Your IP :
; <?php die(); ?>
; This file is part of LEPTON Core, released under the GNU GPL
; Please see LICENSE and COPYING files in your package for details, specially for terms and warranties.
; NOTICE:LEPTON CMS Package has several different licenses.
; Please see the individual license in the header of each single file or info.php of modules and templates.
; @author LEPTON Project
; @copyright 2010-2025 LEPTON Project
; @link
; @license
; @license_terms please see LICENSE and COPYING files in your package
; Setup cronjobs
path = '/temp/secure/'
file = 'cj_example.php'
key = '[[cronjob_key]]' ; key should have a length referring to AUTH_MIN_PASS_LENGTH
interval = '3600' ; minimum time in sec between execution of internal cronjobs