<< j<n> >>
Run <n> (default 9) parallel jobs.
=item C<< c >>
Try to color output. See L<TAP::Formatter::Base/"new">.
=item C<< a<file.tgz> >>
Will use L<TAP::Harness::Archive> as the harness class, and save the TAP to
=item C<< fPackage-With-Dashes >>
Set the formatter_class of the harness being run. Since the C<HARNESS_OPTIONS>
is seperated by C<:>, we use C<-> instead.
Multiple options may be separated by colons:
HARNESS_OPTIONS=j9:c make test
Specifies a TAP::Harness subclass to be used in place of TAP::Harness.
Determines the L<Term::ANSIColor> for the summary in case it is successful.
This color defaults to C<'green'>.
Determines the L<Term::ANSIColor> for the failure in case it is successful.
This color defaults to C<'red'>.
=head1 Taint Mode
Normally when a Perl program is run in taint mode the contents of the
C<PERL5LIB> environment variable do not appear in C<@INC>.
Because C<PERL5LIB> is often used during testing to add build
directories to C<@INC> C<Test::Harness> passes the names of any
directories found in C<PERL5LIB> as -I switches. The net effect of this
is that C<PERL5LIB> is honoured even in taint mode.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-test-harness at>, or through the web interface at
L<>. I will be
notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug
as I make changes.
=head1 AUTHORS
Andy Armstrong C<< <> >>
L<Test::Harness> 2.64 (maintained by Andy Lester and on which this
module is based) has this attribution:
Either Tim Bunce or Andreas Koenig, we don't know. What we know for
sure is, that it was inspired by Larry Wall's F<TEST> script that came
with perl distributions for ages. Numerous anonymous contributors
exist. Andreas Koenig held the torch for many years, and then
Michael G Schwern.
Copyright (c) 2007-2011, Andy Armstrong C<< <> >>. All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.