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WHAT_ADD_INFOt LogReadert ENTERt EXITt LINEc B sw e Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d d � Z
� Z d � Z d � Z
c C s� i | _ i | _ t j | � | _ | j j | _ | j j | _ d | j k rd | j d | _ n d | _ g | _ | j j | _
| j j | _ d S( Ns current-directory( t _filemapt _funcmapt _hotshott logreadert _readert nextt _nextitemt infot _infot cwdt Nonet _stackt appendt _appendt popt _pop( t selft logfn( ( s# /usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt __init__ s c C s | j j � d S( N( R t close( R ( ( s# /usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyR / s c C s
| j j � S( s8 Return the file descriptor of the log reader's log file.( R t fileno( R ( ( s# /usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyR 2 s c C s d S( s� This method is called for each additional ADD_INFO record.
This can be overridden by applications that want to receive
these events. The default implementation does not need to be
called by alternate implementations.
The initial set of ADD_INFO records do not pass through this
mechanism; this is only needed to receive notification when
new values are added. Subclasses can inspect self._info after
calling LogReader.__init__().
N( ( R t keyt value( ( s# /usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt addinfo6 s c C s0 y | j | SWn t k
r+ t d � n Xd S( Ns unknown fileno( R
t KeyErrort
ValueError( R R ( ( s# /usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt get_filenameD s
c C s
| j j � S( N( R
t values( R ( ( s# /usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt
get_filenamesJ s c C s[ t j j t j j | � � } x- | j j � D] \ } } | | k r. | Sq. Wt d � d S( Ns unknown filename( t ost patht normcaset normpathR
t itemsR# ( R t filenameR t name( ( s# /usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt
get_filenoM s
c C s6 y | j | | f SWn t k
r1 t d � n Xd S( Ns unknown function location( R R"