Your IP :
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\ChainDecoder;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\ChainEncoder;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\EncoderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\DecoderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\DenormalizerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\UnexpectedValueException;
* Serializer serializes and deserializes data
* objects are turned into arrays by normalizers
* arrays are turned into various output formats by encoders
* $serializer->serialize($obj, 'xml')
* $serializer->decode($data, 'xml')
* $serializer->denormalize($data, 'Class', 'xml')
* @author Jordi Boggiano <>
* @author Johannes M. Schmitt <>
* @author Lukas Kahwe Smith <>
class Serializer implements SerializerInterface, NormalizerInterface, DenormalizerInterface, EncoderInterface, DecoderInterface
protected $encoder;
protected $decoder;
protected $normalizers = array();
protected $normalizerCache = array();
protected $denormalizerCache = array();
public function __construct(array $normalizers = array(), array $encoders = array())
foreach ($normalizers as $normalizer) {
if ($normalizer instanceof SerializerAwareInterface) {
$this->normalizers = $normalizers;
$decoders = array();
$realEncoders = array();
foreach ($encoders as $encoder) {
if ($encoder instanceof SerializerAwareInterface) {
if ($encoder instanceof DecoderInterface) {
$decoders[] = $encoder;
if ($encoder instanceof EncoderInterface) {
$realEncoders[] = $encoder;
$this->encoder = new ChainEncoder($realEncoders);
$this->decoder = new ChainDecoder($decoders);
* {@inheritdoc}
final public function serialize($data, $format, array $context = array())
if (!$this->supportsEncoding($format)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Serialization for the format %s is not supported', $format));
if ($this->encoder->needsNormalization($format)) {
$data = $this->normalize($data, $format, $context);
return $this->encode($data, $format, $context);
* {@inheritdoc}
final public function deserialize($data, $type, $format, array $context = array())
if (!$this->supportsDecoding($format)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Deserialization for the format %s is not supported', $format));
$data = $this->decode($data, $format, $context);
return $this->denormalize($data, $type, $format, $context);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function normalize($data, $format = null, array $context = array())
if (null === $data || is_scalar($data)) {
return $data;
if (is_object($data) && $this->supportsNormalization($data, $format)) {
return $this->normalizeObject($data, $format, $context);
if ($data instanceof \Traversable) {
$normalized = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
$normalized[$key] = $this->normalize($val, $format, $context);
return $normalized;
if (is_object($data)) {
return $this->normalizeObject($data, $format, $context);
if (is_array($data)) {
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
$data[$key] = $this->normalize($val, $format, $context);
return $data;
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('An unexpected value could not be normalized: %s', var_export($data, true)));
* {@inheritdoc}
public function denormalize($data, $type, $format = null, array $context = array())
return $this->denormalizeObject($data, $type, $format, $context);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function supportsNormalization($data, $format = null)
try {
$this->getNormalizer($data, $format);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
return false;
return true;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function supportsDenormalization($data, $type, $format = null)
try {
$this->getDenormalizer($data, $type, $format = null);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
return false;
return true;
* {@inheritdoc}
private function getNormalizer($data, $format = null)
foreach ($this->normalizers as $normalizer) {
if ($normalizer instanceof NormalizerInterface && $normalizer->supportsNormalization($data, $format)) {
return $normalizer;
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('No normalizer found for format "%s".', $format));
* {@inheritdoc}
private function getDenormalizer($data, $type, $format = null)
foreach ($this->normalizers as $normalizer) {
if ($normalizer instanceof DenormalizerInterface && $normalizer->supportsDenormalization($data, $type, $format)) {
return $normalizer;
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('No denormalizer found for format "%s".', $format));
* {@inheritdoc}
final public function encode($data, $format, array $context = array())
return $this->encoder->encode($data, $format, $context);
* {@inheritdoc}
final public function decode($data, $format, array $context = array())
return $this->decoder->decode($data, $format, $context);
* Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars
* @param object $object object to normalize
* @param string $format format name, present to give the option to normalizers to act differently based on formats
* @param array $context The context data for this particular normalization
* @return array|scalar
* @throws LogicException
* @throws UnexpectedValueException
private function normalizeObject($object, $format = null, array $context = array())
if (!$this->normalizers) {
throw new LogicException('You must register at least one normalizer to be able to normalize objects.');
$class = get_class($object);
if (isset($this->normalizerCache[$class][$format])) {
return $this->normalizerCache[$class][$format]->normalize($object, $format, $context);
foreach ($this->normalizers as $normalizer) {
if ($normalizer instanceof NormalizerInterface
&& $normalizer->supportsNormalization($object, $format)) {
$this->normalizerCache[$class][$format] = $normalizer;
return $normalizer->normalize($object, $format, $context);
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Could not normalize object of type %s, no supporting normalizer found.', $class));
* Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class
* @param mixed $data data to restore
* @param string $class the expected class to instantiate
* @param string $format format name, present to give the option to normalizers to act differently based on formats
* @param array $context The context data for this particular denormalization
* @return object
* @throws LogicException
* @throws UnexpectedValueException
private function denormalizeObject($data, $class, $format = null, array $context = array())
if (!$this->normalizers) {
throw new LogicException('You must register at least one normalizer to be able to denormalize objects.');
if (isset($this->denormalizerCache[$class][$format])) {
return $this->denormalizerCache[$class][$format]->denormalize($data, $class, $format, $context);
foreach ($this->normalizers as $normalizer) {
if ($normalizer instanceof DenormalizerInterface
&& $normalizer->supportsDenormalization($data, $class, $format)) {
$this->denormalizerCache[$class][$format] = $normalizer;
return $normalizer->denormalize($data, $class, $format, $context);
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Could not denormalize object of type %s, no supporting normalizer found.', $class));
* {@inheritdoc}
public function supportsEncoding($format)
return $this->encoder->supportsEncoding($format);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function supportsDecoding($format)
return $this->decoder->supportsDecoding($format);