Your IP :
# Retrieve action method name given queued action information.
# Client code for Update Agent
# Copyright (c) 1999--2016 Red Hat, Inc. Distributed under GPLv2.
# An allowable xmlrpc method is retrieved given a base location, a
# hierarchical route to the class/module, and method name.
import os
import string
import sys
from rhn.tb import raise_with_tb
try: # python2
from types import ClassType
except ImportError: # python3
ClassType = type
class GetMethodException(Exception):
"""Exception class"""
def sanity(methodNameComps):
# Verifies if all the components have proper names
# Allowed characters in each string
alpha = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase
allowedChars = alpha + string.digits + '_'
for comp in methodNameComps:
if not len(comp):
raise GetMethodException("Empty method component")
for c in comp:
if c not in allowedChars:
raise GetMethodException(
"Invalid character '%s' in the method name" % c)
# Can only begin with a letter
if comp[0] not in alpha:
raise GetMethodException(
"Method names should start with an alphabetic character")
def getMethod(methodName, baseClass):
#Retreive method given methodName, path to base of tree, and class/module
# First split the method name
methodNameComps = baseClass.split('.') + methodName.split('.')
# Sanity checks
# Look for the module, start with the most specific
for index in range(len(methodNameComps), 0, -1):
modulename = '.'.join(methodNameComps[:index])
actions = __import__(modulename)
except ImportError:
# does not exist, try next one
except Exception:
raise_with_tb(GetMethodException("Could not import module %s" % modulename))
# found one, skip the rest
# no module found. die
raise GetMethodException("Action %s could not be imported" % methodName)
# The position of the file
fIndex = index
className = actions
# Iterate through the list of components and try to load that specific
# module/method
for index in range(1, len(methodNameComps)):
comp = methodNameComps[index]
if index < fIndex:
# This is a directory or a file we have to load
if not hasattr(className, comp):
# Hmmm... Not there
raise GetMethodException("Class %s has no attribute %s" % (
'.'.join(methodNameComps[:index]), comp))
className = getattr(className, comp)
# A file or method
# We look for the special __rhnexport__ array
if not hasattr(className, '__rhnexport__'):
raise GetMethodException("Class %s is not RHN-compliant" % \
export = getattr(className, '__rhnexport__')
if comp not in export:
raise GetMethodException("Class %s does not export '%s'" % (
'.'.join(methodNameComps[:index]), comp))
className = getattr(className, comp)
if type(className) is ClassType:
# Try to instantiate it
className = className()
return className
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Two valid ones and a bogus one
methods = [
for m in methods:
print("----Running method %s: " % m)
method = getMethod(m, 'Actions')
except GetMethodException:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
print("Error getting the method %s: %s" % (m,
''.join(map(str, e.args))))