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i ( t absolute_importN( t CommandsJ
# pip %(shell)s completion start%(script)s# pip %(shell)s completion end
complete -o default -F _pip_completion pip
t bashs�
function _pip_completion {
local words cword
read -Ac words
read -cn cword
reply=( $( COMP_WORDS="$words[*]" \
COMP_CWORD=$(( cword-1 )) \
PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE=1 $words[1] ) )
compctl -K _pip_completion pip
t zshs
function __fish_complete_pip
set -lx COMP_WORDS (commandline -o) ""
set -lx COMP_CWORD (math (contains -i -- (commandline -t) $COMP_WORDS)-1)
string split \ -- (eval $COMP_WORDS[1])
complete -fa "(__fish_complete_pip)" -c pip
t fisht CompletionCommandc B@ s, e Z d Z d Z d Z d � Z d � Z RS( s3 A helper command to be used for command completion.t
completions- A helper command used for command completion.c O@ s� t t | � j | | � | j } | j d d d d d d d d d d
�| j d d d d d d
d d d d �| j d d d d d d d d d d �| j j d | � d S( Ns --bashs -bt actiont store_constt constR t destt shellt helps Emit completion code for bashs --zshs -zR s Emit completion code for zshs --fishs -fR s Emit completion code for fishi ( t superR t __init__t cmd_optst
add_optiont parsert insert_option_group( t selft argst kwR ( ( s; /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/commands/completion.pyR - s* c C@ s� t j � } g t | � D] } d | ^ q } | j | k rp t j | j d � } t i | d 6| j d 6GHn t j j d d j | � � d S( s- Prints the completion code of the given shells --t t scriptR s ERROR: You must pass %s
s or N(
t COMPLETION_SCRIPTSt keyst sortedR t gett BASE_COMPLETIONt syst stderrt writet join( R t optionsR t shellsR t
shell_optionsR ( ( s; /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/commands/completion.pyt runG s # ( t __name__t
__module__t __doc__t namet summaryR R$ ( ( ( s; /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/commands/completion.pyR ( s
( t
__future__R R t pip.basecommandR R R R ( ( ( s; /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/commands/completion.pyt <module> s