Your IP :
import unittest
import idlelib.CallTips as ct
CTi = ct.CallTips() # needed for get_entity test in 2.7
import textwrap
import types
import warnings
default_tip = ''
# Test Class TC is used in multiple get_argspec test methods
class TC(object):
tip = "(ai=None, *args)"
def __init__(self, ai=None, *b): 'doc'
__init__.tip = "(self, ai=None, *args)"
def t1(self): 'doc'
t1.tip = "(self)"
def t2(self, ai, b=None): 'doc'
t2.tip = "(self, ai, b=None)"
def t3(self, ai, *args): 'doc'
t3.tip = "(self, ai, *args)"
def t4(self, *args): 'doc'
t4.tip = "(self, *args)"
def t5(self, ai, b=None, *args, **kw): 'doc'
t5.tip = "(self, ai, b=None, *args, **kwargs)"
def t6(no, self): 'doc'
t6.tip = "(no, self)"
def __call__(self, ci): 'doc'
__call__.tip = "(self, ci)"
# attaching .tip to wrapped methods does not work
def cm(cls, a): 'doc'
def sm(b): 'doc'
tc = TC()
signature = ct.get_arg_text # 2.7 and 3.x use different functions
class Get_signatureTest(unittest.TestCase):
# The signature function must return a string, even if blank.
# Test a variety of objects to be sure that none cause it to raise
# (quite aside from getting as correct an answer as possible).
# The tests of builtins may break if the docstrings change,
# but a red buildbot is better than a user crash (as has happened).
# For a simple mismatch, change the expected output to the actual.
def test_builtins(self):
# 2.7 puts '()\n' where 3.x does not, other minor differences
# Python class that inherits builtin methods
class List(list): "List() doc"
# Simulate builtin with no docstring for default argspec test
class SB: __call__ = None
def gtest(obj, out):
self.assertEqual(signature(obj), out)
if List.__doc__ is not None:
gtest(List, '()\n' + List.__doc__)
'T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T')
'x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature')
append_doc = "L.append(object) -- append object to end"
gtest(list.append, append_doc)
gtest([].append, append_doc)
gtest(List.append, append_doc)
gtest(types.MethodType, '()\ninstancemethod(function, instance, class)')
gtest(SB(), default_tip)
def test_signature_wrap(self):
# This is also a test of an old-style class
if textwrap.TextWrapper.__doc__ is not None:
self.assertEqual(signature(textwrap.TextWrapper), '''\
(width=70, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='', expand_tabs=True,
replace_whitespace=True, fix_sentence_endings=False, break_long_words=True,
drop_whitespace=True, break_on_hyphens=True)''')
def test_docline_truncation(self):
def f(): pass
f.__doc__ = 'a'*300
self.assertEqual(signature(f), '()\n' + 'a' * (ct._MAX_COLS-3) + '...')
def test_multiline_docstring(self):
# Test fewer lines than max.
"()\nlist() -> new empty list\n"
"list(iterable) -> new list initialized from iterable's items")
# Test max lines and line (currently) too long.
def f():
s = 'a\nb\nc\nd\n'
f.__doc__ = s + 300 * 'e' + 'f'
'()\n' + s + (ct._MAX_COLS - 3) * 'e' + '...')
def test_functions(self):
def t1(): 'doc'
t1.tip = "()"
def t2(a, b=None): 'doc'
t2.tip = "(a, b=None)"
def t3(a, *args): 'doc'
t3.tip = "(a, *args)"
def t4(*args): 'doc'
t4.tip = "(*args)"
def t5(a, b=None, *args, **kwds): 'doc'
t5.tip = "(a, b=None, *args, **kwargs)"
doc = '\ndoc' if t1.__doc__ is not None else ''
for func in (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, TC):
self.assertEqual(signature(func), func.tip + doc)
def test_methods(self):
doc = '\ndoc' if TC.__doc__ is not None else ''
for meth in (TC.t1, TC.t2, TC.t3, TC.t4, TC.t5, TC.t6, TC.__call__):
self.assertEqual(signature(meth), meth.tip + doc)
self.assertEqual(signature(, "(a)" + doc)
self.assertEqual(signature(, "(b)" + doc)
def test_bound_methods(self):
# test that first parameter is correctly removed from argspec
doc = '\ndoc' if TC.__doc__ is not None else ''
for meth, mtip in ((tc.t1, "()"), (tc.t4, "(*args)"), (tc.t6, "(self)"),
(tc.__call__, '(ci)'), (tc, '(ci)'), (, "(a)"),):
self.assertEqual(signature(meth), mtip + doc)
def test_starred_parameter(self):
# test that starred first parameter is *not* removed from argspec
class C:
def m1(*args): pass
def m2(**kwds): pass
def f1(args, kwargs, *a, **k): pass
def f2(args, kwargs, args1, kwargs1, *a, **k): pass
c = C()
self.assertEqual(signature(C.m1), '(*args)')
self.assertEqual(signature(c.m1), '(*args)')
self.assertEqual(signature(C.m2), '(**kwargs)')
self.assertEqual(signature(c.m2), '(**kwargs)')
self.assertEqual(signature(f1), '(args, kwargs, *args1, **kwargs1)')
'(args, kwargs, args1, kwargs1, *args2, **kwargs2)')
def test_no_docstring(self):
def nd(s): pass
TC.nd = nd
self.assertEqual(signature(nd), "(s)")
self.assertEqual(signature(TC.nd), "(s)")
self.assertEqual(signature(tc.nd), "()")
def test_attribute_exception(self):
class NoCall(object):
def __getattr__(self, name):
raise BaseException
class Call(NoCall):
def __call__(self, ci):
for meth, mtip in ((NoCall, '()'), (Call, '()'),
(NoCall(), ''), (Call(), '(ci)')):
self.assertEqual(signature(meth), mtip)
def test_non_callables(self):
for obj in (0, 0.0, '0', b'0', [], {}):
self.assertEqual(signature(obj), '')
class Get_entityTest(unittest.TestCase):
# In 3.x, get_entity changed from 'instance method' to module function
# since 'self' not used. Use dummy instance until change 2.7 also.
def test_bad_entity(self):
def test_good_entity(self):
self.assertIs(CTi.get_entity('int'), int)
class Py2Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_paramtuple_float(self):
# 18539: (a,b) becomes '.0' in code object; change that but not 0.0
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# Suppess message of py3 deprecation of parameter unpacking
exec "def f((a,b), c=0.0): pass"
self.assertEqual(signature(f), '(<tuple>, c=0.0)')
if __name__ == '__main__':
unittest.main(verbosity=2, exit=False)