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� Zy)z�Interface to the libbzip2 compression library.
This module provides a file interface, classes for incremental
(de)compression, and functions for one-shot (de)compression.
decompressz%Nadeem Vawda <>� )r N)r r � � c � � e Zd ZdZddd�d�Zd� Zed� � Zd� Zd� Z d � Z
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�Zd� Zdd�Zdd�Zd� Zd� Zej* fd�Zd� Zy)r a@ A file object providing transparent bzip2 (de)compression.
A BZ2File can act as a wrapper for an existing file object, or refer
directly to a named file on disk.
Note that BZ2File provides a *binary* file interface - data read is
returned as bytes, and data to be written should be given as bytes.
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