Your IP :
_wmi_cmd_rsp __adf_nbuf_free __adf_nbuf_realloc_headroom __adf_nbuf_realloc_tailroom __adf_nbuf_expand __adf_nbuf_trim_tail __adf_nbuf_copy __adf_nbuf_unshare __adf_nbuf_get_priv __adf_nbuf_create_frm_frag __adf_nbuf_split_to_frag P P( �n� PD PH �n� P� P` �p� P� Px �p� P� P� �p� P� P� �p P� P� �p P� P �p P$ P, �s� PH PL �sx Pd Pl �qL P� P� �vt P� P� �n� P� P� �r, P� P� �o P P �o` P� P� usb_reg_out_patch �c �i �o �u �{ �� �� �� ��wmi_cmd_rsp ath_uapsd_processtriggers ath_enable_aggr_tgt ath_vap_create_tgt ath_setcurmode dispatch_magpie_sys_cmds tgt_HTCRecvMessageHandler ath_tgt_send_beacon tgt_ServiceConnect ath_desc_alloc ath_descdma_setup HTCControlSvcProcessMsg WMIRecvMessageHandler ��� �� ��� ��� ��H ��t ��\ ��� ��, �� ��H ��� ��h ��X ��x �� ��� 2 K P S U W X Zath_buf_toggle ath_tgt_tx_sched_aggr 6 4 l N � h � �D �� �� 4 l h � �D ��8��`��8ath_tgt_tx_prepare ath_tx_buf_alloc ath_tgt_txq_add_ucast ath_tgt_send_mgt ath_tgt_handle_normal ath_tgt_handle_aggr ath_tgt_tx_form_aggr ath_tgt_tx_comp_aggr A_WDT_INIT()
==>WDT reset<==
==>warm start<==
==>cold start<==
ALLOCRAM start 0x%x size %d
Enable Tx Stream mode: 0x%x
USB mode: 0x%x
Tgt running
======= Apply MISC Assert patch
exception reset-phase 1
exception reset-phase 2
do TX/RX swap
Cold reboot initiated. <Exception>Tgt Drv send an event 44332211 to Host Drv
Fatal exception (%d): pc=0x%x
dump area=0x%x
epc1=0x%x, epc2=0x%x, epc3=0x%x, epc4=0x%x
0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x,
<WrongEPID>Tgt Drv send an event 44332212 to Host Drv
HTC Hdr EndpointID = %d, anblen = %d
HTC Hder : %2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x
init_htc_handle = 0x%8x
Return WMI Command buffer
Return Data buffer
HTC Hdr EndpointID = %d, anblen = %d
HTC Hder : %2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x
EP1-Tx-Data with Wrong Htc Header Endpoint ID, WAR free this buffer
EP1-Tx-Data > Free this buffer successfully
EP4-WMI-Cmd with Wrong Htc Header Endpoint ID, WAR free this buffer
EP4-WMI-Cmd > Free this buffer successfully
%s: buffer allocation for event_id %x failed!
Assertion failed! %s
Error! Incorrect format.
%s %s
Magpie Debugger: [D.] Feb 20 2015 22:01:00
===Command Listing===
%s %s
memcmp(buf1, buf2, len) = %d
%06x: %04x %c STR STRH STRB %s : %s
Error! bad address 0x%08x.
LDR LDRH read intr mask [0x%08x]
intr on [0x%08x]
timer - intr [0x%08x]
off ==>set cb to %d seconds
intr read - read the interrenable status
intr timer on/off/tick - timer attach on/off/ticks
rst reseting...
boot Last BOOT is wdt normal boot loop doing the wdt reseting... (wdt tick: 0x%08x...
noloop event THIS IS USB COMMAND
que usb que - dump descriptor queue
usb fw on/off - enable/disable write fw download to ram