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require_once('../html/classes/jCryption.php') ;
* RSAKeyImport
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* Many of the functions in this class are from the PEAR Crypt_RSA package ...
* So most of the credits goes to the original creator of this package Alexander Valyalkin
* you can get the package under
* This is just a simplified extraction for the PEM key import functionality and requires bcmath.
* @author Lite Speed Technologies <>
* @copyright 2009 Lite Speed Technologies
* @license PHP License 3.0
* @version 1.0.0
class RSAKeyImport
public static function bin2int( $str )
$result = '0' ;
$n = strlen($str) ;
do {
$result = bcadd(bcmul($result, '256'), ord($str{ -- $n})) ;
} while ( $n > 0 ) ;
return $result ;
public static function fromPEMString( $str )
// search for base64-encoded private key
if ( ! preg_match('/-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----([^-]+)-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----/', $str, $matches) ) {
echo ("can't find RSA private key in the string [{$str}]") ;
return false ;
// parse private key. It is ASN.1-encoded
$str = base64_decode($matches[1]) ;
$pos = 0 ;
$tmp = RSAKeyImport::_ASN1Parse($str, $pos) ;
if ( $tmp == false )
return false ;
if ( $tmp['tag'] != 0x10 ) {
echo "Expected 0x10 (SEQUENCE) wrong ASN tag value: " . $tmp['tag'] ;
return false ;
// parse ASN.1 SEQUENCE for RSA private key
$attr_names = array( 'version', 'n', 'e', 'd', 'p', 'q', 'dmp1', 'dmq1', 'iqmp' ) ;
$n = sizeof($attr_names) ;
$rsa_attrs = array() ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; $i ++ ) {
$tmp = RSAKeyImport::_ASN1ParseInt($str, $pos) ;
if ( $tmp === false ) {
echo "fail to parse int" ;
return false ;
$attr = $attr_names[$i] ;
$rsa_attrs[$attr] = $tmp ;
return $rsa_attrs ;
public static function _ASN1Parse( $str, &$pos )
$max_pos = strlen($str) ;
if ( $max_pos < 2 ) {
echo ("ASN.1 string too short") ;
return false ;
// get ASN.1 tag value
$tag = ord($str[$pos ++]) & 0x1f ;
if ( $tag == 0x1f ) {
$tag = 0 ;
do {
$n = ord($str[$pos ++]) ;
$tag <<= 7 ;
$tag |= $n & 0x7f ;
} while ( ($n & 0x80) && $pos < $max_pos ) ;
if ( $pos >= $max_pos ) {
echo("ASN.1 string too short") ;
return false ;
// get ASN.1 object length
$len = ord($str[$pos ++]) ;
if ( $len & 0x80 ) {
$n = $len & 0x1f ;
$len = 0 ;
while ( $n -- && $pos < $max_pos ) {
$len <<= 8 ;
$len |= ord($str[$pos ++]) ;
if ( $pos >= $max_pos || $len > $max_pos - $pos ) {
echo ("ASN.1 string too short") ;
return false ;
// get string value of ASN.1 object
$str = substr($str, $pos, $len) ;
return array(
'tag' => $tag,
'str' => $str,
) ;
public static function _ASN1ParseInt( $str, &$pos )
$tmp = RSAKeyImport::_ASN1Parse($str, $pos) ;
if ( $tmp == false ) {
return false ;
if ( $tmp['tag'] != 0x02 ) {
echo "Expected 0x02 (INTEGER) wrong ASN tag value: " . $tmp['tag'] ;
return false ;
$pos += strlen($tmp['str']) ;
return strrev($tmp['str']) ;
public static function dec2string( $decimal, $base )
$string = null ;
$base = (int) $base ;
if ( $base < 2 | $base > 36 | $base == 10 ) {
echo 'BASE must be in the range 2-9 or 11-36' ;
exit ;
$charset = substr($charset, 0, $base) ;
do {
$remainder = bcmod($decimal, $base) ;
$char = substr($charset, $remainder, 1) ;
$string = "$char$string" ;
$decimal = bcdiv(bcsub($decimal, $remainder), $base) ;
} while ( $decimal > 0 ) ;
return strtolower($string) ;
public static function import_and_convert( $pem_filename )
$str1 = file_get_contents($pem_filename) ;
if ( $str1 == false ) {
echo "failed to open file $pem_filename" ;
return false ;
$attrs = RSAKeyImport::fromPEMString($str1) ;
if ( $attrs == false ) {
echo "failed to parse $pem_filename" ;
return false ;
$n_int = RSAKeyImport::bin2int($attrs['n']) ;
$d_int = RSAKeyImport::bin2int($attrs['d']) ;
$e_int = RSAKeyImport::bin2int($attrs['e']) ;
$e_hex = RSAKeyImport::dec2string($e_int, 16) ;
$n_hex = RSAKeyImport::dec2string($n_int, 16) ;
$mykeys = array( 'e_hex' => $e_hex, 'n_hex' => $n_hex, 'd_int' => $d_int, 'n_int' => $n_int ) ;
return $mykeys ;
## main
# openssl genrsa -out key.pem 512
$mykeys = NULL ;
if ( isset($argv[1]) ) {
$pemfile = $argv[1] ;
$mykeys = RSAKeyImport::import_and_convert($pemfile) ;
if ( $mykeys == FALSE ) {
echo "Using php to generate keys, please be patient ... \n" ;
$keyLength = 512 ;
$jCryption = new jCryption() ;
$keys = $jCryption->generateKeypair($keyLength) ;
$e_hex = $jCryption->dec2string($keys['e'], 16) ;
$n_hex = $jCryption->dec2string($keys['n'], 16) ;
$mykeys = array( 'e_hex' => $e_hex, 'n_hex' => $n_hex, 'd_int' => $keys['d'], 'n_int' => $keys['n'] ) ;
$keyfile = '../conf/jcryption_keypair' ;
$serialized_str = serialize($mykeys) ;
$result = file_put_contents($keyfile, $serialized_str) ;
chmod($keyfile, 0600) ;
if ( $result == TRUE )
exit(0) ;
exit(1) ;