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Assorted utility functions for yum.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from dnf.pycomp import base64_decodebytes, basestring, unicode
from stat import *
import libdnf.utils
import dnf.const
import dnf.crypto
import dnf.exceptions
import dnf.i18n
import errno
import glob
import io
import os
import os.path
import pwd
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
_default_checksums = ['sha256']
_re_compiled_glob_match = None
def re_glob(s):
""" Tests if a string is a shell wildcard. """
global _re_compiled_glob_match
if _re_compiled_glob_match is None:
_re_compiled_glob_match = re.compile(r'[*?]|\[.+\]').search
return _re_compiled_glob_match(s)
_re_compiled_full_match = None
def re_full_search_needed(s):
""" Tests if a string needs a full nevra match, instead of just name. """
global _re_compiled_full_match
if _re_compiled_full_match is None:
# A glob, or a "." or "-" separator, followed by something (the ".")
one = re.compile(r'.*([-.*?]|\[.+\]).').match
# Any epoch, for envra
two = re.compile('[0-9]+:').match
_re_compiled_full_match = (one, two)
for rec in _re_compiled_full_match:
if rec(s):
return True
return False
def get_default_chksum_type():
return _default_checksums[0]
class GenericHolder(object):
"""Generic Holder class used to hold other objects of known types
It exists purely to be able to do object.somestuff, object.someotherstuff
or object[key] and pass object to another function that will
understand it"""
def __init__(self, iter=None):
self.__iter = iter
def __iter__(self):
if self.__iter is not None:
return iter(self[self.__iter])
def __getitem__(self, item):
if hasattr(self, item):
return getattr(self, item)
raise KeyError(item)
def all_lists(self):
"""Return a dictionary of all lists."""
return {key: list_ for key, list_ in vars(self).items()
if type(list_) is list}
def merge_lists(self, other):
""" Concatenate the list attributes from 'other' to ours. """
for (key, val) in other.all_lists().items():
vars(self).setdefault(key, []).extend(val)
return self
def procgpgkey(rawkey):
'''Convert ASCII-armored GPG key to binary
# Normalise newlines
rawkey = re.sub(b'\r\n?', b'\n', rawkey)
# Extract block
block = io.BytesIO()
inblock = 0
pastheaders = 0
for line in rawkey.split(b'\n'):
if line.startswith(b'-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'):
inblock = 1
elif inblock and line.strip() == b'':
pastheaders = 1
elif inblock and line.startswith(b'-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'):
# Hit the end of the block, get out
elif pastheaders and line.startswith(b'='):
# Hit the CRC line, don't include this and stop
elif pastheaders:
block.write(line + b'\n')
# Decode and return
return base64_decodebytes(block.getvalue())
def keyInstalled(ts, keyid, timestamp):
Return if the GPG key described by the given keyid and timestamp are
installed in the rpmdb.
The keyid and timestamp should both be passed as integers.
The ts is an rpm transaction set object
Return values:
- -1 key is not installed
- 0 key with matching ID and timestamp is installed
- 1 key with matching ID is installed but has an older timestamp
- 2 key with matching ID is installed but has a newer timestamp
No effort is made to handle duplicates. The first matching keyid is used to
calculate the return result.
# Search
for hdr in ts.dbMatch('name', 'gpg-pubkey'):
if hdr['version'] == keyid:
installedts = int(hdr['release'], 16)
if installedts == timestamp:
return 0
elif installedts < timestamp:
return 1
return 2
return -1
def import_key_to_pubring(rawkey, keyid, gpgdir=None, make_ro_copy=True):
if not os.path.exists(gpgdir):
with dnf.crypto.pubring_dir(gpgdir), dnf.crypto.Context() as ctx:
# import the key
with open(os.path.join(gpgdir, 'gpg.conf'), 'wb') as fp:
if make_ro_copy:
rodir = gpgdir + '-ro'
if not os.path.exists(rodir):
os.makedirs(rodir, mode=0o755)
for f in glob.glob(gpgdir + '/*'):
basename = os.path.basename(f)
ro_f = rodir + '/' + basename
shutil.copy(f, ro_f)
os.chmod(ro_f, 0o755)
# yes it is this stupid, why do you ask?
opts = """lock-never
trust-model direct
with open(os.path.join(rodir, 'gpg.conf'), 'w', 0o755) as fp:
return True
def getCacheDir():
"""return a path to a valid and safe cachedir - only used when not running
as root or when --tempcache is set"""
uid = os.geteuid()
usertup = pwd.getpwuid(uid)
username = dnf.i18n.ucd(usertup[0])
prefix = '%s-%s-' % (dnf.const.PREFIX, username)
except KeyError:
prefix = '%s-%s-' % (dnf.const.PREFIX, uid)
# check for /var/tmp/prefix-* -
dirpath = '%s/%s*' % (dnf.const.TMPDIR, prefix)
cachedirs = sorted(glob.glob(dirpath))
for thisdir in cachedirs:
stats = os.lstat(thisdir)
if S_ISDIR(stats[0]) and S_IMODE(stats[0]) == 448 and stats[4] == uid:
return thisdir
# make the dir (tempfile.mkdtemp())
cachedir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix, dir=dnf.const.TMPDIR)
return cachedir
def seq_max_split(seq, max_entries):
""" Given a seq, split into a list of lists of length max_entries each. """
ret = []
num = len(seq)
seq = list(seq) # Trying to use a set/etc. here is bad
beg = 0
while num > max_entries:
end = beg + max_entries
beg += max_entries
num -= max_entries
return ret
def unlink_f(filename):
""" Call os.unlink, but don't die if the file isn't there. This is the main
difference between "rm -f" and plain "rm". """
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
def stat_f(filename, ignore_EACCES=False):
""" Call os.stat(), but don't die if the file isn't there. Returns None. """
return os.stat(filename)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR):
return None
if ignore_EACCES and e.errno == errno.EACCES:
return None
def _getloginuid():
""" Get the audit-uid/login-uid, if available. os.getuid() is returned
instead if there was a problem. Note that no caching is done here. """
# We might normally call audit.audit_getloginuid(), except that requires
# importing all of the audit module. And it doesn't work anyway: BZ 518721
with open("/proc/self/loginuid") as fo:
data =
return int(data)
except (IOError, ValueError):
return os.getuid()
_cached_getloginuid = None
def getloginuid():
""" Get the audit-uid/login-uid, if available. os.getuid() is returned
instead if there was a problem. The value is cached, so you don't
have to save it. """
global _cached_getloginuid
if _cached_getloginuid is None:
_cached_getloginuid = _getloginuid()
return _cached_getloginuid
def decompress(filename, dest=None, check_timestamps=False):
"""take a filename and decompress it into the same relative location.
When the compression type is not recognized (or file is not compressed),
the content of the file is copied to the destination"""
if dest:
out = dest
out = None
dot_pos = filename.rfind('.')
if dot_pos > 0:
ext = filename[dot_pos:]
if ext in ('.zck', '.xz', '.bz2', '.gz', '.lzma', '.zst'):
out = filename[:dot_pos]
if out is None:
raise dnf.exceptions.MiscError("Could not determine destination filename")
if check_timestamps:
fi = stat_f(filename)
fo = stat_f(out)
if fi and fo and fo.st_mtime == fi.st_mtime:
return out
# libdnf.utils.decompress either decompress file to the destination or
# copy the content if the compression type is not recognized
libdnf.utils.decompress(filename, out, 0o644)
except RuntimeError as e:
raise dnf.exceptions.MiscError(str(e))
if check_timestamps and fi:
os.utime(out, (fi.st_mtime, fi.st_mtime))
return out
def calculate_repo_gen_dest(filename, generated_name):
dest = os.path.dirname(filename)
dest += '/gen'
if not os.path.exists(dest):
os.makedirs(dest, mode=0o755)
return dest + '/' + generated_name
def repo_gen_decompress(filename, generated_name):
""" This is a wrapper around decompress, where we work out a cached
generated name, and use check_timestamps. filename _must_ be from
a repo. and generated_name is the type of the file. """
dest = calculate_repo_gen_dest(filename, generated_name)
return decompress(filename, dest=dest, check_timestamps=True)
def read_in_items_from_dot_dir(thisglob, line_as_list=True):
""" Takes a glob of a dir (like /etc/foo.d/\\*.foo) returns a list of all
the lines in all the files matching that glob, ignores comments and blank
lines, optional paramater 'line_as_list tells whether to treat each line
as a space or comma-separated list, defaults to True.
results = []
for fname in glob.glob(thisglob):
with open(fname) as f:
for line in f:
if re.match(r'\s*(#|$)', line):
line = line.rstrip() # no more trailing \n's
line = line.lstrip() # be nice
if not line:
if line_as_list:
line = line.replace('\n', ' ')
line = line.replace(',', ' ')
return results