Your IP :
Fri Jun 19 07:14:50 2015 Matthew Draper <>
* Work around a Rails incompatibility in our private API
Fri Jun 12 11:37:41 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
* Prevent extremely deep parameters from being parsed. CVE-2015-3225
### December 18th, Thirty sixth public release 1.6.0
### February 7th, Thirty fifth public release 1.5.2
- Fix CVE-2013-0263, timing attack against Rack::Session::Cookie
- Fix CVE-2013-0262, symlink path traversal in Rack::File
- Add various methods to Session for enhanced Rails compatibility
- Request#trusted_proxy? now only matches whole stirngs
- Add JSON cookie coder, to be default in Rack 1.6+ due to security concerns
- URLMap host matching in environments that don't set the Host header fixed
- Fix a race condition that could result in overwritten pidfiles
- Various documentation additions
### February 7th, Thirty fifth public release 1.4.5
- Fix CVE-2013-0263, timing attack against Rack::Session::Cookie
- Fix CVE-2013-0262, symlink path traversal in Rack::File
### February 7th, Thirty fifth public release 1.1.6, 1.2.8, 1.3.10
- Fix CVE-2013-0263, timing attack against Rack::Session::Cookie
### January 28th, 2013: Thirty fourth public release 1.5.1
- Rack::Lint check_hijack now conforms to other parts of SPEC
- Added hash-like methods to Abstract::ID::SessionHash for compatibility
- Various documentation corrections
### January 21st, 2013: Thirty third public release 1.5.0
- Introduced hijack SPEC, for before-response and after-response hijacking
- SessionHash is no longer a Hash subclass
- Rack::File cache_control parameter is removed, in place of headers options
- Rack::Auth::AbstractRequest#scheme now yields strings, not symbols
- Rack::Utils cookie functions now format expires in RFC 2822 format
- Rack::File now has a default mime type
- rackup -b 'run".")', option provides command line configs
- Rack::Deflater will no longer double encode bodies
- Rack::Mime#match? provides convenience for Accept header matching
- Rack::Utils#q_values provides splitting for Accept headers
- Rack::Utils#best_q_match provides a helper for Accept headers
- Rack::Handler.pick provides convenience for finding available servers
- Puma added to the list of default servers (preferred over Webrick)
- Various middleware now correctly close body when replacing it
- Rack::Request#params is no longer persistent with only GET params
- Rack::Request#update_param and #delete_param provide persistent operations
- Rack::Request#trusted_proxy? now returns true for local unix sockets
- Rack::Response no longer forces Content-Types
- Rack::Sendfile provides local mapping configuration options
- Rack::Utils#rfc2109 provides old netscape style time output
- Updated HTTP status codes
- Ruby 1.8.6 likely no longer passes tests, and is no longer fully supported
### January 13th, 2013: Thirty second public release 1.4.4, 1.3.9, 1.2.7, 1.1.5
- [SEC] Rack::Auth::AbstractRequest no longer symbolizes arbitrary strings
- Fixed erroneous test case in the 1.3.x series
### January 7th, 2013: Thirty first public release 1.4.3
- Security: Prevent unbounded reads in large multipart boundaries
### January 7th, 2013: Thirtieth public release 1.3.8
- Security: Prevent unbounded reads in large multipart boundaries
### January 6th, 2013: Twenty ninth public release 1.4.2
- Add warnings when users do not provide a session secret
- Fix parsing performance for unquoted filenames
- Updated URI backports
- Fix URI backport version matching, and silence constant warnings
- Correct parameter parsing with empty values
- Correct rackup '-I' flag, to allow multiple uses
- Correct rackup pidfile handling
- Report rackup line numbers correctly
- Fix request loops caused by non-stale nonces with time limits
- Fix reloader on Windows
- Prevent infinite recursions from Response#to_ary
- Various middleware better conforms to the body close specification
- Updated language for the body close specification
- Additional notes regarding ECMA escape compatibility issues
- Fix the parsing of multiple ranges in range headers
- Prevent errors from empty parameter keys
- Added PATCH verb to Rack::Request
- Various documentation updates
- Fix session merge semantics (fixes rack-test)
- Rack::Static :index can now handle multiple directories
- All tests now utilize Rack::Lint (special thanks to Lars Gierth)
- Rack::File cache_control parameter is now deprecated, and removed by 1.5
- Correct Rack::Directory script name escaping
- Rack::Static supports header rules for sophisticated configurations
- Multipart parsing now works without a Content-Length header
- New logos courtesy of Zachary Scott!
- Rack::BodyProxy now explicitly defines #each, useful for C extensions
- Cookies that are not URI escaped no longer cause exceptions
### January 6th, 2013: Twenty eighth public release 1.3.7
- Add warnings when users do not provide a session secret
- Fix parsing performance for unquoted filenames
- Updated URI backports
- Fix URI backport version matching, and silence constant warnings
- Correct parameter parsing with empty values
- Correct rackup '-I' flag, to allow multiple uses
- Correct rackup pidfile handling
- Report rackup line numbers correctly
- Fix request loops caused by non-stale nonces with time limits
- Fix reloader on Windows
- Prevent infinite recursions from Response#to_ary
- Various middleware better conforms to the body close specification
- Updated language for the body close specification
- Additional notes regarding ECMA escape compatibility issues
- Fix the parsing of multiple ranges in range headers
### January 6th, 2013: Twenty seventh public release 1.2.6
- Add warnings when users do not provide a session secret
- Fix parsing performance for unquoted filenames
### January 6th, 2013: Twenty sixth public release 1.1.4
- Add warnings when users do not provide a session secret
### January 22nd, 2012: Twenty fifth public release 1.4.1
- Alter the keyspace limit calculations to reduce issues with nested params
- Add a workaround for multipart parsing where files contain unescaped "%"
- Added Rack::Response::Helpers#method_not_allowed? (code 405)
- Rack::File now returns 404 for illegal directory traversals
- Rack::File now returns 405 for illegal methods (non HEAD/GET)
- Rack::Cascade now catches 405 by default, as well as 404
- Cookies missing '--' no longer cause an exception to be raised
- Various style changes and documentation spelling errors
- Rack::BodyProxy always ensures to execute its block
- Additional test coverage around cookies and secrets
- Rack::Session::Cookie can now be supplied either secret or old_secret
- Tests are no longer dependent on set order
- Rack::Static no longer defaults to serving index files
- Rack.release was fixed
### December 28th, 2011: Twenty fourth public release 1.4.0
- Ruby 1.8.6 support has officially been dropped. Not all tests pass.
- Raise sane error messages for broken
- Allow combining run and map in a
- Rack::ContentType will not set Content-Type for responses without a body
- Status code 205 does not send a response body
- Rack::Response::Helpers will not rely on instance variables
- Rack::Utils.build_query no longer outputs '=' for nil query values
- Various mime types added
- Rack::MockRequest now supports HEAD
- Rack::Directory now supports files that contain RFC3986 reserved chars
- Rack::File now only supports GET and HEAD requests
- Rack::Server#start now passes the block to Rack::Handler::<h>#run
- Rack::Static now supports an index option
- Added the Teapot status code
- rackup now defaults to Thin instead of Mongrel (if installed)
- Support added for HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME
- Numerous bug fixes, including many fixes for new and alternate rubies
### December 28th, 2011: Twenty first public release: 1.1.3.
- Security fix.
Further information here:
### October 17, 2011: Twentieth public release 1.3.5
- Fix annoying warnings caused by the backport in 1.3.4
### October 1, 2011: Nineteenth public release 1.3.4
- Backport security fix from 1.9.3, also fixes some roundtrip issues in URI
- Small documentation update
- Fix an issue where BodyProxy could cause an infinite recursion
- Add some supporting files for travis-ci
### September 16, 2011: Eighteenth public release 1.2.4
- Fix a bug with MRI regex engine to prevent XSS by malformed unicode
### September 16, 2011: Seventeenth public release 1.3.3
- Fix bug with broken query parameters in Rack::ShowExceptions
- Rack::Request#cookies no longer swallows exceptions on broken input
- Prevents XSS attacks enabled by bug in Ruby 1.8's regexp engine
- Rack::ConditionalGet handles broken If-Modified-Since helpers
### July 16, 2011: Sixteenth public release 1.3.2
- Fix for Rails and rack-test, Rack::Utils#escape calls to_s
### July 13, 2011: Fifteenth public release 1.3.1
- Fix 1.9.1 support
- Fix JRuby support
- Properly handle $KCODE in Rack::Utils.escape
- Make method_missing/respond_to behavior consistent for Rack::Lock,
Rack::Auth::Digest::Request and Rack::Multipart::UploadedFile
- Reenable passing rack.session to session middleware
- Rack::CommonLogger handles streaming responses correctly
- Rack::MockResponse calls close on the body object
- Fix a DOS vector from MRI stdlib backport
### May 22nd, 2011: Fourteenth public release 1.2.3
- Pulled in relevant bug fixes from 1.3
- Fixed 1.8.6 support
### May 22nd, 2011: Thirteenth public release 1.3.0
- Various performance optimizations
- Various multipart fixes
- Various multipart refactors
- Infinite loop fix for multipart
- Test coverage for Rack::Server returns
- Allow files with '..', but not path components that are '..'
- rackup accepts handler-specific options on the command line
- Request#params no longer merges POST into GET (but returns the same)
- Use URI.encode_www_form_component instead. Use core methods for escaping.
- Allow multi-line comments in the config file
- Bug L#94 reported by Nikolai Lugovoi, query parameter unescaping.
- Rack::Response now deletes Content-Length when appropriate
- Rack::Deflater now supports streaming
- Improved Rack::Handler loading and searching
- Support for the PATCH verb
- env['rack.session.options'] now contains session options
- Cookies respect renew
- Session middleware uses SecureRandom.hex
### March 13th, 2011: Twelfth public release 1.2.2/1.1.2.
- Security fix in Rack::Auth::Digest::MD5: when authenticator
returned nil, permission was granted on empty password.
### June 15th, 2010: Eleventh public release 1.2.1.
- Make CGI handler rewindable
- Rename spec/ to test/ to not conflict with SPEC on lesser
operating systems
### June 13th, 2010: Tenth public release 1.2.0.
- Removed Camping adapter: Camping 2.0 supports Rack as-is
- Removed parsing of quoted values
- Add Request.trace? and Request.options?
- Add mime-type for .webm and .htc
- Various multipart fixes
- Switch test suite to bacon
### January 3rd, 2010: Ninth public release 1.1.0.
- Moved Auth::OpenID to rack-contrib.
- SPEC change that relaxes Lint slightly to allow subclasses of the
required types
- SPEC change to document rack.input binary mode in greator detail
- SPEC define optional rack.logger specification
- File servers support X-Cascade header
- Imported Config middleware
- Imported ETag middleware
- Imported Runtime middleware
- Imported Sendfile middleware
- New Logger and NullLogger middlewares
- Added mime type for .ogv and .manifest.
- Don't squeeze PATH_INFO slashes
- Use Content-Type to determine POST params parsing
- Update Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES hash
- Add status code lookup utility
- Response should call #to_i on the status
- Add Request#user_agent
- Request#host knows about forwared host
- Return an empty string for Request#host if HTTP_HOST and
SERVER_NAME are both missing
- Allow MockRequest to accept hash params
- Optimizations to HeaderHash
- Refactored rackup into Rack::Server
- Added Utils.build_nested_query to complement Utils.parse_nested_query
- Added Utils::Multipart.build_multipart to complement
- Extracted set and delete cookie helpers into Utils so they can be
used outside Response
- Extract parse_query and parse_multipart in Request so subclasses
can change their behavior
- Enforce binary encoding in RewindableInput
- Set correct external_encoding for handlers that don't use RewindableInput
### October 18th, 2009: Eighth public release 1.0.1.
- Bump remainder of rack.versions.
- Support the pure Ruby FCGI implementation.
- Fix for form names containing "=": split first then unescape components
- Fixes the handling of the filename parameter with semicolons in names.
- Add anchor to nested params parsing regexp to prevent stack overflows
- Use more compatible gzip write api instead of "<<".
- Make sure that Reloader doesn't break when executed via ruby -e
- Make sure WEBrick respects the :Host option
- Many Ruby 1.9 fixes.
### April 25th, 2009: Seventh public release 1.0.0.
- SPEC change: Rack::VERSION has been pushed to [1,0].
- SPEC change: header values must be Strings now, split on "\n".
- SPEC change: Content-Length can be missing, in this case chunked transfer
encoding is used.
- SPEC change: rack.input must be rewindable and support reading into
a buffer, wrap with Rack::RewindableInput if it isn't.
- SPEC change: rack.session is now specified.
- SPEC change: Bodies can now additionally respond to #to_path with
a filename to be served.
- NOTE: String bodies break in 1.9, use an Array consisting of a
single String instead.
- New middleware Rack::Lock.
- New middleware Rack::ContentType.
- Rack::Reloader has been rewritten.
- Major update to Rack::Auth::OpenID.
- Support for nested parameter parsing in Rack::Response.
- Support for redirects in Rack::Response.
- HttpOnly cookie support in Rack::Response.
- The Rakefile has been rewritten.
- Many bugfixes and small improvements.
### January 9th, 2009: Sixth public release 0.9.1.
- Fix directory traversal exploits in Rack::File and Rack::Directory.
### January 6th, 2009: Fifth public release 0.9.
- Rack is now managed by the Rack Core Team.
- Rack::Lint is stricter and follows the HTTP RFCs more closely.
- Added ConditionalGet middleware.
- Added ContentLength middleware.
- Added Deflater middleware.
- Added Head middleware.
- Added MethodOverride middleware.
- Rack::Mime now provides popular MIME-types and their extension.
- Mongrel Header now streams.
- Added Thin handler.
- Official support for swiftiplied Mongrel.
- Secure cookies.
- Made HeaderHash case-preserving.
- Many bugfixes and small improvements.
### August 21st, 2008: Fourth public release 0.4.
- New middleware, Rack::Deflater, by Christoffer Sawicki.
- OpenID authentication now needs ruby-openid 2.
- New Memcache sessions, by blink.
- Explicit EventedMongrel handler, by Joshua Peek <>
- Rack::Reloader is not loaded in rackup development mode.
- rackup can daemonize with -D.
- Many bugfixes, especially for pool sessions, URLMap, thread safety
and tempfile handling.
- Improved tests.
- Rack moved to Git.
### February 26th, 2008: Third public release 0.3.
- LiteSpeed handler, by Adrian Madrid.
- SCGI handler, by Jeremy Evans.
- Pool sessions, by blink.
- OpenID authentication, by blink.
- :Port and :File options for opening FastCGI sockets, by blink.
- Last-Modified HTTP header for Rack::File, by blink.
- Rack::Builder#use now accepts blocks, by Corey Jewett.
(See example/
- HTTP status 201 can contain a Content-Type and a body now.
- Many bugfixes, especially related to Cookie handling.
### May 16th, 2007: Second public release 0.2.
- HTTP Basic authentication.
- Cookie Sessions.
- Static file handler.
- Improved Rack::Request.
- Improved Rack::Response.
- Added Rack::ShowStatus, for better default error messages.
- Bug fixes in the Camping adapter.
- Removed Rails adapter, was too alpha.
### March 3rd, 2007: First public release 0.1.