Your IP :
/* This file is generated, please don't edit it directly. */
/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
/* General definitions for Kerberos version 5. */
* Copyright 1989, 1990, 1995, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2011 by the Massachusetts
* Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved.
* Export of this software from the United States of America may
* require a specific license from the United States Government.
* It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
* export to obtain such a license before exporting.
* WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
* distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
* without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
* this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
* the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
* to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
* permission. Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
* your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
* fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
* M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
* this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
* or implied warranty.
* Copyright (C) 1998 by the FundsXpress, INC.
* All rights reserved.
* Export of this software from the United States of America may require
* a specific license from the United States Government. It is the
* responsibility of any person or organization contemplating export to
* obtain such a license before exporting.
* WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
* distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
* without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
* this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
* the name of FundsXpress. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
* to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
* permission. FundsXpress makes no representations about the suitability of
* this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
* or implied warranty.
#ifndef KRB5_GENERAL__
#define KRB5_GENERAL__
/** @defgroup KRB5_H krb5 library API
* @{
/* By default, do not expose deprecated interfaces. */
#if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
# include <TargetConditionals.h>
# error "Use KfM 4.0 SDK headers for CFM compilation."
# endif
#if defined(_MSDOS) || defined(_WIN32)
#include <win-mac.h>
#ifndef KRB5_CONFIG__
#endif /* !KRB5_CALLCONV */
#endif /* !KRB5_CONFIG__ */
#define THREEPARAMOPEN(x,y,z) open(x,y,z)
#define WRITABLEFOPEN(x,y) fopen(x,y)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h> /* for *_MAX */
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define KRB5INT_BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" {
# pragma pack(push,2)
#if (__GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) >= 30203
# define KRB5_ATTR_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
#elif defined _WIN32
# define KRB5_ATTR_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated)
/* from profile.h */
struct _profile_t;
/* typedef struct _profile_t *profile_t; */
* begin wordsize.h
* Word-size related definition.
typedef uint8_t krb5_octet;
typedef int16_t krb5_int16;
typedef uint16_t krb5_ui_2;
typedef int32_t krb5_int32;
typedef uint32_t krb5_ui_4;
#define KRB5_INT32_MAX 2147483647
/* this strange form is necessary since - is a unary operator, not a sign
indicator */
#define KRB5_INT32_MIN (-KRB5_INT32_MAX-1)
#define KRB5_INT16_MAX 65535
/* this strange form is necessary since - is a unary operator, not a sign
indicator */
#define KRB5_INT16_MIN (-KRB5_INT16_MAX-1)
* end wordsize.h
* begin "base-defs.h"
* Basic definitions for Kerberos V5 library
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
typedef unsigned int krb5_boolean;
typedef unsigned int krb5_msgtype;
typedef unsigned int krb5_kvno;
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_addrtype;
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_enctype;
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_cksumtype;
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_authdatatype;
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_keyusage;
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_cryptotype;
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_preauthtype; /* This may change, later on */
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_flags;
* Represents a timestamp in seconds since the POSIX epoch. This legacy type
* is used frequently in the ABI, but cannot represent timestamps after 2038 as
* a positive number. Code which uses this type should cast values of it to
* uint32_t so that negative values are treated as timestamps between 2038 and
* 2106 on platforms with 64-bit time_t.
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_timestamp;
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_deltat;
* Used to convey an operation status. The value 0 indicates success; any
* other values are com_err codes. Use krb5_get_error_message() to obtain a
* string describing the error.
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_error_code;
typedef krb5_error_code krb5_magic;
typedef struct _krb5_data {
krb5_magic magic;
unsigned int length;
char *data;
} krb5_data;
/* Originally introduced for PKINIT; now unused. Do not use this. */
typedef struct _krb5_octet_data {
krb5_magic magic;
unsigned int length;
krb5_octet *data;
} krb5_octet_data;
/* Originally used to recognize AFS and default salts. No longer used. */
typedef void * krb5_pointer;
typedef void const * krb5_const_pointer;
typedef struct krb5_principal_data {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_data realm;
krb5_data *data; /**< An array of strings */
krb5_int32 length;
krb5_int32 type;
} krb5_principal_data;
typedef krb5_principal_data * krb5_principal;
* Per V5 spec on definition of principal types
#define KRB5_NT_UNKNOWN 0 /**< Name type not known */
#define KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL 1 /**< Just the name of the principal
as in DCE, or for users */
#define KRB5_NT_SRV_INST 2 /**< Service and other unique instance (krbtgt) */
#define KRB5_NT_SRV_HST 3 /**< Service with host name as instance
(telnet, rcommands) */
#define KRB5_NT_SRV_XHST 4 /**< Service with host as remaining components */
#define KRB5_NT_UID 5 /**< Unique ID */
#define KRB5_NT_X500_PRINCIPAL 6 /**< PKINIT */
#define KRB5_NT_SMTP_NAME 7 /**< Name in form of SMTP email name */
#define KRB5_NT_ENTERPRISE_PRINCIPAL 10 /**< Windows 2000 UPN */
#define KRB5_NT_WELLKNOWN 11 /**< Well-known (special) principal */
#define KRB5_WELLKNOWN_NAMESTR "WELLKNOWN" /**< First component of
NT_WELLKNOWN principals */
#define KRB5_NT_MS_PRINCIPAL -128 /**< Windows 2000 UPN and SID */
#define KRB5_NT_MS_PRINCIPAL_AND_ID -129 /**< NT 4 style name */
#define KRB5_NT_ENT_PRINCIPAL_AND_ID -130 /**< NT 4 style name and SID */
/** Constant version of krb5_principal_data */
typedef const krb5_principal_data *krb5_const_principal;
#define krb5_princ_realm(context, princ) (&(princ)->realm)
#define krb5_princ_set_realm(context, princ,value) ((princ)->realm = *(value))
#define krb5_princ_set_realm_length(context, princ,value) (princ)->realm.length = (value)
#define krb5_princ_set_realm_data(context, princ,value) (princ)-> = (value)
#define krb5_princ_size(context, princ) (princ)->length
#define krb5_princ_type(context, princ) (princ)->type
#define krb5_princ_name(context, princ) (princ)->data
#define krb5_princ_component(context, princ,i) \
(((i) < krb5_princ_size(context, princ)) \
? (princ)->data + (i) \
/** Constant for realm referrals. */
* Referral-specific functions.
* Check for a match with KRB5_REFERRAL_REALM.
* @param [in] r Realm to check
* @return @c TRUE if @a r is zero-length, @c FALSE otherwise
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_is_referral_realm(const krb5_data *r);
* Return an anonymous realm data.
* This function returns constant storage that must not be freed.
const krb5_data *KRB5_CALLCONV
* Build an anonymous principal.
* This function returns constant storage that must not be freed.
krb5_const_principal KRB5_CALLCONV
#define KRB5_ANONYMOUS_PRINCSTR "ANONYMOUS" /**< Anonymous principal name */
* end "base-defs.h"
* begin "hostaddr.h"
/** Structure for address */
typedef struct _krb5_address {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_addrtype addrtype;
unsigned int length;
krb5_octet *contents;
} krb5_address;
/* per Kerberos v5 protocol spec */
#define ADDRTYPE_INET 0x0002
#define ADDRTYPE_CHAOS 0x0005
#define ADDRTYPE_XNS 0x0006
#define ADDRTYPE_ISO 0x0007
#define ADDRTYPE_DDP 0x0010
#define ADDRTYPE_NETBIOS 0x0014
#define ADDRTYPE_INET6 0x0018
/* not yet in the spec... */
#define ADDRTYPE_ADDRPORT 0x0100
#define ADDRTYPE_IPPORT 0x0101
/* macros to determine if a type is a local type */
#define ADDRTYPE_IS_LOCAL(addrtype) (addrtype & 0x8000)
* end "hostaddr.h"
struct _krb5_context;
typedef struct _krb5_context * krb5_context;
struct _krb5_auth_context;
typedef struct _krb5_auth_context * krb5_auth_context;
struct _krb5_cryptosystem_entry;
* begin "encryption.h"
/** Exposed contents of a key. */
typedef struct _krb5_keyblock {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_enctype enctype;
unsigned int length;
krb5_octet *contents;
} krb5_keyblock;
struct krb5_key_st;
* Opaque identifier for a key.
* Use with the krb5_k APIs for better performance for repeated operations with
* the same key and usage. Key identifiers must not be used simultaneously
* within multiple threads, as they may contain mutable internal state and are
* not mutex-protected.
typedef struct krb5_key_st *krb5_key;
typedef struct _krb5_encrypt_block {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_enctype crypto_entry; /* to call krb5_encrypt_size, you need
this. it was a pointer, but it
doesn't have to be. gross. */
krb5_keyblock *key;
} krb5_encrypt_block;
typedef struct _krb5_checksum {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_cksumtype checksum_type; /* checksum type */
unsigned int length;
krb5_octet *contents;
} krb5_checksum;
typedef struct _krb5_enc_data {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_enctype enctype;
krb5_kvno kvno;
krb5_data ciphertext;
} krb5_enc_data;
* Structure to describe a region of text to be encrypted or decrypted.
* The @a flags member describes the type of the iov.
* The @a data member points to the memory that will be manipulated.
* All iov APIs take a pointer to the first element of an array of krb5_crypto_iov's
* along with the size of that array. Buffer contents are manipulated in-place;
* data is overwritten. Callers must allocate the right number of krb5_crypto_iov
* structures before calling into an iov API.
typedef struct _krb5_crypto_iov {
krb5_cryptotype flags; /**< @ref KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE type of the iov */
krb5_data data;
} krb5_crypto_iov;
/* per Kerberos v5 protocol spec */
#define ENCTYPE_NULL 0x0000
#define ENCTYPE_DES_CBC_CRC 0x0001 /**< @deprecated no longer supported */
#define ENCTYPE_DES_CBC_MD4 0x0002 /**< @deprecated no longer supported */
#define ENCTYPE_DES_CBC_MD5 0x0003 /**< @deprecated no longer supported */
#define ENCTYPE_DES_CBC_RAW 0x0004 /**< @deprecated no longer supported */
#define ENCTYPE_DES3_CBC_SHA 0x0005 /**< @deprecated no longer supported */
#define ENCTYPE_DES3_CBC_RAW 0x0006 /**< @deprecated no longer supported */
#define ENCTYPE_DES_HMAC_SHA1 0x0008 /**< @deprecated no longer supported */
/* PKINIT */
#define ENCTYPE_DSA_SHA1_CMS 0x0009 /**< DSA with SHA1, CMS signature */
#define ENCTYPE_MD5_RSA_CMS 0x000a /**< MD5 with RSA, CMS signature */
#define ENCTYPE_SHA1_RSA_CMS 0x000b /**< SHA1 with RSA, CMS signature */
#define ENCTYPE_RC2_CBC_ENV 0x000c /**< RC2 cbc mode, CMS enveloped data */
#define ENCTYPE_RSA_ENV 0x000d /**< RSA encryption, CMS enveloped data */
#define ENCTYPE_RSA_ES_OAEP_ENV 0x000e /**< RSA w/OEAP encryption, CMS enveloped data */
#define ENCTYPE_DES3_CBC_ENV 0x000f /**< @deprecated no longer supported */
#define ENCTYPE_DES3_CBC_SHA1 0x0010 /**< @deprecated removed */
#define ENCTYPE_AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96 0x0011 /**< RFC 3962 */
#define ENCTYPE_AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96 0x0012 /**< RFC 3962 */
#define ENCTYPE_AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA256_128 0x0013 /**< RFC 8009 */
#define ENCTYPE_AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA384_192 0x0014 /**< RFC 8009 */
#define ENCTYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC 0x0017 /**< RFC 4757 */
#define ENCTYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC_EXP 0x0018 /**< RFC 4757 */
#define ENCTYPE_CAMELLIA128_CTS_CMAC 0x0019 /**< RFC 6803 */
#define ENCTYPE_CAMELLIA256_CTS_CMAC 0x001a /**< RFC 6803 */
#define ENCTYPE_UNKNOWN 0x01ff
* Historically we used the value 9 for unkeyed SHA-1. RFC 3961 assigns this
* value to rsa-md5-des3, which fortunately is unused. For ABI compatibility
* we allow either 9 or 14 for SHA-1.
#define CKSUMTYPE_CRC32 0x0001
#define CKSUMTYPE_RSA_MD4 0x0002
#define CKSUMTYPE_RSA_MD4_DES 0x0003
#define CKSUMTYPE_DESCBC 0x0004
/* des-mac-k */
/* rsa-md4-des-k */
#define CKSUMTYPE_RSA_MD5 0x0007
#define CKSUMTYPE_RSA_MD5_DES 0x0008
#define CKSUMTYPE_NIST_SHA 0x0009
#define CKSUMTYPE_HMAC_SHA1_DES3 0x000c /* @deprecated removed */
#define CKSUMTYPE_SHA1 0x000d /**< RFC 3962 */
#define CKSUMTYPE_HMAC_SHA1_96_AES128 0x000f /**< RFC 3962. Used with
#define CKSUMTYPE_HMAC_SHA1_96_AES256 0x0010 /**< RFC 3962. Used with
#define CKSUMTYPE_HMAC_SHA256_128_AES128 0x0013 /**< RFC 8009 */
#define CKSUMTYPE_HMAC_SHA384_192_AES256 0x0014 /**< RFC 8009 */
#define CKSUMTYPE_CMAC_CAMELLIA128 0x0011 /**< RFC 6803 */
#define CKSUMTYPE_CMAC_CAMELLIA256 0x0012 /**< RFC 6803 */
#define CKSUMTYPE_MD5_HMAC_ARCFOUR -137 /* Microsoft netlogon */
#define CKSUMTYPE_HMAC_MD5_ARCFOUR -138 /**< RFC 4757 */
* The following are entropy source designations. Whenever
* krb5_C_random_add_entropy is called, one of these source ids is passed in.
* This allows the library to better estimate bits of entropy in the sample and
* to keep track of what sources of entropy have contributed enough entropy.
* Sources marked internal MUST NOT be used by applications outside the
* Kerberos library
enum {
KRB5_C_RANDSOURCE_OSRAND = 1, /* /dev/random or equivalent (internal)*/
KRB5_C_RANDSOURCE_TRUSTEDPARTY = 2, /* From KDC or other trusted party*/
* This source should be used carefully; data in this category
* should be from a third party trusted to give random bits
* For example keys issued by the KDC in the application server.
KRB5_C_RANDSOURCE_TIMING = 3, /* Timing of operations*/
KRB5_C_RANDSOURCE_EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL = 4, /*Protocol data possibly from attacker*/
KRB5_C_RANDSOURCE_MAX = 5 /*Do not use; maximum source ID*/
#ifndef krb5_roundup
/* round x up to nearest multiple of y */
#define krb5_roundup(x, y) ((((x) + (y) - 1)/(y))*(y))
#endif /* roundup */
/* macro function definitions to help clean up code */
#if 1
#define krb5_x(ptr,args) ((ptr)?((*(ptr)) args):(abort(),1))
#define krb5_xc(ptr,args) ((ptr)?((*(ptr)) args):(abort(),(char*)0))
#define krb5_x(ptr,args) ((*(ptr)) args)
#define krb5_xc(ptr,args) ((*(ptr)) args)
* Encrypt data using a key (operates on keyblock).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Encryption key
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in,out] cipher_state Cipher state; specify NULL if not needed
* @param [in] input Data to be encrypted
* @param [out] output Encrypted data
* This function encrypts the data block @a input and stores the output into @a
* output. The actual encryption key will be derived from @a key and @a usage
* if key derivation is specified for the encryption type. If non-null, @a
* cipher_state specifies the beginning state for the encryption operation, and
* is updated with the state to be passed as input to the next operation.
* @note The caller must initialize @a output and allocate at least enough
* space for the result (using krb5_c_encrypt_length() to determine the amount
* of space needed). @a output->length will be set to the actual length of the
* ciphertext.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_encrypt(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *key,
krb5_keyusage usage, const krb5_data *cipher_state,
const krb5_data *input, krb5_enc_data *output);
* Decrypt data using a key (operates on keyblock).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Encryption key
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in,out] cipher_state Cipher state; specify NULL if not needed
* @param [in] input Encrypted data
* @param [out] output Decrypted data
* This function decrypts the data block @a input and stores the output into @a
* output. The actual decryption key will be derived from @a key and @a usage
* if key derivation is specified for the encryption type. If non-null, @a
* cipher_state specifies the beginning state for the decryption operation, and
* is updated with the state to be passed as input to the next operation.
* @note The caller must initialize @a output and allocate at least enough
* space for the result. The usual practice is to allocate an output buffer as
* long as the ciphertext, and let krb5_c_decrypt() trim @a output->length.
* For some enctypes, the resulting @a output->length may include padding
* bytes.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_decrypt(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *key,
krb5_keyusage usage, const krb5_data *cipher_state,
const krb5_enc_data *input, krb5_data *output);
* Compute encrypted data length.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [in] inputlen Length of the data to be encrypted
* @param [out] length Length of the encrypted data
* This function computes the length of the ciphertext produced by encrypting
* @a inputlen bytes including padding, confounder, and checksum.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_encrypt_length(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype,
size_t inputlen, size_t *length);
* Return cipher block size.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [out] blocksize Block size for @a enctype
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_block_size(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype,
size_t *blocksize);
* Return length of the specified key in bytes.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [out] keybytes Number of bytes required to make a key
* @param [out] keylength Length of final key
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_keylengths(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype,
size_t *keybytes, size_t *keylength);
* Initialize a new cipher state.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Key
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [out] new_state New cipher state
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_init_state(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *key,
krb5_keyusage usage, krb5_data *new_state);
* Free a cipher state previously allocated by krb5_c_init_state().
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Key
* @param [in] state Cipher state to be freed
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_free_state(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *key,
krb5_data *state);
* Generate enctype-specific pseudo-random bytes.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keyblock Key
* @param [in] input Input data
* @param [out] output Output data
* This function selects a pseudo-random function based on @a keyblock and
* computes its value over @a input, placing the result into @a output.
* The caller must preinitialize @a output and allocate space for the
* result, using krb5_c_prf_length() to determine the required length.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_prf(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *keyblock,
krb5_data *input, krb5_data *output);
* Get the output length of pseudo-random functions for an encryption type.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [out] len Length of PRF output
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_prf_length(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype, size_t *len);
* Generate pseudo-random bytes using RFC 6113 PRF+.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] k KDC contribution key
* @param [in] input Input data
* @param [out] output Pseudo-random output buffer
* This function fills @a output with PRF+(k, input) as defined in RFC 6113
* section 5.1. The caller must preinitialize @a output and allocate the
* desired amount of space. The length of the pseudo-random output will match
* the length of @a output.
* @note RFC 4402 defines a different PRF+ operation. This function does not
* implement that operation.
* @return 0 on success, @c E2BIG if output->length is too large for PRF+ to
* generate, @c ENOMEM on allocation failure, or an error code from
* krb5_c_prf()
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_prfplus(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *k,
const krb5_data *input, krb5_data *output);
* Derive a key using some input data (via RFC 6113 PRF+).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] k KDC contribution key
* @param [in] input Input string
* @param [in] enctype Output key enctype (or @c ENCTYPE_NULL)
* @param [out] out Derived keyblock
* This function uses PRF+ as defined in RFC 6113 to derive a key from another
* key and an input string. If @a enctype is @c ENCTYPE_NULL, the output key
* will have the same enctype as the input key.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_derive_prfplus(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *k,
const krb5_data *input, krb5_enctype enctype,
krb5_keyblock **out);
* Compute the KRB-FX-CF2 combination of two keys and pepper strings.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] k1 KDC contribution key
* @param [in] pepper1 String "PKINIT"
* @param [in] k2 Reply key
* @param [in] pepper2 String "KeyExchange"
* @param [out] out Output key
* This function computes the KRB-FX-CF2 function over its inputs and places
* the results in a newly allocated keyblock. This function is simple in that
* it assumes that @a pepper1 and @a pepper2 are C strings with no internal
* nulls and that the enctype of the result will be the same as that of @a k1.
* @a k1 and @a k2 may be of different enctypes.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_fx_cf2_simple(krb5_context context,
const krb5_keyblock *k1, const char *pepper1,
const krb5_keyblock *k2, const char *pepper2,
krb5_keyblock **out);
* Generate an enctype-specific random encryption key.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type of the generated key
* @param [out] k5_random_key An allocated and initialized keyblock
* Use krb5_free_keyblock_contents() to free @a k5_random_key when
* no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_make_random_key(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype,
krb5_keyblock *k5_random_key);
* Generate an enctype-specific key from random data.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [in] random_data Random input data
* @param [out] k5_random_key Resulting key
* This function takes random input data @a random_data and produces a valid
* key @a k5_random_key for a given @a enctype.
* @note It is assumed that @a k5_random_key has already been initialized and
* @a k5_random_key->contents has been allocated with the correct length.
* @sa krb5_c_keylengths()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_random_to_key(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype,
krb5_data *random_data, krb5_keyblock *k5_random_key);
* Add entropy to the pseudo-random number generator.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] randsource Entropy source (see KRB5_RANDSOURCE types)
* @param [in] data Data
* Contribute entropy to the PRNG used by krb5 crypto operations. This may or
* may not affect the output of the next crypto operation requiring random
* data.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_random_add_entropy(krb5_context context, unsigned int randsource,
const krb5_data *data);
* Generate pseudo-random bytes.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] data Random data
* Fills in @a data with bytes from the PRNG used by krb5 crypto operations.
* The caller must preinitialize @a data and allocate the desired amount of
* space.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_random_make_octets(krb5_context context, krb5_data *data);
* Collect entropy from the OS if possible.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] strong Strongest available source of entropy
* @param [out] success 1 if OS provides entropy, 0 otherwise
* If @a strong is non-zero, this function attempts to use the strongest
* available source of entropy. Setting this flag may cause the function to
* block on some operating systems. Good uses include seeding the PRNG for
* kadmind and realm setup.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_random_os_entropy(krb5_context context, int strong, int *success);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_c_* API family. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_random_seed(krb5_context context, krb5_data *data);
* Convert a string (such a password) to a key.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [in] string String to be converted
* @param [in] salt Salt value
* @param [out] key Generated key
* This function converts @a string to a @a key of encryption type @a enctype,
* using the specified @a salt. The newly created @a key must be released by
* calling krb5_free_keyblock_contents() when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_string_to_key(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype,
const krb5_data *string, const krb5_data *salt,
krb5_keyblock *key);
* Convert a string (such as a password) to a key with additional parameters.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [in] string String to be converted
* @param [in] salt Salt value
* @param [in] params Parameters
* @param [out] key Generated key
* This function is similar to krb5_c_string_to_key(), but also takes
* parameters which may affect the algorithm in an enctype-dependent way. The
* newly created @a key must be released by calling
* krb5_free_keyblock_contents() when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_string_to_key_with_params(krb5_context context,
krb5_enctype enctype,
const krb5_data *string,
const krb5_data *salt,
const krb5_data *params,
krb5_keyblock *key);
* Compare two encryption types.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] e1 First encryption type
* @param [in] e2 Second encryption type
* @param [out] similar @c TRUE if types are similar, @c FALSE if not
* This function determines whether two encryption types use the same kind of
* keys.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_enctype_compare(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype e1, krb5_enctype e2,
krb5_boolean *similar);
* Compute a checksum (operates on keyblock).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cksumtype Checksum type (0 for mandatory type)
* @param [in] key Encryption key for a keyed checksum
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in] input Input data
* @param [out] cksum Generated checksum
* This function computes a checksum of type @a cksumtype over @a input, using
* @a key if the checksum type is a keyed checksum. If @a cksumtype is 0 and
* @a key is non-null, the checksum type will be the mandatory-to-implement
* checksum type for the key's encryption type. The actual checksum key will
* be derived from @a key and @a usage if key derivation is specified for the
* checksum type. The newly created @a cksum must be released by calling
* krb5_free_checksum_contents() when it is no longer needed.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_k_make_checksum(), but operates
* on keyblock @a key.
* @sa krb5_c_verify_checksum()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_make_checksum(krb5_context context, krb5_cksumtype cksumtype,
const krb5_keyblock *key, krb5_keyusage usage,
const krb5_data *input, krb5_checksum *cksum);
* Verify a checksum (operates on keyblock).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Encryption key for a keyed checksum
* @param [in] usage @a key usage
* @param [in] data Data to be used to compute a new checksum
* using @a key to compare @a cksum against
* @param [in] cksum Checksum to be verified
* @param [out] valid Non-zero for success, zero for failure
* This function verifies that @a cksum is a valid checksum for @a data. If
* the checksum type of @a cksum is a keyed checksum, @a key is used to verify
* the checksum. If the checksum type in @a cksum is 0 and @a key is not NULL,
* the mandatory checksum type for @a key will be used. The actual checksum
* key will be derived from @a key and @a usage if key derivation is specified
* for the checksum type.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_k_verify_checksum(), but operates
* on keyblock @a key.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_verify_checksum(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *key,
krb5_keyusage usage, const krb5_data *data,
const krb5_checksum *cksum, krb5_boolean *valid);
* Return the length of checksums for a checksum type.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cksumtype Checksum type
* @param [out] length Checksum length
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_checksum_length(krb5_context context, krb5_cksumtype cksumtype,
size_t *length);
* Return a list of keyed checksum types usable with an encryption type.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [out] count Count of allowable checksum types
* @param [out] cksumtypes Array of allowable checksum types
* Use krb5_free_cksumtypes() to free @a cksumtypes when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_keyed_checksum_types(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype,
unsigned int *count, krb5_cksumtype **cksumtypes);
* @{
/* XXX need to register these */
/* Defined in Integrating SAM Mechanisms with Kerberos draft */
/** Note conflict with @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE_PA_S4U_X509_USER_REQUEST */
/** Note conflict with @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE_PA_S4U_X509_USER_REPLY */
/* Defined in [MS-SFU] */
/** Note conflict with @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE_PA_SAM_CHALLENGE_TRACKID */
/** Note conflict with @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE_PA_SAM_RESPONSE */
/* unused */
#define KRB5_KEYUSAGE_PA_OTP_REQUEST 45 /**< See RFC 6560 section 4.2 */
/* define in draft-ietf-krb-wg-preauth-framework*/
/* Key usage values 512-1023 are reserved for uses internal to a Kerberos
* implementation. */
#define KRB5_KEYUSAGE_PA_FX_COOKIE 513 /**< Used for encrypted FAST cookies */
#define KRB5_KEYUSAGE_PA_AS_FRESHNESS 514 /**< Used for freshness tokens */
/** @} */ /* end of KRB5_KEYUSAGE group */
* Verify that a specified encryption type is a valid Kerberos encryption type.
* @param [in] ktype Encryption type
* @return @c TRUE if @a ktype is valid, @c FALSE if not
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_valid_enctype(krb5_enctype ktype);
* Verify that specified checksum type is a valid Kerberos checksum type.
* @param [in] ctype Checksum type
* @return @c TRUE if @a ctype is valid, @c FALSE if not
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_valid_cksumtype(krb5_cksumtype ctype);
* Test whether a checksum type is collision-proof.
* @param [in] ctype Checksum type
* @return @c TRUE if @a ctype is collision-proof, @c FALSE if it is not
* collision-proof or not a valid checksum type.
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_is_coll_proof_cksum(krb5_cksumtype ctype);
* Test whether a checksum type is keyed.
* @param [in] ctype Checksum type
* @return @c TRUE if @a ctype is a keyed checksum type, @c FALSE otherwise.
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_is_keyed_cksum(krb5_cksumtype ctype);
/* AEAD APIs */
* @{
#define KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_EMPTY 0 /**< [in] ignored */
#define KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_HEADER 1 /**< [out] header */
#define KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_DATA 2 /**< [in, out] plaintext */
#define KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_SIGN_ONLY 3 /**< [in] associated data */
#define KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_PADDING 4 /**< [out] padding */
#define KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_TRAILER 5 /**< [out] checksum for encrypt */
#define KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_CHECKSUM 6 /**< [out] checksum for MIC */
#define KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_STREAM 7 /**< [in] entire message without
decomposing the structure into
header, data and trailer buffers */
/** @} */ /* end of KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE group */
* Fill in a checksum element in IOV array (operates on keyblock)
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cksumtype Checksum type (0 for mandatory type)
* @param [in] key Encryption key for a keyed checksum
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in,out] data IOV array
* @param [in] num_data Size of @a data
* Create a checksum in the #KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_CHECKSUM element over
* Only the #KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_CHECKSUM region is modified.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_k_make_checksum_iov(), but operates
* on keyblock @a key.
* @sa krb5_c_verify_checksum_iov()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_make_checksum_iov(krb5_context context, krb5_cksumtype cksumtype,
const krb5_keyblock *key, krb5_keyusage usage,
krb5_crypto_iov *data, size_t num_data);
* Validate a checksum element in IOV array (operates on keyblock).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cksumtype Checksum type (0 for mandatory type)
* @param [in] key Encryption key for a keyed checksum
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in] data IOV array
* @param [in] num_data Size of @a data
* @param [out] valid Non-zero for success, zero for failure
* Confirm that the checksum in the #KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_CHECKSUM element is a
* valid checksum of the #KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_DATA and #KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_SIGN_ONLY
* regions in the iov.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_k_verify_checksum_iov(), but operates
* on keyblock @a key.
* @sa krb5_c_make_checksum_iov()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_verify_checksum_iov(krb5_context context, krb5_cksumtype cksumtype,
const krb5_keyblock *key, krb5_keyusage usage,
const krb5_crypto_iov *data, size_t num_data,
krb5_boolean *valid);
* Encrypt data in place supporting AEAD (operates on keyblock).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keyblock Encryption key
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in] cipher_state Cipher state; specify NULL if not needed
* @param [in,out] data IOV array. Modified in-place.
* @param [in] num_data Size of @a data
* This function encrypts the data block @a data and stores the output in-place.
* The actual encryption key will be derived from @a keyblock and @a usage
* if key derivation is specified for the encryption type. If non-null, @a
* cipher_state specifies the beginning state for the encryption operation, and
* is updated with the state to be passed as input to the next operation.
* The caller must allocate the right number of krb5_crypto_iov
* structures before calling into this API.
* @note On return from a krb5_c_encrypt_iov() call, the @a data->length in the
* iov structure are adjusted to reflect actual lengths of the ciphertext used.
* For example, if the padding length is too large, the length will be reduced.
* Lengths are never increased.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_k_encrypt_iov(), but operates
* on keyblock @a keyblock.
* @sa krb5_c_decrypt_iov()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_encrypt_iov(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *keyblock,
krb5_keyusage usage, const krb5_data *cipher_state,
krb5_crypto_iov *data, size_t num_data);
* Decrypt data in place supporting AEAD (operates on keyblock).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keyblock Encryption key
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in] cipher_state Cipher state; specify NULL if not needed
* @param [in,out] data IOV array. Modified in-place.
* @param [in] num_data Size of @a data
* This function decrypts the data block @a data and stores the output in-place.
* The actual decryption key will be derived from @a keyblock and @a usage
* if key derivation is specified for the encryption type. If non-null, @a
* cipher_state specifies the beginning state for the decryption operation, and
* is updated with the state to be passed as input to the next operation.
* The caller must allocate the right number of krb5_crypto_iov
* structures before calling into this API.
* @note On return from a krb5_c_decrypt_iov() call, the @a data->length in the
* iov structure are adjusted to reflect actual lengths of the ciphertext used.
* For example, if the padding length is too large, the length will be reduced.
* Lengths are never increased.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_k_decrypt_iov(), but operates
* on keyblock @a keyblock.
* @sa krb5_c_decrypt_iov()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_decrypt_iov(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *keyblock,
krb5_keyusage usage, const krb5_data *cipher_state,
krb5_crypto_iov *data, size_t num_data);
* Return a length of a message field specific to the encryption type.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [in] type Type field (See @ref KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE types)
* @param [out] size Length of the @a type specific to @a enctype
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_crypto_length(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype,
krb5_cryptotype type, unsigned int *size);
* Fill in lengths for header, trailer and padding in a IOV array.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [in,out] data IOV array
* @param [in] num_data Size of @a data
* Padding is set to the actual padding required based on the provided
* @a data buffers. Typically this API is used after setting up the data
* buffers and #KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_SIGN_ONLY buffers, but before actually
* allocating header, trailer and padding.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_crypto_length_iov(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype,
krb5_crypto_iov *data, size_t num_data);
* Return a number of padding octets.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [in] data_length Length of the plaintext to pad
* @param [out] size Number of padding octets
* This function returns the number of the padding octets required to pad
* @a data_length octets of plaintext.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - KRB5_BAD_ENCTYPE
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_c_padding_length(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype,
size_t data_length, unsigned int *size);
* Create a krb5_key from the enctype and key data in a keyblock.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key_data Keyblock
* @param [out] out Opaque key
* The reference count on a key @a out is set to 1.
* Use krb5_k_free_key() to free @a out when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - KRB5_BAD_ENCTYPE
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_create_key(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *key_data,
krb5_key *out);
/** Increment the reference count on a key. */
krb5_k_reference_key(krb5_context context, krb5_key key);
/** Decrement the reference count on a key and free it if it hits zero. */
krb5_k_free_key(krb5_context context, krb5_key key);
/** Retrieve a copy of the keyblock from a krb5_key structure. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_key_keyblock(krb5_context context, krb5_key key,
krb5_keyblock **key_data);
/** Retrieve the enctype of a krb5_key structure. */
krb5_enctype KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_key_enctype(krb5_context context, krb5_key key);
* Encrypt data using a key (operates on opaque key).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Encryption key
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in,out] cipher_state Cipher state; specify NULL if not needed
* @param [in] input Data to be encrypted
* @param [out] output Encrypted data
* This function encrypts the data block @a input and stores the output into @a
* output. The actual encryption key will be derived from @a key and @a usage
* if key derivation is specified for the encryption type. If non-null, @a
* cipher_state specifies the beginning state for the encryption operation, and
* is updated with the state to be passed as input to the next operation.
* @note The caller must initialize @a output and allocate at least enough
* space for the result (using krb5_c_encrypt_length() to determine the amount
* of space needed). @a output->length will be set to the actual length of the
* ciphertext.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_encrypt(krb5_context context, krb5_key key, krb5_keyusage usage,
const krb5_data *cipher_state, const krb5_data *input,
krb5_enc_data *output);
* Encrypt data in place supporting AEAD (operates on opaque key).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Encryption key
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in] cipher_state Cipher state; specify NULL if not needed
* @param [in,out] data IOV array. Modified in-place.
* @param [in] num_data Size of @a data
* This function encrypts the data block @a data and stores the output in-place.
* The actual encryption key will be derived from @a key and @a usage
* if key derivation is specified for the encryption type. If non-null, @a
* cipher_state specifies the beginning state for the encryption operation, and
* is updated with the state to be passed as input to the next operation.
* The caller must allocate the right number of krb5_crypto_iov
* structures before calling into this API.
* @note On return from a krb5_c_encrypt_iov() call, the @a data->length in the
* iov structure are adjusted to reflect actual lengths of the ciphertext used.
* For example, if the padding length is too large, the length will be reduced.
* Lengths are never increased.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_c_encrypt_iov(), but operates
* on opaque key @a key.
* @sa krb5_k_decrypt_iov()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_encrypt_iov(krb5_context context, krb5_key key, krb5_keyusage usage,
const krb5_data *cipher_state, krb5_crypto_iov *data,
size_t num_data);
* Decrypt data using a key (operates on opaque key).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Encryption key
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in,out] cipher_state Cipher state; specify NULL if not needed
* @param [in] input Encrypted data
* @param [out] output Decrypted data
* This function decrypts the data block @a input and stores the output into @a
* output. The actual decryption key will be derived from @a key and @a usage
* if key derivation is specified for the encryption type. If non-null, @a
* cipher_state specifies the beginning state for the decryption operation, and
* is updated with the state to be passed as input to the next operation.
* @note The caller must initialize @a output and allocate at least enough
* space for the result. The usual practice is to allocate an output buffer as
* long as the ciphertext, and let krb5_c_decrypt() trim @a output->length.
* For some enctypes, the resulting @a output->length may include padding
* bytes.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_decrypt(krb5_context context, krb5_key key, krb5_keyusage usage,
const krb5_data *cipher_state, const krb5_enc_data *input,
krb5_data *output);
* Decrypt data in place supporting AEAD (operates on opaque key).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Encryption key
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in] cipher_state Cipher state; specify NULL if not needed
* @param [in,out] data IOV array. Modified in-place.
* @param [in] num_data Size of @a data
* This function decrypts the data block @a data and stores the output in-place.
* The actual decryption key will be derived from @a key and @a usage
* if key derivation is specified for the encryption type. If non-null, @a
* cipher_state specifies the beginning state for the decryption operation, and
* is updated with the state to be passed as input to the next operation.
* The caller must allocate the right number of krb5_crypto_iov
* structures before calling into this API.
* @note On return from a krb5_c_decrypt_iov() call, the @a data->length in the
* iov structure are adjusted to reflect actual lengths of the ciphertext used.
* For example, if the padding length is too large, the length will be reduced.
* Lengths are never increased.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_c_decrypt_iov(), but operates
* on opaque key @a key.
* @sa krb5_k_encrypt_iov()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_decrypt_iov(krb5_context context, krb5_key key, krb5_keyusage usage,
const krb5_data *cipher_state, krb5_crypto_iov *data,
size_t num_data);
* Compute a checksum (operates on opaque key).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cksumtype Checksum type (0 for mandatory type)
* @param [in] key Encryption key for a keyed checksum
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in] input Input data
* @param [out] cksum Generated checksum
* This function computes a checksum of type @a cksumtype over @a input, using
* @a key if the checksum type is a keyed checksum. If @a cksumtype is 0 and
* @a key is non-null, the checksum type will be the mandatory-to-implement
* checksum type for the key's encryption type. The actual checksum key will
* be derived from @a key and @a usage if key derivation is specified for the
* checksum type. The newly created @a cksum must be released by calling
* krb5_free_checksum_contents() when it is no longer needed.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_c_make_checksum(), but operates
* on opaque @a key.
* @sa krb5_c_verify_checksum()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_make_checksum(krb5_context context, krb5_cksumtype cksumtype,
krb5_key key, krb5_keyusage usage, const krb5_data *input,
krb5_checksum *cksum);
* Fill in a checksum element in IOV array (operates on opaque key)
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cksumtype Checksum type (0 for mandatory type)
* @param [in] key Encryption key for a keyed checksum
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in,out] data IOV array
* @param [in] num_data Size of @a data
* Create a checksum in the #KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_CHECKSUM element over
* Only the #KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_CHECKSUM region is modified.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_c_make_checksum_iov(), but operates
* on opaque @a key.
* @sa krb5_k_verify_checksum_iov()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_make_checksum_iov(krb5_context context, krb5_cksumtype cksumtype,
krb5_key key, krb5_keyusage usage,
krb5_crypto_iov *data, size_t num_data);
* Verify a checksum (operates on opaque key).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Encryption key for a keyed checksum
* @param [in] usage @a key usage
* @param [in] data Data to be used to compute a new checksum
* using @a key to compare @a cksum against
* @param [in] cksum Checksum to be verified
* @param [out] valid Non-zero for success, zero for failure
* This function verifies that @a cksum is a valid checksum for @a data. If
* the checksum type of @a cksum is a keyed checksum, @a key is used to verify
* the checksum. If the checksum type in @a cksum is 0 and @a key is not NULL,
* the mandatory checksum type for @a key will be used. The actual checksum
* key will be derived from @a key and @a usage if key derivation is specified
* for the checksum type.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_c_verify_checksum(), but operates
* on opaque @a key.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_verify_checksum(krb5_context context, krb5_key key, krb5_keyusage usage,
const krb5_data *data, const krb5_checksum *cksum,
krb5_boolean *valid);
* Validate a checksum element in IOV array (operates on opaque key).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cksumtype Checksum type (0 for mandatory type)
* @param [in] key Encryption key for a keyed checksum
* @param [in] usage Key usage (see @ref KRB5_KEYUSAGE types)
* @param [in] data IOV array
* @param [in] num_data Size of @a data
* @param [out] valid Non-zero for success, zero for failure
* Confirm that the checksum in the #KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_CHECKSUM element is a
* valid checksum of the #KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_DATA and #KRB5_CRYPTO_TYPE_SIGN_ONLY
* regions in the iov.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_c_verify_checksum_iov(), but operates
* on opaque @a key.
* @sa krb5_k_make_checksum_iov()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_verify_checksum_iov(krb5_context context, krb5_cksumtype cksumtype,
krb5_key key, krb5_keyusage usage,
const krb5_crypto_iov *data, size_t num_data,
krb5_boolean *valid);
* Generate enctype-specific pseudo-random bytes (operates on opaque key).
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Key
* @param [in] input Input data
* @param [out] output Output data
* This function selects a pseudo-random function based on @a key and
* computes its value over @a input, placing the result into @a output.
* The caller must preinitialize @a output and allocate space for the
* result.
* @note This function is similar to krb5_c_prf(), but operates
* on opaque @a key.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_k_prf(krb5_context context, krb5_key key, krb5_data *input, krb5_data *output);
* old cryptosystem routine prototypes. These are now layered
* on top of the functions above.
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_c_* API family.*/
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_encrypt(krb5_context context, krb5_const_pointer inptr,
krb5_pointer outptr, size_t size, krb5_encrypt_block *eblock,
krb5_pointer ivec);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_c_* API family. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_decrypt(krb5_context context, krb5_const_pointer inptr,
krb5_pointer outptr, size_t size, krb5_encrypt_block *eblock,
krb5_pointer ivec);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_c_* API family. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_process_key(krb5_context context, krb5_encrypt_block *eblock,
const krb5_keyblock * key);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_c_* API family. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_finish_key(krb5_context context, krb5_encrypt_block * eblock);
/** @deprecated See krb5_c_string_to_key() */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_string_to_key(krb5_context context, const krb5_encrypt_block *eblock,
krb5_keyblock * keyblock, const krb5_data *data,
const krb5_data *salt);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_c_* API family. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_random_key(krb5_context context, const krb5_encrypt_block *eblock,
const krb5_keyblock *keyblock, krb5_pointer *ptr);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_c_* API family. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_finish_random_key(krb5_context context, const krb5_encrypt_block *eblock,
krb5_pointer *ptr);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_c_* API family. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_random_key(krb5_context context, const krb5_encrypt_block *eblock,
krb5_pointer ptr, krb5_keyblock **keyblock);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_c_* API family. */
krb5_enctype KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_eblock_enctype(krb5_context context, const krb5_encrypt_block *eblock);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_c_* API family. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_use_enctype(krb5_context context, krb5_encrypt_block *eblock,
krb5_enctype enctype);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_c_* API family. */
krb5_encrypt_size(size_t length, krb5_enctype crypto);
/** @deprecated See krb5_c_checksum_length() */
krb5_checksum_size(krb5_context context, krb5_cksumtype ctype);
/** @deprecated See krb5_c_make_checksum() */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_calculate_checksum(krb5_context context, krb5_cksumtype ctype,
krb5_const_pointer in, size_t in_length,
krb5_const_pointer seed, size_t seed_length,
krb5_checksum * outcksum);
/** @deprecated See krb5_c_verify_checksum() */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_verify_checksum(krb5_context context, krb5_cksumtype ctype,
const krb5_checksum * cksum, krb5_const_pointer in,
size_t in_length, krb5_const_pointer seed,
size_t seed_length);
#endif /* KRB5_OLD_CRYPTO */
* end "encryption.h"
* begin "fieldbits.h"
/* kdc_options for kdc_request */
/* options is 32 bits; each host is responsible to put the 4 bytes
representing these bits into net order before transmission */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x80000000 */
#define KDC_OPT_FORWARDABLE 0x40000000
#define KDC_OPT_FORWARDED 0x20000000
#define KDC_OPT_PROXIABLE 0x10000000
#define KDC_OPT_PROXY 0x08000000
#define KDC_OPT_ALLOW_POSTDATE 0x04000000
#define KDC_OPT_POSTDATED 0x02000000
/* #define KDC_OPT_UNUSED 0x01000000 */
#define KDC_OPT_RENEWABLE 0x00800000
/* #define KDC_OPT_UNUSED 0x00400000 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00200000 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00100000 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00080000 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00040000 */
#define KDC_OPT_CNAME_IN_ADDL_TKT 0x00020000
#define KDC_OPT_CANONICALIZE 0x00010000
#define KDC_OPT_REQUEST_ANONYMOUS 0x00008000
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00004000 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00002000 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00001000 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00000800 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00000400 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00000200 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00000100 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00000080 */
/* #define KDC_OPT_RESERVED 0x00000040 */
#define KDC_OPT_RENEWABLE_OK 0x00000010
#define KDC_OPT_ENC_TKT_IN_SKEY 0x00000008
/* #define KDC_OPT_UNUSED 0x00000004 */
#define KDC_OPT_RENEW 0x00000002
#define KDC_OPT_VALIDATE 0x00000001
* Mask of ticket flags in the TGT which should be converted into KDC
* options when using the TGT to get derivative tickets.
#define KDC_TKT_COMMON_MASK 0x54800000
/* definitions for ap_options fields */
/** @defgroup AP_OPTS AP_OPTS
* ap_options are 32 bits; each host is responsible to put the 4 bytes
* representing these bits into net order before transmission
* @{
#define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x80000000
#define AP_OPTS_USE_SESSION_KEY 0x40000000 /**< Use session key */
#define AP_OPTS_MUTUAL_REQUIRED 0x20000000 /**< Perform a mutual
authentication exchange */
#define AP_OPTS_ETYPE_NEGOTIATION 0x00000002
#define AP_OPTS_USE_SUBKEY 0x00000001 /**< Generate a subsession key
from the current session key
obtained from the
credentials */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x10000000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x08000000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x04000000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x02000000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x01000000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00800000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00400000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00200000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00100000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00080000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00040000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00020000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00010000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00008000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00004000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00002000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00001000 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00000800 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00000400 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00000200 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00000100 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00000080 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00000040 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00000020 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00000010 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00000008 */
/* #define AP_OPTS_RESERVED 0x00000004 */
#define AP_OPTS_WIRE_MASK 0xfffffff0
/** @} */ /* end of AP_OPTS group */
/* definitions for ad_type fields. */
#define AD_TYPE_RESERVED 0x8000
#define AD_TYPE_EXTERNAL 0x4000
#define AD_TYPE_REGISTERED 0x2000
#define AD_TYPE_FIELD_TYPE_MASK 0x1fff
/* Ticket flags */
/* flags are 32 bits; each host is responsible to put the 4 bytes
representing these bits into net order before transmission */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x80000000 */
#define TKT_FLG_FORWARDABLE 0x40000000
#define TKT_FLG_FORWARDED 0x20000000
#define TKT_FLG_PROXIABLE 0x10000000
#define TKT_FLG_PROXY 0x08000000
#define TKT_FLG_MAY_POSTDATE 0x04000000
#define TKT_FLG_POSTDATED 0x02000000
#define TKT_FLG_INVALID 0x01000000
#define TKT_FLG_RENEWABLE 0x00800000
#define TKT_FLG_INITIAL 0x00400000
#define TKT_FLG_PRE_AUTH 0x00200000
#define TKT_FLG_HW_AUTH 0x00100000
#define TKT_FLG_OK_AS_DELEGATE 0x00040000
#define TKT_FLG_ENC_PA_REP 0x00010000
#define TKT_FLG_ANONYMOUS 0x00008000
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00004000 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00002000 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00001000 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000800 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000400 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000200 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000100 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000080 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000040 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000020 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000010 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000008 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000004 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000002 */
/* #define TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00000001 */
/* definitions for lr_type fields. */
/* definitions for msec direction bit for KRB_SAFE, KRB_PRIV */
#define MSEC_DIRBIT 0x8000
#define MSEC_VAL_MASK 0x7fff
* end "fieldbits.h"
* begin "proto.h"
/** Protocol version number */
#define KRB5_PVNO 5
/* Message types */
#define KRB5_AS_REQ ((krb5_msgtype)10) /**< Initial authentication request */
#define KRB5_AS_REP ((krb5_msgtype)11) /**< Response to AS request */
#define KRB5_TGS_REQ ((krb5_msgtype)12) /**< Ticket granting server request */
#define KRB5_TGS_REP ((krb5_msgtype)13) /**< Response to TGS request */
#define KRB5_AP_REQ ((krb5_msgtype)14) /**< Auth req to application server */
#define KRB5_AP_REP ((krb5_msgtype)15) /**< Response to mutual AP request */
#define KRB5_SAFE ((krb5_msgtype)20) /**< Safe application message */
#define KRB5_PRIV ((krb5_msgtype)21) /**< Private application message */
#define KRB5_CRED ((krb5_msgtype)22) /**< Cred forwarding message */
#define KRB5_ERROR ((krb5_msgtype)30) /**< Error response */
/* LastReq types */
#define KRB5_LRQ_NONE 0
#define KRB5_LRQ_ONE_LAST_TGT (-1)
#define KRB5_LRQ_ONE_LAST_REQ (-5)
#define KRB5_LRQ_ONE_PW_EXPTIME (-6)
/* PADATA types */
#define KRB5_PADATA_NONE 0
#define KRB5_PADATA_AP_REQ 1
#define KRB5_PADATA_ENC_TIMESTAMP 2 /**< RFC 4120 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_PW_SALT 3 /**< RFC 4120 */
#if 0 /* Not used */
#define KRB5_PADATA_ENC_ENCKEY 4 /* Key encrypted within itself */
#define KRB5_PADATA_ENC_UNIX_TIME 5 /**< timestamp encrypted in key. RFC 4120 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_ENC_SANDIA_SECURID 6 /**< SecurId passcode. RFC 4120 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_SESAME 7 /**< Sesame project. RFC 4120 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_OSF_DCE 8 /**< OSF DCE. RFC 4120 */
#define KRB5_CYBERSAFE_SECUREID 9 /**< Cybersafe. RFC 4120 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_AFS3_SALT 10 /**< Cygnus. RFC 4120, 3961 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_ETYPE_INFO 11 /**< Etype info for preauth. RFC 4120 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_PK_AS_REQ_OLD 14 /**< PKINIT */
#define KRB5_PADATA_PK_AS_REP_OLD 15 /**< PKINIT */
#define KRB5_PADATA_PK_AS_REQ 16 /**< PKINIT. RFC 4556 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_PK_AS_REP 17 /**< PKINIT. RFC 4556 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_ETYPE_INFO2 19 /**< RFC 4120 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_USE_SPECIFIED_KVNO 20 /**< RFC 4120 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_SVR_REFERRAL_INFO 20 /**< Windows 2000 referrals. RFC 6820 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_SAM_REDIRECT 21 /**< SAM/OTP. RFC 4120 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_GET_FROM_TYPED_DATA 22 /**< Embedded in typed data. RFC 4120 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_REFERRAL 25 /**< draft referral system */
#define KRB5_PADATA_SAM_CHALLENGE_2 30 /**< draft challenge system, updated */
#define KRB5_PADATA_SAM_RESPONSE_2 31 /**< draft challenge system, updated */
/* MS-KILE */
#define KRB5_PADATA_PAC_REQUEST 128 /**< include Windows PAC */
#define KRB5_PADATA_FOR_USER 129 /**< username protocol transition request */
#define KRB5_PADATA_S4U_X509_USER 130 /**< certificate protocol transition request */
#define KRB5_PADATA_AS_CHECKSUM 132 /**< AS checksum */
#define KRB5_PADATA_FX_COOKIE 133 /**< RFC 6113 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_FX_FAST 136 /**< RFC 6113 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_FX_ERROR 137 /**< RFC 6113 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_ENCRYPTED_CHALLENGE 138 /**< RFC 6113 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_OTP_CHALLENGE 141 /**< RFC 6560 section 4.1 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_OTP_REQUEST 142 /**< RFC 6560 section 4.2 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_OTP_PIN_CHANGE 144 /**< RFC 6560 section 4.3 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_PKINIT_KX 147 /**< RFC 6112 */
#define KRB5_ENCPADATA_REQ_ENC_PA_REP 149 /**< RFC 6806 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_AS_FRESHNESS 150 /**< RFC 8070 */
#define KRB5_PADATA_SPAKE 151
#define KRB5_PADATA_PAC_OPTIONS 167 /**< MS-KILE and MS-SFU */
#define KRB5_SAM_USE_SAD_AS_KEY 0x80000000
#define KRB5_SAM_SEND_ENCRYPTED_SAD 0x40000000
#define KRB5_SAM_MUST_PK_ENCRYPT_SAD 0x20000000 /**< currently must be zero */
/** Transited encoding types */
/** alternate authentication types */
/* authorization data types. See RFC 4120 section 5.2.6 */
* @{
#define KRB5_AUTHDATA_ETYPE_NEGOTIATION 129 /**< RFC 4537 */
#define KRB5_AUTHDATA_SIGNTICKET 512 /**< @deprecated use PAC */
/** @} */ /* end of KRB5_AUTHDATA group */
/* password change constants */
#define KRB5_KPASSWD_SUCCESS 0 /**< Success */
#define KRB5_KPASSWD_MALFORMED 1 /**< Malformed request */
#define KRB5_KPASSWD_HARDERROR 2 /**< Server error */
#define KRB5_KPASSWD_AUTHERROR 3 /**< Authentication error */
#define KRB5_KPASSWD_SOFTERROR 4 /**< Password change rejected */
/* These are Microsoft's extensions in RFC 3244, and it looks like
they'll become standardized, possibly with other additions. */
#define KRB5_KPASSWD_ACCESSDENIED 5 /**< Not authorized */
#define KRB5_KPASSWD_BAD_VERSION 6 /**< Unknown RPC version */
/** The presented credentials were not obtained using a password directly */
* end "proto.h"
/* Time set */
/** Ticket start time, end time, and renewal duration. */
typedef struct _krb5_ticket_times {
krb5_timestamp authtime; /**< Time at which KDC issued the initial ticket that corresponds to this ticket */
/* XXX ? should ktime in KDC_REP == authtime
in ticket? otherwise client can't get this */
krb5_timestamp starttime; /**< optional in ticket, if not present, use @a authtime */
krb5_timestamp endtime; /**< Ticket expiration time */
krb5_timestamp renew_till; /**< Latest time at which renewal of ticket can be valid */
} krb5_ticket_times;
/** Structure for auth data */
typedef struct _krb5_authdata {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_authdatatype ad_type; /**< ADTYPE */
unsigned int length; /**< Length of data */
krb5_octet *contents; /**< Data */
} krb5_authdata;
/** Structure for transited encoding */
typedef struct _krb5_transited {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_octet tr_type; /**< Transited encoding type */
krb5_data tr_contents; /**< Contents */
} krb5_transited;
/** Encrypted part of ticket. */
typedef struct _krb5_enc_tkt_part {
krb5_magic magic;
/* to-be-encrypted portion */
krb5_flags flags; /**< flags */
krb5_keyblock *session; /**< session key: includes enctype */
krb5_principal client; /**< client name/realm */
krb5_transited transited; /**< list of transited realms */
krb5_ticket_times times; /**< auth, start, end, renew_till */
krb5_address **caddrs; /**< array of ptrs to addresses */
krb5_authdata **authorization_data; /**< auth data */
} krb5_enc_tkt_part;
* Ticket structure.
* The C representation of the ticket message, with a pointer to the
* C representation of the encrypted part.
typedef struct _krb5_ticket {
krb5_magic magic;
/* cleartext portion */
krb5_principal server; /**< server name/realm */
krb5_enc_data enc_part; /**< encryption type, kvno, encrypted encoding */
krb5_enc_tkt_part *enc_part2; /**< ptr to decrypted version, if available */
} krb5_ticket;
/* the unencrypted version */
* Ticket authenticator.
* The C representation of an unencrypted authenticator.
typedef struct _krb5_authenticator {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_principal client; /**< client name/realm */
krb5_checksum *checksum; /**< checksum, includes type, optional */
krb5_int32 cusec; /**< client usec portion */
krb5_timestamp ctime; /**< client sec portion */
krb5_keyblock *subkey; /**< true session key, optional */
krb5_ui_4 seq_number; /**< sequence #, optional */
krb5_authdata **authorization_data; /**< authoriazation data */
} krb5_authenticator;
/** Ticket authentication data. */
typedef struct _krb5_tkt_authent {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_ticket *ticket;
krb5_authenticator *authenticator;
krb5_flags ap_options;
} krb5_tkt_authent;
/** Credentials structure including ticket, session key, and lifetime info. */
typedef struct _krb5_creds {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_principal client; /**< client's principal identifier */
krb5_principal server; /**< server's principal identifier */
krb5_keyblock keyblock; /**< session encryption key info */
krb5_ticket_times times; /**< lifetime info */
krb5_boolean is_skey; /**< true if ticket is encrypted in
another ticket's skey */
krb5_flags ticket_flags; /**< flags in ticket */
krb5_address **addresses; /**< addrs in ticket */
krb5_data ticket; /**< ticket string itself */
krb5_data second_ticket; /**< second ticket, if related to
ticket (via DUPLICATE-SKEY or
krb5_authdata **authdata; /**< authorization data */
} krb5_creds;
/** Last request entry */
typedef struct _krb5_last_req_entry {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_int32 lr_type; /**< LR type */
krb5_timestamp value; /**< Timestamp */
} krb5_last_req_entry;
/** Pre-authentication data */
typedef struct _krb5_pa_data {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_preauthtype pa_type; /**< Preauthentication data type */
unsigned int length; /**< Length of data */
krb5_octet *contents; /**< Data */
} krb5_pa_data;
/* Don't use this; use krb5_pa_data instead. */
typedef struct _krb5_typed_data {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_int32 type;
unsigned int length;
krb5_octet *data;
} krb5_typed_data;
/** C representation of KDC-REQ protocol message, including KDC-REQ-BODY */
typedef struct _krb5_kdc_req {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_msgtype msg_type; /**< KRB5_AS_REQ or KRB5_TGS_REQ */
krb5_pa_data **padata; /**< Preauthentication data */
/* real body */
krb5_flags kdc_options; /**< Requested options */
krb5_principal client; /**< Client principal and realm */
krb5_principal server; /**< Server principal and realm */
krb5_timestamp from; /**< Requested start time */
krb5_timestamp till; /**< Requested end time */
krb5_timestamp rtime; /**< Requested renewable end time */
krb5_int32 nonce; /**< Nonce to match request and response */
int nktypes; /**< Number of enctypes */
krb5_enctype *ktype; /**< Requested enctypes */
krb5_address **addresses; /**< Requested addresses (optional) */
krb5_enc_data authorization_data; /**< Encrypted authz data (optional) */
krb5_authdata **unenc_authdata; /**< Unencrypted authz data */
krb5_ticket **second_ticket; /**< Second ticket array (optional) */
} krb5_kdc_req;
* C representation of @c EncKDCRepPart protocol message.
* This is the cleartext message that is encrypted and inserted in @c KDC-REP.
typedef struct _krb5_enc_kdc_rep_part {
krb5_magic magic;
/* encrypted part: */
krb5_msgtype msg_type; /**< krb5 message type */
krb5_keyblock *session; /**< Session key */
krb5_last_req_entry **last_req; /**< Array of pointers to entries */
krb5_int32 nonce; /**< Nonce from request */
krb5_timestamp key_exp; /**< Expiration date */
krb5_flags flags; /**< Ticket flags */
krb5_ticket_times times; /**< Lifetime info */
krb5_principal server; /**< Server's principal identifier */
krb5_address **caddrs; /**< Array of ptrs to addrs, optional */
krb5_pa_data **enc_padata; /**< Encrypted preauthentication data */
} krb5_enc_kdc_rep_part;
/** Representation of the @c KDC-REP protocol message. */
typedef struct _krb5_kdc_rep {
krb5_magic magic;
/* cleartext part: */
krb5_msgtype msg_type; /**< KRB5_AS_REP or KRB5_KDC_REP */
krb5_pa_data **padata; /**< Preauthentication data from KDC */
krb5_principal client; /**< Client principal and realm */
krb5_ticket *ticket; /**< Ticket */
krb5_enc_data enc_part; /**< Encrypted part of reply */
krb5_enc_kdc_rep_part *enc_part2; /**< Unencrypted version, if available */
} krb5_kdc_rep;
/** Error message structure */
typedef struct _krb5_error {
krb5_magic magic;
/* some of these may be meaningless in certain contexts */
krb5_timestamp ctime; /**< Client sec portion; optional */
krb5_int32 cusec; /**< Client usec portion; optional */
krb5_int32 susec; /**< Server usec portion */
krb5_timestamp stime; /**< Server sec portion */
krb5_ui_4 error; /**< Error code (protocol error #'s) */
krb5_principal client; /**< Client principal and realm */
krb5_principal server; /**< Server principal and realm */
krb5_data text; /**< Descriptive text */
krb5_data e_data; /**< Additional error-describing data */
} krb5_error;
/** Authentication header. */
typedef struct _krb5_ap_req {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_flags ap_options; /**< Requested options */
krb5_ticket *ticket; /**< Ticket */
krb5_enc_data authenticator; /**< Encrypted authenticator */
} krb5_ap_req;
* C representaton of AP-REP message.
* The server's response to a client's request for mutual authentication.
typedef struct _krb5_ap_rep {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_enc_data enc_part; /**< Ciphertext of ApRepEncPart */
} krb5_ap_rep;
/** Cleartext that is encrypted and put into @c _krb5_ap_rep. */
typedef struct _krb5_ap_rep_enc_part {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_timestamp ctime; /**< Client time, seconds portion */
krb5_int32 cusec; /**< Client time, microseconds portion */
krb5_keyblock *subkey; /**< Subkey (optional) */
krb5_ui_4 seq_number; /**< Sequence number */
} krb5_ap_rep_enc_part;
/* Unused */
typedef struct _krb5_response {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_octet message_type;
krb5_data response;
krb5_int32 expected_nonce;
krb5_timestamp request_time;
} krb5_response;
/** Credentials information inserted into @c EncKrbCredPart. */
typedef struct _krb5_cred_info {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_keyblock *session; /**< Session key used to encrypt ticket */
krb5_principal client; /**< Client principal and realm */
krb5_principal server; /**< Server principal and realm */
krb5_flags flags; /**< Ticket flags */
krb5_ticket_times times; /**< Auth, start, end, renew_till */
krb5_address **caddrs; /**< Array of pointers to addrs (optional) */
} krb5_cred_info;
/** Cleartext credentials information. */
typedef struct _krb5_cred_enc_part {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_int32 nonce; /**< Nonce (optional) */
krb5_timestamp timestamp; /**< Generation time, seconds portion */
krb5_int32 usec; /**< Generation time, microseconds portion */
krb5_address *s_address; /**< Sender address (optional) */
krb5_address *r_address; /**< Recipient address (optional) */
krb5_cred_info **ticket_info;
} krb5_cred_enc_part;
/** Credentials data structure.*/
typedef struct _krb5_cred {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_ticket **tickets; /**< Tickets */
krb5_enc_data enc_part; /**< Encrypted part */
krb5_cred_enc_part *enc_part2; /**< Unencrypted version, if available */
} krb5_cred;
/* Unused, but here for API compatibility. */
typedef struct _passwd_phrase_element {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_data *passwd;
krb5_data *phrase;
} passwd_phrase_element;
/* Unused, but here for API compatibility. */
typedef struct _krb5_pwd_data {
krb5_magic magic;
int sequence_count;
passwd_phrase_element **element;
} krb5_pwd_data;
/* Unused, but here for API compatibility. */
typedef struct _krb5_pa_svr_referral_data {
/** Referred name, only realm is required */
krb5_principal principal;
} krb5_pa_svr_referral_data;
/* Unused, but here for API compatibility. */
typedef struct _krb5_pa_server_referral_data {
krb5_data *referred_realm;
krb5_principal true_principal_name;
krb5_principal requested_principal_name;
krb5_timestamp referral_valid_until;
krb5_checksum rep_cksum;
} krb5_pa_server_referral_data;
typedef struct _krb5_pa_pac_req {
/** TRUE if a PAC should be included in TGS-REP */
krb5_boolean include_pac;
} krb5_pa_pac_req;
* begin "safepriv.h"
* @{
/** Prevent replays with timestamps and replay cache. */
#define KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME 0x00000001
/** Save timestamps for application. */
#define KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_TIME 0x00000002
/** Prevent replays with sequence numbers. */
#define KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_SEQUENCE 0x00000004
/** Save sequence numbers for application. */
#define KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_PERMIT_ALL 0x00000010
#define KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_USE_SUBKEY 0x00000020
/** @} */ /* end of KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT group */
* Replay data.
* Sequence number and timestamp information output by krb5_rd_priv() and
* krb5_rd_safe().
typedef struct krb5_replay_data {
krb5_timestamp timestamp; /**< Timestamp, seconds portion */
krb5_int32 usec; /**< Timestamp, microseconds portion */
krb5_ui_4 seq; /**< Sequence number */
} krb5_replay_data;
/* Flags for krb5_auth_con_genaddrs(). */
/** Generate the local network address. */
/** Generate the remote network address. */
/** Generate the local network address and the local port. */
/** Generate the remote network address and the remote port. */
/** Type of function used as a callback to generate checksum data for mk_req */
typedef krb5_error_code
(KRB5_CALLCONV * krb5_mk_req_checksum_func)(krb5_context, krb5_auth_context,
void *, krb5_data **);
* end "safepriv.h"
* begin "ccache.h"
/** Cursor for sequential lookup */
typedef krb5_pointer krb5_cc_cursor;
struct _krb5_ccache;
typedef struct _krb5_ccache *krb5_ccache;
struct _krb5_cc_ops;
typedef struct _krb5_cc_ops krb5_cc_ops;
struct _krb5_cccol_cursor;
/** Cursor for iterating over all ccaches */
typedef struct _krb5_cccol_cursor *krb5_cccol_cursor;
/* Flags for krb5_cc_retrieve_cred. */
/** The requested lifetime must be at least as great as the time specified. */
#define KRB5_TC_MATCH_TIMES 0x00000001
/** The is_skey field must match exactly. */
#define KRB5_TC_MATCH_IS_SKEY 0x00000002
/** All the flags set in the match credentials must be set. */
#define KRB5_TC_MATCH_FLAGS 0x00000004
/** All the time fields must match exactly. */
#define KRB5_TC_MATCH_TIMES_EXACT 0x00000008
/** All the flags must match exactly. */
#define KRB5_TC_MATCH_FLAGS_EXACT 0x00000010
/** The authorization data must match. */
#define KRB5_TC_MATCH_AUTHDATA 0x00000020
/** Only the name portion of the principal name must match. */
#define KRB5_TC_MATCH_SRV_NAMEONLY 0x00000040
/** The second ticket must match. */
#define KRB5_TC_MATCH_2ND_TKT 0x00000080
/** The encryption key type must match. */
#define KRB5_TC_MATCH_KTYPE 0x00000100
/** The supported key types must match. */
#define KRB5_TC_SUPPORTED_KTYPES 0x00000200
/* Flags for krb5_cc_set_flags and similar. */
/** Open and close the file for each cache operation. */
#define KRB5_TC_OPENCLOSE 0x00000001 /**< @deprecated has no effect */
#define KRB5_TC_NOTICKET 0x00000002
* Retrieve the name, but not type of a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @warning Returns the name of the credential cache. The result is an alias
* into @a cache and should not be freed or modified by the caller. This name
* does not include the cache type, so should not be used as input to
* krb5_cc_resolve().
* @return
* On success - the name of the credential cache.
const char * KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_get_name(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache);
* Retrieve the full name of a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @param [out] fullname_out Full name of cache
* Use krb5_free_string() to free @a fullname_out when it is no longer needed.
* @version New in 1.10
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_get_full_name(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache,
char **fullname_out);
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_gen_new(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache *cache);
#endif /* KRB5_DEPRECATED */
* Initialize a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @param [in] principal Default principal name
* Destroy any existing contents of @a cache and initialize it for the default
* principal @a principal.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* System errors; Permission errors; Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_initialize(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache,
krb5_principal principal);
* Destroy a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* This function destroys any existing contents of @a cache and closes the
* handle to it.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Permission errors
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_destroy(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache);
* Close a credential cache handle.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* This function closes a credential cache handle @a cache without affecting
* the contents of the cache.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_close(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache);
* Store credentials in a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @param [in] creds Credentials to be stored in cache
* This function stores @a creds into @a cache. If @a creds->server and the
* server in the decoded ticket @a creds->ticket differ, the credentials will
* be stored under both server principal names.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return Permission errors; storage failure errors; Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_store_cred(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache, krb5_creds *creds);
* Retrieve a specified credentials from a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @param [in] flags Flags bit mask
* @param [in] mcreds Credentials to match
* @param [out] creds Credentials matching the requested value
* This function searches a credential cache for credentials matching @a mcreds
* and returns it if found.
* Valid values for @a flags are:
* @li #KRB5_TC_MATCH_TIMES The requested lifetime must be at least as
* great as in @a mcreds .
* @li #KRB5_TC_MATCH_IS_SKEY The @a is_skey field much match exactly.
* @li #KRB5_TC_MATCH_FLAGS Flags set in @a mcreds must be set.
* @li #KRB5_TC_MATCH_TIMES_EXACT The requested lifetime must match exactly.
* @li #KRB5_TC_MATCH_FLAGS_EXACT Flags must match exactly.
* @li #KRB5_TC_MATCH_AUTHDATA The authorization data must match.
* @li #KRB5_TC_MATCH_SRV_NAMEONLY Only the name portion of the principal
* name must match, not the realm.
* @li #KRB5_TC_MATCH_2ND_TKT The second tickets must match.
* @li #KRB5_TC_MATCH_KTYPE The encryption key types must match.
* @li #KRB5_TC_SUPPORTED_KTYPES Check all matching entries that have any
* supported encryption type and return the
* one with the encryption type listed earliest.
* Use krb5_free_cred_contents() to free @a creds when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_retrieve_cred(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache,
krb5_flags flags, krb5_creds *mcreds,
krb5_creds *creds);
* Get the default principal of a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @param [out] principal Primary principal
* Returns the default client principal of a credential cache as set by
* krb5_cc_initialize().
* Use krb5_free_principal() to free @a principal when it is no longer needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_get_principal(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache,
krb5_principal *principal);
* Prepare to sequentially read every credential in a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @param [out] cursor Cursor
* krb5_cc_end_seq_get() must be called to complete the retrieve operation.
* @note If the cache represented by @a cache is modified between the time of
* the call to this function and the time of the final krb5_cc_end_seq_get(),
* these changes may not be reflected in the results of krb5_cc_next_cred()
* calls.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_start_seq_get(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache,
krb5_cc_cursor *cursor);
* Retrieve the next entry from the credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @param [in] cursor Cursor
* @param [out] creds Next credential cache entry
* This function fills in @a creds with the next entry in @a cache and advances
* @a cursor.
* Use krb5_free_cred_contents() to free @a creds when it is no longer needed.
* @sa krb5_cc_start_seq_get(), krb5_end_seq_get()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_next_cred(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache,
krb5_cc_cursor *cursor, krb5_creds *creds);
* Finish a series of sequential processing credential cache entries.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @param [in] cursor Cursor
* This function finishes processing credential cache entries and invalidates
* @a cursor.
* @sa krb5_cc_start_seq_get(), krb5_cc_next_cred()
* @retval 0 (always)
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_end_seq_get(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache,
krb5_cc_cursor *cursor);
* Remove credentials from a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @param [in] flags Bitwise-ORed search flags
* @param [in] creds Credentials to be matched
* @warning This function is not implemented for some cache types.
* This function accepts the same flag values as krb5_cc_retrieve_cred().
* @retval KRB5_CC_NOSUPP Not implemented for this cache type
* @return No matches found; Data cannot be deleted; Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_remove_cred(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache, krb5_flags flags,
krb5_creds *creds);
* Set options flags on a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @param [in] flags Flag bit mask
* This function resets @a cache flags to @a flags.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_set_flags(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache, krb5_flags flags);
* Retrieve flags from a credential cache structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @param [out] flags Flag bit mask
* @warning For memory credential cache always returns a flag mask of 0.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_get_flags(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache, krb5_flags *flags);
* Retrieve the type of a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* @return The type of a credential cache as an alias that must not be modified
* or freed by the caller.
const char * KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_get_type(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache);
* Move a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] src The credential cache to move the content from
* @param [in] dst The credential cache to move the content to
* This function reinitializes @a dst and populates it with the credentials and
* default principal of @a src; then, if successful, destroys @a src.
* @retval
* 0 Success; @a src is closed.
* @return
* Kerberos error codes; @a src is still allocated.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_move(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache src, krb5_ccache dst);
* Prepare to iterate over the collection of known credential caches.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] cursor Cursor
* Get a new cache iteration @a cursor that will iterate over all known
* credential caches independent of type.
* Use krb5_cccol_cursor_free() to release @a cursor when it is no longer
* needed.
* @sa krb5_cccol_cursor_next()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cccol_cursor_new(krb5_context context, krb5_cccol_cursor *cursor);
* Get the next credential cache in the collection.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cursor Cursor
* @param [out] ccache Credential cache handle
* @note When all caches are iterated over and the end of the list is reached,
* @a ccache is set to NULL.
* Use krb5_cc_close() to close @a ccache when it is no longer needed.
* @sa krb5_cccol_cursor_new(), krb5_cccol_cursor_free()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cccol_cursor_next(krb5_context context, krb5_cccol_cursor cursor,
krb5_ccache *ccache);
* Free a credential cache collection cursor.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cursor Cursor
* @sa krb5_cccol_cursor_new(), krb5_cccol_cursor_next()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cccol_cursor_free(krb5_context context, krb5_cccol_cursor *cursor);
* Check if the credential cache collection contains any credentials.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @version New in 1.11
* @retval 0 Credentials are available in the collection
* @retval KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND The collection contains no credentials
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cccol_have_content(krb5_context context);
* Create a new credential cache of the specified type with a unique name.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] type Credential cache type name
* @param [in] hint Unused
* @param [out] id Credential cache handle
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_new_unique(krb5_context context, const char *type, const char *hint,
krb5_ccache *id);
* end "ccache.h"
* begin "rcache.h"
struct krb5_rc_st;
typedef struct krb5_rc_st *krb5_rcache;
* end "rcache.h"
* begin "keytab.h"
/* XXX */
#define MAX_KEYTAB_NAME_LEN 1100 /**< Long enough for MAXPATHLEN + some extra */
typedef krb5_pointer krb5_kt_cursor;
/** A key table entry. */
typedef struct krb5_keytab_entry_st {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_principal principal; /**< Principal of this key */
krb5_timestamp timestamp; /**< Time entry written to keytable */
krb5_kvno vno; /**< Key version number */
krb5_keyblock key; /**< The secret key */
} krb5_keytab_entry;
struct _krb5_kt;
typedef struct _krb5_kt *krb5_keytab;
* Return the type of a key table.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keytab Key table handle
* @return The type of a key table as an alias that must not be modified or
* freed by the caller.
const char * KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_get_type(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab keytab);
* Get a key table name.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keytab Key table handle
* @param [out] name Key table name
* @param [in] namelen Maximum length to fill in name
* Fill @a name with the name of @a keytab including the type and delimiter.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* KRB5_KT_NAME_TOOLONG Key table name does not fit in @a namelen bytes
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_get_name(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab keytab, char *name,
unsigned int namelen);
* Close a key table handle.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keytab Key table handle
* @retval 0
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_close(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab keytab);
* Get an entry from a key table.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keytab Key table handle
* @param [in] principal Principal name
* @param [in] vno Key version number (0 for highest available)
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type (0 zero for any enctype)
* @param [out] entry Returned entry from key table
* Retrieve an entry from a key table which matches the @a keytab, @a
* principal, @a vno, and @a enctype. If @a vno is zero, retrieve the
* highest-numbered kvno matching the other fields. If @a enctype is 0, match
* any enctype.
* Use krb5_free_keytab_entry_contents() to free @a entry when it is no longer
* needed.
* @note If @a vno is zero, the function retrieves the highest-numbered-kvno
* entry that matches the specified principal.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* Kerberos error codes on failure
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_get_entry(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab keytab,
krb5_const_principal principal, krb5_kvno vno,
krb5_enctype enctype, krb5_keytab_entry *entry);
* Start a sequential retrieval of key table entries.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keytab Key table handle
* @param [out] cursor Cursor
* Prepare to read sequentially every key in the specified key table. Use
* krb5_kt_end_seq_get() to release the cursor when it is no longer needed.
* @sa krb5_kt_next_entry(), krb5_kt_end_seq_get()
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_start_seq_get(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab keytab,
krb5_kt_cursor *cursor);
* Retrieve the next entry from the key table.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keytab Key table handle
* @param [out] entry Returned key table entry
* @param [in] cursor Key table cursor
* Return the next sequential entry in @a keytab and advance @a cursor.
* Callers must release the returned entry with krb5_kt_free_entry().
* @sa krb5_kt_start_seq_get(), krb5_kt_end_seq_get()
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* KRB5_KT_END - if the last entry was reached
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_next_entry(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab keytab,
krb5_keytab_entry *entry, krb5_kt_cursor *cursor);
* Release a keytab cursor.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keytab Key table handle
* @param [out] cursor Cursor
* This function should be called to release the cursor created by
* krb5_kt_start_seq_get().
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_end_seq_get(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab keytab,
krb5_kt_cursor *cursor);
* Check if a keytab exists and contains entries.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keytab Key table handle
* @version New in 1.11
* @retval 0 Keytab exists and contains entries
* @retval KRB5_KT_NOTFOUND Keytab does not contain entries
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_have_content(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab keytab);
* end "keytab.h"
* begin "func-proto.h"
#define KRB5_INIT_CONTEXT_SECURE 0x1 /**< Use secure context configuration */
#define KRB5_INIT_CONTEXT_KDC 0x2 /**< Use KDC configuration if available */
* Create a krb5 library context.
* @param [out] context Library context
* The @a context must be released by calling krb5_free_context() when
* it is no longer needed.
* @warning Any program or module that needs the Kerberos code to not trust the
* environment must use krb5_init_secure_context(), or clean out the
* environment.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_context(krb5_context *context);
* Create a krb5 library context using only configuration files.
* @param [out] context Library context
* Create a context structure, using only system configuration files. All
* information passed through the environment variables is ignored.
* The @a context must be released by calling krb5_free_context() when
* it is no longer needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_secure_context(krb5_context *context);
* Create a krb5 library context using a specified profile.
* @param [in] profile Profile object (NULL to create default profile)
* @param [in] flags Context initialization flags
* @param [out] context Library context
* Create a context structure, optionally using a specified profile and
* initialization flags. If @a profile is NULL, the default profile will be
* created from config files. If @a profile is non-null, a copy of it will be
* made for the new context; the caller should still clean up its copy. Valid
* flag values are:
* @li #KRB5_INIT_CONTEXT_SECURE Ignore environment variables
* @li #KRB5_INIT_CONTEXT_KDC Use KDC configuration if creating profile
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_context_profile(struct _profile_t *profile, krb5_flags flags,
krb5_context *context);
* Free a krb5 library context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* This function frees a @a context that was created by krb5_init_context()
* or krb5_init_secure_context().
krb5_free_context(krb5_context context);
* Copy a krb5_context structure.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [out] nctx_out New context structure
* The newly created context must be released by calling krb5_free_context()
* when it is no longer needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_copy_context(krb5_context ctx, krb5_context *nctx_out);
* Set default TGS encryption types in a krb5_context structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] etypes Encryption type(s) to set
* This function sets the default enctype list for TGS requests
* made using @a context to @a etypes.
* @note This overrides the default list (from config file or built-in).
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* KRB5_PROG_ETYPE_NOSUPP Program lacks support for encryption type
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_set_default_tgs_enctypes(krb5_context context, const krb5_enctype *etypes);
* Return a list of encryption types permitted for session keys.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] ktypes Zero-terminated list of encryption types
* This function returns the list of encryption types permitted for session
* keys within @a context, as determined by configuration or by a previous call
* to krb5_set_default_tgs_enctypes().
* Use krb5_free_enctypes() to free @a ktypes when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_permitted_enctypes(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype **ktypes);
* Test whether the Kerberos library was built with multithread support.
* @retval
* TRUE if the library is threadsafe; FALSE otherwise
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
/* libkrb.spec */
* Decrypt a ticket using the specified key table.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] kt Key table
* @param [in] ticket Ticket to be decrypted
* This function takes a @a ticket as input and decrypts it using
* key data from @a kt. The result is placed into @a ticket->enc_part2.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_server_decrypt_ticket_keytab(krb5_context context, const krb5_keytab kt,
krb5_ticket *ticket);
* Free an array of credential structures.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] tgts Null-terminated array of credentials to free
* @note The last entry in the array @a tgts must be a NULL pointer.
krb5_free_tgt_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_creds **tgts);
/** @defgroup KRB5_GC KRB5_GC
* @{
#define KRB5_GC_USER_USER 1 /**< Want user-user ticket */
#define KRB5_GC_CACHED 2 /**< Want cached ticket only */
#define KRB5_GC_CANONICALIZE 4 /**< Set canonicalize KDC option */
#define KRB5_GC_NO_STORE 8 /**< Do not store in credential cache */
#define KRB5_GC_FORWARDABLE 16 /**< Acquire forwardable tickets */
#define KRB5_GC_NO_TRANSIT_CHECK 32 /**< Disable transited check */
#define KRB5_GC_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION 64 /**< Constrained delegation */
/** @} */ /* end of KRB5_GC group */
* Get an additional ticket.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] options Options
* @param [in] ccache Credential cache handle
* @param [in] in_creds Input credentials
* @param [out] out_creds Output updated credentials
* Use @a ccache or a TGS exchange to get a service ticket matching @a
* in_creds.
* Valid values for @a options are:
* @li #KRB5_GC_CACHED Search only credential cache for the ticket
* @li #KRB5_GC_USER_USER Return a user to user authentication ticket
* @a in_creds must be non-null. @a in_creds->client and @a in_creds->server
* must be filled in to specify the client and the server respectively. If any
* authorization data needs to be requested for the service ticket (such as
* restrictions on how the ticket can be used), specify it in @a
* in_creds->authdata; otherwise set @a in_creds->authdata to NULL. The
* session key type is specified in @a in_creds->keyblock.enctype, if it is
* nonzero.
* The expiration date is specified in @a in_creds->times.endtime.
* The KDC may return tickets with an earlier expiration date.
* If @a in_creds->times.endtime is set to 0, the latest possible
* expiration date will be requested.
* Any returned ticket and intermediate ticket-granting tickets are stored
* in @a ccache.
* Use krb5_free_creds() to free @a out_creds when it is no longer needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_credentials(krb5_context context, krb5_flags options,
krb5_ccache ccache, krb5_creds *in_creds,
krb5_creds **out_creds);
* Serialize a @c krb5_creds object.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] creds The credentials object to serialize
* @param [out] data_out The serialized credentials
* Serialize @a creds in the format used by the FILE ccache format (vesion 4)
* and KCM ccache protocol.
* Use krb5_free_data() to free @a data_out when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_marshal_credentials(krb5_context context, krb5_creds *in_creds,
krb5_data **data_out);
* Deserialize a @c krb5_creds object.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] data The serialized credentials
* @param [out] creds_out The resulting creds object
* Deserialize @a data to credentials in the format used by the FILE ccache
* format (vesion 4) and KCM ccache protocol.
* Use krb5_free_creds() to free @a creds_out when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_unmarshal_credentials(krb5_context context, const krb5_data *data,
krb5_creds **creds_out);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_get_validated_creds. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_credentials_validate(krb5_context context, krb5_flags options,
krb5_ccache ccache, krb5_creds *in_creds,
krb5_creds **out_creds);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_get_renewed_creds. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_credentials_renew(krb5_context context, krb5_flags options,
krb5_ccache ccache, krb5_creds *in_creds,
krb5_creds **out_creds);
* Create a @c KRB_AP_REQ message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in,out] auth_context Pre-existing or newly created auth context
* @param [in] ap_req_options @ref AP_OPTS options
* @param [in] service Service name, or NULL to use @c "host"
* @param [in] hostname Host name, or NULL to use local hostname
* @param [in] in_data Application data to be checksummed in the
* authenticator, or NULL
* @param [in] ccache Credential cache used to obtain credentials
* for the desired service.
* @param [out] outbuf @c AP-REQ message
* This function is similar to krb5_mk_req_extended() except that it uses a
* given @a hostname, @a service, and @a ccache to construct a service
* principal name and obtain credentials.
* Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a outbuf when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_mk_req(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context *auth_context,
krb5_flags ap_req_options, const char *service,
const char *hostname, krb5_data *in_data, krb5_ccache ccache,
krb5_data *outbuf);
* Create a @c KRB_AP_REQ message using supplied credentials.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in,out] auth_context Pre-existing or newly created auth context
* @param [in] ap_req_options @ref AP_OPTS options
* @param [in] in_data Application data to be checksummed in the
* authenticator, or NULL
* @param [in] in_creds Credentials for the service with valid ticket
* and key
* @param [out] outbuf @c AP-REQ message
* Valid @a ap_req_options are:
* @li #AP_OPTS_USE_SESSION_KEY - Use the session key when creating the
* request used for user to user
* authentication.
* @li #AP_OPTS_MUTUAL_REQUIRED - Request a mutual authentication packet from
* the receiver.
* @li #AP_OPTS_USE_SUBKEY - Generate a subsession key from the current
* session key obtained from the credentials.
* This function creates a KRB_AP_REQ message using supplied credentials @a
* in_creds. @a auth_context may point to an existing auth context or to NULL,
* in which case a new one will be created. If @a in_data is non-null, a
* checksum of it will be included in the authenticator contained in the
* KRB_AP_REQ message. Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a outbuf when it
* is no longer needed.
* On successful return, the authenticator is stored in @a auth_context with
* the @a client and @a checksum fields nulled out. (This is to prevent
* pointer-sharing problems; the caller should not need these fields anyway,
* since the caller supplied them.)
* @sa krb5_mk_req()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_mk_req_extended(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context *auth_context,
krb5_flags ap_req_options, krb5_data *in_data,
krb5_creds *in_creds, krb5_data *outbuf);
* Format and encrypt a @c KRB_AP_REP message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [out] outbuf @c AP-REP message
* This function fills in @a outbuf with an AP-REP message using information
* from @a auth_context.
* If the flags in @a auth_context indicate that a sequence number should be
* used (either #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_SEQUENCE or
* #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_SEQUENCE) and the local sequence number in @a
* auth_context is 0, a new number will be generated with
* krb5_generate_seq_number().
* Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a outbuf when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_mk_rep(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context, krb5_data *outbuf);
* Format and encrypt a @c KRB_AP_REP message for DCE RPC.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [out] outbuf @c AP-REP message
* Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a outbuf when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_mk_rep_dce(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context, krb5_data *outbuf);
* Parse and decrypt a @c KRB_AP_REP message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] inbuf AP-REP message
* @param [out] repl Decrypted reply message
* This function parses, decrypts and verifies a message from @a inbuf and
* fills in @a repl with a pointer to allocated memory containing the fields
* from the encrypted response.
* Use krb5_free_ap_rep_enc_part() to free @a repl when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_rd_rep(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
const krb5_data *inbuf, krb5_ap_rep_enc_part **repl);
* Parse and decrypt a @c KRB_AP_REP message for DCE RPC.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] inbuf AP-REP message
* @param [out] nonce Sequence number from the decrypted reply
* This function parses, decrypts and verifies a message from @a inbuf and
* fills in @a nonce with a decrypted reply sequence number.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_rd_rep_dce(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
const krb5_data *inbuf, krb5_ui_4 *nonce);
* Format and encode a @c KRB_ERROR message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] dec_err Error structure to be encoded
* @param [out] enc_err Encoded error structure
* This function creates a @c KRB_ERROR message in @a enc_err. Use
* krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a enc_err when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_mk_error(krb5_context context, const krb5_error *dec_err,
krb5_data *enc_err);
* Decode a @c KRB-ERROR message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enc_errbuf Encoded error message
* @param [out] dec_error Decoded error message
* This function processes @c KRB-ERROR message @a enc_errbuf and returns
* an allocated structure @a dec_error containing the error message.
* Use krb5_free_error() to free @a dec_error when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_rd_error(krb5_context context, const krb5_data *enc_errbuf,
krb5_error **dec_error);
* Process @c KRB-SAFE message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] inbuf @c KRB-SAFE message to be parsed
* @param [out] userdata_out Data parsed from @c KRB-SAFE message
* @param [out] rdata_out Replay data. Specify NULL if not needed
* This function parses a @c KRB-SAFE message, verifies its integrity, and
* stores its data into @a userdata_out.
* @note The @a rdata_out argument is required if the
* in @a auth_context.
* If @a auth_context has a remote address set, the address will be used to
* verify the sender address in the KRB-SAFE message. If @a auth_context has a
* local address set, it will be used to verify the receiver address in the
* KRB-SAFE message if the message contains one.
* If the #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_SEQUENCE flag is set in @a auth_context, the
* sequence number of the KRB-SAFE message is checked against the remote
* sequence number field of @a auth_context. Otherwise, the sequence number is
* not used.
* If the #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME flag is set in @a auth_context, then the
* timestamp in the message is verified to be within the permitted clock skew
* of the current time, and the message is checked against an in-memory replay
* cache to detect reflections or replays.
* Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a userdata_out when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_rd_safe(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
const krb5_data *inbuf, krb5_data *userdata_out,
krb5_replay_data *rdata_out);
* Process a @c KRB-PRIV message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication structure
* @param [in] inbuf @c KRB-PRIV message to be parsed
* @param [out] userdata_out Data parsed from @c KRB-PRIV message
* @param [out] rdata_out Replay data. Specify NULL if not needed
* This function parses a @c KRB-PRIV message, verifies its integrity, and
* stores its unencrypted data into @a userdata_out.
* @note The @a rdata_out argument is required if the
* in @a auth_context.
* If @a auth_context has a remote address set, the address will be used to
* verify the sender address in the KRB-PRIV message. If @a auth_context has a
* local address set, it will be used to verify the receiver address in the
* KRB-PRIV message if the message contains one.
* If the #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_SEQUENCE flag is set in @a auth_context, the
* sequence number of the KRB-PRIV message is checked against the remote
* sequence number field of @a auth_context. Otherwise, the sequence number is
* not used.
* If the #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME flag is set in @a auth_context, then the
* timestamp in the message is verified to be within the permitted clock skew
* of the current time, and the message is checked against an in-memory replay
* cache to detect reflections or replays.
* Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a userdata_out when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_rd_priv(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
const krb5_data *inbuf, krb5_data *userdata_out,
krb5_replay_data *rdata_out);
* Convert a string principal name to a krb5_principal structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] name String representation of a principal name
* @param [out] principal_out New principal
* Convert a string representation of a principal name to a krb5_principal
* structure.
* A string representation of a Kerberos name consists of one or more principal
* name components, separated by slashes, optionally followed by the \@
* character and a realm name. If the realm name is not specified, the local
* realm is used.
* To use the slash and \@ symbols as part of a component (quoted) instead of
* using them as a component separator or as a realm prefix), put a backslash
* (\) character in front of the symbol. Similarly, newline, tab, backspace,
* and NULL characters can be included in a component by using @c n, @c t, @c b
* or @c 0, respectively.
* @note The realm in a Kerberos @a name cannot contain slash, colon,
* or NULL characters.
* Use krb5_free_principal() to free @a principal_out when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_parse_name(krb5_context context, const char *name,
krb5_principal *principal_out);
#define KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_NO_REALM 0x1 /**< Error if realm is present */
#define KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_REQUIRE_REALM 0x2 /**< Error if realm is not present */
#define KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_ENTERPRISE 0x4 /**< Create single-component
enterprise principle */
#define KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_IGNORE_REALM 0x8 /**< Ignore realm if present */
* Convert a string principal name to a krb5_principal with flags.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] name String representation of a principal name
* @param [in] flags Flag
* @param [out] principal_out New principal
* Similar to krb5_parse_name(), this function converts a single-string
* representation of a principal name to a krb5_principal structure.
* The following flags are valid:
* @li #KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_NO_REALM - no realm must be present in @a name
* @li #KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_REQUIRE_REALM - realm must be present in @a name
* @li #KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_ENTERPRISE - create single-component enterprise
* principal
* @li #KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_IGNORE_REALM - ignore realm if present in @a name
* is specified in @a flags, the realm of the new principal will be empty.
* Otherwise, the default realm for @a context will be used if @a name does not
* specify a realm.
* Use krb5_free_principal() to free @a principal_out when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_parse_name_flags(krb5_context context, const char *name,
int flags, krb5_principal *principal_out);
* Convert a krb5_principal structure to a string representation.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] principal Principal
* @param [out] name String representation of principal name
* The resulting string representation uses the format and quoting conventions
* described for krb5_parse_name().
* Use krb5_free_unparsed_name() to free @a name when it is no longer needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_unparse_name(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal,
char **name);
* Convert krb5_principal structure to string and length.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] principal Principal
* @param [in,out] name String representation of principal name
* @param [in,out] size Size of unparsed name
* This function is similar to krb5_unparse_name(), but allows the use of an
* existing buffer for the result. If size is not NULL, then @a name must
* point to either NULL or an existing buffer of at least the size pointed to
* by @a size. The buffer will be allocated or resized if necessary, with the
* new pointer stored into @a name. Whether or not the buffer is resized, the
* necessary space for the result, including null terminator, will be stored
* into @a size.
* If size is NULL, this function behaves exactly as krb5_unparse_name().
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes. On failure @a name is set to NULL
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_unparse_name_ext(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal,
char **name, unsigned int *size);
#define KRB5_PRINCIPAL_UNPARSE_SHORT 0x1 /**< Omit realm if it is the local realm */
#define KRB5_PRINCIPAL_UNPARSE_NO_REALM 0x2 /**< Omit realm always */
#define KRB5_PRINCIPAL_UNPARSE_DISPLAY 0x4 /**< Don't escape special characters */
* Convert krb5_principal structure to a string with flags.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] principal Principal
* @param [in] flags Flags
* @param [out] name String representation of principal name
* Similar to krb5_unparse_name(), this function converts a krb5_principal
* structure to a string representation.
* The following flags are valid:
* @li #KRB5_PRINCIPAL_UNPARSE_SHORT - omit realm if it is the local realm
* @li #KRB5_PRINCIPAL_UNPARSE_DISPLAY - do not quote special characters
* Use krb5_free_unparsed_name() to free @a name when it is no longer needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes. On failure @a name is set to NULL
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_unparse_name_flags(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal,
int flags, char **name);
* Convert krb5_principal structure to string format with flags.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] principal Principal
* @param [in] flags Flags
* @param [out] name Single string format of principal name
* @param [out] size Size of unparsed name buffer
* @sa krb5_unparse_name() krb5_unparse_name_flags() krb5_unparse_name_ext()
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes. On failure @a name is set to NULL
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_unparse_name_flags_ext(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal,
int flags, char **name, unsigned int *size);
* Set the realm field of a principal
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] principal Principal name
* @param [in] realm Realm name
* Set the realm name part of @a principal to @a realm, overwriting the
* previous realm.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_set_principal_realm(krb5_context context, krb5_principal principal,
const char *realm);
* Search a list of addresses for a specified address.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] addr Address to search for
* @param [in] addrlist Address list to be searched (or NULL)
* @note If @a addrlist contains only a NetBIOS addresses, it will be treated
* as a null list.
* @return
* TRUE if @a addr is listed in @a addrlist, or @c addrlist is NULL; FALSE
* otherwise
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV_WRONG
krb5_address_search(krb5_context context, const krb5_address *addr,
krb5_address *const *addrlist);
* Compare two Kerberos addresses.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] addr1 First address to be compared
* @param [in] addr2 Second address to be compared
* @return
* TRUE if the addresses are the same, FALSE otherwise
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_address_compare(krb5_context context, const krb5_address *addr1,
const krb5_address *addr2);
* Return an ordering of the specified addresses.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] addr1 First address
* @param [in] addr2 Second address
* @retval
* 0 The two addresses are the same
* @retval
* \< 0 First address is less than second
* @retval
* \> 0 First address is greater than second
krb5_address_order(krb5_context context, const krb5_address *addr1,
const krb5_address *addr2);
* Compare the realms of two principals.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] princ1 First principal
* @param [in] princ2 Second principal
* @retval
* TRUE if the realm names are the same; FALSE otherwise
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_realm_compare(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ1,
krb5_const_principal princ2);
* Compare two principals.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] princ1 First principal
* @param [in] princ2 Second principal
* @retval
* TRUE if the principals are the same; FALSE otherwise
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_principal_compare(krb5_context context,
krb5_const_principal princ1,
krb5_const_principal princ2);
* Compare two principals ignoring realm components.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] princ1 First principal
* @param [in] princ2 Second principal
* Similar to krb5_principal_compare(), but do not compare the realm
* components of the principals.
* @retval
* TRUE if the principals are the same; FALSE otherwise
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_principal_compare_any_realm(krb5_context context,
krb5_const_principal princ1,
krb5_const_principal princ2);
#define KRB5_PRINCIPAL_COMPARE_IGNORE_REALM 1 /**< ignore realm component */
#define KRB5_PRINCIPAL_COMPARE_ENTERPRISE 2 /**< UPNs as real principals */
#define KRB5_PRINCIPAL_COMPARE_CASEFOLD 4 /**< case-insensitive */
#define KRB5_PRINCIPAL_COMPARE_UTF8 8 /**< treat principals as UTF-8 */
* Compare two principals with additional flags.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] princ1 First principal
* @param [in] princ2 Second principal
* @param [in] flags Flags
* Valid flags are:
* @li #KRB5_PRINCIPAL_COMPARE_IGNORE_REALM - ignore realm component
* @li #KRB5_PRINCIPAL_COMPARE_ENTERPRISE - UPNs as real principals
* @li #KRB5_PRINCIPAL_COMPARE_CASEFOLD case-insensitive
* @li #KRB5_PRINCIPAL_COMPARE_UTF8 - treat principals as UTF-8
* @sa krb5_principal_compare()
* @retval
* TRUE if the principal names are the same; FALSE otherwise
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_principal_compare_flags(krb5_context context,
krb5_const_principal princ1,
krb5_const_principal princ2,
int flags);
* Initialize an empty @c krb5_keyblock.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [in] length Length of keyblock (or 0)
* @param [out] out New keyblock structure
* Initialize a new keyblock and allocate storage for the contents of the key.
* It is legal to pass in a length of 0, in which case contents are left
* unallocated. Use krb5_free_keyblock() to free @a out when it is no longer
* needed.
* @note If @a length is set to 0, contents are left unallocated.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_keyblock(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype,
size_t length, krb5_keyblock **out);
* Copy a keyblock.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] from Keyblock to be copied
* @param [out] to Copy of keyblock @a from
* This function creates a new keyblock with the same contents as @a from. Use
* krb5_free_keyblock() to free @a to when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_copy_keyblock(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *from,
krb5_keyblock **to);
* Copy the contents of a keyblock.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] from Key to be copied
* @param [out] to Output key
* This function copies the contents of @a from to @a to. Use
* krb5_free_keyblock_contents() to free @a to when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_copy_keyblock_contents(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *from,
krb5_keyblock *to);
* Copy a krb5_creds structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] incred Credentials structure to be copied
* @param [out] outcred Copy of @a incred
* This function creates a new credential with the contents of @a incred. Use
* krb5_free_creds() to free @a outcred when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_copy_creds(krb5_context context, const krb5_creds *incred, krb5_creds **outcred);
* Copy a krb5_data object.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] indata Data object to be copied
* @param [out] outdata Copy of @a indata
* This function creates a new krb5_data object with the contents of @a indata.
* Use krb5_free_data() to free @a outdata when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_copy_data(krb5_context context, const krb5_data *indata, krb5_data **outdata);
* Copy a principal.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] inprinc Principal to be copied
* @param [out] outprinc Copy of @a inprinc
* This function creates a new principal structure with the contents of @a
* inprinc. Use krb5_free_principal() to free @a outprinc when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_copy_principal(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal inprinc,
krb5_principal *outprinc);
* Copy an array of addresses.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] inaddr Array of addresses to be copied
* @param [out] outaddr Copy of array of addresses
* This function creates a new address array containing a copy of @a inaddr.
* Use krb5_free_addresses() to free @a outaddr when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_copy_addresses(krb5_context context, krb5_address *const *inaddr,
krb5_address ***outaddr);
* Copy a krb5_ticket structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] from Ticket to be copied
* @param [out] pto Copy of ticket
* This function creates a new krb5_ticket structure containing the contents of
* @a from. Use krb5_free_ticket() to free @a pto when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_copy_ticket(krb5_context context, const krb5_ticket *from, krb5_ticket **pto);
* Copy an authorization data list.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] in_authdat List of @a krb5_authdata structures
* @param [out] out New array of @a krb5_authdata structures
* This function creates a new authorization data list containing a copy of @a
* in_authdat, which must be null-terminated. Use krb5_free_authdata() to free
* @a out when it is no longer needed.
* @note The last array entry in @a in_authdat must be a NULL pointer.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_copy_authdata(krb5_context context,
krb5_authdata *const *in_authdat, krb5_authdata ***out);
* Find authorization data elements.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ticket_authdata Authorization data list from ticket
* @param [in] ap_req_authdata Authorization data list from AP request
* @param [in] ad_type Authorization data type to find
* @param [out] results List of matching entries
* This function searches @a ticket_authdata and @a ap_req_authdata for
* elements of type @a ad_type. Either input list may be NULL, in which case
* it will not be searched; otherwise, the input lists must be terminated by
* NULL entries. This function will search inside AD-IF-RELEVANT containers if
* found in either list. Use krb5_free_authdata() to free @a results when it
* is no longer needed.
* @version New in 1.10
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_find_authdata(krb5_context context, krb5_authdata *const *ticket_authdata,
krb5_authdata *const *ap_req_authdata,
krb5_authdatatype ad_type, krb5_authdata ***results);
* Merge two authorization data lists into a new list.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] inauthdat1 First list of @a krb5_authdata structures
* @param [in] inauthdat2 Second list of @a krb5_authdata structures
* @param [out] outauthdat Merged list of @a krb5_authdata structures
* Merge two authdata arrays, such as the array from a ticket
* and authenticator.
* Use krb5_free_authdata() to free @a outauthdat when it is no longer needed.
* @note The last array entry in @a inauthdat1 and @a inauthdat2
* must be a NULL pointer.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_merge_authdata(krb5_context context,
krb5_authdata *const *inauthdat1,
krb5_authdata * const *inauthdat2,
krb5_authdata ***outauthdat);
* Copy a krb5_authenticator structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] authfrom krb5_authenticator structure to be copied
* @param [out] authto Copy of krb5_authenticator structure
* This function creates a new krb5_authenticator structure with the content of
* @a authfrom. Use krb5_free_authenticator() to free @a authto when it is no
* longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_copy_authenticator(krb5_context context, const krb5_authenticator *authfrom,
krb5_authenticator **authto);
* Copy a krb5_checksum structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ckfrom Checksum to be copied
* @param [out] ckto Copy of krb5_checksum structure
* This function creates a new krb5_checksum structure with the contents of @a
* ckfrom. Use krb5_free_checksum() to free @a ckto when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_copy_checksum(krb5_context context, const krb5_checksum *ckfrom,
krb5_checksum **ckto);
* Generate a replay cache object for server use and open it.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] piece Unused (replay cache identifier)
* @param [out] rcptr Handle to an open rcache
* This function creates a handle to the default replay cache. Use
* krb5_rc_close() to close @a rcptr when it is no longer needed.
* @version Prior to release 1.18, this function creates a handle to a
* different replay cache for each unique value of @a piece.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_server_rcache(krb5_context context, const krb5_data *piece,
krb5_rcache *rcptr);
* Build a principal name using length-counted strings.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] princ Principal name
* @param [in] rlen Realm name length
* @param [in] realm Realm name
* @param [in] ... List of unsigned int/char * components, followed by 0
* This function creates a principal from a length-counted string and a
* variable-length list of length-counted components. The list of components
* ends with the first 0 length argument (so it is not possible to specify an
* empty component with this function). Call krb5_free_principal() to free
* allocated memory for principal when it is no longer needed.
* @code
* Example of how to build principal WELLKNOWN/ANONYMOUS@R
* krb5_build_principal_ext(context, &principal, strlen("R"), "R",
* (unsigned int)strlen(KRB5_WELLKNOWN_NAMESTR),
* (unsigned int)strlen(KRB5_ANONYMOUS_PRINCSTR),
* @endcode
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV_C
krb5_build_principal_ext(krb5_context context, krb5_principal * princ,
unsigned int rlen, const char * realm, ...);
* Build a principal name using null-terminated strings.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] princ Principal name
* @param [in] rlen Realm name length
* @param [in] realm Realm name
* @param [in] ... List of char * components, ending with NULL
* Call krb5_free_principal() to free @a princ when it is no longer needed.
* @note krb5_build_principal() and krb5_build_principal_alloc_va() perform the
* same task. krb5_build_principal() takes variadic arguments.
* krb5_build_principal_alloc_va() takes a pre-computed @a varargs pointer.
* @code
* Example of how to build principal H/S@R
* krb5_build_principal(context, &principal,
* strlen("R"), "R", "H", "S", (char*)NULL);
* @endcode
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV_C
krb5_build_principal(krb5_context context,
krb5_principal * princ,
unsigned int rlen,
const char * realm, ...)
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
__attribute__ ((sentinel))
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_build_principal_alloc_va(). */
krb5_build_principal_va(krb5_context context,
krb5_principal princ,
unsigned int rlen,
const char *realm,
va_list ap);
* Build a principal name, using a precomputed variable argument list
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] princ Principal structure
* @param [in] rlen Realm name length
* @param [in] realm Realm name
* @param [in] ap List of char * components, ending with NULL
* Similar to krb5_build_principal(), this function builds a principal name,
* but its name components are specified as a va_list.
* Use krb5_free_principal() to deallocate @a princ when it is no longer
* needed.
* @code
* Function usage example:
* va_list ap;
* va_start(ap, realm);
* krb5_build_principal_alloc_va(context, princ, rlen, realm, ap);
* va_end(ap);
* @endcode
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_build_principal_alloc_va(krb5_context context,
krb5_principal *princ,
unsigned int rlen,
const char *realm,
va_list ap);
* Convert a Kerberos V4 principal to a Kerberos V5 principal.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] name V4 name
* @param [in] instance V4 instance
* @param [in] realm Realm
* @param [out] princ V5 principal
* This function builds a @a princ from V4 specification based on given input
* @a name.instance\@realm.
* Use krb5_free_principal() to free @a princ when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_425_conv_principal(krb5_context context, const char *name,
const char *instance, const char *realm,
krb5_principal *princ);
* Convert a Kerberos V5 principal to a Kerberos V4 principal.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] princ V5 Principal
* @param [out] name V4 principal's name to be filled in
* @param [out] inst V4 principal's instance name to be filled in
* @param [out] realm Principal's realm name to be filled in
* This function separates a V5 principal @a princ into @a name, @a instance,
* and @a realm.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* KRB5_INVALID_PRINCIPAL Invalid principal name
* @retval
* KRB5_CONFIG_CANTOPEN Can't open or find Kerberos configuration file
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_524_conv_principal(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ,
char *name, char *inst, char *realm);
struct credentials;
* Convert a Kerberos V5 credentials to a Kerberos V4 credentials
* @note Not implemented
* @retval KRB524_KRB4_DISABLED (always)
krb5_524_convert_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_creds *v5creds,
struct credentials *v4creds);
#define krb524_convert_creds_kdc krb5_524_convert_creds
#define krb524_init_ets(x) (0)
/* libkt.spec */
* Get a handle for a key table.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] name Name of the key table
* @param [out] ktid Key table handle
* Resolve the key table name @a name and set @a ktid to a handle identifying
* the key table. Use krb5_kt_close() to free @a ktid when it is no longer
* needed.
* @a name must be of the form @c type:residual, where @a type must be a type
* known to the library and @a residual portion should be specific to the
* particular keytab type. If no @a type is given, the default is @c FILE.
* If @a name is of type @c FILE, the keytab file is not opened by this call.
* @code
* Example: krb5_kt_resolve(context, "FILE:/tmp/filename", &ktid);
* @endcode
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_resolve(krb5_context context, const char *name, krb5_keytab *ktid);
* Duplicate keytab handle.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] in Key table handle to be duplicated
* @param [out] out Key table handle
* Create a new handle referring to the same key table as @a in. The new
* handle and @a in can be closed independently.
* @version New in 1.12
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_dup(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab in, krb5_keytab *out);
* Get the default key table name.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] name Default key table name
* @param [in] name_size Space available in @a name
* Fill @a name with the name of the default key table for @a context.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* KRB5_CONFIG_NOTENUFSPACE Buffer is too short
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_default_name(krb5_context context, char *name, int name_size);
* Resolve the default key table.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] id Key table handle
* Set @a id to a handle to the default key table. The key table is not
* opened.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_default(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab *id);
* Resolve the default client key table.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] keytab_out Key table handle
* Fill @a keytab_out with a handle to the default client key table.
* @version New in 1.11
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_client_default(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab *keytab_out);
* Free the contents of a key table entry.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] entry Key table entry whose contents are to be freed
* @note The pointer is not freed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_free_keytab_entry_contents(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab_entry *entry);
/** @deprecated Use krb5_free_keytab_entry_contents instead. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_free_entry(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab_entry *entry);
/* remove and add are functions, so that they can return NOWRITE
if not a writable keytab */
* Remove an entry from a key table.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] id Key table handle
* @param [in] entry Entry to remove from key table
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* KRB5_KT_NOWRITE Key table is not writable
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_remove_entry(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab id, krb5_keytab_entry *entry);
* Add a new entry to a key table.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] id Key table handle
* @param [in] entry Entry to be added
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* ENOMEM Insufficient memory
* @retval
* KRB5_KT_NOWRITE Key table is not writeable
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_add_entry(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab id, krb5_keytab_entry *entry);
* Convert a principal name into the default salt for that principal.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] pr Principal name
* @param [out] ret Default salt for @a pr to be filled in
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV_WRONG
krb5_principal2salt(krb5_context context,
krb5_const_principal pr, krb5_data *ret);
/* librc.spec--see rcache.h */
/* libcc.spec */
* Resolve a credential cache name.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] name Credential cache name to be resolved
* @param [out] cache Credential cache handle
* Fills in @a cache with a @a cache handle that corresponds to the name in @a
* name. @a name should be of the form @c type:residual, and @a type must be a
* type known to the library. If the @a name does not contain a colon,
* interpret it as a file name.
* @code
* Example: krb5_cc_resolve(context, "MEMORY:C_", &cache);
* @endcode
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_resolve(krb5_context context, const char *name, krb5_ccache *cache);
* Duplicate ccache handle.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] in Credential cache handle to be duplicated
* @param [out] out Credential cache handle
* Create a new handle referring to the same cache as @a in.
* The new handle and @a in can be closed independently.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_dup(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache in, krb5_ccache *out);
* Return the name of the default credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* Return a pointer to the default credential cache name for @a context, as
* determined by a prior call to krb5_cc_set_default_name(), by the KRB5CCNAME
* environment variable, by the default_ccache_name profile variable, or by the
* operating system or build-time default value. The returned value must not
* be modified or freed by the caller. The returned value becomes invalid when
* @a context is destroyed krb5_free_context() or if a subsequent call to
* krb5_cc_set_default_name() is made on @a context.
* The default credential cache name is cached in @a context between calls to
* this function, so if the value of KRB5CCNAME changes in the process
* environment after the first call to this function on, that change will not
* be reflected in later calls with the same context. The caller can invoke
* krb5_cc_set_default_name() with a NULL value of @a name to clear the cached
* value and force the default name to be recomputed.
* @return
* Name of default credential cache for the current user.
const char *KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_default_name(krb5_context context);
* Set the default credential cache name.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] name Default credential cache name or NULL
* Set the default credential cache name to @a name for future operations using
* @a context. If @a name is NULL, clear any previous application-set default
* name and forget any cached value of the default name for @a context.
* Calls to this function invalidate the result of any previous calls to
* krb5_cc_default_name() using @a context.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* KV5M_CONTEXT Bad magic number for @c _krb5_context structure
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_set_default_name(krb5_context context, const char *name);
* Resolve the default credential cache name.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] ccache Pointer to credential cache name
* Create a handle to the default credential cache as given by
* krb5_cc_default_name().
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* KV5M_CONTEXT Bad magic number for @c _krb5_context structure
* @retval
* KRB5_FCC_INTERNAL The name of the default credential cache cannot be
* obtained
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_default(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache *ccache);
* Copy a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] incc Credential cache to be copied
* @param [out] outcc Copy of credential cache to be filled in
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_copy_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache incc, krb5_ccache outcc);
* Get a configuration value from a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] id Credential cache handle
* @param [in] principal Configuration for this principal;
* if NULL, global for the whole cache
* @param [in] key Name of config variable
* @param [out] data Data to be fetched
* Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a data when it is no longer needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_get_config(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache id,
krb5_const_principal principal,
const char *key, krb5_data *data);
* Store a configuration value in a credential cache.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] id Credential cache handle
* @param [in] principal Configuration for a specific principal;
* if NULL, global for the whole cache
* @param [in] key Name of config variable
* @param [in] data Data to store, or NULL to remove
* @note Existing configuration under the same key is over-written.
* @warning Before version 1.10 @a data was assumed to be always non-null.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_set_config(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache id,
krb5_const_principal principal,
const char *key, krb5_data *data);
* Test whether a principal is a configuration principal.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] principal Principal to check
* @return
* @c TRUE if the principal is a configuration principal (generated part of
* krb5_cc_set_config()); @c FALSE otherwise.
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_is_config_principal(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal);
* Make a credential cache the primary cache for its collection.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] cache Credential cache handle
* If the type of @a cache supports it, set @a cache to be the primary
* credential cache for the collection it belongs to.
* @retval
* 0 Success, or the type of @a cache doesn't support switching
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_switch(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache cache);
* Determine whether a credential cache type supports switching.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] type Credential cache type
* @version New in 1.10
* @retval TRUE if @a type supports switching
* @retval FALSE if it does not or is not a valid credential cache type.
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_support_switch(krb5_context context, const char *type);
* Find a credential cache with a specified client principal.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] client Client principal
* @param [out] cache_out Credential cache handle
* Find a cache within the collection whose default principal is @a client.
* Use @a krb5_cc_close to close @a ccache when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success
* @retval KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND
* @sa krb5_cccol_cursor_new
* @version New in 1.10
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_cache_match(krb5_context context, krb5_principal client,
krb5_ccache *cache_out);
* Select a credential cache to use with a server principal.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] server Server principal
* @param [out] cache_out Credential cache handle
* @param [out] princ_out Client principal
* Select a cache within the collection containing credentials most appropriate
* for use with @a server, according to configured rules and heuristics.
* Use krb5_cc_close() to release @a cache_out when it is no longer needed.
* Use krb5_free_principal() to release @a princ_out when it is no longer
* needed. Note that @a princ_out is set in some error conditions.
* @return
* If an appropriate cache is found, 0 is returned, @a cache_out is set to the
* selected cache, and @a princ_out is set to the default principal of that
* cache.
* If the appropriate client principal can be authoritatively determined but
* the cache collection contains no credentials for that principal, then
* KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND is returned, @a cache_out is set to NULL, and @a princ_out
* is set to the appropriate client principal.
* If no configured mechanism can determine the appropriate cache or principal,
* KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND is returned and @a cache_out and @a princ_out are set to
* Any other error code indicates a fatal error in the processing of a cache
* selection mechanism.
* @version New in 1.10
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cc_select(krb5_context context, krb5_principal server,
krb5_ccache *cache_out, krb5_principal *princ_out);
/* krb5_free.c */
* Free the storage assigned to a principal.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Principal to be freed
krb5_free_principal(krb5_context context, krb5_principal val);
* Free a krb5_authenticator structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Authenticator structure to be freed
* This function frees the contents of @a val and the structure itself.
krb5_free_authenticator(krb5_context context, krb5_authenticator *val);
* Free the data stored in array of addresses.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Array of addresses to be freed
* This function frees the contents of @a val and the array itself.
* @note The last entry in the array must be a NULL pointer.
krb5_free_addresses(krb5_context context, krb5_address **val);
* Free the storage assigned to array of authentication data.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Array of authentication data to be freed
* This function frees the contents of @a val and the array itself.
* @note The last entry in the array must be a NULL pointer.
krb5_free_authdata(krb5_context context, krb5_authdata **val);
* Free a ticket.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Ticket to be freed
* This function frees the contents of @a val and the structure itself.
krb5_free_ticket(krb5_context context, krb5_ticket *val);
* Free an error allocated by krb5_read_error() or krb5_sendauth().
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Error data structure to be freed
* This function frees the contents of @a val and the structure itself.
krb5_free_error(krb5_context context, krb5_error *val);
* Free a krb5_creds structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Credential structure to be freed.
* This function frees the contents of @a val and the structure itself.
krb5_free_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_creds *val);
* Free the contents of a krb5_creds structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Credential structure to free contents of
* This function frees the contents of @a val, but not the structure itself.
krb5_free_cred_contents(krb5_context context, krb5_creds *val);
* Free a krb5_checksum structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Checksum structure to be freed
* This function frees the contents of @a val and the structure itself.
krb5_free_checksum(krb5_context context, krb5_checksum *val);
* Free the contents of a krb5_checksum structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Checksum structure to free contents of
* This function frees the contents of @a val, but not the structure itself.
krb5_free_checksum_contents(krb5_context context, krb5_checksum *val);
* Free a krb5_keyblock structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Keyblock to be freed
* This function frees the contents of @a val and the structure itself.
krb5_free_keyblock(krb5_context context, krb5_keyblock *val);
* Free the contents of a krb5_keyblock structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Keyblock to be freed
* This function frees the contents of @a key, but not the structure itself.
krb5_free_keyblock_contents(krb5_context context, krb5_keyblock *key);
* Free a krb5_ap_rep_enc_part structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val AP-REP enc part to be freed
* This function frees the contents of @a val and the structure itself.
krb5_free_ap_rep_enc_part(krb5_context context, krb5_ap_rep_enc_part *val);
* Free a krb5_data structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Data structure to be freed
* This function frees the contents of @a val and the structure itself.
krb5_free_data(krb5_context context, krb5_data *val);
/* Free a krb5_octet_data structure (should be unused). */
krb5_free_octet_data(krb5_context context, krb5_octet_data *val);
* Free the contents of a krb5_data structure and zero the data field.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Data structure to free contents of
* This function frees the contents of @a val, but not the structure itself.
krb5_free_data_contents(krb5_context context, krb5_data *val);
* Free a string representation of a principal.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Name string to be freed
krb5_free_unparsed_name(krb5_context context, char *val);
* Free a string allocated by a krb5 function.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val String to be freed
* @version New in 1.10
krb5_free_string(krb5_context context, char *val);
* Free an array of encryption types.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Array of enctypes to be freed
* @version New in 1.12
krb5_free_enctypes(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype *val);
* Free an array of checksum types.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] val Array of checksum types to be freed
krb5_free_cksumtypes(krb5_context context, krb5_cksumtype *val);
/* From krb5/os, but needed by the outside world */
* Retrieve the system time of day, in sec and ms, since the epoch.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] seconds System timeofday, seconds portion
* @param [out] microseconds System timeofday, microseconds portion
* This function retrieves the system time of day with the context
* specific time offset adjustment.
* @sa krb5_crypto_us_timeofday()
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_us_timeofday(krb5_context context,
krb5_timestamp *seconds, krb5_int32 *microseconds);
* Retrieve the current time with context specific time offset adjustment.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] timeret Timestamp to fill in
* This function retrieves the system time of day with the context specific
* time offset adjustment.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_timeofday(krb5_context context, krb5_timestamp *timeret);
* Check if a timestamp is within the allowed clock skew of the current time.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] date Timestamp to check
* This function checks if @a date is close enough to the current time
* according to the configured allowable clock skew.
* @version New in 1.10
* @retval 0 Success
* @retval KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW @a date is not within allowable clock skew
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_check_clockskew(krb5_context context, krb5_timestamp date);
* Return all interface addresses for this host.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] addr Array of krb5_address pointers, ending with
* Use krb5_free_addresses() to free @a addr when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_os_localaddr(krb5_context context, krb5_address ***addr);
* Retrieve the default realm.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] lrealm Default realm name
* Retrieves the default realm to be used if no user-specified realm is
* available.
* Use krb5_free_default_realm() to free @a lrealm when it is no longer needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_default_realm(krb5_context context, char **lrealm);
* Override the default realm for the specified context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] lrealm Realm name for the default realm
* If @a lrealm is NULL, clear the default realm setting.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_set_default_realm(krb5_context context, const char *lrealm);
* Free a default realm string returned by krb5_get_default_realm().
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] lrealm Realm to be freed
krb5_free_default_realm(krb5_context context, char *lrealm);
* Canonicalize a hostname, possibly using name service.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] host Input hostname
* @param [out] canonhost_out Canonicalized hostname
* This function canonicalizes orig_hostname, possibly using name service
* lookups if configuration permits. Use krb5_free_string() to free @a
* canonhost_out when it is no longer needed.
* @version New in 1.15
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_expand_hostname(krb5_context context, const char *host,
char **canonhost_out);
* Generate a full principal name from a service name.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] hostname Host name, or NULL to use local host
* @param [in] sname Service name, or NULL to use @c "host"
* @param [in] type Principal type
* @param [out] ret_princ Generated principal
* This function converts a @a hostname and @a sname into @a krb5_principal
* structure @a ret_princ. The returned principal will be of the form @a
* sname\/hostname\@REALM where REALM is determined by krb5_get_host_realm().
* In some cases this may be the referral (empty) realm.
* The @a type can be one of the following:
* @li #KRB5_NT_SRV_HST canonicalizes the host name before looking up the
* realm and generating the principal.
* @li #KRB5_NT_UNKNOWN accepts the hostname as given, and does not
* canonicalize it.
* Use krb5_free_principal to free @a ret_princ when it is no longer needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_sname_to_principal(krb5_context context, const char *hostname, const char *sname,
krb5_int32 type, krb5_principal *ret_princ);
* Test whether a principal matches a matching principal.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] matching Matching principal
* @param [in] princ Principal to test
* @note A matching principal is a host-based principal with an empty realm
* and/or second data component (hostname). Profile configuration may cause
* the hostname to be ignored even if it is present. A principal matches a
* matching principal if the former has the same non-empty (and non-ignored)
* components of the latter.
* If @a matching is NULL, return TRUE. If @a matching is not a matching
* principal, return the value of krb5_principal_compare(context, matching,
* princ).
* @return
* TRUE if @a princ matches @a matching, FALSE otherwise.
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_sname_match(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal matching,
krb5_const_principal princ);
* Change a password for an existing Kerberos account.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] creds Credentials for kadmin/changepw service
* @param [in] newpw New password
* @param [out] result_code Numeric error code from server
* @param [out] result_code_string String equivalent to @a result_code
* @param [out] result_string Change password response from the KDC
* Change the password for the existing principal identified by @a creds.
* The possible values of the output @a result_code are:
* @li #KRB5_KPASSWD_SUCCESS (0) - success
* @li #KRB5_KPASSWD_MALFORMED (1) - Malformed request error
* @li #KRB5_KPASSWD_HARDERROR (2) - Server error
* @li #KRB5_KPASSWD_AUTHERROR (3) - Authentication error
* @li #KRB5_KPASSWD_SOFTERROR (4) - Password change rejected
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_change_password(krb5_context context, krb5_creds *creds,
const char *newpw, int *result_code,
krb5_data *result_code_string, krb5_data *result_string);
* Set a password for a principal using specified credentials.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] creds Credentials for kadmin/changepw service
* @param [in] newpw New password
* @param [in] change_password_for Change the password for this principal
* @param [out] result_code Numeric error code from server
* @param [out] result_code_string String equivalent to @a result_code
* @param [out] result_string Data returned from the remote system
* This function uses the credentials @a creds to set the password @a newpw for
* the principal @a change_password_for. It implements the set password
* operation of RFC 3244, for interoperability with Microsoft Windows
* implementations.
* @note If @a change_password_for is NULL, the change is performed on the
* current principal. If @a change_password_for is non-null, the change is
* performed on the principal name passed in @a change_password_for.
* The error code and strings are returned in @a result_code,
* @a result_code_string and @a result_string.
* @sa krb5_set_password_using_ccache()
* @retval
* 0 Success and result_code is set to #KRB5_KPASSWD_SUCCESS.
* @return
* Kerberos error codes.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_set_password(krb5_context context, krb5_creds *creds, const char *newpw,
krb5_principal change_password_for, int *result_code,
krb5_data *result_code_string, krb5_data *result_string);
* Set a password for a principal using cached credentials.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ccache Credential cache
* @param [in] newpw New password
* @param [in] change_password_for Change the password for this principal
* @param [out] result_code Numeric error code from server
* @param [out] result_code_string String equivalent to @a result_code
* @param [out] result_string Data returned from the remote system
* This function uses the cached credentials from @a ccache to set the password
* @a newpw for the principal @a change_password_for. It implements RFC 3244
* set password operation (interoperable with MS Windows implementations) using
* the credential cache.
* The error code and strings are returned in @a result_code,
* @a result_code_string and @a result_string.
* @note If @a change_password_for is set to NULL, the change is performed on
* the default principal in @a ccache. If @a change_password_for is non null,
* the change is performed on the specified principal.
* @sa krb5_set_password()
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_set_password_using_ccache(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache ccache,
const char *newpw,
krb5_principal change_password_for,
int *result_code, krb5_data *result_code_string,
krb5_data *result_string);
* Get a result message for changing or setting a password.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] server_string Data returned from the remote system
* @param [out] message_out A message displayable to the user
* This function processes the @a server_string returned in the @a
* result_string parameter of krb5_change_password(), krb5_set_password(), and
* related functions, and returns a displayable string. If @a server_string
* contains Active Directory structured policy information, it will be
* converted into human-readable text.
* Use krb5_free_string() to free @a message_out when it is no longer needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
* @version New in 1.11
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_chpw_message(krb5_context context, const krb5_data *server_string,
char **message_out);
* Retrieve configuration profile from the context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] profile Pointer to data read from a configuration file
* This function creates a new @a profile object that reflects profile
* in the supplied @a context.
* The @a profile object may be freed with profile_release() function.
* See profile.h and profile API for more details.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_profile(krb5_context context, struct _profile_t ** profile);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_get_init_creds_password().*/
krb5_get_in_tkt_with_password(krb5_context context, krb5_flags options,
krb5_address *const *addrs, krb5_enctype *ktypes,
krb5_preauthtype *pre_auth_types,
const char *password, krb5_ccache ccache,
krb5_creds *creds, krb5_kdc_rep **ret_as_reply);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_get_init_creds(). */
krb5_get_in_tkt_with_skey(krb5_context context, krb5_flags options,
krb5_address *const *addrs, krb5_enctype *ktypes,
krb5_preauthtype *pre_auth_types,
const krb5_keyblock *key, krb5_ccache ccache,
krb5_creds *creds, krb5_kdc_rep **ret_as_reply);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_get_init_creds_keytab(). */
krb5_get_in_tkt_with_keytab(krb5_context context, krb5_flags options,
krb5_address *const *addrs, krb5_enctype *ktypes,
krb5_preauthtype *pre_auth_types,
krb5_keytab arg_keytab, krb5_ccache ccache,
krb5_creds *creds, krb5_kdc_rep **ret_as_reply);
#endif /* KRB5_DEPRECATED */
* Parse and decrypt a @c KRB_AP_REQ message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in,out] auth_context Pre-existing or newly created auth context
* @param [in] inbuf AP-REQ message to be parsed
* @param [in] server Matching principal for server, or NULL to
* allow any principal in keytab
* @param [in] keytab Key table, or NULL to use the default
* @param [out] ap_req_options If non-null, the AP-REQ flags on output
* @param [out] ticket If non-null, ticket from the AP-REQ message
* This function parses, decrypts and verifies a AP-REQ message from @a inbuf
* and stores the authenticator in @a auth_context.
* If a keyblock was specified in @a auth_context using
* krb5_auth_con_setuseruserkey(), that key is used to decrypt the ticket in
* AP-REQ message and @a keytab is ignored. In this case, @a server should be
* specified as a complete principal name to allow for proper transited-path
* checking and replay cache selection.
* Otherwise, the decryption key is obtained from @a keytab, or from the
* default keytab if it is NULL. In this case, @a server may be a complete
* principal name, a matching principal (see krb5_sname_match()), or NULL to
* match any principal name. The keys tried against the encrypted part of the
* ticket are determined as follows:
* - If @a server is a complete principal name, then its entry in @a keytab is
* tried.
* - Otherwise, if @a keytab is iterable, then all entries in @a keytab which
* match @a server are tried.
* - Otherwise, the server principal in the ticket must match @a server, and
* its entry in @a keytab is tried.
* The client specified in the decrypted authenticator must match the client
* specified in the decrypted ticket.
* If the @a remote_addr field of @a auth_context is set, the request must come
* from that address.
* If a replay cache handle is provided in the @a auth_context, the
* authenticator and ticket are verified against it. If no conflict is found,
* the new authenticator is then stored in the replay cache of @a auth_context.
* Various other checks are performed on the decoded data, including
* cross-realm policy, clockskew, and ticket validation times.
* On success the authenticator, subkey, and remote sequence number of the
* request are stored in @a auth_context. If the #AP_OPTS_MUTUAL_REQUIRED
* bit is set, the local sequence number is XORed with the remote sequence
* number in the request.
* Use krb5_free_ticket() to free @a ticket when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_rd_req(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context *auth_context,
const krb5_data *inbuf, krb5_const_principal server,
krb5_keytab keytab, krb5_flags *ap_req_options,
krb5_ticket **ticket);
* Retrieve a service key from a key table.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] keyprocarg Name of a key table (NULL to use default name)
* @param [in] principal Service principal
* @param [in] vno Key version number (0 for highest available)
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type (0 for any type)
* @param [out] key Service key from key table
* Open and search the specified key table for the entry identified by @a
* principal, @a enctype, and @a vno. If no key is found, return an error code.
* The default key table is used, unless @a keyprocarg is non-null.
* @a keyprocarg designates a specific key table.
* Use krb5_free_keyblock() to free @a key when it is no longer needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return Kerberos error code if not found or @a keyprocarg is invalid.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kt_read_service_key(krb5_context context, krb5_pointer keyprocarg,
krb5_principal principal, krb5_kvno vno,
krb5_enctype enctype, krb5_keyblock **key);
* Format a @c KRB-SAFE message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] userdata User data in the message
* @param [out] der_out Formatted @c KRB-SAFE buffer
* @param [out] rdata_out Replay data. Specify NULL if not needed
* This function creates an integrity protected @c KRB-SAFE message
* using data supplied by the application.
* Fields in @a auth_context specify the checksum type, the keyblock that
* can be used to seed the checksum, full addresses (host and port) for
* the sender and receiver, and @ref KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT flags.
* The local address in @a auth_context must be set, and is used to form the
* sender address used in the KRB-SAFE message. The remote address is
* optional; if specified, it will be used to form the receiver address used in
* the message.
* @note The @a rdata_out argument is required if the
* in @a auth_context.
* If the #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME flag is set in @a auth_context, a
* timestamp is included in the KRB-SAFE message, and an entry for the message
* is entered in an in-memory replay cache to detect if the message is
* reflected by an attacker. If #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME is not set, no
* replay cache is used. If #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_TIME is set in @a
* auth_context, a timestamp is included in the KRB-SAFE message and is stored
* in @a rdata_out.
* is set, the @a auth_context local sequence number is included in the
* KRB-SAFE message and then incremented. If #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_SEQUENCE
* is set, the sequence number used is stored in @a rdata_out.
* Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a der_out when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_mk_safe(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
const krb5_data *userdata, krb5_data *der_out,
krb5_replay_data *rdata_out);
* Format a @c KRB-PRIV message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] userdata User data for @c KRB-PRIV message
* @param [out] der_out Formatted @c KRB-PRIV message
* @param [out] rdata_out Replay data (NULL if not needed)
* This function is similar to krb5_mk_safe(), but the message is encrypted and
* integrity-protected, not just integrity-protected.
* The local address in @a auth_context must be set, and is used to form the
* sender address used in the KRB-PRIV message. The remote address is
* optional; if specified, it will be used to form the receiver address used in
* the message.
* @note The @a rdata_out argument is required if the
* in @a auth_context.
* If the #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME flag is set in @a auth_context, a
* timestamp is included in the KRB-PRIV message, and an entry for the message
* is entered in an in-memory replay cache to detect if the message is
* reflected by an attacker. If #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME is not set, no
* replay cache is used. If #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_TIME is set in @a
* auth_context, a timestamp is included in the KRB-PRIV message and is stored
* in @a rdata_out.
* is set, the @a auth_context local sequence number is included in the
* KRB-PRIV message and then incremented. If #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_SEQUENCE
* is set, the sequence number used is stored in @a rdata_out.
* Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a der_out when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_mk_priv(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
const krb5_data *userdata, krb5_data *der_out,
krb5_replay_data *rdata_out);
* Client function for @c sendauth protocol.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in,out] auth_context Pre-existing or newly created auth context
* @param [in] fd File descriptor that describes network socket
* @param [in] appl_version Application protocol version to be matched
* with the receiver's application version
* @param [in] client Client principal
* @param [in] server Server principal
* @param [in] ap_req_options @ref AP_OPTS options
* @param [in] in_data Data to be sent to the server
* @param [in] in_creds Input credentials, or NULL to use @a ccache
* @param [in] ccache Credential cache
* @param [out] error If non-null, contains KRB_ERROR message
* returned from server
* @param [out] rep_result If non-null and @a ap_req_options is
* #AP_OPTS_MUTUAL_REQUIRED, contains the result
* of mutual authentication exchange
* @param [out] out_creds If non-null, the retrieved credentials
* This function performs the client side of a sendauth/recvauth exchange by
* sending and receiving messages over @a fd.
* Credentials may be specified in three ways:
* @li If @a in_creds is NULL, credentials are obtained with
* krb5_get_credentials() using the principals @a client and @a server. @a
* server must be non-null; @a client may NULL to use the default principal of
* @a ccache.
* @li If @a in_creds is non-null, but does not contain a ticket, credentials
* for the exchange are obtained with krb5_get_credentials() using @a in_creds.
* In this case, the values of @a client and @a server are unused.
* @li If @a in_creds is a complete credentials structure, it used directly.
* In this case, the values of @a client, @a server, and @a ccache are unused.
* If the server is using a different application protocol than that specified
* in @a appl_version, an error will be returned.
* Use krb5_free_creds() to free @a out_creds, krb5_free_ap_rep_enc_part() to
* free @a rep_result, and krb5_free_error() to free @a error when they are no
* longer needed.
* @sa krb5_recvauth()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_sendauth(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context *auth_context,
krb5_pointer fd, char *appl_version, krb5_principal client,
krb5_principal server, krb5_flags ap_req_options,
krb5_data *in_data, krb5_creds *in_creds, krb5_ccache ccache,
krb5_error **error, krb5_ap_rep_enc_part **rep_result,
krb5_creds **out_creds);
* Server function for @a sendauth protocol.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in,out] auth_context Pre-existing or newly created auth context
* @param [in] fd File descriptor
* @param [in] appl_version Application protocol version to be matched
* against the client's application version
* @param [in] server Server principal (NULL for any in @a keytab)
* @param [in] flags Additional specifications
* @param [in] keytab Key table containing service keys
* @param [out] ticket Ticket (NULL if not needed)
* This function performs the server side of a sendauth/recvauth exchange by
* sending and receiving messages over @a fd.
* Use krb5_free_ticket() to free @a ticket when it is no longer needed.
* @sa krb5_sendauth()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_recvauth(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context *auth_context,
krb5_pointer fd, char *appl_version, krb5_principal server,
krb5_int32 flags, krb5_keytab keytab, krb5_ticket **ticket);
* Server function for @a sendauth protocol with version parameter.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in,out] auth_context Pre-existing or newly created auth context
* @param [in] fd File descriptor
* @param [in] server Server principal (NULL for any in @a keytab)
* @param [in] flags Additional specifications
* @param [in] keytab Decryption key
* @param [out] ticket Ticket (NULL if not needed)
* @param [out] version sendauth protocol version (NULL if not needed)
* This function is similar to krb5_recvauth() with the additional output
* information place into @a version.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_recvauth_version(krb5_context context,
krb5_auth_context *auth_context,
krb5_pointer fd,
krb5_principal server,
krb5_int32 flags,
krb5_keytab keytab,
krb5_ticket **ticket,
krb5_data *version);
* Format a @c KRB-CRED message for an array of credentials.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] creds Null-terminated array of credentials
* @param [out] der_out Encoded credentials
* @param [out] rdata_out Replay cache information (NULL if not needed)
* This function takes an array of credentials @a creds and formats
* a @c KRB-CRED message @a der_out to pass to krb5_rd_cred().
* The local and remote addresses in @a auth_context are optional; if either is
* specified, they are used to form the sender and receiver addresses in the
* KRB-CRED message.
* @note The @a rdata_out argument is required if the
* in @a auth_context.
* If the #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME flag is set in @a auth_context, an entry
* for the message is entered in an in-memory replay cache to detect if the
* message is reflected by an attacker. If #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME is not
* set, no replay cache is used. If #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_TIME is set in @a
* auth_context, the timestamp used for the KRB-CRED message is stored in @a
* rdata_out.
* is set, the @a auth_context local sequence number is included in the
* KRB-CRED message and then incremented. If #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_SEQUENCE
* is set, the sequence number used is stored in @a rdata_out.
* Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a der_out when it is no longer
* needed.
* The message will be encrypted using the send subkey of @a auth_context if it
* is present, or the session key otherwise. If neither key is present, the
* credentials will not be encrypted, and the message should only be sent over
* a secure channel. No replay cache entry is used in this case.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* ENOMEM Insufficient memory
* @retval
* KRB5_RC_REQUIRED Message replay detection requires @a rcache parameter
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_mk_ncred(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_creds **creds, krb5_data **der_out,
krb5_replay_data *rdata_out);
* Format a @c KRB-CRED message for a single set of credentials.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] creds Pointer to credentials
* @param [out] der_out Encoded credentials
* @param [out] rdata_out Replay cache data (NULL if not needed)
* This is a convenience function that calls krb5_mk_ncred() with a single set
* of credentials.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* ENOMEM Insufficient memory
* @retval
* KRB5_RC_REQUIRED Message replay detection requires @a rcache parameter
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_mk_1cred(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_creds *creds, krb5_data **der_out,
krb5_replay_data *rdata_out);
* Read and validate a @c KRB-CRED message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] creddata @c KRB-CRED message
* @param [out] creds_out Null-terminated array of forwarded credentials
* @param [out] rdata_out Replay data (NULL if not needed)
* @note The @a rdata_out argument is required if the
* in @a auth_context.`
* @a creddata will be decrypted using the receiving subkey if it is present in
* @a auth_context, or the session key if the receiving subkey is not present
* or fails to decrypt the message.
* Use krb5_free_tgt_creds() to free @a creds_out when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_rd_cred(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_data *creddata, krb5_creds ***creds_out,
krb5_replay_data *rdata_out);
* Get a forwarded TGT and format a @c KRB-CRED message.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] rhost Remote host
* @param [in] client Client principal of TGT
* @param [in] server Principal of server to receive TGT
* @param [in] cc Credential cache handle (NULL to use default)
* @param [in] forwardable Whether TGT should be forwardable
* @param [out] outbuf KRB-CRED message
* Get a TGT for use at the remote host @a rhost and format it into a KRB-CRED
* message. If @a rhost is NULL and @a server is of type #KRB5_NT_SRV_HST,
* the second component of @a server will be used.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* ENOMEM Insufficient memory
* @retval
* KRB5_PRINC_NOMATCH Requested principal and ticket do not match
* @retval
* KRB5_NO_TKT_SUPPLIED Request did not supply a ticket
* @retval
* KRB5_CC_BADNAME Credential cache name or principal name malformed
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_fwd_tgt_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
const char *rhost, krb5_principal client,
krb5_principal server, krb5_ccache cc, int forwardable,
krb5_data *outbuf);
* Create and initialize an authentication context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] auth_context Authentication context
* This function creates an authentication context to hold configuration and
* state relevant to krb5 functions for authenticating principals and
* protecting messages once authentication has occurred.
* By default, flags for the context are set to enable the use of the replay
* cache (#KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME), but not sequence numbers. Use
* krb5_auth_con_setflags() to change the flags.
* The allocated @a auth_context must be freed with krb5_auth_con_free() when
* it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_init(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context *auth_context);
* Free a krb5_auth_context structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context to be freed
* This function frees an auth context allocated by krb5_auth_con_init().
* @retval 0 (always)
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_free(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context);
* Set a flags field in a krb5_auth_context structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] flags Flags bit mask
* Valid values for @a flags are:
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME Use timestamps
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_TIME Save timestamps
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_SEQUENCE Use sequence numbers
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_SEQUENCE Save sequence numbers
* @retval 0 (always)
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_setflags(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context, krb5_int32 flags);
* Retrieve flags from a krb5_auth_context structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [out] flags Flags bit mask
* Valid values for @a flags are:
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_TIME Use timestamps
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_TIME Save timestamps
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_SEQUENCE Use sequence numbers
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_RET_SEQUENCE Save sequence numbers
* @retval 0 (always)
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_getflags(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_int32 *flags);
* Set a checksum callback in an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] func Checksum callback
* @param [in] data Callback argument
* Set a callback to obtain checksum data in krb5_mk_req(). The callback will
* be invoked after the subkey and local sequence number are stored in @a
* auth_context.
* @retval 0 (always)
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_set_checksum_func( krb5_context context,
krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_mk_req_checksum_func func,
void *data);
* Get the checksum callback from an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [out] func Checksum callback
* @param [out] data Callback argument
* @retval 0 (always)
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_get_checksum_func( krb5_context context,
krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_mk_req_checksum_func *func,
void **data);
* Set the local and remote addresses in an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] local_addr Local address
* @param [in] remote_addr Remote address
* This function releases the storage assigned to the contents of the local and
* remote addresses of @a auth_context and then sets them to @a local_addr and
* @a remote_addr respectively.
* @sa krb5_auth_con_genaddrs()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV_WRONG
krb5_auth_con_setaddrs(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_address *local_addr, krb5_address *remote_addr);
* Retrieve address fields from an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [out] local_addr Local address (NULL if not needed)
* @param [out] remote_addr Remote address (NULL if not needed)
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_getaddrs(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_address **local_addr, krb5_address **remote_addr);
* Set local and remote port fields in an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] local_port Local port
* @param [in] remote_port Remote port
* This function releases the storage assigned to the contents of the local and
* remote ports of @a auth_context and then sets them to @a local_port and @a
* remote_port respectively.
* @sa krb5_auth_con_genaddrs()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_setports(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_address *local_port, krb5_address *remote_port);
* Set the session key in an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] keyblock User key
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_setuseruserkey(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_keyblock *keyblock);
* Retrieve the session key from an auth context as a keyblock.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [out] keyblock Session key
* This function creates a keyblock containing the session key from @a
* auth_context. Use krb5_free_keyblock() to free @a keyblock when it is no
* longer needed
* @retval 0 Success. Otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_getkey(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_keyblock **keyblock);
* Retrieve the session key from an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [out] key Session key
* This function sets @a key to the session key from @a auth_context. Use
* krb5_k_free_key() to release @a key when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 (always)
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_getkey_k(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_key *key);
* Retrieve the send subkey from an auth context as a keyblock.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] ac Authentication context
* @param [out] keyblock Send subkey
* This function creates a keyblock containing the send subkey from @a
* auth_context. Use krb5_free_keyblock() to free @a keyblock when it is no
* longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_getsendsubkey(krb5_context ctx, krb5_auth_context ac, krb5_keyblock **keyblock);
* Retrieve the send subkey from an auth context.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] ac Authentication context
* @param [out] key Send subkey
* This function sets @a key to the send subkey from @a auth_context. Use
* krb5_k_free_key() to release @a key when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_getsendsubkey_k(krb5_context ctx, krb5_auth_context ac,
krb5_key *key);
* Retrieve the receiving subkey from an auth context as a keyblock.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] ac Authentication context
* @param [out] keyblock Receiving subkey
* This function creates a keyblock containing the receiving subkey from @a
* auth_context. Use krb5_free_keyblock() to free @a keyblock when it is no
* longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_getrecvsubkey(krb5_context ctx, krb5_auth_context ac, krb5_keyblock **keyblock);
* Retrieve the receiving subkey from an auth context as a keyblock.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] ac Authentication context
* @param [out] key Receiving subkey
* This function sets @a key to the receiving subkey from @a auth_context. Use
* krb5_k_free_key() to release @a key when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_getrecvsubkey_k(krb5_context ctx, krb5_auth_context ac, krb5_key *key);
* Set the send subkey in an auth context with a keyblock.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] ac Authentication context
* @param [in] keyblock Send subkey
* This function sets the send subkey in @a ac to a copy of @a keyblock.
* @retval 0 Success. Otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_setsendsubkey(krb5_context ctx, krb5_auth_context ac,
krb5_keyblock *keyblock);
* Set the send subkey in an auth context.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] ac Authentication context
* @param [out] key Send subkey
* This function sets the send subkey in @a ac to @a key, incrementing its
* reference count.
* @version New in 1.9
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_setsendsubkey_k(krb5_context ctx, krb5_auth_context ac, krb5_key key);
* Set the receiving subkey in an auth context with a keyblock.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] ac Authentication context
* @param [in] keyblock Receiving subkey
* This function sets the receiving subkey in @a ac to a copy of @a keyblock.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_setrecvsubkey(krb5_context ctx, krb5_auth_context ac,
krb5_keyblock *keyblock);
* Set the receiving subkey in an auth context.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] ac Authentication context
* @param [in] key Receiving subkey
* This function sets the receiving subkey in @a ac to @a key, incrementing its
* reference count.
* @version New in 1.9
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_setrecvsubkey_k(krb5_context ctx, krb5_auth_context ac,
krb5_key key);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_auth_con_getsendsubkey(). */
krb5_auth_con_getlocalsubkey(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_keyblock **keyblock);
/** @deprecated Replaced by krb5_auth_con_getrecvsubkey(). */
krb5_auth_con_getremotesubkey(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_keyblock **keyblock);
* Retrieve the local sequence number from an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [out] seqnumber Local sequence number
* Retrieve the local sequence number from @a auth_context and return it in @a
* seqnumber. The #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_SEQUENCE flag must be set in @a
* auth_context for this function to be useful.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_getlocalseqnumber(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_int32 *seqnumber);
* Retrieve the remote sequence number from an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [out] seqnumber Remote sequence number
* Retrieve the remote sequence number from @a auth_context and return it in @a
* seqnumber. The #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_SEQUENCE flag must be set in @a
* auth_context for this function to be useful.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_getremoteseqnumber(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_int32 *seqnumber);
* Cause an auth context to use cipher state.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* Prepare @a auth_context to use cipher state when krb5_mk_priv() or
* krb5_rd_priv() encrypt or decrypt data.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_initivector(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context);
* Set the replay cache in an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] rcache Replay cache haddle
* This function sets the replay cache in @a auth_context to @a rcache. @a
* rcache will be closed when @a auth_context is freed, so the caller should
* relinquish that responsibility.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_setrcache(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_rcache rcache);
* Retrieve the replay cache from an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [out] rcache Replay cache handle
* This function fetches the replay cache from @a auth_context. The caller
* should not close @a rcache.
* @retval 0 (always)
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV_WRONG
krb5_auth_con_getrcache(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_rcache *rcache);
* Retrieve the authenticator from an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [out] authenticator Authenticator
* Use krb5_free_authenticator() to free @a authenticator when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval 0 Success. Otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_getauthenticator(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_authenticator **authenticator);
* Set checksum type in an an auth context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] cksumtype Checksum type
* This function sets the checksum type in @a auth_context to be used by
* krb5_mk_req() for the authenticator checksum.
* @retval 0 Success. Otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_set_req_cksumtype(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
krb5_cksumtype cksumtype);
* end "func-proto.h"
* begin stuff from libos.h
* @brief Read a password from keyboard input.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] prompt First user prompt when reading password
* @param [in] prompt2 Second user prompt (NULL to prompt only once)
* @param [out] return_pwd Returned password
* @param [in,out] size_return On input, maximum size of password; on output,
* size of password read
* This function reads a password from keyboard input and stores it in @a
* return_pwd. @a size_return should be set by the caller to the amount of
* storage space available in @a return_pwd; on successful return, it will be
* set to the length of the password read.
* @a prompt is printed to the terminal, followed by ": ", and then a password
* is read from the keyboard.
* If @a prompt2 is NULL, the password is read only once. Otherwise, @a
* prompt2 is printed to the terminal and a second password is read. If the
* two passwords entered are not identical, KRB5_LIBOS_BADPWDMATCH is returned.
* Echoing is turned off when the password is read.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Error in reading or verifying the password
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_read_password(krb5_context context,
const char *prompt, const char *prompt2,
char *return_pwd, unsigned int *size_return);
* Convert a principal name to a local name.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] aname Principal name
* @param [in] lnsize_in Space available in @a lname
* @param [out] lname Local name buffer to be filled in
* If @a aname does not correspond to any local account, KRB5_LNAME_NOTRANS is
* returned. If @a lnsize_in is too small for the local name,
* Local names, rather than principal names, can be used by programs that
* translate to an environment-specific name (for example, a user account
* name).
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* System errors
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_aname_to_localname(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal aname,
int lnsize_in, char *lname);
* Get the Kerberos realm names for a host.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] host Host name (or NULL)
* @param [out] realmsp Null-terminated list of realm names
* Fill in @a realmsp with a pointer to a null-terminated list of realm names.
* If there are no known realms for the host, a list containing the referral
* (empty) realm is returned.
* If @a host is NULL, the local host's realms are determined.
* Use krb5_free_host_realm() to release @a realmsp when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* ENOMEM Insufficient memory
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_host_realm(krb5_context context, const char *host, char ***realmsp);
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] hdata Host name (or NULL)
* @param [out] realmsp Null-terminated list of realm names
* Fill in @a realmsp with a pointer to a null-terminated list of realm names
* obtained through heuristics or insecure resolution methods which have lower
* priority than KDC referrals.
* If @a host is NULL, the local host's realms are determined.
* Use krb5_free_host_realm() to release @a realmsp when it is no longer
* needed.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_fallback_host_realm(krb5_context context,
krb5_data *hdata, char ***realmsp);
* Free the memory allocated by krb5_get_host_realm().
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] realmlist List of realm names to be released
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_free_host_realm(krb5_context context, char *const *realmlist);
* Determine if a principal is authorized to log in as a local user.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] principal Principal name
* @param [in] luser Local username
* Determine whether @a principal is authorized to log in as a local user @a
* luser.
* @retval
* TRUE Principal is authorized to log in as user; FALSE otherwise.
krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kuserok(krb5_context context, krb5_principal principal, const char *luser);
* Generate auth context addresses from a connected socket.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] auth_context Authentication context
* @param [in] infd Connected socket descriptor
* @param [in] flags Flags
* This function sets the local and/or remote addresses in @a auth_context
* based on the local and remote endpoints of the socket @a infd. The
* following flags determine the operations performed:
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_GENERATE_LOCAL_ADDR Generate local address.
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_GENERATE_REMOTE_ADDR Generate remote address.
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_GENERATE_LOCAL_FULL_ADDR Generate local address and port.
* @li #KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_GENERATE_REMOTE_FULL_ADDR Generate remote address and port.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_auth_con_genaddrs(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context auth_context,
int infd, int flags);
* Set time offset field in a krb5_context structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] seconds Real time, seconds portion
* @param [in] microseconds Real time, microseconds portion
* This function sets the time offset in @a context to the difference between
* the system time and the real time as determined by @a seconds and @a
* microseconds.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_set_real_time(krb5_context context, krb5_timestamp seconds,
krb5_int32 microseconds);
* Return the time offsets from the os context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] seconds Time offset, seconds portion
* @param [out] microseconds Time offset, microseconds portion
* This function returns the time offsets in @a context.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_time_offsets(krb5_context context, krb5_timestamp *seconds, krb5_int32 *microseconds);
/* str_conv.c */
* Convert a string to an encryption type.
* @param [in] string String to convert to an encryption type
* @param [out] enctypep Encryption type
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - EINVAL
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_string_to_enctype(char *string, krb5_enctype *enctypep);
* Convert a string to a salt type.
* @param [in] string String to convert to an encryption type
* @param [out] salttypep Salt type to be filled in
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - EINVAL
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_string_to_salttype(char *string, krb5_int32 *salttypep);
* Convert a string to a checksum type.
* @param [in] string String to be converted
* @param [out] cksumtypep Checksum type to be filled in
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - EINVAL
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_string_to_cksumtype(char *string, krb5_cksumtype *cksumtypep);
* Convert a string to a timestamp.
* @param [in] string String to be converted
* @param [out] timestampp Pointer to timestamp
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - EINVAL
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_string_to_timestamp(char *string, krb5_timestamp *timestampp);
* Convert a string to a delta time value.
* @param [in] string String to be converted
* @param [out] deltatp Delta time to be filled in
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - KRB5_DELTAT_BADFORMAT
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_string_to_deltat(char *string, krb5_deltat *deltatp);
* Convert an encryption type to a string.
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [out] buffer Buffer to hold encryption type string
* @param [in] buflen Storage available in @a buffer
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_enctype_to_string(krb5_enctype enctype, char *buffer, size_t buflen);
* Convert an encryption type to a name or alias.
* @param [in] enctype Encryption type
* @param [in] shortest Flag
* @param [out] buffer Buffer to hold encryption type string
* @param [in] buflen Storage available in @a buffer
* If @a shortest is FALSE, this function returns the enctype's canonical name
* (like "aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96"). If @a shortest is TRUE, it return the
* enctype's shortest alias (like "aes128-cts").
* @version New in 1.9
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_enctype_to_name(krb5_enctype enctype, krb5_boolean shortest,
char *buffer, size_t buflen);
* Convert a salt type to a string.
* @param [in] salttype Salttype to convert
* @param [out] buffer Buffer to receive the converted string
* @param [in] buflen Storage available in @a buffer
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_salttype_to_string(krb5_int32 salttype, char *buffer, size_t buflen);
* Convert a checksum type to a string.
* @param [in] cksumtype Checksum type
* @param [out] buffer Buffer to hold converted checksum type
* @param [in] buflen Storage available in @a buffer
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_cksumtype_to_string(krb5_cksumtype cksumtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen);
* Convert a timestamp to a string.
* @param [in] timestamp Timestamp to convert
* @param [out] buffer Buffer to hold converted timestamp
* @param [in] buflen Storage available in @a buffer
* The string is returned in the locale's appropriate date and time
* representation.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_timestamp_to_string(krb5_timestamp timestamp, char *buffer, size_t buflen);
* Convert a timestamp to a string, with optional output padding
* @param [in] timestamp Timestamp to convert
* @param [out] buffer Buffer to hold the converted timestamp
* @param [in] buflen Length of buffer
* @param [in] pad Optional value to pad @a buffer if converted
* timestamp does not fill it
* If @a pad is not NULL, @a buffer is padded out to @a buflen - 1 characters
* with the value of *@a pad.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_timestamp_to_sfstring(krb5_timestamp timestamp, char *buffer,
size_t buflen, char *pad);
* Convert a relative time value to a string.
* @param [in] deltat Relative time value to convert
* @param [out] buffer Buffer to hold time string
* @param [in] buflen Storage available in @a buffer
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_deltat_to_string(krb5_deltat deltat, char *buffer, size_t buflen);
/* The name of the Kerberos ticket granting service... and its size */
#define KRB5_TGS_NAME "krbtgt"
#define KRB5_TGS_NAME_SIZE 6
/* flags for recvauth */
/* initial ticket api functions */
/** Text for prompt used in prompter callback function. */
typedef struct _krb5_prompt {
char *prompt; /**< The prompt to show to the user */
int hidden; /**< Boolean; informative prompt or hidden (e.g. PIN) */
krb5_data *reply; /**< Must be allocated before call to prompt routine */
} krb5_prompt;
/** Pointer to a prompter callback function. */
typedef krb5_error_code
(KRB5_CALLCONV *krb5_prompter_fct)(krb5_context context, void *data,
const char *name, const char *banner,
int num_prompts, krb5_prompt prompts[]);
* Prompt user for password.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param data Unused (callback argument)
* @param [in] name Name to output during prompt
* @param [in] banner Banner to output during prompt
* @param [in] num_prompts Number of prompts in @a prompts
* @param [in] prompts Array of prompts and replies
* This function is intended to be used as a prompter callback for
* krb5_get_init_creds_password() or krb5_init_creds_init().
* Writes @a name and @a banner to stdout, each followed by a newline, then
* writes each prompt field in the @a prompts array, followed by ": ", and sets
* the reply field of the entry to a line of input read from stdin. If the
* hidden flag is set for a prompt, then terminal echoing is turned off when
* input is read.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_prompter_posix(krb5_context context, void *data, const char *name,
const char *banner, int num_prompts,
krb5_prompt prompts[]);
* Long-term password responder question
* This question is asked when the long-term password is needed. It has no
* challenge and the response is simply the password string.
* @version New in 1.11
* OTP responder question
* The OTP responder question is asked when the KDC indicates that an OTP
* value is required in order to complete the authentication. The JSON format
* of the challenge is:
* @n {
* @n "service": <string (optional)>,
* @n "tokenInfo": [
* @n {
* @n "flags": <number>,
* @n "vendor": <string (optional)>,
* @n "challenge": <string (optional)>,
* @n "length": <number (optional)>,
* @n "format": <number (optional)>,
* @n "tokenID": <string (optional)>,
* @n "algID": <string (optional)>,
* @n },
* @n ...
* @n ]
* @n }
* The answer to the question MUST be JSON formatted:
* @n {
* @n "tokeninfo": <number>,
* @n "value": <string (optional)>,
* @n "pin": <string (optional)>,
* @n }
* For more detail, please see RFC 6560.
* @version New in 1.11
* These format constants identify the format of the token value.
* This flag indicates that the token value MUST be collected.
* This flag indicates that the PIN value MUST be collected.
* This flag indicates that the token is now in re-synchronization mode with
* the server. The user is expected to reply with the next code displayed on
* the token.
* This flag indicates that the PIN MUST be returned as a separate item. This
* flag only takes effect if KRB5_RESPONDER_OTP_FLAGS_COLLECT_PIN is set. If
* this flag is not set, the responder may either concatenate PIN + token value
* and store it as "value" in the answer or it may return them separately. If
* they are returned separately, they will be concatenated internally.
* PKINIT responder question
* The PKINIT responder question is asked when the client needs a password
* that's being used to protect key information, and is formatted as a JSON
* object. A specific identity's flags value, if not zero, is the bitwise-OR
* of one or more of the KRB5_RESPONDER_PKINIT_FLAGS_TOKEN_* flags defined
* below, and possibly other flags to be added later. Any resemblance to
* similarly-named CKF_* values in the PKCS#11 API should not be depended on.
* @n {
* @n identity <string> : flags <number>,
* @n ...
* @n }
* The answer to the question MUST be JSON formatted:
* @n {
* @n identity <string> : password <string>,
* @n ...
* @n }
* @version New in 1.12
* This flag indicates that an incorrect PIN was supplied at least once since
* the last time the correct PIN was supplied.
* This flag indicates that supplying an incorrect PIN will cause the token to
* lock itself.
* This flag indicates that the user PIN is locked, and you can't log in to the
* token with it.
* A container for a set of preauthentication questions and answers
* A responder context is supplied by the krb5 authentication system to a @ref
* krb5_responder_fn callback. It contains a list of questions and can receive
* answers. Questions contained in a responder context can be listed using
* krb5_responder_list_questions(), retrieved using
* krb5_responder_get_challenge(), or answered using
* krb5_responder_set_answer(). The form of a question's challenge and
* answer depend on the question name.
* @version New in 1.11
typedef struct krb5_responder_context_st *krb5_responder_context;
* List the question names contained in the responder context.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] rctx Responder context
* Return a pointer to a null-terminated list of question names which are
* present in @a rctx. The pointer is an alias, valid only as long as the
* lifetime of @a rctx, and should not be modified or freed by the caller. A
* question's challenge can be retrieved using krb5_responder_get_challenge()
* and answered using krb5_responder_set_answer().
* @version New in 1.11
const char * const * KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_responder_list_questions(krb5_context ctx, krb5_responder_context rctx);
* Retrieve the challenge data for a given question in the responder context.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] rctx Responder context
* @param [in] question Question name
* Return a pointer to a C string containing the challenge for @a question
* within @a rctx, or NULL if the question is not present in @a rctx. The
* structure of the question depends on the question name, but will always be
* printable UTF-8 text. The returned pointer is an alias, valid only as long
* as the lifetime of @a rctx, and should not be modified or freed by the
* caller.
* @version New in 1.11
const char * KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_responder_get_challenge(krb5_context ctx, krb5_responder_context rctx,
const char *question);
* Answer a named question in the responder context.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] rctx Responder context
* @param [in] question Question name
* @param [in] answer The string to set (MUST be printable UTF-8)
* This function supplies an answer to @a question within @a rctx. The
* appropriate form of the answer depends on the question name.
* @retval EINVAL @a question is not present within @a rctx
* @version New in 1.11
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_responder_set_answer(krb5_context ctx, krb5_responder_context rctx,
const char *question, const char *answer);
* Responder function for an initial credential exchange.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] data Callback data
* @param [in] rctx Responder context
* A responder function is like a prompter function, but is used for handling
* questions and answers as potentially complex data types. Client
* preauthentication modules will insert a set of named "questions" into
* the responder context. Each question may optionally contain a challenge.
* This challenge is printable UTF-8, but may be an encoded value. The
* precise encoding and contents of the challenge are specific to the question
* asked. When the responder is called, it should answer all the questions it
* understands. Like the challenge, the answer MUST be printable UTF-8, but
* may contain structured/encoded data formatted to the expected answer format
* of the question.
* If a required question is unanswered, the prompter may be called.
typedef krb5_error_code
(KRB5_CALLCONV *krb5_responder_fn)(krb5_context ctx, void *data,
krb5_responder_context rctx);
typedef struct _krb5_responder_otp_tokeninfo {
krb5_flags flags;
krb5_int32 format; /* -1 when not specified. */
krb5_int32 length; /* -1 when not specified. */
char *vendor;
char *challenge;
char *token_id;
char *alg_id;
} krb5_responder_otp_tokeninfo;
typedef struct _krb5_responder_otp_challenge {
char *service;
krb5_responder_otp_tokeninfo **tokeninfo;
} krb5_responder_otp_challenge;
* Decode the KRB5_RESPONDER_QUESTION_OTP to a C struct.
* A convenience function which parses the KRB5_RESPONDER_QUESTION_OTP
* question challenge data, making it available in native C. The main feature
* of this function is the ability to interact with OTP tokens without parsing
* the JSON.
* The returned value must be passed to krb5_responder_otp_challenge_free() to
* be freed.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] rctx Responder context
* @param [out] chl Challenge structure
* @version New in 1.11
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_responder_otp_get_challenge(krb5_context ctx,
krb5_responder_context rctx,
krb5_responder_otp_challenge **chl);
* Answer the KRB5_RESPONDER_QUESTION_OTP question.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] rctx Responder context
* @param [in] ti The index of the tokeninfo selected
* @param [in] value The value to set, or NULL for none
* @param [in] pin The pin to set, or NULL for none
* @version New in 1.11
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_responder_otp_set_answer(krb5_context ctx, krb5_responder_context rctx,
size_t ti, const char *value, const char *pin);
* Free the value returned by krb5_responder_otp_get_challenge().
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] rctx Responder context
* @param [in] chl The challenge to free
* @version New in 1.11
krb5_responder_otp_challenge_free(krb5_context ctx,
krb5_responder_context rctx,
krb5_responder_otp_challenge *chl);
typedef struct _krb5_responder_pkinit_identity {
char *identity;
krb5_int32 token_flags; /* 0 when not specified or not applicable. */
} krb5_responder_pkinit_identity;
typedef struct _krb5_responder_pkinit_challenge {
krb5_responder_pkinit_identity **identities;
} krb5_responder_pkinit_challenge;
* Decode the KRB5_RESPONDER_QUESTION_PKINIT to a C struct.
* A convenience function which parses the KRB5_RESPONDER_QUESTION_PKINIT
* question challenge data, making it available in native C. The main feature
* of this function is the ability to read the challenge without parsing
* the JSON.
* The returned value must be passed to krb5_responder_pkinit_challenge_free()
* to be freed.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] rctx Responder context
* @param [out] chl_out Challenge structure
* @version New in 1.12
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_responder_pkinit_get_challenge(krb5_context ctx,
krb5_responder_context rctx,
krb5_responder_pkinit_challenge **chl_out);
* Answer the KRB5_RESPONDER_QUESTION_PKINIT question for one identity.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] rctx Responder context
* @param [in] identity The identity for which a PIN is being supplied
* @param [in] pin The provided PIN, or NULL for none
* @version New in 1.12
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_responder_pkinit_set_answer(krb5_context ctx, krb5_responder_context rctx,
const char *identity, const char *pin);
* Free the value returned by krb5_responder_pkinit_get_challenge().
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] rctx Responder context
* @param [in] chl The challenge to free
* @version New in 1.12
krb5_responder_pkinit_challenge_free(krb5_context ctx,
krb5_responder_context rctx,
krb5_responder_pkinit_challenge *chl);
/** Store options for @c _krb5_get_init_creds */
typedef struct _krb5_get_init_creds_opt {
krb5_flags flags;
krb5_deltat tkt_life;
krb5_deltat renew_life;
int forwardable;
int proxiable;
krb5_enctype *etype_list;
int etype_list_length;
krb5_address **address_list;
krb5_preauthtype *preauth_list;
int preauth_list_length;
krb5_data *salt;
} krb5_get_init_creds_opt;
* Allocate a new initial credential options structure.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] opt New options structure
* This function is the preferred way to create an options structure for
* getting initial credentials, and is required to make use of certain options.
* Use krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free() to free @a opt when it is no longer
* needed.
* @retval 0 - Success; Kerberos errors otherwise.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_alloc(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt **opt);
* Free initial credential options.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] opt Options structure to free
* @sa krb5_get_init_creds_opt_alloc()
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt);
/** @deprecated Use krb5_get_init_creds_opt_alloc() instead. */
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_init(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt);
* Set the ticket lifetime in initial credential options.
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] tkt_life Ticket lifetime
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_tkt_life(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_deltat tkt_life);
* Set the ticket renewal lifetime in initial credential options.
* @param [in] opt Pointer to @a options field
* @param [in] renew_life Ticket renewal lifetime
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_renew_life(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_deltat renew_life);
* Set or unset the forwardable flag in initial credential options.
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] forwardable Whether credentials should be forwardable
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_forwardable(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
int forwardable);
* Set or unset the proxiable flag in initial credential options.
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] proxiable Whether credentials should be proxiable
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_proxiable(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
int proxiable);
* Set or unset the canonicalize flag in initial credential options.
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] canonicalize Whether to canonicalize client principal
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_canonicalize(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
int canonicalize);
* Set or unset the anonymous flag in initial credential options.
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] anonymous Whether to make an anonymous request
* This function may be used to request anonymous credentials from the KDC by
* setting @a anonymous to non-zero. Note that anonymous credentials are only
* a request; clients must verify that credentials are anonymous if that is a
* requirement.
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_anonymous(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
int anonymous);
* Set allowable encryption types in initial credential options.
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] etype_list Array of encryption types
* @param [in] etype_list_length Length of @a etype_list
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_etype_list(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_enctype *etype_list,
int etype_list_length);
* Set address restrictions in initial credential options.
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] addresses Null-terminated array of addresses
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_address_list(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_address **addresses);
* Set preauthentication types in initial credential options.
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] preauth_list Array of preauthentication types
* @param [in] preauth_list_length Length of @a preauth_list
* This function can be used to perform optimistic preauthentication when
* getting initial credentials, in combination with
* krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_salt() and krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_pa().
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_preauth_list(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_preauthtype *preauth_list,
int preauth_list_length);
* Set salt for optimistic preauthentication in initial credential options.
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] salt Salt data
* When getting initial credentials with a password, a salt string it used to
* convert the password to a key. Normally this salt is obtained from the
* first KDC reply, but when performing optimistic preauthentication, the
* client may need to supply the salt string with this function.
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_salt(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_data *salt);
* Set or unset change-password-prompt flag in initial credential options.
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] prompt Whether to prompt to change password
* This flag is on by default. It controls whether
* krb5_get_init_creds_password() will react to an expired-password error by
* prompting for a new password and attempting to change the old one.
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_change_password_prompt(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
int prompt);
/** Generic preauth option attribute/value pairs */
typedef struct _krb5_gic_opt_pa_data {
char *attr;
char *value;
} krb5_gic_opt_pa_data;
* Supply options for preauthentication in initial credential options.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] attr Preauthentication option name
* @param [in] value Preauthentication option value
* This function allows the caller to supply options for preauthentication.
* The values of @a attr and @a value are supplied to each preauthentication
* module available within @a context.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_pa(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt, const char *attr,
const char *value);
* Set location of FAST armor ccache in initial credential options.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] opt Options
* @param [in] fast_ccache_name Credential cache name
* Sets the location of a credential cache containing an armor ticket to
* protect an initial credential exchange using the FAST protocol extension.
* In version 1.7, setting an armor ccache requires that FAST be used for the
* exchange. In version 1.8 or later, setting the armor ccache causes FAST to
* be used if the KDC supports it; krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_fast_flags()
* must be used to require that FAST be used.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_fast_ccache_name(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
const char *fast_ccache_name);
* Set FAST armor cache in initial credential options.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] opt Options
* @param [in] ccache Credential cache handle
* This function is similar to krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_fast_ccache_name(),
* but uses a credential cache handle instead of a name.
* @version New in 1.9
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_fast_ccache(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_ccache ccache);
* Set an input credential cache in initial credential options.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] opt Options
* @param [in] ccache Credential cache handle
* If an input credential cache is set, then the krb5_get_init_creds family of
* APIs will read settings from it. Setting an input ccache is desirable when
* the application wishes to perform authentication in the same way (using the
* same preauthentication mechanisms, and making the same non-security-
* sensitive choices) as the previous authentication attempt, which stored
* information in the passed-in ccache.
* @version New in 1.11
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_in_ccache(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_ccache ccache);
* Set an output credential cache in initial credential options.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] opt Options
* @param [in] ccache Credential cache handle
* If an output credential cache is set, then the krb5_get_init_creds family of
* APIs will write credentials to it. Setting an output ccache is desirable
* both because it simplifies calling code and because it permits the
* krb5_get_init_creds APIs to write out configuration information about the
* realm to the ccache.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_out_ccache(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_ccache ccache);
* @brief Ask the KDC to include or not include a PAC in the ticket
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] req_pac Whether to request a PAC or not
* If this option is set, the AS request will include a PAC-REQUEST pa-data
* item explicitly asking the KDC to either include or not include a privilege
* attribute certificate in the ticket authorization data. By default, no
* request is made; typically the KDC will default to including a PAC if it
* supports them.
* @version New in 1.15
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_pac_request(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_boolean req_pac);
* Set FAST flags in initial credential options.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] opt Options
* @param [in] flags FAST flags
* The following flag values are valid:
* @li #KRB5_FAST_REQUIRED - Require FAST to be used
* @retval
* 0 - Success; Kerberos errors otherwise.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_fast_flags(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_flags flags);
* Retrieve FAST flags from initial credential options.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] opt Options
* @param [out] out_flags FAST flags
* @retval
* 0 - Success; Kerberos errors otherwise.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_get_fast_flags(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_flags *out_flags);
/* Fast flags*/
#define KRB5_FAST_REQUIRED 0x0001 /**< Require KDC to support FAST*/
typedef void
(KRB5_CALLCONV *krb5_expire_callback_func)(krb5_context context, void *data,
krb5_timestamp password_expiration,
krb5_timestamp account_expiration,
krb5_boolean is_last_req);
* Set an expiration callback in initial credential options.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] cb Callback function
* @param [in] data Callback argument
* Set a callback to receive password and account expiration times.
* @a cb will be invoked if and only if credentials are successfully acquired.
* The callback will receive the @a context from the calling function and the
* @a data argument supplied with this API. The remaining arguments should be
* interpreted as follows:
* If @a is_last_req is true, then the KDC reply contained last-req entries
* which unambiguously indicated the password expiration, account expiration,
* or both. (If either value was not present, the corresponding argument will
* be 0.) Furthermore, a non-zero @a password_expiration should be taken as a
* suggestion from the KDC that a warning be displayed.
* If @a is_last_req is false, then @a account_expiration will be 0 and @a
* password_expiration will contain the expiration time of either the password
* or account, or 0 if no expiration time was indicated in the KDC reply. The
* callback should independently decide whether to display a password
* expiration warning.
* Note that @a cb may be invoked even if credentials are being acquired for
* the kadmin/changepw service in order to change the password. It is the
* caller's responsibility to avoid displaying a password expiry warning in
* this case.
* @warning Setting an expire callback with this API will cause
* krb5_get_init_creds_password() not to send password expiry warnings to the
* prompter, as it ordinarily may.
* @version New in 1.9
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_expire_callback(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_expire_callback_func cb,
void *data);
* Set the responder function in initial credential options.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] opt Options structure
* @param [in] responder Responder function
* @param [in] data Responder data argument
* @version New in 1.11
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_responder(krb5_context context,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt,
krb5_responder_fn responder, void *data);
* Get initial credentials using a password.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] creds New credentials
* @param [in] client Client principal
* @param [in] password Password (or NULL)
* @param [in] prompter Prompter function
* @param [in] data Prompter callback data
* @param [in] start_time Time when ticket becomes valid (0 for now)
* @param [in] in_tkt_service Service name of initial credentials (or NULL)
* @param [in] k5_gic_options Initial credential options
* This function requests KDC for an initial credentials for @a client using @a
* password. If @a password is NULL, a password will be prompted for using @a
* prompter if necessary. If @a in_tkt_service is specified, it is parsed as a
* principal name (with the realm ignored) and used as the service principal
* for the request; otherwise the ticket-granting service is used.
* @sa krb5_verify_init_creds()
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* EINVAL Invalid argument
* @retval
* KRB5_KDC_UNREACH Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm
* @retval
* KRB5_PREAUTH_FAILED Generic Pre-athentication failure
* @retval
* KRB5_LIBOS_PWDINTR Password read interrupted
* @retval
* KRB5_REALM_CANT_RESOLVE Cannot resolve network address for KDC in requested realm
* @retval
* KRB5KDC_ERR_KEY_EXP Password has expired
* @retval
* KRB5_LIBOS_BADPWDMATCH Password mismatch
* @retval
* KRB5_CHPW_PWDNULL New password cannot be zero length
* @retval
* KRB5_CHPW_FAIL Password change failed
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_password(krb5_context context, krb5_creds *creds,
krb5_principal client, const char *password,
krb5_prompter_fct prompter, void *data,
krb5_deltat start_time,
const char *in_tkt_service,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *k5_gic_options);
* Retrieve enctype, salt and s2kparams from KDC
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] principal Principal whose information is requested
* @param [in] opt Initial credential options
* @param [out] enctype_out The enctype chosen by KDC
* @param [out] salt_out Salt returned from KDC
* @param [out] s2kparams_out String-to-key parameters returned from KDC
* Send an initial ticket request for @a principal and extract the encryption
* type, salt type, and string-to-key parameters from the KDC response. If the
* KDC provides no etype-info, set @a enctype_out to @c ENCTYPE_NULL and set @a
* salt_out and @a s2kparams_out to empty. If the KDC etype-info provides no
* salt, compute the default salt and place it in @a salt_out. If the KDC
* etype-info provides no string-to-key parameters, set @a s2kparams_out to
* empty.
* @a opt may be used to specify options which affect the initial request, such
* as request encryption types or a FAST armor cache (see
* krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_etype_list() and
* krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_fast_ccache_name()).
* Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a salt_out and @a s2kparams_out when
* they are no longer needed.
* @version New in 1.17
* @retval 0 Success
* @return A Kerberos error code
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_etype_info(krb5_context context, krb5_principal principal,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt, krb5_enctype *enctype_out,
krb5_data *salt_out, krb5_data *s2kparams_out);
struct _krb5_init_creds_context;
typedef struct _krb5_init_creds_context *krb5_init_creds_context;
#define KRB5_INIT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_CONTINUE 0x1 /**< More responses needed */
* Free an initial credentials context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ctx Initial credentials context
* @a context must be the same as the one passed to krb5_init_creds_init() for
* this initial credentials context.
krb5_init_creds_free(krb5_context context, krb5_init_creds_context ctx);
* Acquire credentials using an initial credentials context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ctx Initial credentials context
* This function synchronously obtains credentials using a context created by
* krb5_init_creds_init(). On successful return, the credentials can be
* retrieved with krb5_init_creds_get_creds().
* @a context must be the same as the one passed to krb5_init_creds_init() for
* this initial credentials context.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_creds_get(krb5_context context, krb5_init_creds_context ctx);
* Retrieve acquired credentials from an initial credentials context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ctx Initial credentials context
* @param [out] creds Acquired credentials
* This function copies the acquired initial credentials from @a ctx into @a
* creds, after the successful completion of krb5_init_creds_get() or
* krb5_init_creds_step(). Use krb5_free_cred_contents() to free @a creds when
* it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_creds_get_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_init_creds_context ctx,
krb5_creds *creds);
* Get the last error from KDC from an initial credentials context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ctx Initial credentials context
* @param [out] error Error from KDC, or NULL if none was received
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_creds_get_error(krb5_context context, krb5_init_creds_context ctx,
krb5_error **error);
* Create a context for acquiring initial credentials.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] client Client principal to get initial creds for
* @param [in] prompter Prompter callback
* @param [in] data Prompter callback argument
* @param [in] start_time Time when credentials become valid (0 for now)
* @param [in] options Options structure (NULL for default)
* @param [out] ctx New initial credentials context
* This function creates a new context for acquiring initial credentials. Use
* krb5_init_creds_free() to free @a ctx when it is no longer needed.
* Any subsequent calls to krb5_init_creds_step(), krb5_init_creds_get(), or
* krb5_init_creds_free() for this initial credentials context must use the
* same @a context argument as the one passed to this function.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_creds_init(krb5_context context, krb5_principal client,
krb5_prompter_fct prompter, void *data,
krb5_deltat start_time, krb5_get_init_creds_opt *options,
krb5_init_creds_context *ctx);
* Specify a keytab to use for acquiring initial credentials.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ctx Initial credentials context
* @param [in] keytab Key table handle
* This function supplies a keytab containing the client key for an initial
* credentials request.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_creds_set_keytab(krb5_context context, krb5_init_creds_context ctx,
krb5_keytab keytab);
* Get the next KDC request for acquiring initial credentials.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ctx Initial credentials context
* @param [in] in KDC response (empty on the first call)
* @param [out] out Next KDC request
* @param [out] realm Realm for next KDC request
* @param [out] flags Output flags
* This function constructs the next KDC request in an initial credential
* exchange, allowing the caller to control the transport of KDC requests and
* replies. On the first call, @a in should be set to an empty buffer; on
* subsequent calls, it should be set to the KDC's reply to the previous
* request.
* If more requests are needed, @a flags will be set to
* #KRB5_INIT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_CONTINUE and the next request will be placed in
* @a out. If no more requests are needed, @a flags will not contain
* #KRB5_INIT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_CONTINUE and @a out will be empty.
* If this function returns @c KRB5KRB_ERR_RESPONSE_TOO_BIG, the caller should
* transmit the next request using TCP rather than UDP. If this function
* returns any other error, the initial credential exchange has failed.
* @a context must be the same as the one passed to krb5_init_creds_init() for
* this initial credentials context.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_creds_step(krb5_context context, krb5_init_creds_context ctx,
krb5_data *in, krb5_data *out, krb5_data *realm,
unsigned int *flags);
* Set a password for acquiring initial credentials.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ctx Initial credentials context
* @param [in] password Password
* This function supplies a password to be used to construct the client key for
* an initial credentials request.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_creds_set_password(krb5_context context, krb5_init_creds_context ctx,
const char *password);
* Specify a service principal for acquiring initial credentials.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ctx Initial credentials context
* @param [in] service Service principal string
* This function supplies a service principal string to acquire initial
* credentials for instead of the default krbtgt service. @a service is parsed
* as a principal name; any realm part is ignored.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_creds_set_service(krb5_context context, krb5_init_creds_context ctx,
const char *service);
* Retrieve ticket times from an initial credentials context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ctx Initial credentials context
* @param [out] times Ticket times for acquired credentials
* The initial credentials context must have completed obtaining credentials
* via either krb5_init_creds_get() or krb5_init_creds_step().
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_init_creds_get_times(krb5_context context, krb5_init_creds_context ctx,
krb5_ticket_times *times);
struct _krb5_tkt_creds_context;
typedef struct _krb5_tkt_creds_context *krb5_tkt_creds_context;
* Create a context to get credentials from a KDC's Ticket Granting Service.
* @param[in] context Library context
* @param[in] ccache Credential cache handle
* @param[in] creds Input credentials
* @param[in] options @ref KRB5_GC options for this request.
* @param[out] ctx New TGS request context
* This function prepares to obtain credentials matching @a creds, either by
* retrieving them from @a ccache or by making requests to ticket-granting
* services beginning with a ticket-granting ticket for the client principal's
* realm.
* The resulting TGS acquisition context can be used asynchronously with
* krb5_tkt_creds_step() or synchronously with krb5_tkt_creds_get(). See also
* krb5_get_credentials() for synchronous use.
* Use krb5_tkt_creds_free() to free @a ctx when it is no longer needed.
* @version New in 1.9
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_tkt_creds_init(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache ccache,
krb5_creds *creds, krb5_flags options,
krb5_tkt_creds_context *ctx);
* Synchronously obtain credentials using a TGS request context.
* @param[in] context Library context
* @param[in] ctx TGS request context
* This function synchronously obtains credentials using a context created by
* krb5_tkt_creds_init(). On successful return, the credentials can be
* retrieved with krb5_tkt_creds_get_creds().
* @version New in 1.9
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_tkt_creds_get(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx);
* Retrieve acquired credentials from a TGS request context.
* @param[in] context Library context
* @param[in] ctx TGS request context
* @param[out] creds Acquired credentials
* This function copies the acquired initial credentials from @a ctx into @a
* creds, after the successful completion of krb5_tkt_creds_get() or
* krb5_tkt_creds_step(). Use krb5_free_cred_contents() to free @a creds when
* it is no longer needed.
* @version New in 1.9
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_tkt_creds_get_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
krb5_creds *creds);
* Free a TGS request context.
* @param[in] context Library context
* @param[in] ctx TGS request context
* @version New in 1.9
krb5_tkt_creds_free(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx);
#define KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_CONTINUE 0x1 /**< More responses needed */
* Get the next KDC request in a TGS exchange.
* @param[in] context Library context
* @param[in] ctx TGS request context
* @param[in] in KDC response (empty on the first call)
* @param[out] out Next KDC request
* @param[out] realm Realm for next KDC request
* @param[out] flags Output flags
* This function constructs the next KDC request for a TGS exchange, allowing
* the caller to control the transport of KDC requests and replies. On the
* first call, @a in should be set to an empty buffer; on subsequent calls, it
* should be set to the KDC's reply to the previous request.
* If more requests are needed, @a flags will be set to
* #KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_CONTINUE and the next request will be placed in @a
* out. If no more requests are needed, @a flags will not contain
* #KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_CONTINUE and @a out will be empty.
* If this function returns @c KRB5KRB_ERR_RESPONSE_TOO_BIG, the caller should
* transmit the next request using TCP rather than UDP. If this function
* returns any other error, the TGS exchange has failed.
* @version New in 1.9
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_tkt_creds_step(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
krb5_data *in, krb5_data *out, krb5_data *realm,
unsigned int *flags);
* Retrieve ticket times from a TGS request context.
* @param[in] context Library context
* @param[in] ctx TGS request context
* @param[out] times Ticket times for acquired credentials
* The TGS request context must have completed obtaining credentials via either
* krb5_tkt_creds_get() or krb5_tkt_creds_step().
* @version New in 1.9
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_tkt_creds_get_times(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
krb5_ticket_times *times);
* Get initial credentials using a key table.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] creds New credentials
* @param [in] client Client principal
* @param [in] arg_keytab Key table handle
* @param [in] start_time Time when ticket becomes valid (0 for now)
* @param [in] in_tkt_service Service name of initial credentials (or NULL)
* @param [in] k5_gic_options Initial credential options
* This function requests KDC for an initial credentials for @a client using a
* client key stored in @a arg_keytab. If @a in_tkt_service is specified, it
* is parsed as a principal name (with the realm ignored) and used as the
* service principal for the request; otherwise the ticket-granting service is
* used.
* @sa krb5_verify_init_creds()
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_init_creds_keytab(krb5_context context, krb5_creds *creds,
krb5_principal client, krb5_keytab arg_keytab,
krb5_deltat start_time, const char *in_tkt_service,
krb5_get_init_creds_opt *k5_gic_options);
typedef struct _krb5_verify_init_creds_opt {
krb5_flags flags;
int ap_req_nofail; /**< boolean */
} krb5_verify_init_creds_opt;
* Initialize a credential verification options structure.
* @param [in] k5_vic_options Verification options structure
krb5_verify_init_creds_opt_init(krb5_verify_init_creds_opt *k5_vic_options);
* Set whether credential verification is required.
* @param [in] k5_vic_options Verification options structure
* @param [in] ap_req_nofail Whether to require successful verification
* This function determines how krb5_verify_init_creds() behaves if no keytab
* information is available. If @a ap_req_nofail is @c FALSE, verification
* will be skipped in this case and krb5_verify_init_creds() will return
* successfully. If @a ap_req_nofail is @c TRUE, krb5_verify_init_creds() will
* not return successfully unless verification can be performed.
* If this function is not used, the behavior of krb5_verify_init_creds() is
* determined through configuration.
krb5_verify_init_creds_opt_set_ap_req_nofail(krb5_verify_init_creds_opt * k5_vic_options,
int ap_req_nofail);
* Verify initial credentials against a keytab.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] creds Initial credentials to be verified
* @param [in] server Server principal (or NULL)
* @param [in] keytab Key table (NULL to use default keytab)
* @param [in] ccache Credential cache for fetched creds (or NULL)
* @param [in] options Verification options (NULL for default options)
* This function attempts to verify that @a creds were obtained from a KDC with
* knowledge of a key in @a keytab, or the default keytab if @a keytab is NULL.
* If @a server is provided, the highest-kvno key entry for that principal name
* is used to verify the credentials; otherwise, all unique "host" service
* principals in the keytab are tried.
* If the specified keytab does not exist, or is empty, or cannot be read, or
* does not contain an entry for @a server, then credential verification may be
* skipped unless configuration demands that it succeed. The caller can
* control this behavior by providing a verification options structure; see
* krb5_verify_init_creds_opt_init() and
* krb5_verify_init_creds_opt_set_ap_req_nofail().
* If @a ccache is NULL, any additional credentials fetched during the
* verification process will be destroyed. If @a ccache points to NULL, a
* memory ccache will be created for the additional credentials and returned in
* @a ccache. If @a ccache points to a valid credential cache handle, the
* additional credentials will be stored in that cache.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_verify_init_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_creds *creds,
krb5_principal server, krb5_keytab keytab,
krb5_ccache *ccache,
krb5_verify_init_creds_opt *options);
* Get validated credentials from the KDC.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] creds Validated credentials
* @param [in] client Client principal name
* @param [in] ccache Credential cache
* @param [in] in_tkt_service Server principal string (or NULL)
* This function gets a validated credential using a postdated credential from
* @a ccache. If @a in_tkt_service is specified, it is parsed (with the realm
* part ignored) and used as the server principal of the credential;
* otherwise, the ticket-granting service is used.
* If successful, the validated credential is placed in @a creds.
* @sa krb5_get_renewed_creds()
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @retval
* KRB5_NO_2ND_TKT Request missing second ticket
* @retval
* KRB5_NO_TKT_SUPPLIED Request did not supply a ticket
* @retval
* KRB5_PRINC_NOMATCH Requested principal and ticket do not match
* @retval
* KRB5_KDCREP_MODIFIED KDC reply did not match expectations
* @retval
* KRB5_KDCREP_SKEW Clock skew too great in KDC reply
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_validated_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_creds *creds,
krb5_principal client, krb5_ccache ccache,
const char *in_tkt_service);
* Get renewed credential from KDC using an existing credential.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] creds Renewed credentials
* @param [in] client Client principal name
* @param [in] ccache Credential cache
* @param [in] in_tkt_service Server principal string (or NULL)
* This function gets a renewed credential using an existing one from @a
* ccache. If @a in_tkt_service is specified, it is parsed (with the realm
* part ignored) and used as the server principal of the credential; otherwise,
* the ticket-granting service is used.
* If successful, the renewed credential is placed in @a creds.
* @retval
* 0 Success
* @return
* Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_renewed_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_creds *creds,
krb5_principal client, krb5_ccache ccache,
const char *in_tkt_service);
* Decode an ASN.1-formatted ticket.
* @param [in] code ASN.1-formatted ticket
* @param [out] rep Decoded ticket information
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_decode_ticket(const krb5_data *code, krb5_ticket **rep);
* Retrieve a string value from the appdefaults section of krb5.conf.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] appname Application name
* @param [in] realm Realm name
* @param [in] option Option to be checked
* @param [in] default_value Default value to return if no match is found
* @param [out] ret_value String value of @a option
* This function gets the application defaults for @a option based on the given
* @a appname and/or @a realm.
* @sa krb5_appdefault_boolean()
krb5_appdefault_string(krb5_context context, const char *appname,
const krb5_data *realm, const char *option,
const char *default_value, char ** ret_value);
* Retrieve a boolean value from the appdefaults section of krb5.conf.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] appname Application name
* @param [in] realm Realm name
* @param [in] option Option to be checked
* @param [in] default_value Default value to return if no match is found
* @param [out] ret_value Boolean value of @a option
* This function gets the application defaults for @a option based on the given
* @a appname and/or @a realm.
* @sa krb5_appdefault_string()
krb5_appdefault_boolean(krb5_context context, const char *appname,
const krb5_data *realm, const char *option,
int default_value, int *ret_value);
* Prompter enhancements
/** Prompt for password */
/** Prompt for new password (during password change) */
/** Prompt for new password again */
/** Prompt for preauthentication data (such as an OTP value) */
typedef krb5_int32 krb5_prompt_type;
* Get prompt types array from a context.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @return
* Pointer to an array of prompt types corresponding to the prompter's @a
* prompts arguments. Each type has one of the following values:
krb5_prompt_type* KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_prompt_types(krb5_context context);
/* Error reporting */
* Set an extended error message for an error code.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] code Error code
* @param [in] fmt Error string for the error code
* @param [in] ... printf(3) style parameters
krb5_set_error_message(krb5_context ctx, krb5_error_code code, const char *fmt, ...)
#if !defined(__cplusplus) && (__GNUC__ > 2)
__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 4)))
* Set an extended error message for an error code using a va_list.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] code Error code
* @param [in] fmt Error string for the error code
* @param [in] args List of vprintf(3) style arguments
krb5_vset_error_message(krb5_context ctx, krb5_error_code code,
const char *fmt, va_list args)
#if !defined(__cplusplus) && (__GNUC__ > 2)
__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 0)))
* Add a prefix to the message for an error code.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] code Error code
* @param [in] fmt Format string for error message prefix
* @param [in] ... printf(3) style parameters
* Format a message and prepend it to the current message for @a code. The
* prefix will be separated from the old message with a colon and space.
krb5_prepend_error_message(krb5_context ctx, krb5_error_code code,
const char *fmt, ...)
#if !defined(__cplusplus) && (__GNUC__ > 2)
__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 4)))
* Add a prefix to the message for an error code using a va_list.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] code Error code
* @param [in] fmt Format string for error message prefix
* @param [in] args List of vprintf(3) style arguments
* This function is similar to krb5_prepend_error_message(), but uses a
* va_list instead of variadic arguments.
krb5_vprepend_error_message(krb5_context ctx, krb5_error_code code,
const char *fmt, va_list args)
#if !defined(__cplusplus) && (__GNUC__ > 2)
__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 0)))
* Add a prefix to a different error code's message.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] old_code Previous error code
* @param [in] code Error code
* @param [in] fmt Format string for error message prefix
* @param [in] ... printf(3) style parameters
* Format a message and prepend it to the message for @a old_code. The prefix
* will be separated from the old message with a colon and space. Set the
* resulting message as the extended error message for @a code.
krb5_wrap_error_message(krb5_context ctx, krb5_error_code old_code,
krb5_error_code code, const char *fmt, ...)
#if !defined(__cplusplus) && (__GNUC__ > 2)
__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 4, 5)))
* Add a prefix to a different error code's message using a va_list.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] old_code Previous error code
* @param [in] code Error code
* @param [in] fmt Format string for error message prefix
* @param [in] args List of vprintf(3) style arguments
* This function is similar to krb5_wrap_error_message(), but uses a
* va_list instead of variadic arguments.
krb5_vwrap_error_message(krb5_context ctx, krb5_error_code old_code,
krb5_error_code code, const char *fmt, va_list args)
#if !defined(__cplusplus) && (__GNUC__ > 2)
__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 4, 0)))
* Copy the most recent extended error message from one context to another.
* @param [in] dest_ctx Library context to copy message to
* @param [in] src_ctx Library context with current message
krb5_copy_error_message(krb5_context dest_ctx, krb5_context src_ctx);
* Get the (possibly extended) error message for a code.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] code Error code
* The behavior of krb5_get_error_message() is only defined the first time it
* is called after a failed call to a krb5 function using the same context, and
* only when the error code passed in is the same as that returned by the krb5
* function.
* This function never returns NULL, so its result may be used unconditionally
* as a C string.
* The string returned by this function must be freed using
* krb5_free_error_message()
* @note Future versions may return the same string for the second
* and following calls.
const char * KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_get_error_message(krb5_context ctx, krb5_error_code code);
* Free an error message generated by krb5_get_error_message().
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* @param [in] msg Pointer to error message
krb5_free_error_message(krb5_context ctx, const char *msg);
* Clear the extended error message in a context.
* @param [in] ctx Library context
* This function unsets the extended error message in a context, to ensure that
* it is not mistakenly applied to another occurrence of the same error code.
krb5_clear_error_message(krb5_context ctx);
* Unwrap authorization data.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] type @ref KRB5_AUTHDATA type of @a container
* @param [in] container Authorization data to be decoded
* @param [out] authdata List of decoded authorization data
* @sa krb5_encode_authdata_container()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_decode_authdata_container(krb5_context context,
krb5_authdatatype type,
const krb5_authdata *container,
krb5_authdata ***authdata);
* Wrap authorization data in a container.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] type @ref KRB5_AUTHDATA type of @a container
* @param [in] authdata List of authorization data to be encoded
* @param [out] container List of encoded authorization data
* The result is returned in @a container as a single-element list.
* @sa krb5_decode_authdata_container()
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_encode_authdata_container(krb5_context context,
krb5_authdatatype type,
krb5_authdata * const*authdata,
krb5_authdata ***container);
* AD-KDCIssued
* Encode and sign AD-KDCIssued authorization data.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Session key
* @param [in] issuer The name of the issuing principal
* @param [in] authdata List of authorization data to be signed
* @param [out] ad_kdcissued List containing AD-KDCIssued authdata
* This function wraps a list of authorization data entries @a authdata in an
* AD-KDCIssued container (see RFC 4120 section signed with @a key.
* The result is returned in @a ad_kdcissued as a single-element list.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_make_authdata_kdc_issued(krb5_context context,
const krb5_keyblock *key,
krb5_const_principal issuer,
krb5_authdata *const *authdata,
krb5_authdata ***ad_kdcissued);
* Unwrap and verify AD-KDCIssued authorization data.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] key Session key
* @param [in] ad_kdcissued AD-KDCIssued authorization data to be unwrapped
* @param [out] issuer Name of issuing principal (or NULL)
* @param [out] authdata Unwrapped list of authorization data
* This function unwraps an AD-KDCIssued authdatum (see RFC 4120 section
* and verifies its signature against @a key. The issuer field of the
* authdatum element is returned in @a issuer, and the unwrapped list of
* authdata is returned in @a authdata.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_verify_authdata_kdc_issued(krb5_context context,
const krb5_keyblock *key,
const krb5_authdata *ad_kdcissued,
krb5_principal *issuer,
krb5_authdata ***authdata);
* Windows PAC
/* Microsoft defined types of data */
#define KRB5_PAC_LOGON_INFO 1 /**< Logon information */
#define KRB5_PAC_CREDENTIALS_INFO 2 /**< Credentials information */
#define KRB5_PAC_SERVER_CHECKSUM 6 /**< Server checksum */
#define KRB5_PAC_PRIVSVR_CHECKSUM 7 /**< KDC checksum */
#define KRB5_PAC_CLIENT_INFO 10 /**< Client name and ticket info */
#define KRB5_PAC_DELEGATION_INFO 11 /**< Constrained delegation info */
#define KRB5_PAC_UPN_DNS_INFO 12 /**< User principal name and DNS info */
#define KRB5_PAC_CLIENT_CLAIMS 13 /**< Client claims information */
#define KRB5_PAC_DEVICE_INFO 14 /**< Device information */
#define KRB5_PAC_DEVICE_CLAIMS 15 /**< Device claims information */
#define KRB5_PAC_TICKET_CHECKSUM 16 /**< Ticket checksum */
#define KRB5_PAC_ATTRIBUTES_INFO 17 /**< PAC attributes */
#define KRB5_PAC_REQUESTOR 18 /**< PAC requestor SID */
#define KRB5_PAC_FULL_CHECKSUM 19 /**< KDC full checksum */
struct krb5_pac_data;
/** PAC data structure to convey authorization information */
typedef struct krb5_pac_data *krb5_pac;
* Add a buffer to a PAC handle.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] pac PAC handle
* @param [in] type Buffer type
* @param [in] data contents
* This function adds a buffer of type @a type and contents @a data to @a pac
* if there isn't already a buffer of this type present.
* The valid values of @a type is one of the following:
* @li #KRB5_PAC_LOGON_INFO - Logon information
* @li #KRB5_PAC_CREDENTIALS_INFO - Credentials information
* @li #KRB5_PAC_SERVER_CHECKSUM - Server checksum
* @li #KRB5_PAC_CLIENT_INFO - Client name and ticket information
* @li #KRB5_PAC_DELEGATION_INFO - Constrained delegation information
* @li #KRB5_PAC_UPN_DNS_INFO - User principal name and DNS information
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_pac_add_buffer(krb5_context context, krb5_pac pac, krb5_ui_4 type,
const krb5_data *data);
* Free a PAC handle.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] pac PAC to be freed
* This function frees the contents of @a pac and the structure itself.
krb5_pac_free(krb5_context context, krb5_pac pac);
* Retrieve a buffer value from a PAC.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] pac PAC handle
* @param [in] type Type of buffer to retrieve
* @param [out] data Buffer value
* Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free @a data when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_pac_get_buffer(krb5_context context, krb5_pac pac, krb5_ui_4 type,
krb5_data *data);
* Return an array of buffer types in a PAC handle.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] pac PAC handle
* @param [out] len Number of entries in @a types
* @param [out] types Array of buffer types
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_pac_get_types(krb5_context context, krb5_pac pac, size_t *len,
krb5_ui_4 **types);
* Create an empty Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) handle.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [out] pac New PAC handle
* Use krb5_pac_free() to free @a pac when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_pac_init(krb5_context context, krb5_pac *pac);
* Unparse an encoded PAC into a new handle.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] ptr PAC buffer
* @param [in] len Length of @a ptr
* @param [out] pac PAC handle
* Use krb5_pac_free() to free @a pac when it is no longer needed.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_pac_parse(krb5_context context, const void *ptr, size_t len,
krb5_pac *pac);
* Verify a PAC.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] pac PAC handle
* @param [in] authtime Expected timestamp
* @param [in] principal Expected principal name (or NULL)
* @param [in] server Key to validate server checksum (or NULL)
* @param [in] privsvr Key to validate KDC checksum (or NULL)
* This function validates @a pac against the supplied @a server, @a privsvr,
* @a principal and @a authtime. If @a principal is NULL, the principal and
* authtime are not verified. If @a server or @a privsvr is NULL, the
* corresponding checksum is not verified.
* If successful, @a pac is marked as verified.
* @note A checksum mismatch can occur if the PAC was copied from a cross-realm
* TGT by an ignorant KDC; also macOS Server Open Directory (as of 10.6)
* generates PACs with no server checksum at all. One should consider not
* failing the whole authentication because of this reason, but, instead,
* treating the ticket as if it did not contain a PAC or marking the PAC
* information as non-verified.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_pac_verify(krb5_context context, const krb5_pac pac,
krb5_timestamp authtime, krb5_const_principal principal,
const krb5_keyblock *server, const krb5_keyblock *privsvr);
* Verify a PAC, possibly from a specified realm.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] pac PAC handle
* @param [in] authtime Expected timestamp
* @param [in] principal Expected principal name (or NULL)
* @param [in] server Key to validate server checksum (or NULL)
* @param [in] privsvr Key to validate KDC checksum (or NULL)
* @param [in] with_realm If true, expect the realm of @a principal
* This function is similar to krb5_pac_verify(), but adds a parameter
* @a with_realm. If @a with_realm is true, the PAC_CLIENT_INFO field is
* expected to include the realm of @a principal as well as the name. This
* flag is necessary to verify PACs in cross-realm S4U2Self referral TGTs.
* @version New in 1.17
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_pac_verify_ext(krb5_context context, const krb5_pac pac,
krb5_timestamp authtime, krb5_const_principal principal,
const krb5_keyblock *server, const krb5_keyblock *privsvr,
krb5_boolean with_realm);
* Verify a PAC, possibly including ticket signature
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enc_tkt Ticket enc-part, possibly containing a PAC
* @param [in] server_princ Canonicalized name of ticket server
* @param [in] server Key to validate server checksum (or NULL)
* @param [in] privsvr Key to validate KDC checksum (or NULL)
* @param [out] pac_out Verified PAC (NULL if no PAC included)
* If a PAC is present in @a enc_tkt, verify its signatures. If @a privsvr is
* not NULL and @a server_princ is not a krbtgt or kadmin/changepw service,
* require a ticket signature over @a enc_tkt in addition to the KDC signature.
* Place the verified PAC in @a pac_out. If an invalid PAC signature is found,
* return an error matching the Windows KDC protocol code for that condition as
* closely as possible.
* If no PAC is present in @a enc_tkt, set @a pac_out to NULL and return
* successfully.
* @note This function does not validate the PAC_CLIENT_INFO buffer. If a
* specific value is expected, the caller can make a separate call to
* krb5_pac_verify_ext() with a principal but no keys.
* @retval 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
* @version New in 1.20
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kdc_verify_ticket(krb5_context context, const krb5_enc_tkt_part *enc_tkt,
krb5_const_principal server_princ,
const krb5_keyblock *server,
const krb5_keyblock *privsvr, krb5_pac *pac_out);
/** @deprecated Use krb5_kdc_sign_ticket() instead. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_pac_sign(krb5_context context, krb5_pac pac, krb5_timestamp authtime,
krb5_const_principal principal, const krb5_keyblock *server_key,
const krb5_keyblock *privsvr_key, krb5_data *data);
/** @deprecated Use krb5_kdc_sign_ticket() instead. */
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_pac_sign_ext(krb5_context context, krb5_pac pac, krb5_timestamp authtime,
krb5_const_principal principal,
const krb5_keyblock *server_key,
const krb5_keyblock *privsvr_key, krb5_boolean with_realm,
krb5_data *data);
* Compatibility function used by IPA if the 1.20 KDB diver API is not
* available. It generates PAC signatures, including the extended KDC one when
* relevant.
* It is similar to krb5_kdc_sign_ticket(), except it will not generate the
* PAC ticket signature, and therefore does not expect encrypted ticket part as
* parameter.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] pac PAC handle
* @param [in] authtime Expected timestamp
* @param [in] client_princ Client principal name (or NULL)
* @param [in] server_princ Server principal name
* @param [in] server_key Key for server checksum
* @param [in] privsvr_key Key for KDC checksum
* @param [in] with_realm If true, include the realm of @a client_princ
* @param [out] data Signed PAC encoding
* This function signs @a pac using the keys @a server_key and @a privsvr_key
* and returns the signed encoding in @a data. @a pac is modified to include
* the server and KDC checksum buffers. Use krb5_free_data_contents() to free
* @a data when it is no longer needed.
* If @a with_realm is true, the PAC_CLIENT_INFO field of the signed PAC will
* include the realm of @a client_princ as well as the name. This flag is
* necessary to generate PACs for cross-realm S4U2Self referrals.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_pac_full_sign_compat(krb5_context context, krb5_pac pac,
krb5_timestamp authtime,
krb5_const_principal client_princ,
krb5_const_principal server_princ,
const krb5_keyblock *server_key,
const krb5_keyblock *privsvr_key,
krb5_boolean with_realm,
krb5_data *data);
* Sign a PAC, possibly including a ticket signature
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enc_tkt The ticket for the signature
* @param [in] pac PAC handle
* @param [in] server_princ Canonical ticket server name
* @param [in] client_princ PAC_CLIENT_INFO principal (or NULL)
* @param [in] server Key for server checksum
* @param [in] privsvr Key for KDC and ticket checksum
* @param [in] with_realm If true, include the realm of @a principal
* Sign @a pac using the keys @a server and @a privsvr. Include a ticket
* signature over @a enc_tkt if @a server_princ is not a TGS or kadmin/changepw
* principal name. Add the signed PAC's encoding to the authorization data of
* @a enc_tkt in the first slot, wrapped in an AD-IF-RELEVANT container. If @a
* client_princ is non-null, add a PAC_CLIENT_INFO buffer, including the realm
* if @a with_realm is true.
* @retval 0 on success, otherwise - Kerberos error codes
* @version New in 1.20
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_kdc_sign_ticket(krb5_context context, krb5_enc_tkt_part *enc_tkt,
const krb5_pac pac, krb5_const_principal server_princ,
krb5_const_principal client_princ,
const krb5_keyblock *server, const krb5_keyblock *privsvr,
krb5_boolean with_realm);
* Read client information from a PAC.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] pac PAC handle
* @param [out] authtime_out Authentication timestamp (NULL if not needed)
* @param [out] princname_out Client account name
* Read the PAC_CLIENT_INFO buffer in @a pac. Place the client account name as
* a string in @a princname_out. If @a authtime_out is not NULL, place the
* initial authentication timestamp in @a authtime_out.
* @retval 0 on success, ENOENT if no PAC_CLIENT_INFO buffer is present in @a
* pac, ERANGE if the buffer contains invalid lengths.
* @version New in 1.18
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_pac_get_client_info(krb5_context context, const krb5_pac pac,
krb5_timestamp *authtime_out, char **princname_out);
* Allow the application to override the profile's allow_weak_crypto setting.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] enable Boolean flag
* This function allows an application to override the allow_weak_crypto
* setting. It is primarily for use by aklog.
* @retval 0 (always)
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_allow_weak_crypto(krb5_context context, krb5_boolean enable);
* A wrapper for passing information to a @c krb5_trace_callback.
* Currently, it only contains the formatted message as determined
* the the format string and arguments of the tracing macro, but it
* may be extended to contain more fields in the future.
typedef struct _krb5_trace_info {
const char *message;
} krb5_trace_info;
typedef void
(KRB5_CALLCONV *krb5_trace_callback)(krb5_context context,
const krb5_trace_info *info,
void *cb_data);
* Specify a callback function for trace events.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] fn Callback function
* @param [in] cb_data Callback data
* Specify a callback for trace events occurring in krb5 operations performed
* within @a context. @a fn will be invoked with @a context as the first
* argument, @a cb_data as the last argument, and a pointer to a
* krb5_trace_info as the second argument. If the trace callback is reset via
* this function or @a context is destroyed, @a fn will be invoked with a NULL
* second argument so it can clean up @a cb_data. Supply a NULL value for @a
* fn to disable trace callbacks within @a context.
* @note This function overrides the information passed through the
* @a KRB5_TRACE environment variable.
* @version New in 1.9
* @return Returns KRB5_TRACE_NOSUPP if tracing is not supported in the library
* (unless @a fn is NULL).
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_set_trace_callback(krb5_context context, krb5_trace_callback fn,
void *cb_data);
* Specify a file name for directing trace events.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] filename File name
* Open @a filename for appending (creating it, if necessary) and set up a
* callback to write trace events to it.
* @note This function overrides the information passed through the
* @a KRB5_TRACE environment variable.
* @version New in 1.9
* @retval KRB5_TRACE_NOSUPP Tracing is not supported in the library.
krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
krb5_set_trace_filename(krb5_context context, const char *filename);
* Hook function for inspecting or modifying messages sent to KDCs.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] data Callback data
* @param [in] realm The realm the message will be sent to
* @param [in] message The original message to be sent to the KDC
* @param [out] new_message_out Optional replacement message to be sent
* @param [out] reply_out Optional synthetic reply
* If the hook function returns an error code, the KDC communication will be
* aborted and the error code will be returned to the library operation which
* initiated the communication.
* If the hook function sets @a reply_out, @a message will not be sent to the
* KDC, and the given reply will used instead.
* If the hook function sets @a new_message_out, the given message will be sent
* to the KDC in place of @a message.
* If the hook function returns successfully without setting either output,
* @a message will be sent to the KDC normally.
* The hook function should use krb5_copy_data() to construct the value for
* @a new_message_out or @a reply_out, to ensure that it can be freed correctly
* by the library.
* @version New in 1.15
* @retval 0 Success
* @return A Kerberos error code
typedef krb5_error_code
(KRB5_CALLCONV *krb5_pre_send_fn)(krb5_context context, void *data,
const krb5_data *realm,
const krb5_data *message,
krb5_data **new_message_out,
krb5_data **new_reply_out);
* Hook function for inspecting or overriding KDC replies.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] data Callback data
* @param [in] code Status of KDC communication
* @param [in] realm The realm the reply was received from
* @param [in] message The message sent to the realm's KDC
* @param [in] reply The reply received from the KDC
* @param [out] new_reply_out Optional replacement reply
* If @a code is zero, @a reply contains the reply received from the KDC. The
* hook function may return an error code to simulate an error, may synthesize
* a different reply by setting @a new_reply_out, or may simply return
* successfully to do nothing.
* If @a code is non-zero, KDC communication failed and @a reply should be
* ignored. The hook function may return @a code or a different error code, or
* may synthesize a reply by setting @a new_reply_out and return successfully.
* The hook function should use krb5_copy_data() to construct the value for
* @a new_reply_out, to ensure that it can be freed correctly by the library.
* @version New in 1.15
* @retval 0 Success
* @return A Kerberos error code
typedef krb5_error_code
(KRB5_CALLCONV *krb5_post_recv_fn)(krb5_context context, void *data,
krb5_error_code code,
const krb5_data *realm,
const krb5_data *message,
const krb5_data *reply,
krb5_data **new_reply_out);
* Set a KDC pre-send hook function.
* @param [in] context Library context
* @param [in] send_hook Hook function (or NULL to disable the hook)
* @param [in] data Callback data to be passed to @a send_hook
* @a send_hook will be called before messages are sent to KDCs by library
* functions such as krb5_get_credentials(). The hook function may inspect,
* override, or synthesize its own reply to the message.
* @version New in 1.15
krb5_set_kdc_send_hook(krb5_context context, krb5_pre_send_fn send_hook,
void *data);
* Set a KDC post-receive hook function.
* @param [in] context The library context.
* @param [in] recv_hook Hook function (or NULL to disable the hook)
* @param [in] data Callback data to be passed to @a recv_hook
* @a recv_hook will be called after a reply is received from a KDC during a
* call to a library function such as krb5_get_credentials(). The hook
* function may inspect or override the reply. This hook will not be executed
* if the pre-send hook returns a synthetic reply.
* @version New in 1.15
krb5_set_kdc_recv_hook(krb5_context context, krb5_post_recv_fn recv_hook,
void *data);
# pragma pack(pop)
/* Don't use this! We're going to phase it out. It's just here to keep
applications from breaking right away. */
#define krb5_const const
/** @} */ /* end of KRB5_H group */
#endif /* KRB5_GENERAL__ */
* et-h-krb5_err.h:
* This file is automatically generated; please do not edit it.
#include <et/com_err.h>
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_NONE (-1765328384L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_NAME_EXP (-1765328383L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_SERVICE_EXP (-1765328382L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_BAD_PVNO (-1765328381L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_C_OLD_MAST_KVNO (-1765328380L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_S_OLD_MAST_KVNO (-1765328379L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN (-1765328378L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN (-1765328377L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_NULL_KEY (-1765328375L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_CANNOT_POSTDATE (-1765328374L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_NEVER_VALID (-1765328373L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_POLICY (-1765328372L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_BADOPTION (-1765328371L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP (-1765328370L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_SUMTYPE_NOSUPP (-1765328369L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_PADATA_TYPE_NOSUPP (-1765328368L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_TRTYPE_NOSUPP (-1765328367L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_CLIENT_REVOKED (-1765328366L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_SERVICE_REVOKED (-1765328365L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_TGT_REVOKED (-1765328364L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NOTYET (-1765328363L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_SERVICE_NOTYET (-1765328362L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_KEY_EXP (-1765328361L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED (-1765328360L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED (-1765328359L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_SERVER_NOMATCH (-1765328358L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_MUST_USE_USER2USER (-1765328357L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_PATH_NOT_ACCEPTED (-1765328356L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_SVC_UNAVAILABLE (-1765328355L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_30 (-1765328354L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_BAD_INTEGRITY (-1765328353L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_EXPIRED (-1765328352L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_NYV (-1765328351L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT (-1765328350L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_NOT_US (-1765328349L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_BADMATCH (-1765328348L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW (-1765328347L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_BADADDR (-1765328346L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_BADVERSION (-1765328345L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE (-1765328344L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED (-1765328343L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_BADORDER (-1765328342L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_ILL_CR_TKT (-1765328341L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_BADKEYVER (-1765328340L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_NOKEY (-1765328339L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MUT_FAIL (-1765328338L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_BADDIRECTION (-1765328337L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_METHOD (-1765328336L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_BADSEQ (-1765328335L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_INAPP_CKSUM (-1765328334L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_PATH_NOT_ACCEPTED (-1765328333L)
#define KRB5KRB_ERR_RESPONSE_TOO_BIG (-1765328332L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_53 (-1765328331L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_54 (-1765328330L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_55 (-1765328329L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_56 (-1765328328L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_57 (-1765328327L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_58 (-1765328326L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_59 (-1765328325L)
#define KRB5KRB_ERR_GENERIC (-1765328324L)
#define KRB5KRB_ERR_FIELD_TOOLONG (-1765328323L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NOT_TRUSTED (-1765328322L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_KDC_NOT_TRUSTED (-1765328321L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_INVALID_SIG (-1765328320L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_NO_TGT (-1765328317L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_WRONG_REALM (-1765328316L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_KDC_NAME_MISMATCH (-1765328308L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_82 (-1765328302L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_83 (-1765328301L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_84 (-1765328300L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_IAKERB_KDC_NOT_FOUND (-1765328299L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_87 (-1765328297L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_88 (-1765328296L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_89 (-1765328295L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_EXPIRED (-1765328294L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_92 (-1765328292L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_94 (-1765328290L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_95 (-1765328289L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_96 (-1765328288L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_97 (-1765328287L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_98 (-1765328286L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_99 (-1765328285L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_NO_ACCEPTABLE_KDF (-1765328284L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_101 (-1765328283L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_102 (-1765328282L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_103 (-1765328281L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_104 (-1765328280L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_105 (-1765328279L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_106 (-1765328278L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_107 (-1765328277L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_108 (-1765328276L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_109 (-1765328275L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_110 (-1765328274L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_111 (-1765328273L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_112 (-1765328272L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_113 (-1765328271L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_114 (-1765328270L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_115 (-1765328269L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_116 (-1765328268L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_117 (-1765328267L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_118 (-1765328266L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_119 (-1765328265L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_120 (-1765328264L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_121 (-1765328263L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_122 (-1765328262L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_123 (-1765328261L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_124 (-1765328260L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_125 (-1765328259L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_126 (-1765328258L)
#define KRB5PLACEHOLD_127 (-1765328257L)
#define KRB5_ERR_RCSID (-1765328256L)
#define KRB5_LIBOS_BADLOCKFLAG (-1765328255L)
#define KRB5_LIBOS_CANTREADPWD (-1765328254L)
#define KRB5_LIBOS_BADPWDMATCH (-1765328253L)
#define KRB5_LIBOS_PWDINTR (-1765328252L)
#define KRB5_PARSE_ILLCHAR (-1765328251L)
#define KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED (-1765328250L)
#define KRB5_CONFIG_CANTOPEN (-1765328249L)
#define KRB5_CONFIG_BADFORMAT (-1765328248L)
#define KRB5_CONFIG_NOTENUFSPACE (-1765328247L)
#define KRB5_BADMSGTYPE (-1765328246L)
#define KRB5_CC_BADNAME (-1765328245L)
#define KRB5_CC_UNKNOWN_TYPE (-1765328244L)
#define KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND (-1765328243L)
#define KRB5_CC_END (-1765328242L)
#define KRB5_NO_TKT_SUPPLIED (-1765328241L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_WRONG_PRINC (-1765328240L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_INVALID (-1765328239L)
#define KRB5_PRINC_NOMATCH (-1765328238L)
#define KRB5_KDCREP_MODIFIED (-1765328237L)
#define KRB5_KDCREP_SKEW (-1765328236L)
#define KRB5_IN_TKT_REALM_MISMATCH (-1765328235L)
#define KRB5_PROG_ETYPE_NOSUPP (-1765328234L)
#define KRB5_PROG_KEYTYPE_NOSUPP (-1765328233L)
#define KRB5_WRONG_ETYPE (-1765328232L)
#define KRB5_PROG_SUMTYPE_NOSUPP (-1765328231L)
#define KRB5_REALM_UNKNOWN (-1765328230L)
#define KRB5_SERVICE_UNKNOWN (-1765328229L)
#define KRB5_KDC_UNREACH (-1765328228L)
#define KRB5_NO_LOCALNAME (-1765328227L)
#define KRB5_MUTUAL_FAILED (-1765328226L)
#define KRB5_RC_TYPE_EXISTS (-1765328225L)
#define KRB5_RC_MALLOC (-1765328224L)
#define KRB5_RC_TYPE_NOTFOUND (-1765328223L)
#define KRB5_RC_UNKNOWN (-1765328222L)
#define KRB5_RC_REPLAY (-1765328221L)
#define KRB5_RC_IO (-1765328220L)
#define KRB5_RC_NOIO (-1765328219L)
#define KRB5_RC_PARSE (-1765328218L)
#define KRB5_RC_IO_EOF (-1765328217L)
#define KRB5_RC_IO_MALLOC (-1765328216L)
#define KRB5_RC_IO_PERM (-1765328215L)
#define KRB5_RC_IO_IO (-1765328214L)
#define KRB5_RC_IO_UNKNOWN (-1765328213L)
#define KRB5_RC_IO_SPACE (-1765328212L)
#define KRB5_TRANS_CANTOPEN (-1765328211L)
#define KRB5_TRANS_BADFORMAT (-1765328210L)
#define KRB5_LNAME_CANTOPEN (-1765328209L)
#define KRB5_LNAME_NOTRANS (-1765328208L)
#define KRB5_LNAME_BADFORMAT (-1765328207L)
#define KRB5_CRYPTO_INTERNAL (-1765328206L)
#define KRB5_KT_BADNAME (-1765328205L)
#define KRB5_KT_UNKNOWN_TYPE (-1765328204L)
#define KRB5_KT_NOTFOUND (-1765328203L)
#define KRB5_KT_END (-1765328202L)
#define KRB5_KT_NOWRITE (-1765328201L)
#define KRB5_KT_IOERR (-1765328200L)
#define KRB5_NO_TKT_IN_RLM (-1765328199L)
#define KRB5DES_BAD_KEYPAR (-1765328198L)
#define KRB5DES_WEAK_KEY (-1765328197L)
#define KRB5_BAD_ENCTYPE (-1765328196L)
#define KRB5_BAD_KEYSIZE (-1765328195L)
#define KRB5_BAD_MSIZE (-1765328194L)
#define KRB5_CC_TYPE_EXISTS (-1765328193L)
#define KRB5_KT_TYPE_EXISTS (-1765328192L)
#define KRB5_CC_IO (-1765328191L)
#define KRB5_FCC_PERM (-1765328190L)
#define KRB5_FCC_NOFILE (-1765328189L)
#define KRB5_FCC_INTERNAL (-1765328188L)
#define KRB5_CC_WRITE (-1765328187L)
#define KRB5_CC_NOMEM (-1765328186L)
#define KRB5_CC_FORMAT (-1765328185L)
#define KRB5_CC_NOT_KTYPE (-1765328184L)
#define KRB5_INVALID_FLAGS (-1765328183L)
#define KRB5_NO_2ND_TKT (-1765328182L)
#define KRB5_NOCREDS_SUPPLIED (-1765328181L)
#define KRB5_SENDAUTH_BADAUTHVERS (-1765328180L)
#define KRB5_SENDAUTH_BADAPPLVERS (-1765328179L)
#define KRB5_SENDAUTH_BADRESPONSE (-1765328178L)
#define KRB5_SENDAUTH_REJECTED (-1765328177L)
#define KRB5_PREAUTH_BAD_TYPE (-1765328176L)
#define KRB5_PREAUTH_NO_KEY (-1765328175L)
#define KRB5_PREAUTH_FAILED (-1765328174L)
#define KRB5_RCACHE_BADVNO (-1765328173L)
#define KRB5_CCACHE_BADVNO (-1765328172L)
#define KRB5_KEYTAB_BADVNO (-1765328171L)
#define KRB5_PROG_ATYPE_NOSUPP (-1765328170L)
#define KRB5_RC_REQUIRED (-1765328169L)
#define KRB5_ERR_BAD_HOSTNAME (-1765328168L)
#define KRB5_ERR_HOST_REALM_UNKNOWN (-1765328167L)
#define KRB5_SNAME_UNSUPP_NAMETYPE (-1765328166L)
#define KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_V4_REPLY (-1765328165L)
#define KRB5_REALM_CANT_RESOLVE (-1765328164L)
#define KRB5_TKT_NOT_FORWARDABLE (-1765328163L)
#define KRB5_FWD_BAD_PRINCIPAL (-1765328162L)
#define KRB5_GET_IN_TKT_LOOP (-1765328161L)
#define KRB5_CONFIG_NODEFREALM (-1765328160L)
#define KRB5_SAM_UNSUPPORTED (-1765328159L)
#define KRB5_SAM_INVALID_ETYPE (-1765328158L)
#define KRB5_SAM_NO_CHECKSUM (-1765328157L)
#define KRB5_SAM_BAD_CHECKSUM (-1765328156L)
#define KRB5_KT_NAME_TOOLONG (-1765328155L)
#define KRB5_KT_KVNONOTFOUND (-1765328154L)
#define KRB5_APPL_EXPIRED (-1765328153L)
#define KRB5_LIB_EXPIRED (-1765328152L)
#define KRB5_CHPW_PWDNULL (-1765328151L)
#define KRB5_CHPW_FAIL (-1765328150L)
#define KRB5_KT_FORMAT (-1765328149L)
#define KRB5_NOPERM_ETYPE (-1765328148L)
#define KRB5_CONFIG_ETYPE_NOSUPP (-1765328147L)
#define KRB5_OBSOLETE_FN (-1765328146L)
#define KRB5_EAI_FAIL (-1765328145L)
#define KRB5_EAI_NODATA (-1765328144L)
#define KRB5_EAI_NONAME (-1765328143L)
#define KRB5_EAI_SERVICE (-1765328142L)
#define KRB5_ERR_NUMERIC_REALM (-1765328141L)
#define KRB5_ERR_BAD_S2K_PARAMS (-1765328140L)
#define KRB5_ERR_NO_SERVICE (-1765328139L)
#define KRB5_CC_READONLY (-1765328138L)
#define KRB5_CC_NOSUPP (-1765328137L)
#define KRB5_DELTAT_BADFORMAT (-1765328136L)
#define KRB5_PLUGIN_NO_HANDLE (-1765328135L)
#define KRB5_PLUGIN_OP_NOTSUPP (-1765328134L)
#define KRB5_ERR_INVALID_UTF8 (-1765328133L)
#define KRB5_ERR_FAST_REQUIRED (-1765328132L)
#define KRB5_LOCAL_ADDR_REQUIRED (-1765328131L)
#define KRB5_REMOTE_ADDR_REQUIRED (-1765328130L)
#define KRB5_TRACE_NOSUPP (-1765328129L)
extern const struct error_table et_krb5_error_table;
extern void initialize_krb5_error_table(void);
/* For compatibility with Heimdal */
extern void initialize_krb5_error_table_r(struct et_list **list);
#define ERROR_TABLE_BASE_krb5 (-1765328384L)
/* for compatibility with older versions... */
#define init_krb5_err_tbl initialize_krb5_error_table
#define krb5_err_base ERROR_TABLE_BASE_krb5
* et-h-k5e1_err.h:
* This file is automatically generated; please do not edit it.
#include <et/com_err.h>
#define KRB5_PLUGIN_VER_NOTSUPP (-1750600192L)
#define KRB5_PLUGIN_BAD_MODULE_SPEC (-1750600191L)
#define KRB5_PLUGIN_NAME_NOTFOUND (-1750600190L)
#define KRB5KDC_ERR_DISCARD (-1750600189L)
#define KRB5_DCC_CANNOT_CREATE (-1750600188L)
#define KRB5_KCC_INVALID_ANCHOR (-1750600187L)
#define KRB5_KCC_UNKNOWN_VERSION (-1750600186L)
#define KRB5_KCC_INVALID_UID (-1750600185L)
#define KRB5_KCM_MALFORMED_REPLY (-1750600184L)
#define KRB5_KCM_RPC_ERROR (-1750600183L)
#define KRB5_KCM_REPLY_TOO_BIG (-1750600182L)
#define KRB5_KCM_NO_SERVER (-1750600181L)
#define KRB5_CERTAUTH_HWAUTH (-1750600180L)
extern const struct error_table et_k5e1_error_table;
extern void initialize_k5e1_error_table(void);
/* For compatibility with Heimdal */
extern void initialize_k5e1_error_table_r(struct et_list **list);
#define ERROR_TABLE_BASE_k5e1 (-1750600192L)
/* for compatibility with older versions... */
#define init_k5e1_err_tbl initialize_k5e1_error_table
#define k5e1_err_base ERROR_TABLE_BASE_k5e1
* et-h-kdb5_err.h:
* This file is automatically generated; please do not edit it.
#include <et/com_err.h>
#define KRB5_KDB_RCSID (-1780008448L)
#define KRB5_KDB_INUSE (-1780008447L)
#define KRB5_KDB_UK_SERROR (-1780008446L)
#define KRB5_KDB_UK_RERROR (-1780008445L)
#define KRB5_KDB_UNAUTH (-1780008444L)
#define KRB5_KDB_NOENTRY (-1780008443L)
#define KRB5_KDB_ILL_WILDCARD (-1780008442L)
#define KRB5_KDB_DB_INUSE (-1780008441L)
#define KRB5_KDB_DB_CHANGED (-1780008440L)
#define KRB5_KDB_TRUNCATED_RECORD (-1780008439L)
#define KRB5_KDB_RECURSIVELOCK (-1780008438L)
#define KRB5_KDB_NOTLOCKED (-1780008437L)
#define KRB5_KDB_BADLOCKMODE (-1780008436L)
#define KRB5_KDB_DBNOTINITED (-1780008435L)
#define KRB5_KDB_DBINITED (-1780008434L)
#define KRB5_KDB_ILLDIRECTION (-1780008433L)
#define KRB5_KDB_NOMASTERKEY (-1780008432L)
#define KRB5_KDB_BADMASTERKEY (-1780008431L)
#define KRB5_KDB_INVALIDKEYSIZE (-1780008430L)
#define KRB5_KDB_CANTREAD_STORED (-1780008429L)
#define KRB5_KDB_BADSTORED_MKEY (-1780008428L)
#define KRB5_KDB_NOACTMASTERKEY (-1780008427L)
#define KRB5_KDB_KVNONOMATCH (-1780008426L)
#define KRB5_KDB_STORED_MKEY_NOTCURRENT (-1780008425L)
#define KRB5_KDB_CANTLOCK_DB (-1780008424L)
#define KRB5_KDB_DB_CORRUPT (-1780008423L)
#define KRB5_KDB_BAD_VERSION (-1780008422L)
#define KRB5_KDB_BAD_SALTTYPE (-1780008421L)
#define KRB5_KDB_BAD_ENCTYPE (-1780008420L)
#define KRB5_KDB_BAD_CREATEFLAGS (-1780008419L)
#define KRB5_KDB_NO_PERMITTED_KEY (-1780008418L)
#define KRB5_KDB_NO_MATCHING_KEY (-1780008417L)
#define KRB5_KDB_DBTYPE_NOTFOUND (-1780008416L)
#define KRB5_KDB_DBTYPE_NOSUP (-1780008415L)
#define KRB5_KDB_DBTYPE_INIT (-1780008414L)
#define KRB5_KDB_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERR (-1780008413L)
#define KRB5_KDB_ACCESS_ERROR (-1780008412L)
#define KRB5_KDB_INTERNAL_ERROR (-1780008411L)
#define KRB5_KDB_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION (-1780008410L)
#define KRB5_LOG_CONV (-1780008409L)
#define KRB5_LOG_UNSTABLE (-1780008408L)
#define KRB5_LOG_CORRUPT (-1780008407L)
#define KRB5_LOG_ERROR (-1780008406L)
#define KRB5_KDB_DBTYPE_MISMATCH (-1780008405L)
#define KRB5_KDB_POLICY_REF (-1780008404L)
#define KRB5_KDB_STRINGS_TOOLONG (-1780008403L)
extern const struct error_table et_kdb5_error_table;
extern void initialize_kdb5_error_table(void);
/* For compatibility with Heimdal */
extern void initialize_kdb5_error_table_r(struct et_list **list);
#define ERROR_TABLE_BASE_kdb5 (-1780008448L)
/* for compatibility with older versions... */
#define init_kdb5_err_tbl initialize_kdb5_error_table
#define kdb5_err_base ERROR_TABLE_BASE_kdb5
* et-h-kv5m_err.h:
* This file is automatically generated; please do not edit it.
#include <et/com_err.h>
#define KV5M_NONE (-1760647424L)
#define KV5M_PRINCIPAL (-1760647423L)
#define KV5M_DATA (-1760647422L)
#define KV5M_KEYBLOCK (-1760647421L)
#define KV5M_CHECKSUM (-1760647420L)
#define KV5M_ENCRYPT_BLOCK (-1760647419L)
#define KV5M_ENC_DATA (-1760647418L)
#define KV5M_CRYPTOSYSTEM_ENTRY (-1760647417L)
#define KV5M_CS_TABLE_ENTRY (-1760647416L)
#define KV5M_CHECKSUM_ENTRY (-1760647415L)
#define KV5M_AUTHDATA (-1760647414L)
#define KV5M_TRANSITED (-1760647413L)
#define KV5M_ENC_TKT_PART (-1760647412L)
#define KV5M_TICKET (-1760647411L)
#define KV5M_AUTHENTICATOR (-1760647410L)
#define KV5M_TKT_AUTHENT (-1760647409L)
#define KV5M_CREDS (-1760647408L)
#define KV5M_LAST_REQ_ENTRY (-1760647407L)
#define KV5M_PA_DATA (-1760647406L)
#define KV5M_KDC_REQ (-1760647405L)
#define KV5M_ENC_KDC_REP_PART (-1760647404L)
#define KV5M_KDC_REP (-1760647403L)
#define KV5M_ERROR (-1760647402L)
#define KV5M_AP_REQ (-1760647401L)
#define KV5M_AP_REP (-1760647400L)
#define KV5M_AP_REP_ENC_PART (-1760647399L)
#define KV5M_RESPONSE (-1760647398L)
#define KV5M_SAFE (-1760647397L)
#define KV5M_PRIV (-1760647396L)
#define KV5M_PRIV_ENC_PART (-1760647395L)
#define KV5M_CRED (-1760647394L)
#define KV5M_CRED_INFO (-1760647393L)
#define KV5M_CRED_ENC_PART (-1760647392L)
#define KV5M_PWD_DATA (-1760647391L)
#define KV5M_ADDRESS (-1760647390L)
#define KV5M_KEYTAB_ENTRY (-1760647389L)
#define KV5M_CONTEXT (-1760647388L)
#define KV5M_OS_CONTEXT (-1760647387L)
#define KV5M_ALT_METHOD (-1760647386L)
#define KV5M_ETYPE_INFO_ENTRY (-1760647385L)
#define KV5M_DB_CONTEXT (-1760647384L)
#define KV5M_AUTH_CONTEXT (-1760647383L)
#define KV5M_KEYTAB (-1760647382L)
#define KV5M_RCACHE (-1760647381L)
#define KV5M_CCACHE (-1760647380L)
#define KV5M_PREAUTH_OPS (-1760647379L)
#define KV5M_SAM_CHALLENGE (-1760647378L)
#define KV5M_SAM_CHALLENGE_2 (-1760647377L)
#define KV5M_SAM_KEY (-1760647376L)
#define KV5M_ENC_SAM_RESPONSE_ENC (-1760647375L)
#define KV5M_ENC_SAM_RESPONSE_ENC_2 (-1760647374L)
#define KV5M_SAM_RESPONSE (-1760647373L)
#define KV5M_SAM_RESPONSE_2 (-1760647372L)
#define KV5M_PREDICTED_SAM_RESPONSE (-1760647371L)
#define KV5M_PASSWD_PHRASE_ELEMENT (-1760647370L)
#define KV5M_GSS_OID (-1760647369L)
#define KV5M_GSS_QUEUE (-1760647368L)
#define KV5M_FAST_ARMORED_REQ (-1760647367L)
#define KV5M_FAST_REQ (-1760647366L)
#define KV5M_FAST_RESPONSE (-1760647365L)
#define KV5M_AUTHDATA_CONTEXT (-1760647364L)
extern const struct error_table et_kv5m_error_table;
extern void initialize_kv5m_error_table(void);
/* For compatibility with Heimdal */
extern void initialize_kv5m_error_table_r(struct et_list **list);
#define ERROR_TABLE_BASE_kv5m (-1760647424L)
/* for compatibility with older versions... */
#define init_kv5m_err_tbl initialize_kv5m_error_table
#define kv5m_err_base ERROR_TABLE_BASE_kv5m
* et-h-krb524_err.h:
* This file is automatically generated; please do not edit it.
#include <et/com_err.h>
#define KRB524_BADKEY (-1750206208L)
#define KRB524_BADADDR (-1750206207L)
#define KRB524_BADPRINC (-1750206206L)
#define KRB524_BADREALM (-1750206205L)
#define KRB524_V4ERR (-1750206204L)
#define KRB524_ENCFULL (-1750206203L)
#define KRB524_DECEMPTY (-1750206202L)
#define KRB524_NOTRESP (-1750206201L)
#define KRB524_KRB4_DISABLED (-1750206200L)
extern const struct error_table et_k524_error_table;
extern void initialize_k524_error_table(void);
/* For compatibility with Heimdal */
extern void initialize_k524_error_table_r(struct et_list **list);
#define ERROR_TABLE_BASE_k524 (-1750206208L)
/* for compatibility with older versions... */
#define init_k524_err_tbl initialize_k524_error_table
#define k524_err_base ERROR_TABLE_BASE_k524
* et-h-asn1_err.h:
* This file is automatically generated; please do not edit it.
#include <et/com_err.h>
#define ASN1_BAD_TIMEFORMAT (1859794432L)
#define ASN1_MISSING_FIELD (1859794433L)
#define ASN1_MISPLACED_FIELD (1859794434L)
#define ASN1_TYPE_MISMATCH (1859794435L)
#define ASN1_OVERFLOW (1859794436L)
#define ASN1_OVERRUN (1859794437L)
#define ASN1_BAD_ID (1859794438L)
#define ASN1_BAD_LENGTH (1859794439L)
#define ASN1_BAD_FORMAT (1859794440L)
#define ASN1_PARSE_ERROR (1859794441L)
#define ASN1_BAD_GMTIME (1859794442L)
#define ASN1_MISMATCH_INDEF (1859794443L)
#define ASN1_MISSING_EOC (1859794444L)
#define ASN1_OMITTED (1859794445L)
extern const struct error_table et_asn1_error_table;
extern void initialize_asn1_error_table(void);
/* For compatibility with Heimdal */
extern void initialize_asn1_error_table_r(struct et_list **list);
#define ERROR_TABLE_BASE_asn1 (1859794432L)
/* for compatibility with older versions... */
#define init_asn1_err_tbl initialize_asn1_error_table
#define asn1_err_base ERROR_TABLE_BASE_asn1
#endif /* KRB5_KRB5_H_INCLUDED */