Your IP :
* File containing the ezcConsoleOption class.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @version 1.6.1
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License
* @filesource
* Objects of this class store data about a single option for ezcConsoleInput.
* This class represents a single command line option, which can be handled by
* the ezcConsoleInput class. This classes only purpose is the storage of
* the parameter data, the handling of options and arguments is done by the
* class {@link ezcConsoleInput}.
* @property-read string $short
* Short name of the parameter without '-' (eg. 'f').
* @property-read string $long
* Long name of the parameter without '--' (eg. 'file').
* @property int $type
* Value type of this parameter, default is ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE.
* See {@link ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE},
* {@link ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_INT} and
* {@link ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING}.
* @property mixed $default
* Default value if the parameter is submitted without value. If a
* parameter is eg. of type ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING and
* therefore expects a value when being submitted, it may be
* submitted without a value and automatically get the default value
* specified here.
* @property bool $multiple
* Is the submission of multiple instances of this parameters
* allowed?
* @property string $shorthelp
* Short help text. Usually displayed when showing parameter help
* overview.
* @property string $longhelp
* Long help text. Usually displayed when showing parameter detailed
* help.
* @property bool $arguments
* Whether arguments to the program are allowed, when this parameter
* is submitted.
* @property bool $mandatory
* Whether a parameter is mandatory to be set. If this flag is true,
* the parameter must be submitted whenever the program is run.
* @property bool $isHelpOption
* Whether a parameter is a help option. If this flag is true, and
* the parameter is set, all options marked as mandatory may be
* skipped.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @version 1.6.1
class ezcConsoleOption
* Container to hold the properties
* @var array(string=>mixed)
protected $properties;
* Dependency rules of this parameter.
* @see ezcConsoleOption::addDependency()
* @see ezcConsoleOption::removeDependency()
* @see ezcConsoleOption::hasDependency()
* @see ezcConsoleOption::getDependencies()
* @see ezcConsoleOption::resetDependencies()
* @var array(string=>ezcConsoleParamemterRule)
protected $dependencies = array();
* Exclusion rules of this parameter.
* @see ezcConsoleOption::addExclusion()
* @see ezcConsoleOption::removeExclusion()
* @see ezcConsoleOption::hasExclusion()
* @see ezcConsoleOption::getExclusions()
* @see ezcConsoleOption::resetExclusions()
* @var array(string=>ezcConsoleParamemterRule)
protected $exclusions = array();
* The value the parameter was assigned to when being submitted.
* Boolean false indicates the parameter was not submitted, boolean
* true means the parameter was submitted, but did not have a value.
* In any other case, this caries the submitted value.
* @var mixed
public $value = false;
* Create a new parameter struct.
* Creates a new basic parameter struct with the base information "$short"
* (the short name of the parameter) and "$long" (the long version). You
* simply apply these parameters as strings (without '-' or '--'). So
* <code>
* $param = new ezcConsoleOption( 'f', 'file' );
* </code>
* will result in a parameter that can be accessed using
* <code>
* $ mytool -f
* </code>
* or
* <code>
* $ mytool --file
* </code>
* .
* The newly created parameter contains only it's 2 names and each other
* attribute is set to it's default value. You can simply manipulate
* those attributes by accessing them directly.
* @param string $short Short name of the parameter without '-' (eg. 'f').
* @param string $long Long name of the parameter without '--' (eg. 'file').
* @param int $type Value type of the parameter. One of ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_*.
* @param mixed $default Default value the parameter holds if not submitted.
* @param bool $multiple If the parameter may be submitted multiple times.
* @param string $shorthelp Short help text.
* @param string $longhelp Long help text.
* @param array(ezcConsoleOptionRule) $dependencies Dependency rules.
* @param array(ezcConsoleOptionRule) $exclusions Exclusion rules.
* @param bool $arguments Whether supplying arguments is allowed when this parameter is set.
* @param bool $mandatory Whether the parameter must be always submitted.
* @param bool $isHelpOption Indicates that the given parameter is a help
* option. If a help option is set, all rule
* checking is skipped (dependency/exclusion/
* mandatory).
* @throws ezcConsoleInvalidOptionNameException If the option names start with a "-"
* sign or contain whitespaces.
public function __construct(
$short = '',
$type = ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE,
$default = null,
$multiple = false,
$shorthelp = 'No help available.',
$longhelp = 'Sorry, there is no help text available for this parameter.',
array $dependencies = array(),
array $exclusions = array(),
$arguments = true,
$mandatory = false,
$isHelpOption = false
$this->properties['short'] = '';
$this->properties['long'] = '';
$this->properties['arguments'] = $arguments;
if ( !self::validateOptionName( $short ) )
throw new ezcConsoleInvalidOptionNameException( $short );
$this->properties['short'] = $short;
if ( !self::validateOptionName( $long ) )
throw new ezcConsoleInvalidOptionNameException( $long );
$this->properties['long'] = $long;
$this->__set( "type", $type !== null ? $type : ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE );
$this->__set( "multiple", $multiple !== null ? $multiple : false );
$this->__set( "default", $default !== null ? $default : null );
$this->__set( "shorthelp", $shorthelp !== null ? $shorthelp : 'No help available.' );
$this->__set( "longhelp", $longhelp !== null ? $longhelp : 'Sorry, there is no help text available for this parameter.' );
$dependencies = $dependencies !== null && is_array( $dependencies ) ? $dependencies : array();
foreach ( $dependencies as $dep )
$this->addDependency( $dep );
$exclusions = $exclusions !== null && is_array( $exclusions ) ? $exclusions : array();
foreach ( $exclusions as $exc )
$this->addExclusion( $exc );
$this->__set( "mandatory", $mandatory !== null ? $mandatory : false );
$this->__set( "isHelpOption", $isHelpOption !== null ? $isHelpOption : false );
* Add a new dependency for a parameter.
* This registeres a new dependency rule with the parameter. If you try
* to add an already registered rule it will simply be ignored. Else,
* the submitted rule will be added to the parameter as a dependency.
* @param ezcConsoleOptionRule $rule The rule to add.
* @return void
public function addDependency( ezcConsoleOptionRule $rule )
foreach ( $this->dependencies as $existRule )
if ( $rule == $existRule )
$this->dependencies[] = $rule;
* Remove a dependency rule from a parameter.
* This removes a given rule from a parameter, if it exists. If the rule is
* not registered with the parameter, the method call will simply be ignored.
* @param ezcConsoleOptionRule $rule The rule to be removed.
* @return void
public function removeDependency( ezcConsoleOptionRule $rule )
foreach ( $this->dependencies as $id => $existRule )
if ( $rule == $existRule )
unset( $this->dependencies[$id] );
* Remove all dependency rule referring to a parameter.
* This removes all dependency rules from a parameter, that refer to as specific
* parameter. If no rule is registered with this parameter as reference, the
* method call will simply be ignored.
* @param ezcConsoleOption $param The param to be check for rules.
* @return void
public function removeAllDependencies( ezcConsoleOption $param )
foreach ( $this->dependencies as $id => $rule )
if ( $rule->option == $param )
unset( $this->dependencies[$id] );
* Returns if a dependency to the given option exists.
* Returns true if a dependency rule to the given option is registered,
* otherwise false.
* @param ezcConsoleOption $param The param to check if a dependency exists to.
* @return bool True if rule is registered, otherwise false.
public function hasDependency( ezcConsoleOption $param )
foreach ( $this->dependencies as $id => $rule )
if ( $rule->option == $param )
return true;
return false;
* Returns the dependency rules registered with this parameter.
* Returns an array of registered dependencies.
* For example:
* <code>
* array(
* 0 => ezcConsoleOptionRule,
* 1 => ezcConsoleOptionRule,
* 2 => ezcConsoleOptionRule,
* );
* </code>
* @return array(ezcConsoleOptionRule) Dependency definition.
public function getDependencies()
return $this->dependencies;
* Reset existing dependency rules.
* Deletes all registered dependency rules from the option definition.
* @return void
public function resetDependencies()
$this->dependencies = array();
* Add a new exclusion for an option.
* This registeres a new exclusion rule with the option. If you try
* to add an already registered rule it will simply be ignored. Else,
* the submitted rule will be added to the option as a exclusion.
* @param ezcConsoleOptionRule $rule The rule to add.
* @return void
public function addExclusion( ezcConsoleOptionRule $rule )
foreach ( $this->exclusions as $existRule )
if ( $rule == $existRule )
$this->exclusions[] = $rule;
* Remove a exclusion rule from a option.
* This removes a given rule from a option, if it exists. If the rule is
* not registered with the option, the method call will simply be ignored.
* @param ezcConsoleOptionRule $rule The rule to be removed.
* @return void
public function removeExclusion( ezcConsoleOptionRule $rule )
foreach ( $this->exclusions as $id => $existRule )
if ( $rule == $existRule )
unset( $this->exclusions[$id] );
* Remove all exclusion rule referring to a option.
* This removes all exclusion rules from a option, that refer to as specific
* option. If no rule is registered with this option as reference, the
* method call will simply be ignored.
* @param ezcConsoleOption $param The option to remove rule for.
* @return void
public function removeAllExclusions( ezcConsoleOption $param )
foreach ( $this->exclusions as $id => $rule )
if ( $rule->option == $param )
unset( $this->exclusions[$id] );
* Returns if a given exclusion rule is registered with the option.
* Returns true if a exclusion rule to the given option is registered,
* otherwise false.
* @param ezcConsoleOption $param The param to check if exclusions exist for.
* @return bool True if rule is registered, otherwise false.
public function hasExclusion( ezcConsoleOption $param )
foreach ( $this->exclusions as $id => $rule )
if ( $rule->option == $param )
return true;
return false;
* Returns the exclusion rules registered with this parameter.
* Returns an array of registered exclusions.
* For example:
* <code>
* array(
* 0 => ezcConsoleOptionRule,
* 1 => ezcConsoleOptionRule,
* 2 => ezcConsoleOptionRule,
* );
* </code>
* @return array(ezcConsoleOptionRule) Exclusions definition.
public function getExclusions()
return $this->exclusions;
* Reset existing exclusion rules.
* Deletes all registered exclusion rules from the option definition.
* @return void
public function resetExclusions()
$this->exclusions = array();
* Property read access.
* Provides read access to the properties of the object.
* @param string $key The name of the property.
* @return mixed The value if property exists and isset, otherwise null.
* @ignore
public function __get( $key )
switch ( $key )
case 'short':
case 'long':
case 'type':
case 'default':
case 'multiple':
case 'shorthelp':
case 'longhelp':
case 'arguments':
case 'isHelpOption':
case 'mandatory':
return $this->properties[$key];
case 'dependencies':
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $key );
* Property write access.
* @param string $key Name of the property.
* @param mixed $val The value for the property.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyPermissionException
* If the property you try to access is read-only.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If the the desired property is not found.
* @ignore
public function __set( $key, $val )
switch ( $key )
case 'type':
if ( $val !== ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE
&& $val !== ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_INT
&& $val !== ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING )
throw new ezcBaseValueException(
'ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING, ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_INT or ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE'
case 'default':
if ( ( is_scalar( $val ) === false && $val !== null ) )
// Newly allow arrays, if multiple is true
if ( $this->multiple === true && is_array( $val ) === true )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'a string or a number, if multiple == true also an array' );
case 'multiple':
if ( !is_bool( $val ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'bool' );
case 'shorthelp':
if ( !is_string( $val ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'string' );
case 'longhelp':
if ( !is_string( $val ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'string' );
case 'arguments':
if ( !is_bool( $val ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'bool' );
case 'mandatory':
if ( !is_bool( $val ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'bool' );
case 'isHelpOption':
if ( !is_bool( $val ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'bool' );
case 'long':
case 'short':
throw new ezcBasePropertyPermissionException( $key, ezcBasePropertyPermissionException::READ );
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $key );
$this->properties[$key] = $val;
* Property isset access.
* @param string $key Name of the property.
* @return bool True is the property is set, otherwise false.
* @ignore
public function __isset( $key )
switch ( $key )
case 'short':
case 'long':
case 'type':
case 'default':
case 'multiple':
case 'shorthelp':
case 'longhelp':
case 'arguments':
case 'isHelpOption':
case 'mandatory':
return ( $this->properties[$key] !== null );
return false;
* Returns if a given name if valid for use as a parameter name a parameter.
* Checks if a given parameter name is generally valid for use. It checks a)
* that the name does not start with '-' or '--' and b) if it contains
* whitespaces. Note, that this method does not check any conflicts with already
* used parameter names.
* @param string $name The name to check.
* @return bool True if the name is valid, otherwise false.
public static function validateOptionName( $name )
if ( substr( $name, 0, 1 ) === '-' || strpos( $name, ' ' ) !== false )
return false;
return true;